
Earth Quotes

There are 3620 quotes

"The earth is blue. It is amazing." - Yuri Gagarin
"Earth is amazing, it's beautiful, it protects us, and so we should work hard to protect it."
"There is a larger pattern of evolution to the Earth, and there is a pattern of evolution to the human being and to the consciousness of human being."
"Your life purpose is to bring transformation to the world, to mother earth."
"On Earth, our crust is constantly being recycled, weathered, and eroded and it's very hard to find places that have preserved that history from billions of years ago, yet on Mars we can find places that we see that full breadth of history preserved on the surface."
"In the window of your spacecraft, you see our home, the planet, and it looks so beautiful, such a creation in the middle of nothing, and yet it also looks fragile."
"Relax, enjoy it, suck it up. Really spend time in the window to look at the incredible beauty of our planet from a perspective that not very many humans will have had."
"The Earth itself also has a Kundalini because the Earth is alive like an organism."
"What will Earth be like in one thousand years?"
"The earth, that massive, powerful, and in so many ways even scary planet, yet it's the most beautiful thing we ever saw in our lives."
"Life on planet Earth comes in many shapes and sizes."
"There's no place like it in the solar system; Mars was once the closest, but there's really no place like Earth."
"Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth."
"God said to Noah, 'This is the sign of the covenant which I have established between me and all flesh that is on the earth.'"
"Your body is the recycling of earth, water, and air. Your mind is the recycling of everybody else's thoughts."
"Earth's gift to the universe is the gift of life."
"We're on a spinning rock that's just close enough to a spinning ball of fire that allows us to live on this ball, and we don't fly off."
"Stalker displays not only Tarkovsky's fascination with the earth but as if the image sinks into the earth itself."
"We are one planet out of like billions of planets... we are so small it's insane."
"The whole earth is waiting patiently for the manifestation of the sons of God."
"The more we learn about planets, the better custodians of our own planet we can be."
"Mars is a reminder of how precious our own planet is."
"Our own Earth remains the perfect habitat for humanity, but sometimes the slightest change can shake its ideal balance."
"Let's take care of the planet we have so that we don't have to leave and colonize some ball of rocks 200 parsecs away."
"Get ready to be dazzled as we unveil the glittering wonders of Earth's most prized possessions."
"I thought blowing up the whole Earth was pretty dark. I think this one is darker."
"The Carboniferous period was one of the most transformational periods in the history of Earth."
"We are a species, and we are on a rock, and the rock is spinning super fast."
"Earth is actually heaven. It's where we come to create and fulfill desires and dreams and imagination."
"With a commercial space station, you can get regular, ongoing access and really create some good science to help us here on Earth."
"If you're spending on space, you're spending it on Earth, you're spending it on the people and the processes to make space things happen."
"Mankind was born on Earth. It was never meant to die here."
"With InSight, we hope to learn if Earth is an anomaly in the Solar system."
"How does all of this help us understand life here on Earth?...It really helps us understand how we got to where we are today."
"Life started on Earth, we think, very early on in the first half billion years...we can kind of go back in time and study those environments on Mars."
"Understanding the difference between the Earth and Mars will help us understand the evolution of terrestrial planets in general."
"In the beginning, the Earth seemed strange and unknown, and yet it would become so welcoming that it would allow life to develop and humans to settle there permanently."
"May we honor the mystery surpassing our sight, and this one earth, this homeland of all we love."
"There is still a lot that we don't know about Earth and the universe itself."
"The Earth is an ocean world, and that's what makes it the blue marble from space."
"Life on Earth initially developed and continues to be sustained under the protection of this magnetic environment."
"The arrival of the Sinestro Corps is just like this absolute state of pandemonium for the planet Earth."
"We need each other to survive, but it's got to be intelligent survival in collaboration with Earth."
"You see how fragile the earth is. If you're not an environmentalist, it will make you one."
"The Earth is the only place we know that harbors life, but the stability that has enabled this web of life is fragile."
"Astronauts often describe the feeling that they get when they see Earth as a whole... looking very, very fragile."
"Space may be the final frontier for business, but Earth is still the only planet that we can live on."
