
Being Quotes

There are 694 quotes

"Intelligence is about function...consciousness is not about function, consciousness is about being. It's in some sense much more fundamental."
"Love is not something you do; love is something you are. Goodness is not something you do through good deeds... Goodness is what you are."
"We need a lot of being before you continue to do."
"True love is not receiving love; true love is giving love. True love is being love."
"It's really much less about what we're eating or what we're doing; it's about how we are being when we're busy with whatever in our lives. How are we being?"
"You are everything you wish to be, you already are."
"All of us are human beings, not human doings."
"This treasure is our natural state of felt oneness with being, our true nature beyond name and form."
"In your effort to possess, you will discover that the thing you most need is to consistently 'Be,' your best self."
"How you think and how you feel creates your state of being."
"We got to learn how to be not just do. We need to find our worth in who we are, not in what we do."
"Whatever gets you in touch with being is getting you more in touch with God."
"You're not a noun, you're a verb. You're not you; you're being you."
"What we essentially are is this open, empty, colorless, transparent, unlimited being."
"Being is what each of us experiences subjectively, personally and individually, as well as what we each experience jointly with others."
"What is innocence? Innocence is a lightness of being."
"Life is not about appearing and acquiring; it's about being and becoming."
"I want to be a human being, not a human doing."
"In life, our vibration is determined not by what we do, how we feel, or think, but fundamentally by who we are being in every single moment."
"The present is not about doing, it's about being."
"Being connected with being, you can be happy through that, regardless of that. That's unconditional happiness."
"Everything that's ever happened formed the incredible being you are."
"Real power is not about being a human doing, it's about being a human being."
"Pull yourself out of doing to get into being."
"In order to have, you must do. And in order to do, you must be."
"When we allow ourselves to be, there's stillness. Stillness isn't necessarily inactivity, stillness is potential."
"Your life is not about what you can do but simply being with God."
"If you did not have sound; you would not be, you would not exist."
"There is nothing to do, just be. Do nothing, be." - Nisargadatta Maharaja
"Your expression, your being, your vibration is your service."
"Your life is fueled by your being and the being fuels the doing."
"What matters for human beings is not that they're presently conscious but they're the kind of being who can be conscious."
"A fruit tree doesn't have to try and be a fruit tree, it just is."
"The concept of how you can be in the world is really what is important."
"Nobody has to learn anything new. We just have to become what we are at essence."
"Starting today, you are that fullest expression through how you choose to direct your focus, actions, and way of being."
"Your state of being is cause and doing is its effect."
"In the absence of psychological time, your sense of self is derived from being, not from your personal past."
"We're human beings, we're not human doings."
"The soul is consciousness, it's awareness, it is being."
"Allow everything to be, within and without. Allow the isness of all things. Move deeply into the now."
"Human beings are the beings whose being is an issue for them."
"You are not meant to place value judgments on your being."
"I am that I am a shining being dwelling in light."
"Peace and happiness are not really emotions, they are the nature of being."
"The awareness of being is the one experience that could be said to be absolutely true."
"The love of wisdom and the love of being are real possibilities."
"You're supposed to be a myth, a being capable of spontaneous creation."
"If we can get people to fall in love again with being—within, between, and beyond—we can break the game-theoretic."
"I am that I am, or I am. I amness, I am beingness."
"It's a time that requires courage, and just being is courageous."
"We're human beings and not human doings."
"Surrender reconnects you with the source energy of being, and if your doing is infused with being, it becomes a joyful celebration of life energy."
"Nothing is required of you, you can just be exactly who you are."
"This is the joy of being, the peace of God."
"No more doing, just being. Light this place up."
"This journey is all about being, not doing."
"Spiritual growth isn't it, it's not experience you have, it's a state of your being that has expanded."
"The success has been just being a person."
"Enlightenment is simply the recognition of the nature of our being."
"Being shines not just in the background of experience but in the midst of all experience."
"Emphasize the 'I am'. Your being will shine even when you're depressed."
"You should never think, 'I want to be successful.' Don't ever think, 'I want to be successful.' Just see how to make this being in your full-fledged being."
"As you tune into that truth that communication will flood from his being."
"He identifies 12 categories of thought, but he does not know that categories of being."
"Release your need to do and just be."
