
Mental Peace Quotes

There are 191 quotes

"Greatness comes from us managing our mind, and greatness doesn't necessarily mean that you've got millions in the bank and you're this famous superstar. It means that do you have mental peace? Are you actually growing? Are you satisfied as a person?"
"Get a brain that's not chattering at them all the time, a brain that's peaceful around food where you're eating what you want to be eating, your weight is in check, and you're free to live your life."
"When all the desires of the mind are given up, then your enlightenment is steady."
"Yoga, peace, happiness, and contentment comes from the cessation of fluctuations of the mind."
"Calmness of mind is one of the beautiful jewels of wisdom."
"Calm your mind. You are doing fine, sweetie."
"I'm actually like making steps towards kind of like being at peace with my own thoughts and being able to self-reflect more and really think about my priorities in life."
"Yoga is the ceasing of the whirling of mind stuff."
"When I filter out negative thinking, I attain inner peace."
"Kali comes and destroys the chattering brain, telling you all."
"God has not given us the spirit of fear, He gave us the spirit of love and power and a sound mind."
"Come back to the present moment. Nothing in the past ever harmed you, nothing in the future can ever harm you."
"By reducing your thoughts and getting to a point where your mind is empty, your heart remains calm."
"The belief that there is a good god who is just keeps me sane."
"Getting upset about stuff that's happened in the past is such a bad way to... your mind will get destroyed if you do that."
"I gave up superstition when I was like 23 years old... it drives you crazy."
"Once you stop judging your thoughts, your thoughts will stop judging you."
"Replace negative worldly tendencies with divine tendencies."
"Peace and perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee."
"The biggest thing you have to do is shut off technology. You have to go dark. You have to be quiet in your mind."
"Anything that comes in the way of my mental peace needs to be removed from my life."
"Silver bullion offers peace of mind... take great care of yourselves and those you love."
"If you just want to monitor yourself and make sure you're waking up feeling good, it eventually leads to peace and peace of mind."
"No doubting, no comparing, no noise, just peace."
"Practicing sadhana, the mind becomes peaceful, purified, and our friend, bringing out the best results in any circumstance."
"If the mind and the consciousness is peaceful by sound, spiritual meditation, and vibration, then that radiates through not just intra but intercommunication of all the different layers."
"I like the Solitude. It helps quiet my mind, keeps the memories at bay."
"Life has been a lot of relaxing and just taking things off my mind, which I really enjoy."
"Just the peace of mind, and you're thinking about it... It just changes the way you make decisions, it gives you more options, more margin, more peace, more joy."
"Your peace can be a fortress that makes the mind and the heart impenetrable."
"You can have peace of mind on your way to big success."
"One seriously important thing about life and that's to have a contented mind and be well, have good health."
"Letting go is not trying to understand or figure things out; it's just letting go."
"Biblical meditation will set you free and it will keep you free."
"Find peace of mind, even in difficult times."
"Our ultimate goal is this mind which up to now has been the slave of destructive emotion."
"When our mind is calm, we are able to hear others better."
"And when all the noise gets really loud in my head, I am able to just wake up in the morning and he looks at me in that way and I just know that it's all okay."
"Fear prays on the unknown, but God offers power, love, and a sound mind."
"Sinking funds gave me stability and peace of mind in my life. As a single mom, there's enough stress, chaos, and doubt already."
"This is your opportunity to really change your whole patterns of how you've seen your life. It is a wake up period but a very freeing one that sets your mind at ease and relief comes."
"It's probably the best thing we've ever done for ourselves as far as having peace of mind."
"Peace comes with Sky identification instead of cloud identification."
"Sanctuary can very much be found in the void as well."
"Seeing what we want to see may be easier in the short-term, only the honest picture can bring us lasting peace."
"I have to protect my own mental peace, I have to protect my child, my unborn child, and things like that."
"The idea of the DSTS is that you accept that there are things you cannot know, there are questions that are not worth asking, and that by accepting that you lead a happier life."
"The great way is not difficult for they who hold no preference."
"The more you let go of preference, the more you have that yes."
"Just take what resonates, leave the rest behind. Don't try to force it."
"You've got peace in your head now and you've got freedom now."
"Just ignore it. I never read the comments. I turned them off."
"Protect your peace; I'm always blocking. A lot of people don't believe in that."
"The goal with this candle was to really calm your home, your space, and your mind."
"The peace of God will guard your heart and your mind in Christ Jesus."
"I try every way possible to get still, like get the mind to quiet down because the mind is a noisy beast."
