
Extraterrestrial Life Quotes

There are 2145 quotes

"The probabilities are overwhelming in favor of intelligent life out there in the universe."
"I think chances are good that Mars once harbored life. It was so similar to Earth in the past, one can only expect, you know, life probably sprung up there as well."
"Something about our desire to not be alone keeps pushing us forward in the search for life."
"There's a lot of potential for life to be there, not necessarily life right now, we're talking about ancient life, but it would have been deposited there and there'd still be signs there."
"If we can find evidence of life on Mars, then we're going to realize that we're a bigger part of the life story. It's not just an Earth story. It's a universe story."
"Once we prove that, new questions arise. Not are we alone, but now what or who is out there?"
"Thanks to Perseverance, we could be on the verge of the monumental first discovery of actual life outside our planet."
"The question of whether there's life beyond Earth is one of the most fundamental and essential questions we can ask."
"Even if we just find a microbe that is clearly not related to Earth life, it did not get there through panspermia or anything else, it's native to Mars or Europa. That answer is essentially the question that life on Earth is definitely not alone."
"Why would any species want to come down and hang out with us, seeing all the crap going on down here?"
"We're really doing something that's transformative, trying to understand whether or not life evolved on another planet."
"We're really doing something that's transformative, to understand whether or not life evolved on another planet. That's the fundamental objective of this mission."
"It is one of the oldest questions mankind has ever asked: Are we alone in the universe?"
"This is personally very exciting for me because when I was in fifth grade, what inspired me to work for NASA is the search for answering whether or not we're alone in the universe."
"If there wasn't life out there, that would be an awful waste of space."
"If we were to discover that there used to be life on Mars, not only would we know that we're not alone, but we could say with certainty that life can form in places other than on Earth."
"Are we alone in this vast cosmic desert just flying through space?"
"Together, hoping to learn if life ever existed in the ancient past on Mars."
"But if we hope for a good outcome after first contact, perhaps we need to be the kind of aliens we wish to meet."
"It's highly possible that we're not alone in space after all. Exciting, huh?"
"I'm very optimistic we will find signs of ancient life there."
"The US and Russia have kept it from the public because humanity isn't ready."
"People who believe that they have been abducted by aliens are going to show authentic nonverbal communication because they genuinely believe what they are saying."
"It sounds nutty, wacky... but what I'm telling you it's real. The question is, what is it, what are its intentions, what are its capabilities?"
"We believe that the disclosure of extraterrestrial life and the ensuing contact with these advanced civilizations will usher in a new era for humanity."
"With these new findings, Mars is telling us to stay the course and keep searching for evidence of life."
"SETI... is not flying saucers or UFOs... it's a scientific search for intelligent life out there."
"Panspermia was the idea that life may not have originated on Earth; it may have originated somewhere else and been transported to Earth."
"Scientists are searching for a superhabitable world that wouldn't just rival Earth but be a place where life could thrive even more easily."
"The rock material collected on Mars contains the same type of carbon signals that are linked to living organisms on Earth."
"It would be a miracle if there weren't other [alien] civilizations out there. The statistics are so high that how can we be singular?"
"My view now is that I can't rule out an extraterrestrial explanation for some UFO sightings."
"Being not of this world are in contact with humanity... they have been visiting us, they're visiting us now, and I have no reason to believe they're going to stop."
"This is something very important to us as a human race... it's a conversation that needs to happen, but like nobody's talking about it."
"Waking up to the idea that we're not alone in this universe and we never have been."
"The question is, what would happen if the government said, 'It's true, they're here.'"
"A lot of you are probably familiar with the Fermi Paradox, named after Italian physicist Enrico Fermi, who is famous for creating the first nuclear reactor. This paradox seeks to answer the question: Where are the aliens?"
"We are really close now to the Extraterrestrial presence being revealed as genuine. It's an amazing time to be alive."
"According to Stephen Hawking, the origin of life outside the Earth is probable, and human-like intelligence is possible."
"After decades of denial and ridicule, government officials and the mainstream media are admitting that extraterrestrial civilizations are visiting Earth."
"Imagine the societal impact of realizing we're not alone in the universe."
