
Space Exploration Quotes

There are 8616 quotes

"The earth is blue. It is amazing." - Yuri Gagarin
"I mentioned that those teams...had inspired the name of our Crew Dragon capsule, Resilience."
"It's been an incredible journey, and it's really amazing that this is marking the start of operational crew rotation missions to the International Space Station from the Florida coast."
"We are here to make mankind an interplanetary species."
"We showed in the last missions that we can safely transport astronauts up and down with Dragon."
"This mission opened the new era for human spaceflight...Soichi is a pioneer."
"This splashdown a new record breaking the old record for the longest crewed capsule in orbit from America."
"This program is not only going to send the first woman to the moon but the first person of color."
"It's exciting because we don't know quite what to expect landing on the water under parachutes like this."
"Not everybody has to go to Mars. If a hundred people go to Mars, we all go to Mars."
"It finally happened! Starship clears the tower for the third time!"
"We must recapture the energy, scope, and complexity of our first moon shots."
"The Artemis mission has already begun. We're well on our way to making NASA's moon to Mars mission a reality."
"Americans can accomplish anything we set our minds to, and America will lead the world back into the vast expanse of space."
"America is leading in space once again, thanks to the vision and the leadership of President Donald Trump."
"With your energetic support, with President Donald Trump's leadership and vision, with this extraordinary team that he has assembled, the work of NASA, and with God's help, America will lead mankind into the vast expanse of space."
"Automobile Lamborghini has a keen interest in testing their carbon fiber material on the International Space Station because it may set the foundation for 3D printed technologies further down the road."
"Eventually, we can bring the samples back to Earth and determine for the very first time, did life exist on Mars?"
"As the countdown to Mars continues, the perseverance of humanity is launching the next generation of robotic explorers to the red planet."
"Perseverance is a very, very profound first step in both our understanding of our place in the universe and a stepping stone towards human exploration on Mars."
"We are getting an initial look at just how powerful the cameras on board the rover are."
"Absolutely breathtaking. I think everybody around the globe has just been so inspired by it all."
"This is about science and discovery exploration. When people see countries doing these stunning things in other worlds, it inspires all of us."
"We are team space. We are here to cheer on everyone going and exploring the cosmos."
"The only enemy we have tonight is Earth's gravity. We are fighting against Earth's gravity to break Earth's gravitational bonds and reach out into the stars."
"Perseverance, NASA's newest rover, one of the most sophisticated planetary probes ever built, is approaching Mars on an epic quest to hunt for life beyond Earth."
"Finally, she was not... she did not speak on camera tonight, but she was out there all the same, giving us this incredible image of Starhopper just illuminating the test site."
"NASA is preparing a $4.25 billion mission to Europa...since scientists believe it holds a strong potential for alien microbes under its icy surface."
"This is my fifth Mars rover... they're all very, very special, but as of this moment right now, this is the best landing on Mars."
"On behalf of our whole team, I'd like to thank NASA and every organization for letting us do mighty things, and in this case, daring to fly on another planet."
"It's not every day you get to test a rotorcraft on Mars."
"Ingenuity hitched a ride in February. Now, Ingenuity is getting ready to attempt the first powered controlled flight on another planet today."
"Every world gets one first flight. The Wright brothers achieved the first flight on Earth; Ingenuity is poised to be the first for Mars."
"Perseverance is the most complex thing humans have ever built and sent to another planet."
"It's just a crazy thought to think that it's something I've designed, I've touched, I've built, I've integrated, I've tested is now safely resting on another freaking planet."
"One of its most recent major discoveries was the biggest Mars quake we've ever heard... thousands of times more powerful than any other one detected previously."
"This Mission has been so successful that NASA has now decided to propose what's known as Mars Sample Recovery Helicopter."
"Space always has a way of throwing us curveballs and surprising us."
"The Ingenuity helicopter will be the first powered flight on a celestial body that isn't Earth."
