
Serenity Quotes

There are 5016 quotes

"The prayer is this: grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."
"The solution will be, problem is restlessness of the mind, solution is calmness of the mind, concentration, focus, serenity of the mind."
"The essence of serenity is when good things happen to you, don’t get over exuberant about what happened, and when bad things happened to you, don’t get down in the dumps."
"The Serenity Prayer goes, 'God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can change, and the wisdom to know the difference.'"
"Serenity, calmness of mind is one of the beautiful jewels of wisdom. It is the result of long and patient effort in self-control."
"Days like today, you just want to sit and rock and just hear the birds chirp and relax."
"This is your serenity pond where the dragonflies are dancing. Everything will be fine here."
"This is my piece of land, cute little fishing spot. Quite a pretty world, kind of reminds me of Granite Falls to be honest."
"People that maintain the deepest element of serenity and calm in stress are people who are extremely comfortable with their soul and no matter what happens around them, that is never shaken."
"Knowing Allah in times of ease will ensure He knows you in times of difficulty, transforming trials into moments of serenity and closeness to Him."
"Our fingers interlaced gently, I swore I was looking into heaven."
"I cannot tell you just the zen-ness that I feel with just saying that sentence."
"Serenity of spirit, poise of mind, is one of the last lessons of culture and comes from a perfect trust in all the controlling forces of the universe."
"It's beautiful... looking at a pond, taking in some nature, taking in the serenity of the whole place."
"Jesus said that offenses would come, but blessed be those who don't get offended in Him."
"It's beautifully quiet in here, just so, so calm and serene, unbelievably so."
"After a night spent in the woods, we awoke to sights and sounds of a serene woodland landscape."
"Serene confidence is about humility and peaceful confidence."
"God grant me the courage to change the things that I can the serenity to accept the things I cannot change and the wisdom to know the difference."
"Some beautiful moments at the Shaolin temple."
"Breathing deeply and slowly can bring serenity."
"A little oasis of calm framed by this very modern, almost brutalist architecture."
"The sound of the birds, the wind... it's amazing."
"Remember Your Serenity Prayer: God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."
"You can be totally at peace, totally tuned in."
"Being out here, it's really about peace and quiet and the serenity of the space."
"Silent night, holy night. All is calm, all is bright."
"Gary notes that as Malcador comes to speak with him, he is exuding this sense of serene power."
"It's like a cloud, it's beautiful, it's blue."
"Feel the air you breathe and bask in the Gentle Touch of the sunlight."
"Peace and serenity matter more than popularity."
"The most relaxing and yet at the same time invigorating place in the Reagan White House was the Oval Office in the presence of Ronald Reagan himself."
"He was just remarkable that way, the serenity, the self-confidence was just astonishing."
"A book that feels like the sun shining through the trees on a warm breezy day."
"You are part of a peacemaking mission that will bring more intelligence and serenity balance to this planet."
"Grant me the serenity to accept the things that I cannot change, the strength to change the things that I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."
"The resting place is beautiful and wonderful."
"Every time you walk into this room, it's just peaceful and calm."
"Life is older than the trees, younger than the mountains, growing like a breeze. Country roads, take me home."
"As the bacon sizzles and the birds chirp, you see the world become bathed in light and tinged once again with a hope for tomorrow."
"You're entering a period of serenity, satisfaction, happiness, love, true love, you're enjoying a very calm love."
"The full moon seems to provide some serenity and calm."
"The sun is shining, the sky is blue, the clouds are moving very patiently, the breeze is blowing through your hair."
"Lord give me the power to accept the things I can't change."
"Limnial land: Dead silent, unforgettably serene."
"Let the light of your heart take you into serenity that will bring you the balm of a solid core of comfort even whilst the world shifts and changes."
"Hope and faith will be restored, and you'll find serenity and purpose."
"Nepal offers a unique blend of serenity and affordability."
"They send lanterns out on the water to memorialize the fallen."
"It was like a walk on a summer's morning where you just feel fresh and lovely inside."
"You know why I'm just trusting God to get me in and out and I'm not worrying about what happens in between."
"There's something wonderfully humbling about just riding your horse through this beautiful environment."
"Taking a moment to appreciate your surroundings."
"Seeing a sunrise on a mountain, there's nothing like it."
"The warm evening light highlights the stunning winter scenery around us."
"This place is incredible I just I just think if you spent a lot of time here it'd be it'd be so good for your soul."
"The water is calm, really the best weather we could have asked for."
"The two dragons walk side by side through the flooded Paddy."
"May my pleasure and serenity envelop your whole being."
"She is everything. She is the moment. She is for the quiet."
"The peaceful atmosphere and gorgeous lush landscaping... will be a true adults only oasis for you."
"There's just a peaceful aura about this place, an air of tranquility."