"Our cultural openness to contact with extraterrestrial life has grown exponentially."
"Once you find a partner, it gives meaning to your life. As a civilization, humanity needs to find another civilization out there, and then the universe will be meaningful. It would not be pointless anymore."
"The rock from outer space was modeled with microscopic structures very reminiscent of the remains of bacteria, but the weirdest part is that radiocarbon analysis showed that this 'living meteorite' is five to seven billion years old, that is, it's older than the solar system itself."
"Since the much-publicized saucer crash at Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947, our cultural openness to contact with extraterrestrial life has grown exponentially."
"The Wow signal is among all the strange signals received up to now, the one that has the greatest likelihood of having been emitted by intelligent extraterrestrial beings."
"In the vastness of the universe, we are not alone." - Albert Einstein
"What will happen from then on? What will occur when we receive a signal and it is confirmed as extraterrestrial? How would that affect our lives, our priorities, our conception of the world, and our own identity?"
"Arthur C. Clarke... Childhood's End posits the question: What if we were being watched?"
"Imagine being trapped in a zoo. Well, if we really do live in a galactic zoo, then you'd already be in one."
"The Fermi Paradox is more paradoxical than ever before."
"The great versatility of the carbon atom makes it the element most likely to provide the basis, even exotic ones, for the chemical composition of life on other planets."
"For suggesting [other planets could contain animals and inhabitants], the Catholic Church burned [Giordano Bruno] at the stake. Ah, religion, predictable as always."
"Professor Stephen Hawking...points out that any alien civilizations capable of easily traveling to earth...may view humanity as no more valuable than we view bacteria."
"The WoW signal...remains the strongest candidate for an alien radio transmission ever detected."
"Belief in UFOs and earth-visiting aliens really ramped up in mid-1947 when something crashed in Roswell, New Mexico."
"Most scientists think we are not alone in the universe, but like myself, they are skeptical about claims of alien visitation and government coverups."
"For the longest time, man has peered into the stars, wondering if there were others like us in this universe."
"This possibility forces us to consider that maybe we aren't alone after all, which is a terrifying but exciting realization."
"Scientists warn that this signal should not be dismissed; they specified that this signal had a distinct techno signature that couldn't possibly be from natural origins."
"The possibility of finding extraterrestrial life has been one of the biggest motivations for the continuous exploration of space."
"We are about to get in our hands the tools that may help us prove, for once and for all, that we're not alone."
"Ours is likely to be the generation that will make that profound, game-changing discovery that it's not just us."
"To date, the 'Wow! signal' is considered the best candidate for an alien radio transmission ever received."
"With the universe as big as ours, we certainly can't be the only one living in it."
"Why are we so intent on discovering alien civilization? This is not fiction, but we want to know if there is something to worry about."
"It will be a great win for mankind to find another home or meet up with aliens in the galaxy. That day would of course be a great time to be alive."
"The WOW signal remains the most compelling piece of evidence for the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations because all natural explanations have fallen flat."
"The most compelling piece of evidence that we have for the existence of extraterrestrial life is the first interstellar visitor to our solar system, 'Oumuamua."
"The issue of UFOs and extraterrestrials...is something that is central to how we're going to be able to go forward as a civilization."
"The Wow! Signal is considered the best candidate for an alien radio transmission ever received."
"These UFOs are some type of spacecraft from another star system and that there are these intelligent beings from other galaxies and perhaps even other dimensions that are here trying to communicate with us."
"The next mission to the Jovian system will focus on Europa as the most likely place after Earth to harbor some form of life."
"Our ability to actually find life forms there, if they exist, probably goes through the roof."
"To discover extraterrestrial life, to find out that we're not alone in the cosmos, would be one of the biggest, if not the single biggest, discovery of all time."
"It's very unlikely for any given planet to develop life at all, let alone technologically advanced life."
"There is absolutely no convincing evidence for extraterrestrial life associated with UAPs."
"If an alien civilization were to send an extensive library of encoded DNA in an interstellar message, they could basically provide us with an encyclopedia of everything they know."
"Sir Bernard Lovell has calculated that there must be about 100 million stars which have planets of the right chemistry, dimensions, and temperature to support organic evolution."