"Heart Consciousness is two things here: it is a signature of Earth, it is a signature of humanity."
"Sure, but what about all the problems on Earth? And I completely agree that the vast majority of resources should be dedicated to solving problems on Earth. Absolutely."
"Earth: a planet we know so much and so little about at the same time."
"The Earth is majestic and mysterious, withholding million-year-old secrets and phenomena."
"We really need new data for Venus to be able to understand what it is that makes Earth unique."
"We happen to be on the planet that supports this form of carbon-based life."
"The scientific evidence is clear: the Earth is about 4.5 billion years old and all life evolved from primitive single-celled organisms."
"Our earth is continually creating new matter but it does so also episodically."
"As challenging as it's going to be, there's no expectation that we're looking at a planetary reset."
"The earth can heal itself if we stop pushing it."
"Much of what goes on within the Sun is a mystery to us. But its influence on Earth? That is much easier to see."
"It was the most awe-inspiring moment of the flight when we looked up and there, coming over the lunar horizon, was the Earth. It was the only object in the universe that had any color to it. Basically blue with white clouds. Everything that we held dear was back there. It was a long way away."
"You know what's crazy? Astronauts just came back from satellites just orbiting the Earth. How crazy is that?"
"The earth is the Lord's, and all its fullness, the world and those who dwell therein."
"As people from the Earth, we need to make our world better; we need to make the future for our kids."
"In our solar system, Earth shines like a sapphire jewel."
"Earth's been a cosmic paradise for all types of life."
"Everywhere we look on Earth and find a habitable place, we find life."
"I make the somewhat outrageous proposal that that externalized information, that dataome, is best thought of as an alternate living system here on Earth."
"While you may be stationary on Earth's surface right now, Earth itself is moving, hurtling through space at speeds of around 30 kilometers per second."
"This is the only place in the universe that we know has life upon it, and so obviously it begs the question: Are there other inhabited planets out there?"
"Every footstep that you take on the planet leaves an imprint within Gaia."
"Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us."
"I worked so hard to be a good home for my earthlings."
"This means to us here on Earth, they look almost exactly the same size in the sky."
"The Bible says, 'The righteous will possess the earth, and they will live forever upon it.'"
"The Joggins Fossil Cliffs in Nova Scotia, Canada, are a record of life on Earth dating back more than 300 million years."
"Life on Earth first appeared 3.7 billion years ago, but how it sprung into existence is still a hot topic of debate."
"I hope Earth's gonna be just fine. We may not be here for it, but I think we have a bit of arrogance sometimes to think that we can tramp mother nature."
"The universe doesn't make lines on a planet and say, this is this country, and this is this country."
"The Earth's population would grow to 10 billion people, the Earth would become the hottest it's been in the past three million years."
"If we can't all agree at the bare minimum that a giant comet the size of Mount Everest hurling its way towards planet Earth is not a good thing, then what the hell happened to us?"
"We're in this spaceship Earth together, this beautiful blue glowing globe, and we need to preserve it."
"If it's one thing that I know, it's that people of Earth are unequaled when it comes to the strength within them."
"Is Earth unique? We're really asking, are the general properties of Earth something we can expect to be common in the galaxy or rare?"
"Life showed up pretty quickly on Earth... nature found it easy to make life."
"What if we told you that the gas giant's migration probably gave the opportunity for life to evolve on our planet?"
"In a way, Jupiter can even be considered our shield."
"Understanding how our planet moves through the universe, we can appreciate our place in space more."
"Earth is not just a rock flying through space; it's part of a grand scheme, a web of cosmic movements both intricate and awe-inspiring."
"The Earth was bombarded by these asteroids... Almost certainly, the water in your body may have come from asteroids."
"I love to think about our own planet Earth and all the intelligent life here like the dolphins and octopus. There are a lot of creatures here that we think are highly intelligent."
"The most beautiful thing you could ever do on earth is the Mass."
"It's a world heritage site and has been named as one of the greatest natural wonders on earth."
"If you shrunk Earth down to the size of a cue ball, it would be one of the smoothest, roundest cue balls ever made. That's how round Earth is."
"Approximately two billion years ago, the Earth was forever changed."