"Finding calm and living with less and then the beautiful ripple effects that that can have."
"May God's peace that passes all understanding guard your hearts and your minds and your souls."
"Some of you are manifesting like you want to feel at peace and at home and at ease."
"Faith-filled prayer brings peace. It says, 'And the peace that passes all comprehension... when you pray and you do it with Thanksgiving, it says it will guard your mind and your heart.'"
"The peace of God stands sentry before your heart and your mind. It's supposed to be there."
"It's kind of like an investment in your peace of mind."
"The peace of mind is worth everything, she just wants to know what's going on, what's causing this."
"So much truth is coming to you... stand in a garden and be thought-free."
"I need a Summer Breeze some fresh air to put my mind at ease."
"Let the peace that Christ gives control your thinking."
"Find some stillness and some peace in all of this because when you find it, then you can share it."
"Being able to just really clear your mind of everything that's going on and be at peace, be at ease with yourself, you know what I'm saying, and really just regroup."
"Gratitude makes me, me. Gratitude makes me not worry about nothing."
"I meditate every day. It's about quieting the mind."
"Once you make up your mind, there's so much relief in knowing."
"The goal is to achieve through this process some degree of inner calm."
"Equanimity is really learning how to have calmness and peace under duress, that's what the word actually means."
"Men are choosing their own peace of mind now."
"What you'll get is a quiet mind and a loving heart."
"If one thing goes to the extreme, where another thing goes into extreme, it kind of pulls off your balance so that you lose your equilibrium and that is, I think, what keeps us like, calm and grounded and at peace."
"Fear and doubt, my friends, are the twin thieves that steal our peace and paralyze our potential."
"Find inner peace to move forward, time is an illusion."
"Detaching from any expectation which creates suffering."
"However, for the sake of expediency and my own sanity, I think we'll leave things on a high with gunmen of the Apocalypse."
"You're an energy right now where you want to have peace not only just peace in your life but you want to have peace of mind."
"If this experience were to last forever, what quality would have to emerge for me to have peace of mind?"
"I love being in spaces that are just very calming almost."
"Stay in a state of peacefulness in your mind because it's important to attract what it is that you want."
"The only rule in this game is to never let anybody who comes to destroy your peace enter your mind."
"Understanding always brings clarity and peace."
"Pray in tongues until you feel the peace, pray in tongues until you feel the shift."
"I feel like I'm even learning how to bring the chaos of my mind to Jesus and invite him to sit with me there and that that's okay too."
"Now the peace of mind that I now have, I can hardly understand."
"Return to your meditation, go to slow walks in nature, do anything that brings you peace."
"Quiet your mind and explore the peaceful silence within."
"The mind of the wise man is like the ultra-lunar firmament; eternal calm pervades that region."
"You will earn your mental peace with your own efforts."
"Mental suffering ceases for him who's wise."
"The stoic King from the outside represents the embodiment of mental peace and contentment."
"Guard our mental peace diligently, ensuring that the negativity from chronic complainers doesn't deviate us from our stoic path of resilience and virtue."
"...there is something so soothing and peaceful about cleared off spaces."
"The more you work it actually helps you more with your mental peace than you running towards raw ambition."
"The idea of Liberation which is the goal of yoga is the subjugation of mental perturbations."
"I've realized in life that your own mental peace is better than revenge trust in karma."
"It removes a lot of that chatter."
"You're going to experience a peace in your mind that you didn't feel for a couple of months, a couple of years."
"The mind that is stayed on him, he will keep you in perfect peace."
"The peace of God will guard your hearts and your minds."
"Won't He keep your mind? Won't He cover your body?"
"In its pure state, the mind is peaceful without happiness or suffering."
"All we need to do is quiet the mind. If we can get the mind quiet, we can get under the busy beta waves."
"My state of mind is to keep a peace for peace of mind."
"Yoga is the cessation of the chitta vrittis, or the fluctuations of the mind."
"Settle your mind into a state of relaxation and calm in which there is no chasing after objects and no wild and crazy thoughts."
"Learning how to do nothing, how to not avoid, how to be here now, to put our attention into the present moment to get away from our thoughts a little bit."
"If you want to have success, peaceful mind, and a good bill of health, you want to keep moving forward."
"Get rid of your thoughts... stay with the silent prayer... have faith... putting yourself out there... get rid of the anger."
"Whenever we sit down and meditate and chant... these higher beings who are there to help us, they come and influence your minds and help us to be free of distractions."
"Find your flexibility, relax the back muscles, quiet the mind."