"If aliens visit us, the outcome would be as much as when Columbus landed in America, which didn't turn out well for the Native Americans."
"The Fermi Paradox is basically this idea seeking out to explain why, with all the noise and signals we've been sending out, why haven't we been contacted by something in the galaxy."
"We can't be the only people in this universe; there must be something else out there."
"We're the only ones so uncomfortable with the abundance of life, yet we're so fascinated by the idea of extraterrestrial intelligence."
"The only thing these civilizations are looking for is a pure heart, clear intention, and the great purpose."
"Europa, the subject of movies and rampant speculation, has long been one of the solar system's best candidates for life."
"Certain moons of Jupiter and Saturn have been identified as some of the most likely candidates for harboring extraterrestrial life."
"But it is possible that life is preserved there, with the atmosphere itself harboring microbial life."
"The universe's expanse suggests life probably exists somewhere else."
"Amongst the four nearest civilizations to us, three are likely older."
"Our notions of contact and communication radically change when we consider that they would likely far exceed us in technology."
"The vegetative red edge could be an indication of photosynthesis on a planet, and that can be a biosignature."
"The future of humanity could be much better if someone will visit us from another planet that is much wiser than we are."
"Volcanoes help sustain life on Earth, now we look for signs of life on other planets."
"There are at least 2 trillion galaxies in the observable universe, with more stars and planets in them than all the grains of sand on planet Earth. So where is everyone?"
"Europa is intensely studied by scientists because it's suspected to harbor an ocean beneath the ice that might contain life."
"Do you believe our government has made contact with intelligent extraterrestrials?"
"The idea that there is no intelligent life on any of them [other planets]... I find to be absurd."
"Survival of our species... we are the aliens though, we just think there's somebody else but we were the ones who came from somewhere else because somebody else had to survive."
"What they didn’t anticipate was to accidentally learn that whatever civilizations existed on other planets have probably already annihilated themselves."
"Gods of Egypt are descended from the stars. If this is true, did they once inhabit every part of the Earth and are these ancient beings still here making their presence known when least expected?"
"Are these beings the Fallen Angels talked about in The Book of Revelation, extraterrestrial beings in physical form, worshiped, respected, or feared in every culture throughout the world?"
"The stuff of life exists throughout the universe."
"Unless you imagine that there is something so ridiculously unique about Earth... then you just have to conclude the most likely conclusion is that a scene like this is rife with planets that are just full of life."
"Perhaps we will be the archaeologists, searching the galaxy for past evidence of others."
"We have to tread carefully and that if we discover life on Mars, one of the first things we're going to want to know about it is how closely related are we to it."
"It's perhaps the holy grail of planetary science. Are we alone in the universe?"
"You would be inexcusably egocentric to suggest that we are alone in the universe."
"Enceladus took a step forward recently... A few years ago, the plumes of water ice streaming from fissures in the moon's ice shell were found to contain all the nutrients needed for life, and indeed some indication of geologic processes such as geothermal vents on Enceladus's ocean floor."
"When pondering the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, the natural thing to ask is, since we're looking for intelligent alien civilizations, are they likewise looking for us?"
"It's likely that the universe is full of life. We don't have evidence yet that we're not alone. So we're out there, and we're looking."
"I'm talking about life as we do not know it. What about non-Earth-like life? Could life use something else besides water or something else besides carbon as its backbone?"
"It's, of course, trying to make significant progress in answering one of the questions that has been with us for many centuries, namely, are we alone in the universe?"
"One of the better ways to look for potential extraterrestrial intelligent life is to kind of start connecting all of this from the evolutionary perspective."
"It's about time we started thinking about potential experiments where we can maybe explore this more scientifically."
"One microbe that is life but not as we know it would suffice to make the case that the universe is indeed teeming with life and the laws fundamentally life-friendly."
"A planet that's super habitable could have orders of magnitude more types of life than Earth."
"If we find a microbe, it means we found a planetary chemistry that discovered how to build life."
"Look for the most advanced societies, because those, if they are societies, at least the most advanced intelligence, because they’re likely to have done the most to make their presence obvious or not obvious, perhaps."