"It's just a silent ride... creates a very silent and sovereign feeling here."
"I want to have peace and quiet and serenity."
"Happiness without the foundation of serenity is very unstable."
"Being in the middle of a battle and then within a heartbeat, it's just serene and quiet."
"It's like a cloud, it's just the softest blanket that I've ever seen."
"That was light and beautiful, absolutely calm and peaceful."
"As the cockatoos fly over and the sunsets right on the edge, does it get any better?"
"You have brought this person incredible amounts of peace."
"One of the prettiest places in town is the cemetery. True story."
"I really like it down here in the river. I really like it."
"It's like serene like all your problems go away it's like a nice break it's really Christmas."
"Accepting those things that we can't change."
"I just love breathing in the rarified air of heaven."
"I desire peace in your days and serenity in your nights."
"Quiet luxury can be defined as anything that has a calming effect, a soothing effect."
"Everything is falling into place when you don't resist the flow of the meandering pathway of life."
"I am learning to accept the things I cannot change."
"Choose the shade of a tree that is in constant Bloom."
"Finding serenity amidst the hustle and bustle of Orlando."
"LA has given me all the peace and zen that I need in my life as an artist."
"The change we experienced was just like that, the whistling wind all but ceased, the haze above began to dissipate, and even the depth of the snow beneath a shoe shallowed."
"Dying surrounded by loved ones, achieving peace."
"It's absolutely immaculate, so serene, so peaceful."
"Cruiser, it just was gliding through the sky."
"Adventure, excitement... a Jedi craves not these things."
"When you live above sound, when you are high enough above the concrete jungle that is New York City, there is something about the passage of time that I've never experienced anywhere else in the world."
"This is where you can see the stars, the Moon, Sunset, everything."
"So much truth is coming to you... stand in a garden and be thought-free."
"The Red Sea: a place of silence, strength, and diversity."
"Their life is no different than here...no longer in a place of pain...negative emotions."
"There may well be faster ways to travel the world but there's nothing quite like the serenity of sailing the seas on a sailing ship."
"She seemed to have an almost unreal serenity."
"I don't really worry about things that I can't control. You know, the serenity prayer is my favorite prayer."
"I'm always poised, balanced, serene, and calm for I know that God will always reveal to me the perfect solution."
"Miso soup is so soothing, it's like being in a Zen place of magic."
"Spending a few days in Yosemite... and I realized how wonderful that was."
"Embrace serenity, embrace that energy in your life."
"Without God, you'll know no peace, if you know God, you'll know serenity." - Unknown
"In a forest of mysteries and wonders, there lies the lake of calm Red Waters."
"Life on the farm: A blessing amidst today's fast-paced world."
"This is a month where you will accomplish change and excitement, as well as find hope, peace, and serenity."
"Life is a dream, you flow gently down the stream."
"Serene Sorrento is well located, both as a springboard for regional sightseeing and as a fine place to simply stay and stroll."
"Patlian Lake: A relatively unexplored lake offering a lifetime's adventure."
"Nothing in life should be forced... always remember that man... if it's your purpose to be doing something in life... it's going to come to you."
"Two brothers becoming one, enjoying the rain, drifting out in the middle of nowhere."
"I found this cherry blossom Oasis in the middle of the snow so I offered up a golden apple to the shrine."
"Lay your dreams down forever, let the light bring you home."
"These drives with the subtly ever-changing landscapes are my favorite."
"It's calm, the house is clean, and it just feels good."
"Embrace serenity and the peace of your soul as you move forward."
"Wow, winter weather advisory number 255 of the Year 2024. It is a gorgeous, quiet snowy morning."
"The courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference."
"Peace, peace, peace. Love, serenity, joy to the end of the earth."
"It's really amazing how close you are at all of the action but yeah how serene it is here."
"You're willing to let things fall into place naturally."
"This is the book we're looking for. What does it say? 'To find calm, one must not count each grain of sand through the desert, but see through.'"
"Let yourself relax into that, rest calmly, divinely, serenely."
"You radiate such love and peace, surrounded by tranquil environments."
"Don't worry about the past, don't worry about the future, be in the now."
"There's trusting in the mystery of the universe, there's peace."
"Walking through it is just absolute bliss."
"I am confident, I am serene, I am sure. No matter what obstacle or undesirable circumstance crosses my path, I refuse to accept it, for it is nothing but illusion."
"Knowing how to calm down and remain serene in critical moments of difficulties and shocks is a magic key to success."
"Yet sometimes in a humbler fane... one may watch the deep blue clouds rolling ceaselessly eastward towards the altar."
"Magical, magical room, look at the light coming in."
"She vowed that she would restore their Serenity."
"I love what she says that she becomes very protective of the serenity that she's created."
"It's just a really lovely place to be."