"With collaboration and partnerships, we can improve life here on Earth."
"When we peel back their many layers, the flora found on this planet is truly remarkable and without them, life on Earth would be impossible."
"Look at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you've ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives."
"A thousand years ago, men believed that the Earth was flat."
"Viruses just might be the most successful of Earth's inhabitants."
"Earth is basically self-sufficient, except for the light we receive from the sun, which keeps our planet comfortably warm and powers our entire ecosystem."
"We used to think Earth was special and unique. It wasn't. We have one universe... Why should there only be one? Be open to the possibility."
"There is no planet B. We only have this Earth. We have to take care of it."
"The more you look for planets elsewhere, the more you love your home."
"Connect to the earth and just find what feels good here."
"The Blue Planet is an organism in its own right, and it has its own unique features. It's going to take us hundreds of years of meticulous research to figure it out completely."
"Natural disasters strike on a regular basis, proving just how risky living on Earth really is."
"We're living on one giant fire lighter; that's why we have so many wildfires."
"We've only got one planet, and what a beautiful planet it is."
"Yes, planet Earth really is a special place, and we should be doing everything we can to protect it. There's no Planet B after all."
"An awful lot of strange things happen, can you explain them? These are strange natural phenomena that happened on Earth."
"This Earth is filled with wonderful and bizarre occurrences that we're often left unable to explain."
"The United States funded the research, and the scientific community largely in America and Europe fostered the gain of function research which was the basis for which this virus came."
"The search for alien worlds is always subject to the hope of one day tracking down a cosmic twin of Earth."
"Every few months, the press describes some recently discovered exoplanet as the closest thing yet to Earth's twin. But how much like Earth are these planets really?"
"Until the exoplanet's true background is unraveled, our Earth will remain the best home for humanity."
"The ocean covers more than 70 percent of the entire planet's surface and remains one of the least explored frontiers on Earth."
"This planet, this little speck of dust notwithstanding its physical insignificance, is almost indescribably valuable because it could be the only place where atoms have got together to think and feel."
"Without a magnetic force field, Earth's atmosphere and water would be blown away by the solar wind, leaving a planet that is dead and dry, a lot like Mars."
"How did Venus descend into this hellish state? And how did our planet, Earth, manage to survive?"
"So Venus is kind of the Earth's evil twin sister."
"If we understand Venus, we learn about the Earth."
"Venus is, in many ways, Earth’s twin. It’s Evil Twin."
"There's this Goldilocks zone in the atmosphere that is not too hot, not too cold, but just right for life."
"You can never recreate Earth in its entirety. It's impossible. There's just too many complex things."
"It takes all of this to recreate that which Earth is doing every day for us."
"We only have Earth, and we're dependent on these systems and the processes. And so figuring out a way in which we're able to continue to have those resources and exist in a way that's favorable for us is crucial."
"The Earth is a giant mystery. Will we ever unlock all of its secrets through experiments like Biosphere 2, or will it be forever out of our reach?"
"There’s absolutely no reason why there couldn’t be another mass extinction event as a result of the Earth being hit by an asteroid."
"The real reason that omniman was sent to the Earth is to single-handedly force it into joining the viltramide Empire."
"Earth is the only planet we know of so far to have large bodies of liquid water on its surface covering more than 70 percent of the planet."
"The earth is quite capable of taking care of itself, thank you very much."
"The Earth is utterly unique because we have free will."
"Did you know the place you call home is a habitable place in space called the goldilocks zone? It's a place in space a certain distance from our star where liquid water could be found. Guess what? It's where you are."
"There's a lot of reasons that we can feel connected to the earth and a lot I think what a lot of people mistake for feeling connected to the earth is it's feeling connected to the creator of the earth."
"It's like a big slice of cake... sliced right out of the planet."
"If such an object struck Earth, the impact would be devastating to Life as We Know It."
"The moon's gravity acts on Earth's oceans, causing the rise and fall of tides."
"The earth itself proves the storybook is wrong."
"I am the Earth, the only planet with organic life. With 8.7 million species, we all fight to survive."
"This is now, now you are seeing the Earth, you are seeing home, you are seeing yourself in that image right there."