"For years, NASA's Mars Exploration Program has been systematically trying to find out whether life ever existed on Mars."
"This next achievement can change the face of space exploration forever."
"Musk estimates that it would take around 1 million tons of cargo to build a self-sustaining city on Mars."
"Liftoff as the countdown to Mars continues, the perseverance of humanity launching the next generation of explorers to the red planet."
"Days ago, NASA's most sophisticated and capable rover to date landed on Mars."
"Imagine yourself sitting on the surface of Mars and listening to the surroundings."
"That gentle whirl that happens in the background, that is a noise made by the rover, but yes, what you did hear 10 seconds in was an actual wind gust on the surface of Mars."
"Perseverance is benefiting from almost 10 years of advancement in technology; it's packed with fascinating and novel technologies that will form a stepping stone in humankind's eventual first steps on the surface of the Red Planet."
"This is going to be Wright Brothers' moment on another planet."
"Hello wonderful person, this is Anton, and this is Perseverance, and somewhere right there is the Ingenuity helicopter."
"It's time for the updates and explanations on what's been going on with the incredible helicopter currently doing some really insane tricks on Mars."
"The scientists behind this mission were exceptionally surprised by the fact that all the theoretical predictions of how the helicopter is going to fly have so far been basically 100% correct."
"NASA is planning to send the helicopter known as Dragonfly to the moon of Saturn known as Titan."
"Everything so far in this mission has gone even better than planned."
"It will be the most precise landing ever done on another Planet."
"NASA's Lucy spacecraft is a space mission that's going to do eight flybys of asteroids in the next 12 years."
"We're on a path to land the first woman and the first person of color on the moon as part of the Artemis program."
"Is this a new golden age of exploration? Recent events in both private and public space initiatives seem to bear that out, with no end in sight. Exciting times indeed."
"America's long-term presence at the moon both robotic and human will help develop the experience and capabilities we need to eventually send the first astronauts to Mars."
"We're going now to inspire a whole new generation of students, the Artemis generation."
"We will continue to push the boundaries of space exploration through science missions with spacecraft, telescopes, rovers, and more because that's what NASA does, and no one does it better."
"Learning about space and watching the story of humanity spread to the stars happen is watching the future happen and seeing history unfold."
"Inspiration 4, on behalf of SpaceX, welcome home to planet Earth. Your mission has shown the world that space is for all of us, and that everyday people can make extraordinary impacts in the world around them."
"And congratulations, Inspiration 4 crew, the first all civilian mission to orbit."
"Space is for all of us, and that everyday people can make extraordinary impacts in the world around them."
"A new chapter of Mars exploration has officially begun."
"For the first time ever, we'll fly a helicopter on another planet."
"We know that at one time, Mars was habitable."
"For the first time, we are looking for signs of life on another planet."
"This is my fifth Mars rover...and as of this moment right now, this is the best landing on Mars."
"It's amazing to have Perseverance join Curiosity on Mars."
"The first time a human-made object took flight on another planet."
"This was one of the most thrilling, action-packed landings I have been watching in many years."
"This feels like the kind of thing that NASA is going to be able to solve."
"We're going to accomplish many more amazing things, and I really hope that all the space agencies, all the engineers, the people working on these projects can bring us along for the ride."
"This is the first Crew Dragon with a cupola, that's going to be really exciting."
"This is the largest window, a contiguous piece of glass basically flown in space to date."
"It's been an absolute honor to prepare you for this historic flight. Today, you are truly inspiring the world."
"This is the first time three Dragons will be in orbit: Crew Dragon, Cargo Dragon, and another Crew Dragon."
"It was career-changing, life-changing to see that happen."
"Hundreds of people have to come together and build the spacecraft. We have to put them together and make sure they work... Children will read about this in their science books."
"Astronauts are set to return to the moon before the decade is out, and scientists and visionaries say humans will soon set foot on a foreign planet for the first time: Mars."