"You don't always have to do, you can just sit and be sometimes."
"I am what I am, and that's all that I am."
"Being is a huge accomplishment. Just existing is a huge accomplishment."
"Existence is-ness. I am, and all this is."
"It's a state of being. It's a moment."
"You matter, your life matters, your beingness matters."
"I am the Eternal seed of being, the intelligence of the intelligent."
"Your focus has to be being, not doing."
"We're all kind of creatures of doing, and so if we were actually just being, our being is what made us great."
"That witnessing awareness is you as infinite being."
"You cannot fake consciousness; you can only be consciousness."
"Some people are called beyond that, they're called to fall in love again with being itself."
"The essence of our self, our nature, or our being is that element of our experience that remains behind when everything that is not essential to us has been removed."
"Our self or our being is mixed up with the content of experience."
"It's not really acting, but it's just really just being."
"Ontology deals with being. What is that? It is an irreducible wholeness."
"Every living organism is a being, from the amoeba to the anthropos, and therefore cannot in principle be comprehended on the basis of physics."
"Wholeness is when the way of your being matches the truth of your being."
"Self-realization is that you have returned to that seed of being. And that's the beginning of self-realization."
"True meditation is not a doing, but the realization of being."
"Manifestation in The Fifth Dimension is less about asking and more about being."
"When I say a lost case, not in terms of your life or your business or your family, you may make it all. I'm saying you as a being because your very being here is a make-believe happening."
"You are a spiritual being, truly created in God's image."
"The reality of everything is being, not becoming."
"There is nothing to let go, nothing to forgive, nothing to attain. You already are."
"More of your state of being and less of your circumstances until there is only state of being and circumstances are an enjoyable mirror."
"...manifestation is not just about what you're doing, it's about who you're being..."
"You're a multi-dimensional being with many avenues."
"Or do you want to take a step back into your true being, the one who's in there, you? You're in there. You know what I'm talking about?"
"There's nothing to do and there's everything to be."
"The being mode is not about having things, it is about becoming someone."
"Who you are is who you're being. That's what being means."
"Techniques aren't what create you. Your state of being does."
"Receiving is actually a function of your being. Being and receiving go together."
"To find a freedom in our being, not to learn a philosophy or a new credo."
"Simple in actions and thoughts, you return to the source of being."
"This is truly the art of being, the art of knowing, the art of self-conviction."
"It's to truly be, focus on the being before you focus on the doing."
"A being that may well surpass even the gods themselves."
"We bring our entire being with us, our entire personality, not just our personality but even our body."
"Purpose is a state of being rather than something to achieve."
"Genius is not so much to do with doing, it's to do with being."
"Ultimately what we are, we are this essence of a being that has the capacity to connect."
"In the Christian life, being is the foundation for doing. It's not the other way around."
"Being creative is all about being in a flow State."
"I just be. That's all I do really. That's all I've ever done. I just be."
"What matters most, what's most helpful in the face of death or life because they're really the same every day, is who we are, not what we believe or what kind of words or ideas or images that we hold, but really what is our being."
"This is an essential stage in our personality Creation in the creation of our real being."
"Love and I can live out of that if I know that's the truth of my being."
"Move outside the tangle of fear-thinking. Live in silence. Flow down and down in always widening rings of being."
"I am means awareness, being, life principle, unconditioned consciousness."
"The thing is, we're trying to be authentic as much as we can be."
"Happiness isn't in the having, it's in just being."
"This time is carved out for you... to Simply Be."
"You simply are, trust that your pure being is enough."
"The source of our being is nothingness."
"It's all about being comfortable."
"It's like saying why are you being so crazy about this like this isn't that big of a deal."
"Love is not what you do. Love is actually what you be."
"Being starts with the decision to be."
"Art is deeply interconnected with being and truth."
"I think the being is far more important than anything else."
"The being is far more important than anything else."
"There is nothing to become, you are that already, you are just growing into that."
"Your beingness is everywhere present."
"Existence as a prison... existence as a tragedy... existence as a test... existence as a gift... those are the dispositions of being."
"We need to transcend all teaching and simply abide in being."
"My healing is in my being. It's not in my doing, it's in my being."
"Being occurs as the process of what Heidegger calls unconcealment, which is to say the bringing of beings into the light of being."