"Start my day by going to see the ocean and it uplifts my mood."
"Princess Miltria went out on the terrace and enjoyed the pleasant, refreshing breeze."
"This is our landing post, this is where we come to every day, this is the place where we're supposed to have serenity and refuge."
"Worries are calmed as the Holy Spirit stills."
"Morning light in a Redwood forest, a setting so naturally perfect it almost feels like a place you would only find in a dream."
"Under the still and timeless gaze of the snow-capped mountains where they fell in love."
"It was a tremendously peaceful place, far removed from the troubles of civilization."
"The soft luminosity filtering through the curtains was love itself."
"Through all chaos comes a brief moment of serenity."
"Accept the things you cannot change, and change the things you can."
"Lord grant me the strength to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."
"It was calm and peaceful as never before."
"Blessed with peace that is beyond all understanding, you can stand in the midst of chaos and still say, 'It is well.'"
"Relax, delight in powdered gold sunlight."
"I wish for this night-time to last for a lifetime; the darkness around me shores of a solar sea."
"Clouds rolling so low and heavy that it seemed like you could reach up and touch them."
"Blue water, white sand, turquoise."
"Calmness reduces physical and emotional stress."
"It's not super flashy, it's really simple, it's calm, it's laidback, it's approachable."
"You control what you can, and everything else will take care of itself."
"The endless wilderness, the snow-capped mountains, the muffled way everything sounded during blizzards."
"Hope you find Alpine to be a breath of fresh air, silence among noise."
"Don't sweat the small stuff. Don't waste your precious energy worrying about the small things. Refocus your thoughts towards love, abundance, and tranquility."
"There's something about the rolling green hills dotted with trees, the chirping bird songs floating on the breeze, and the golden rays of the sun warming the Earth that fills me with a sense of peace."
"It was storming all night, and just as I couldn't sleep, the rain and storm have stopped, and all you can hear are birds at side. It's beautiful."
"The act of not worrying is an act of faith."
"The time away was restorative, the fresh Mountain Air and Tranquility just what I needed."
"Maybe it's a few simple things, like being surrounded by a peaceful, crystal clear, unsecluded body of water, leaving all your worries behind."
"It's so calm, so peaceful, so nice here."
"Having serenity, meaning, purpose, focus, a sense of service to others... increases greatly the quality of our lives."
"It moved almost as if it was gliding across the beach."
"That's beautiful, that sounds like chill."
"It's like the little dove with grass growing out of its back, that's beautiful."
"It's beautiful and peaceful up here; it's amazing."
"It's about spending time in nature, going with the flow."
"Listen to the sound of the trees breathing along with you."
"The peace and serenity of the town of Valley de Luna were known to all."
"It's small so you can place it on your monitor or your dashboard, and its serene expression is made to bring comfort and serenity to your workspace, just like a warm cup of coffee."
"You are everything there is peace"
"Being around you brings this person such an intense feeling of peace."
"Getting comfortable in this interior is like walking into a neatly organized room where everyday concerns disappear."
"But the peace and serenity that a private island can offer, money can't buy."
"The almost unendurable nausea, the pervasive physical and mental misery had departed, leaving me serene and at peace."
"There is something serene about sitting in the woods as the sun rises."
"Calmness gets you out of bad situations, remember that."
"What looks so serene and calm from above is so ruthless and aggressive from underneath."
"Enjoy a cup of calming jasmine tea."
"I feel calm, placid, sort of a Jimmy Carter-like serenity."
"Live in the sunshine, swim in the sea, drink the wild air."
"Nature is the ultimate healer to all our problems."
"Man, it is so quiet, I can't believe it."
"Peace, harmony, and contentment are entering your life."
"You maintained inner peace through this whole thing; it's incredible."
"This was a beautiful Pine Forest."
"This moment right now is dedicated to peace and serenity."
"Listen to how peaceful it is out here, the only thing I can hear is my skis against the snow and the birds chirping."
"Imagine sitting there on a lovely anchorage of an evening, drink on the table, and you can sit and look out like that."
"It's so peaceful, it's really beautiful."
"You are the only person who brings me peace, you are the only person who brings me happiness."
"When you walk into this room, you feel a sense of stillness, serenity, and calm."
"I just love being here... it's just so peaceful."
"The gospel provides me a sense of peace."
"I always felt a certain kind of peace and relaxation there that was unmatched by anything else."
"It's beautiful, serene, and alive in a way that it's hard to describe."
"The warmth of the sunlight seems to caress your muscles, each and every one feels more relaxed, even your mind grows more at ease."
"It's just so peaceful, this place is awesome."
"It has a serenity all of its own."
"Tranquility of peace and serenity amidst the chaos."
"It's always a magic moment to be in the presence of these giants as they peacefully argue for the best drinking spots."