"A trip to Mars is such a huge undertaking that the entire world would have to cooperate."
"The Moon will be our proving ground, our research laboratory, perhaps even our gas station and springboard to Mars."
"Whatever happens, our Moon will always be there for us to use as a proving ground."
"Musk emphasizes the Paramount goal, transforming Earth into a multiplet civilization with a self-sustaining City on Mars."
"Dragon and SpaceX's efforts lock in new research opportunities that ultimately impact life on Earth."
"Through missions like this, we are redefining the pathway to low Earth orbit and building for beyond."
"This incident, though heart-wrenching, underscored the risks and challenges that lay in mankind's quest to explore the cosmos."
"Perseverance of humanity launching the next generation of robotic explorers to the Red Planet."
"We are gearing up for touchdown on the Red Planet this week."
"Perseverance is a very profound first step in both our understanding of our place in the universe and a stepping stone towards human exploration."
"We are going to try to eventually figure out how to live off the land to support human missions to Mars."
"The Perseverance of humanity launching the next generation of robotic explorers to the Red Planet."
"We are thrilled to support the first lunar landing since the Apollo program ended more than 50 years ago."
"With this never before seen streamlined access to the moon, we'll be able to make novel measurements scientists have long wanted to make on the lunar surface."
"It feels like the whole space industry is being invigorated with a new sense of enthusiasm and creativity."
"It will be the first ever full recording of a Spacecraft landing on another planet."
"A future where humanity is a spacefaring civilization out there exploring the stars is incredibly exciting."
"It's possible with today's technology, with dedicated engineering and appropriate financial management, to have a private company actually design a spacecraft, develop a mission, buy a rocket, and fly all the way to the Moon and soft land on the surface."
"We rise together, back to the Moon and beyond."
"This is gorgeous. I always love the spotlights; it gives that Apollo vibe."
"Love watching y'all and teaching my littles about Starship and the positive achievements they may see in their lifetime."
"Space has a near universal ability to capture our imagination unlike anything else, to energize dreamers and doers alike."
"We will once again astonish the world as we boldly go to meet our future in the skies and in the stars."
"In his Inaugural Address, the President rededicated America once again to lead in the heavens and in his words to 'unlock the mysteries of space.'"
"The James Webb Space Telescope is the largest and most powerful space telescope ever built."
"Space Exploration is the most technically and visually impressive mod that Factorio has to offer."
"It's SE's most unique challenge, and in my opinion the mod is at its best when you're conquering other planets and setting up isolated bits of manufacturing."
"The biggest defining feature of Space Exploration is its multi-surface logistics."
"This is going to lead to the enlightenment and then the modern age because the dynamic here is, as a result of Musk proving this, he has set off an entrepreneurial space race."
"The cost of space launch is going to continue to go down. We are on the brink here of the beginning of a golden age of space exploration and settlement."
"Something has changed in the history of space exploration. We saw a period of stagnation after the end of the Apollo missions to the moon."
"We're having a renaissance. In the first decade or so of spaceflight, we made tremendous strides."
"Through Artemis, the twin sister of Apollo, we are returning to the Moon."
"This is the first of Artemis's arrows capable of ushering in the next chapter of human lunar exploration."
"Playing its part in a grander effort, we, the people of the Artemis Generation all around this beautiful world, will bear witness to what we are capable of together."
"We are reigniting our passion for discovery today by rolling this integrated system out of the VAB for the first time ever."
"The Moon is a treasure trove of science. It holds opportunities for us to make discoveries about our own planet, about our sun, and about our solar system."
"The framework to support the enormity of this moment can't be measured in renovations and rehearsals alone, but in the testing of a mettle found much deeper."
"This kind of continuous lunar presence is a natural extension of all that we've learned in low Earth orbit."
"Space exploration raises what we believe we can accomplish; it brings out the best in us and is an extraordinary value."