"This is the only place in the universe that we know has life upon it, and so obviously it begs the question: Are there other inhabited planets out there?"
"Clearly, if there is life on Mars, it's not at all abundant and it's hiding below the surface or something. It hasn't changed Mars into a Bluegreen planet in the way that life has changed the earth."
"Life gets going quickly on suitable planets, therefore life will be common. Of course, we're talking about microbial life only."
"I have been always curious about life in the universe and about questions on how we got to be here."
"We don't know anything about alien life. We don't know how common it is, how rare it is."
"The idea of an alien species actually being here is a little bit tricky because they're probably of higher technology than we are, and that never goes well."
"Moons can have life. There's no rule against it."
"Titan is one of the most interesting places in the solar system because it might possibly contain life."
"It may have been Carl Sagan who said, 'We're either alone in the galaxy, or there are a lot of aliens. And each answer is arguably equally terrifying.'"
"By the end of the 23rd Century, humans would have confirmation of microbial alien life existing on a warm, wet exoplanet within 100 light years of our solar system."
"If we accept that intelligent life here, and reassess the number of planets in the universe is gigantic... it seems to me highly likely that there is not only life in the universe elsewhere but also intelligent life."
"This discovery gives us a hint that finding a second Earth is not just a matter of 'if,' but 'when.'"
"Europa may be the closest object to our own world to support life."
"I'm much more optimistic that in my lifetime we're going to know 'Are we alone?' than the origin of life."
"The Fermi Paradox, contrasted with the potential for humanity to achieve interstellar travel, underscores the mystery of why we have not yet encountered signs of extraterrestrial civilizations."
"The vast majority of planets and stars could be dead, but we might fill them with value."
"Our search for life in the universe is not really a search for life itself, but rather the marks, the scars that life imprints upon the cosmos."
"I think it's a bit presumptuous, not arrogant, for us to believe that there's no other form of life anywhere in the entire universe."
"We need a one world government because the Galactic Federation is not going to allow Earth to join so long as we are not unified under one governing authority."
"Aliens are real and they're waiting for us to kind of calm down before revealing themselves."
"Aliens are real and they're not coming to Earth because we keep fighting each other."
"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to today's topic: Aliens, are they real? Do they exist?"
"Mars: immensely cold, arid on an inconceivable scale, and almost airless. Little evidence has ever been found on the existence of biological life on Mars."
"The notion that we're alone in the universe becomes absurd."
"This idea, I think, is very important that we are not alone in the universe."
"Just this concept that human beings are semi-intelligent beings predisposed to war, but that we might have other brothers and sisters and individuals out there."
"This is a fundamental question of whether we are alone in the universe."
"Why would advanced beings capable of intergalactic travel care about us at all? We would be like cavemen to them."
"Suddenly, the notion of extraterrestrial life takes center stage, dominating headlines like never before."
"The questions 'Are we alone?' and 'Are we being visited?' are some of the biggest and most profound questions we can ask ourselves."
"I will tell you unequivocally that there is very compelling evidence that we may not be alone."
"Wouldn't it be amazing if aliens existed? What would they look like? How intelligent would they be? Would they be friendly?"
"If we receive a rhythmic signal from outer space, does that necessitate aliens sending us a message? Of course not."
"The government essentially confirms that space aliens exist, and nobody cares."
"This moment of childlike cosmic curiosity is at the core of my own interest in space and extraterrestrial life."
"If we somehow contaminated other planets... it might be hard to untangle if we find life there."
"The discovery of life beyond Earth has the potential to bring about significant theological shifts across different religious practices."
"The notion that life exists elsewhere in the vast expanse of space is an incredibly momentous revelation."
"If we haven't already seen it, why haven't they done it yet, and what would they be doing instead?"
"The profoundest discovery humanity has made so far, if we learned that we are not alone."
"If we found microfossils in an interstellar meteorite, that would... change our view of religion, our view of what our purpose is, the origin of life, the origin of humanity."
"Aliens could exist... the numbers are good, what's not good is the evidence."
"Technically we have found some life on a planet other than our own, and that's pretty crazy."
"It’s amazing, just the notion that this star system alone produced three water worlds that at various points in time could have supported abiogenesis and life."