"If Earth was the size of a nickel, Pluto would be as big as a popcorn kernel."
"Earth was the element of substance, classified by its strength and fortitude."
"It just seems really amazing and so Kira with this alien relic might now be the only thing that helps Earth."
"We're essentially the same mass as the Earth."
"Your mitochondria will come online and you will be Mother Earth would talk to you like you talking like me and like we are now."
"All of our eggs are in one basket, the Earth."
"If you're gonna tell us that we're on a ball, just show me a picture of the earth. Don't show me fudging stuff through your window, don't show me CGI, show me the earth."
"The Earth is very unique and the only place known to have life in the solar system."
"Earth is one of the only planets in our solar system capable of supporting life."
"Life on Earth is thought to have emerged through hydrothermal vents."
"The tide is directly tied to regulating the temperature on this planet. Otherwise, we'd end up in another Ice Age."
"We really should appreciate the circumstances that led to our ability to thrive on earth."
"The earth is round, Flat Earth? That's ridiculous."
"Earth, a unique planet, restless and dynamic."
"Energy is not positive on earth or negative... it's neutral."
"Earth is a very good laboratory, and Earth has been being used for millions of years by a variety of types."
"Earth is technically a wet Rock that's been sitting out so long stuff has started to grow on it."
"The Earth's is a living being - and it's moving into its next incarnation it doesn't care if we go with it it'd just be just as happy if we didn't go with it."
"They spot a huge meteorite heading towards Earth."
"Earth is a school and you come here to learn lessons."
"Earth could be catapulted into the fiery abyss, but with the right set of cosmic conditions, a shockingly different fate may await."
"We might gradually move the Earth to a new habitable zone by taking an asteroid and bringing it into an orbit."
"The mere existence of humans... is like the greatest thing that's ever happened to planet earth."
"The new Earth is going to be something you won't believe."
"Earth is a very special place, a habitable planet that rotates exactly in the right distance around the sun, supporting life in the best way."
"There is clearly something special about the earth."
"You can't destroy the Earth; the Earth will reset."
"It's almost like she's opening her arms towards the Earth and streaming healing energy."
"To conclude, we have just basically encountered an alien intelligence not in outer space but here on Earth."
"Finally, I died with the Earth. It was a good life."
"Out of all the worlds of mankind, none have suffered as much as its cradle, Terra."
"Earth is destroyed but the rest of the universe is not affected much."
"Our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet."
"We exist on this relatively tiny rock called Earth floating around a relatively average star, the Sun."
"Our earth is a giant container of water in which all forms of life arose."
"Consider again that dot that's here, that's home, that's us."
"Earth is the only place we know for certain supports life."
"Earth is a classroom, it's a traumatic experience."
"Appreciate life on earth being different from the universal."
"Earth has been a hell slog since the first day."
"Earth has been genetically engineered with DNA from various beings."
"The democratization of space that's gonna have the biggest impact on us here on earth."
"He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth and its people are like grasshoppers."
"That's the one border every human shares: Earth."
"That's the baby I have in this series, where should I raise them? Earth, of course."
"I don't know if anybody's ever told you this but you're not originally from earth."
"Earth had such a terrible reputation, a perpetual war zone."
"The picture of the Earth as a blue marble brought home to people how fragile our Earth is."
"Being on the planet Earth, we are constantly under tension."
"You can do fundamental research that is absolutely impossible to do on the surface of the Earth."
"The earth existed long before us and it will continue to turn even after we've died."
"This place we call Earth wasn't an accident."
"I'm back on Earth and finally in my own body. How cool is that?"
"Earth is far from stationary but rather a tiny but important part of a complex system of celestial movements."
"Grounding is going to be key. You came to this planet to do work both for yourself and the planet."
"The biggest takeaway for me was that our Earth is super alive."
"Our planet is every bit as alive and so much more alive than any of us."
"Daughters of the Earth is a reminder of how we treat the Earth affects everything else."
"It's not on Earth that they all have to be connected."
"The Earth is full of hidden mysteries that humans have barely scratched the surface of."
"The Earth fits into the Goldilocks zone, a rare environment in the universe for life to thrive."