"We are exploring the next logical place to look for signs of life, an answer to the question, 'Are we alone?'"
"The greatest value that we got out of Apollo was the creation of intellectual capital through the inspiring of millions to go into science and engineering, to be part of the great adventure of human expansion to space."
"Mars is where the science is, Mars is where the challenge is, and Mars is where the future is."
"The galaxy is absolutely massive... there are 400 billion star systems."
"China has come a long way with its adventures in space, including its lunar program missions."
"Space has truly earned its moniker as the final frontier, stretching in all directions with rules of gravity and physics that do not apply on Earth."
"NASA finds ancient organic material, mysterious methane on Mars."
"With these new findings, Mars is telling us to stay the course and keep searching for evidence of life."
"Starship will allow us to fly the heaviest payloads ever flown, land humans on the moon again after more than a half-century, and ultimately fly humans further into space than ever before, even to Mars."
"Space is the province of all humankind; peaceful uses of outer space only."
"This re-invigoration of the space exploration efforts by the commercial sector gives hope."
"Be open-minded about what your own interests are. I don't think you anymore have to be shoehorned into a particular career to be welcomed into the future of space exploration."
"Mars holds the answers to mankind's future in space."
"Mars is the planet that will give us the critical tests to whether humanity can break out of the planet of our birth and become a space-faring species."
"Knowing how much water is on the moon and how we might be able to use it in the future supports NASA's long-term human exploration goals into deep space."
"We're explorers by nature; eventually, we will go to the stars."
"'Starfield' presents the potential to be a groundbreaking space exploration game, offering freedom to go wherever you want and discover new worlds."
"For those who would journey across the vast reaches of interplanetary space, the solar system offers many breathtaking sights."
"A jagged line of shadows reveals not just a single moon but what appears to be an entire mountain range towering two and a half kilometers above the ring plane."
"NASA's Dragonfly mission aims to land a robotic rotorcraft on the surface of Titan, the largest moon of Saturn, in search of signs of life."
"The question is when will we start [going to the stars]? I think a manned Mars mission could happen within 15 years."
"In an effort to secure humanity's domination on the galactic front, our species would spread outwards towards the stars, in hopes to become more than just a single planet-faring race."
"We are going to make this happen, to land the next man and the first woman on the moon by 2024."
"The International Space Station is one of the most ambitious international collaborations ever attempted."
"The space station has inspired a generation that is going to take us from low Earth orbit to the Moon and then eventually to Mars."
"The teams here at SpaceX are proud to provide these services, which ultimately further our goal of one day making life multiplanetary."
"NASA's Apollo program in the 1960s and 1970s is perhaps the most well-known mission to the Moon, with astronauts landing on the lunar surface and conducting experiments."
"The mysteries of outer space continue to captivate the brightest minds of humanity."
"Teamwork makes the dream work. Everyone can work together; you're actually a space explorer."
"It's going to the International Space Station, which makes it incredible."
"This just made me really excited. It's a bringing space down to Earth for everyday people type of thing."
"NASA announced last year that they, in partnership with SpaceX, are conducting an unfunded study to explore the feasibility of converting the upper stage into a self-sustained station."
"If perseverance's mission is successful, the discovery of life on Mars would be as groundbreaking as the discovery of DNA."
"NASA has an entire office called planetary protection... to preserve planets... from contamination of life from Earth."
"If life on Earth is threatened...one of the reasons to explore the rest of the universe is to give us options."
"Sailing across the galaxy on solar winds, using special sails that could take advantage of that power to get yourself across the solar system and beyond."
"By studying Mars, we'll be able to learn more about Earth, Venus, Mercury, even the moon, even exoplanets around other stars."
"Insight is a mission to Mars, but it's much, much more than a Mars mission. In some sense, it's like a time machine."
"The everyday astronaut, this is the biggest livestream I think I've had since I've been doing livestreams. We're going to Mars today."