"Life in that situation means we are an anomaly, and the real action happens most often around Type M and K dwarf stars that live longer than the sun."
"Kepler-186f sits in the habitable zone. It is possible that Kepler-186f has an atmosphere that can keep the water on its surface a liquid, which is a must-have for life on Earth."
"Kepler-22b, moving within the habitable zone of its system, could possibly pave the way for the development of Earth-like life."
"First contact... we are not alone in this universe."
"The implications for habitability of the clouds are pretty huge."
"This could mean that earth-like planets may have existed billions of years before Earth formed, and ostensibly might have hosted life and civilizations that could be many times older than our own civilization."
"Most of the time, our search for extraterrestrial life centers on planets kind of like ours. We look for Earth-size planets and habitable zones around stars that look a lot like our Sun."
"Just looking for life on planets like Earth might be distracting us from all the other places life could possibly exist."
"As soon as we find a different, a separate, an independent example of life somewhere else, we're gonna know that it's ubiquitous throughout the universe."
"If the greenhouse warming were similar on this planet and had a surface, it would be its surface temperature would be something like 72 Fahrenheit, a very pleasant temperature."
"Many solutions for explaining it have been offered, but the focus of this series is just that there is no paradox because we’re simply massively overestimating how likely life is to arise, grow to complexity and diversity, get smart, get technology, then grow to be a galaxy spanning civilization we could easily spot."
"We're not alone in this universe. There are planetary systems throughout this universe, there are galaxies filled with life."
"Every single NASA mission I ever worked on, past all the fluff and stuff, their number one mission: they want to find life."
"The non-human intelligence phenomenon is real. We are not alone."
"An alien civilization that can reach us... would have to have technology so beyond our comprehension."
"I really want it all to be real. I think aliens would single-handedly be the best thing that we could ever discover."
"Primitive life possibly, complex life unclear under an ice shell."
"Maybe an intelligent civilization is watching us and waiting for the right moment to make contact."
"We can't be the only ones sitting on computers of some kind wondering the same thing, sending out signals. But it's so quiet. The Fermi Paradox attempts to explain this, and to date, no one has been able to solve it."
"If this million-year-old meteorite really shows remains of Martian bacteria it would be the only scientific evidence of life beyond Earth."
"Will we ever discover a world that could rightfully be called the second Earth?"
"There is life on many other planets of which people on earth know nothing."
"If there's anywhere in the solar system where there might still be life... Europa would be the place to bet."
"It's only a matter of time at some point we very well may see a signal that must be of alien origin."
"Finding biomarkers on exoplanets is certainly much more difficult than just looking for gases produced by biological processes on Earth."
"I'm a huge proponent of just being open-minded because when you're open-minded about aliens... it allows you to think outside the box in other domains as well."
"The scientific quest for extraterrestrial life is on thanks to the research of astrobiologists and the discovery of exoplanet Hunters we may one day detect other worlds as fertile as the Earth."
"Even if just a fraction of star systems host potentially habitable worlds, that would still amount to millions of living worlds in the Milky Way alone."
"As long as there is a question mark on whether or not there's life in the universe, we will continue to fill that gap with the belief that we're special in some way."
"As believers, we cannot help but wonder: Could it contain evidence of extraterrestrial life or perhaps prophecies of the end times?"
"Many in the scientific Community believe that the aliens on other planets are using black holes as a kind of teleportation device."
"I never believed in aliens until two of them were standing in my bedroom."
"We have absolutely no idea how likely or unlikely the presence of an alien civilization in the solar system is, nor can we predict how they would choose to show themselves."
"So far, the search for alien life has mainly focused on earth-like planets, but what if we were to shift our perspective and look for something else?"
"Chances are good that if we find life, it will be totally different than we expect."
"With all these new discoveries we now have evidence that our own Galaxy is filled with other worlds and some of those worlds might host life."
"The discovery of intelligent extraterrestrial life would be an epical event in the history of science—it would confirm the existence of life beyond our planet, revolutionizing astrobiology, astronomy, and related fields."
"The possibility of advanced life and the potential for alien contact have long fascinated humanity."