"What I mean by existence is the being of those beings who stand open for the openness of being in which they stand by standing it."
"Existence is inseparable from the being itself."
"By being still and knowing that I am, this changes the conception of yourself."
"When we desire something, we desire ourselves by desiring our being."
"You do not need to become that which you already are."
"We are human beings reflecting the two dimensions of who we are: the human dimension with its mental, rational, and physical aspects, and the dimension of being, which transcends form, rests in stillness, and manifests itself in presence."
"It ain't about what you do, it's just about your existence."
"Being just has different manifestations."
"Being and becoming are dual aspects of existence."
"How is it that you understand the meaning of being even preliminarily, and can you become clearer to yourself in your exposure to being through asking the meaning of being?"
"Instead, God is substantial being, existence itself."
"Existence means more than just having being."
"Just be, understand what it means to just be."
"Let go of all pursuits, all efforting, all doing. Be that."
"Goodness and being are interchangeable; something is good if it has being."
"Goodness and being are interchangeable."
"Your magic is not by doing, it's by being."
"What is to be known is already in you. It is not scholarship, it is not lots of information. It is more the energy of being, the joy of being, a state of serenity and peace."
"Being nothing is the edge of being everything."
"The soul is the person in his or her entirety. It means the living being, the life, the person, the individual, any way that you want to look at it. That is the 'nephesh' that is being spoken of."
"There is no one and nothing to do."
"I'm okay with just being... as opposed to doing."
"Existence still remains and is all there is."
"The non-existent never comes into being."
"Everyone is already the effortless timeless being."
"The time of human doing is over it's time to just be."
"Be the peace that you are right here and right now."
"Our being is already fully present, unconditionally peaceful, it doesn't need to be made such, it only needs to be recognized as such."
"Enlightenment is not an exotic experience that we acquire; it's simply the recognition of the nature of our being."
"It just is. It's That itself, it's is-ness itself."
"Being itself is the effect, the consequence of generosity, and pure gift."
"The more we relax into out of our self-construct and we just be as we are in the mystery of being, then what happens is that our actions, our doing becomes clearer and more direct and more efficient and more economical and more precise."
"So, you don't have to succeed in this world, you just have to be."
"May the brightness of the One to whom Merton pointed remain on the shores of our being."
"There's a resonance on the level of being or something, or on the level of the heart as you say."
"I am the individual expressing being."
"Being is really the truth. There's only being, you could say. But being brings out all this variety that we call experience."
"The Cure involves regaining a capacity to play, it involves regaining a capacity to be."
"Being is fundamentally a source that allows for creativity, not through the negative, but through investigating what else can be expressed."
"Our essential being, our essential consciousness, and our essential happiness are all one and the same reality, the one absolute reality which is our true and essential self."
"So long as we experience ourselves as anything other than absolute being, consciousness, and happiness, we cannot experience true and perfect happiness."
"That which borrows existence from you, the ground of appearance, you are not individually. That one reality, you are."
"When it comes to Law of Attraction, the law of being makes way more sense."
"Say what needs to be said that we might be what we need to be."
"If pure existence were not there, everything would disappear."
"Pure being is always there right now."
"Learn to keep your attention there."
"You're beyond that. You're an infinite being. Non-existence is impossible."
"When you realize your real nature, you will find your pure being."
"Rather than saying you are something, why not just be that thing?"
"Just remember that I am-ness awareness, just be there, just be that pure silence."
"The purpose is not about material comfort, but about the manner in which you exist, your actual being being transformed into something more."
"Looking for tools is the mistake. The wisdom in the religious point of view is actually a way of being, a mythical point of view in which we sit and are capable of seeing that which is good."
"There's a wholeness in you, there's a stillness, a vastness, an ocean of beingness."
"Being nothing, you are everything."
"Awareness is existence. Everything else is a modified form of awareness."
"Your purpose is being and becoming."
"Thank you for being more concerned with my being than my doing."
"Man is open to the essence of being."
"You are a human being, you're not a human doing."
"Just existing is enough. Being is a huge accomplishment."
"Freedom was the ability to flourish as the kind of being one was."
"It's about being, not about having."
"The minute you are not needful in all of this because you are resting nowhere, you just are."
"Untethering is the moment where you're no longer doing because you want to have, but because you are."