"It's meant to help explain like how exciting it was for me; it felt like I was inside real-life Kerbal Space Program."
"We greatly expanded our search for organic compounds, which are fundamental to our search for life."
"Starship reaches space again and successfully achieves a number of milestones."
"The first stage...successfully landed on SpaceX's drone ship 'Just Read the Instructions'."
"SpaceX has now launched a total of 5,988 Starlink satellites."
"Liftoff of the third flight of Starship was absolutely amazing both visually and technically."
"SpaceX is not slowing down anytime soon and the next pair of vehicles are waiting at Starbase for the Launchpad to be ready to receive them and fly Starship again."
"NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory presents, The von Karman Lecture: a series of talks by scientists and engineers who are exploring our planet, our solar system, and all that lies beyond."
"Building bases, or even cities, will require huge amounts of cargo and crew, and that's where Starship comes in."
"In partnership with NASA, Starship will serve as the lander to put the first Artemis astronauts on the Moon."
"Curiosity captures multiple images of the Martian sunset; this short series of images provides the most detailed view of what a sunset looks like on Mars."
"Curiosity continues to climb Mount Sharp, captures stunning images, takes more selfies, and makes good progress toward an ancient river channel."
"And we are going to look at that planet through the eyes of Rovers."
"And I can't wait for that day when a human being will stand on the surface of Mars and say, 'I am watching the Earth set and then I am watching the Sun set.'"
"We're going to launch all of our people into space, and it's gonna be fantastic."
"Lucy will be the first mission to study Jupiter's Trojan asteroids, which may be remnants of the primordial material that formed the outer planets of our solar system."
"NASA's first planetary defense mission will be followed by Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer, or IXPE, launching from Kennedy. IXPE will expand our understanding of X-ray production in objects such as neutron stars and black holes."
"I ran outside so I can watch this thing lift off, and that was so cool."
"After so many years of development to watch this thing fly, that was fantastic."
"We are on our way to the Moon, that's awesome."
"This is Vulcan Mission Control, confirming a successful mission."
"What do you say about someone who built a functional electric car then shot it into space on a rocket? He's a singular person."
"To understand the Sun is of vital importance for all of us and therefore for the space agencies."
"Jeff Bezos has told interviewers that the only way he can think of to spend all the money he's made from Amazon would be to go into space."
"Everything we've ever held a value on Earth, metals, minerals, energy, real estate are near-infinite quantities in space."
"We are just minutes away from a feat some have compared with Alan Shepard's first ride into space or Neil Armstrong's walk on the moon."
"Starship...successfully made it to orbit, becoming, I believe, the largest spacecraft ever launched into orbit."
"The most important question that needed to be answered was: Could you actually land on the moon?"
"The US absolutely needed to have these robotic precursor missions before they could risk putting people on the surface of the Moon."
"Surveyor 5 would carry a handful of new instruments, including the alpha scattering experiment, which would bombard the surface of the Moon with alpha radiation to determine the elemental makeup of the Moon."
"Space exploration has impacted our lives here on Earth in ways you may not be aware of, like the GPS in our phones, which was originally a NASA technology."
"The natural laws of the universe are so precise that we have no difficulty building a spaceship that we can send to the moon and we can time the landing with the precision of a fraction of a second."
"What a Triumph. Odys has taken the moon. This feat is a giant leap forward for all of humanity."
"This is the first time that a US-made craft has landed on the moon since 1972 with Apollo 17."
"I said captain of what? He said of the starship. We've never had a female captain before. I said, why not?"
"Exploration of the moons in the outer solar system is the next frontier of solar system exploration."
"I do think that if our species survives long enough... we will eventually be able to colonize other planets."
"I've always loved the idea of humans striving out towards the stars."
"Mankind is going to build its first manned spaceship in quite some time, and we are going to go and explore our solar system."
"If you're spending on space, you're spending it on Earth, you're spending it on the people and the processes to make space things happen."