"Use the balance required in this simple high lunge to ease and quiet the mind."
"Yoga is the cessation of the modifications or fluctuations of the mind."
"The amount of peace that it gives you is completely unmatched."
"Continuing to relax the body, continuing to soften through the brain."
"Enlightenment is when the mind is free from suffering."
"Quiet your mind. It's time to invite more peace and tranquility into your life."
"Yoga is the cessation of the constant revolutions or turnings of the mind."
"It's letting the river that is your mind flow without obstacle."
"Yoga is stilling the fluctuations of the mind."
"The antidote to the chattering monkey is the shift to mindfulness."
"The bliss of God-realization does not come unless the mind is completely at peace."
"Cyber security is crucial to keeping our minds calm."
"It's such a game changer, it's such a small thing but if you do keep on top of it, the peace of mind is amazing."
"It's a puzzle that brings inner peace."
"When you meditate, you quiet your mind and your vibration raises."
"God is going to be there for us, and we're called to keep our minds on Him, which will allow us to remain in perfect peace."
"I hope this video brings you some sort of peace of mind or some calmness that you've been itching and needing for."
"Positive visualization will gently bring the swing of a human pendulum to rest."
"That is the place of stillness, when you get out of the mental noise."
"Freedom and peace of mind on the other side."
"The experience of nibana is a state of complete happiness, utterly free from all mental suffering."
"You become friends with the mind, so comfortable in each other's presence you can hang out together for long periods of time."
"It's very relaxing, it helps me get my thoughts together."
"The turmoil of the world we cannot avoid, but the disturbances of mind we can overcome."
"So yoga is finding a stable seat, and in that stable seat, we can find a quiet mind."
"Feel your breath, feel the body, feel the mind."
"Let the mind be really calm and quiet."
"In order to calm the mind, we need to do what the Amazon shamans call bringing the jaguar down from the tree."
"Once we achieve that, the mind follows."
"Looking at the kindness of other living beings is a tremendous aid to calming our mind and focusing on what is more realistic and what is more beneficial."
"It's kind of nice to get older... mentally it's kind of nice to let a lot of [stuff] go."
"Keeping track of your collection saves time and peace of mind."
"Find the things that bring you personally mental peace where you can find an opportunity to just kind of step back."
"I felt a definite increase in my mental peace."
"You work hard, you do something about the problems of your life and the world, and also you do some work on the problems of your mind - you make it peaceful, you learn how to be kind and gentle."
"Let the mind race, let it be, and it stops."
"Yoga is the stilling of the fluctuations of the mind."
"Mental peace. I feel like things are going to become more balanced in your life when it comes to your clarity."
"You will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is fixed on you because he trusts in you."
"One of the characteristics of Vedantic meditation is Chittani Rodha - it is the cessation of mental activity or the modifications of the mind."
"A wise man told me that holding a grudge is just like letting somebody live inside of your head rent-free."
"Aspiration, sincerity, and the quietude of the mind are the three best conditions for opening."
"The mind is like the sea, which can be rough on the surface with mountainous waves stirred up by ferocious wind, but calm and peaceful at the bottom."
"When a desire is satisfied, or the cause of a fear is removed, the surface agitation of our mind subsides, and in that temporary calm, our mind enjoys a taste of its own innate happiness."
"Keeping a clean space is essential for mental peace."
"By cultivating attitudes of friendliness toward the happy, compassion for the unhappy, delight in the virtuous, and disregard toward the wicked, the mind-stuff retains its undisturbed calmness."
"You don't need to lose sleep over the opinion of a bunch of losers."
"I hope you guys are happy, safe and sound, and most of all, I hope that you guys are in peace mentally."
"Yoga is the quieting of the fluctuations of the mind."
"When you do wait, if you do just give a pause, what'll happen is you'll go back to a state of clarity, you'll go back to a quieter mind because that's the default."
"I forgive and I'm 100% certain I will forget because I have understood that I cannot keep this on my mind."
"I feel like I am so much more calm, peaceful, and decluttered in my mind, and my bedroom just does not match that."
"The faint fragrance of flowers seemed to calm the mind."
"Stay out of your head, you are being protected by the universe."
"Yoga is the cessation of the fluctuations of your mind."
"Don't fight your thoughts, let 'em be there."
"Mao tells her to keep her mind at peace."
"A well-settled mind is not devoid of thoughts; it's just not seduced by the content."
"Selenite can be an amazing stone for untangling your thoughts."
"Yoga is the stilling of the revolutions of the mind."