
Transcendence Quotes

There are 4362 quotes

"Healthy transcendence is defined as a harmonious integration of the whole self in the service of realizing the good society."
"We are wired to create, to explore, to transcend the ordinary."
"Life is not about survival; life is about transcending survival and seeing what lies beyond."
"Apply this kind of attention to every moment in your life, and you will experience life in beautifully transcendental ways you never thought were possible."
"I think if we're deciding that life is meaningful, the greatest meaning will be understanding whatever transcends it."
"To live a meaningful life is to see what transcends us as humans and hopefully contribute to that."
"Inspiration helps man grow wings of soul and rise above Earth's prison house."
"Divine inspiration raises man even higher into the realms of transcendental peace, beauty, and joy."
"The history the human race is to overcome, to transcend ourselves, and to empathize in larger social units."
"Our destiny is to rise above thinking... We transcend thinking in the sense that we are no longer trapped in the movement of our mind."
"Music has a power to transcend borders and barriers like no other medium we've maybe ever seen throughout history."
"Ultimately, the ultimate goal of yoga is to transcend suffering."
"Gon's transformation transcends anime transformations."
"There's definitely advice in this video that will transcend every roadmap that has ever existed."
"The Emperor of Mankind sits as an extremely powerful figure within the Imperium, the center of humanity in the 41st millennium, so powerful, indeed, he was arguably barely human to begin with."
"If you do these things, you will experience God's peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand."
"The decision to transcend into another state of being should not be for profit."
"Forgiveness is simply the recognition that beyond this veil of illusion, beyond the destructible, lies the indestructible."
"Video games not only qualify but even exemplify the way art helps us transcend the mundane and experience something extraordinary."
"We all have the means of transcending that limitation. That is what human beings do: we transcend our limitations."
"Spirituality... means sense of connection to something larger."
"The essence of who you are... transcends your personal history."
"We are finite creatures, but we are capable of transcending ourselves."
"I am that infinite ocean in which waves arise and disappear, the ocean is unaffected."
"Leaders from the unreal to the real, leaders from darkness into light, leaders from death to immortality. Oh peace, peace, peace."
"Transcending old societal paradigms... to rise above that, to create change."
"People who've had profoundly transcendental experiences... they look back at their entire life, they don't want to change one thing in their past because it got them to that moment."
"The voluntary acceptance of suffering is key to its transcendence."
"One goes beyond desire, karma, sorrow, shoka, and fear."
"It's something like adopting a form of metaphysical courage that's transcendent."
"We're both material and immaterial. We're meat, and we are the thing that transcends meat."
"Provost Willem sought the cord in order to elevate his being and thoughts to those of a Great One, by lining his brain with eyes, the only choice he knew if men were ever to match their greatness."
"We have everything that we need to transcend, not to survive. We have the ability to choose, and so the new question is, will you change it?"
"Transcendent experience, community, is one powerful way of thinking about what religion provides."
"There's something particularly transporting about sharing encounters of transcendence."
"Transcendence comes through connection... it's when we actually look at someone, touch someone, they're real, they're physical, they're connected to us."
"What spirituality is, is trying to transcend your survival drives."
"The best way to transcend the bitterness of life is to accept it completely."
"In order to have the best possible thing happen... it's necessary to start by establishing a relationship with something that's transcendent."
"The transcendent is what we bump up against when we realize our ignorance."
"To make something beautiful is to make it worthwhile and to participate in that transcendence."
"Music for the soul transcends ordinary experiences."
"You're not experiencing Transcendence in order to be able to function and survive; you survive in order to be transcendent."
"You will start to experience dimensions of life that are beyond the rational, beyond the logical."
"The moment you get beyond yourself, the moment you disconnect from your identity... that's the moment you begin to connect to a greater field of information."
"Eternal love, love is love is love, and it transcends physical death."
"God's holiness is more than his sinless purity or perfection; it is the essence of His otherness, His transcendence."
"When the doors of dimension open to us and you have one of those transcendental moments, your inner world starts becoming more real than your outer world."
"Your ambition should be something that transcends the world below and the starry sky above, something that shines in unison with fate itself."
"The signal power of beauty, especially manifested in music for me, speaks of something that's truly transcendent."
"The greatest artists occupy the highest rank and that is what tilts the more towards that transcendent unity."
"The conversation moves to a whole other level that not only is reconciling relationships, it's transcending the usual left and right polarity in a very effective way."
"Human beings seek transcendence, they seek the divine."
"We must move beyond our differences in ideas and cultures across generations as we strive to transcend the boundaries of nationality, race, and gender."
"I'm always trying to land above opinion. I'm chasing this timeless, unintrusive point of view."
"In the moment of laughter, you're lost, you are not of this realm."
"The present is a border between the inward self...and the forward self. What is coming in the future, what is not yet determined, what is the possibility for transcendence, to go beyond what has been and who you have been up to this moment."
"Most people, without a sense of goodness and transcendence in their lives, shrivel up and become depressed and sad."
"Each of us has enough potential, character, power of character, let's say, if it's properly manifested, to contend with that in a noble way and to rise above it and to transcend."
"I can understand the essence-energy distinction and with that distinction, it gives a possibility, a clear possibility of the manner which God can be completely imminent now, and also at the same time absolutely transcendent."
"I've experienced that people from religious and non-religious experiences encounter that there was a logos present beyond all of us, and we started getting caught up in it and following it."
"The fundamental humanism that we think of when we think of individuals... is something that transcends all the categories."
"I transcend it completely...I pervade this universe also, and yet, I'm in and through all of it."
"Beauty is difficult to define. But it's an invitation to the transcendent, essentially. Because beauty speaks of the ideal."
"Art is transcendent, you know, and I define transcendence as when the sum of the parts adds up to more than the parts."
"What results exceeds those materials. And music and art and language is so transcendent."
"Accept the burdensome condition of suffering voluntarily, and you transcend it."
"Life is suffering, and we're all capable of transcending it, but only through responsibility and finding meaning in our suffering."
"There needs to be more of a you need to find some transcendence."
"The word transcendence means go through; the word transcendence does not mean go around. You don't avoid the pain; to become better, to transcend the situation, you've got to actually go through the pain."
"The most amazing part for me was once I got into that state of being where I come out of myself, I felt like I was every single thing in existence all at the same time."
"If we wish to transcend old thoughts, we must rise above them and think higher things."
"Icons are meant to remind us that there is more beyond this world."
"You and I are at our absolute best when we get beyond ourselves."
"Peace of mind is literally existing in another world...mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, you're not even in this world."
"Some things transcend football, some things transcend politics...Ronaldo coming back to Manchester United, it's just romance, pure romance."
"Art and beauty are transcendent. Beauty is truth. It's eternal."
"True love transcends the physical and enters the realm of the unconditional."
"Life in this world is good... but we're not meant finally for life in this world as though this is the final horizon of our lives, but rather as the meaning of our life unfolds, we see it's heading by this trajectory toward radical transformation in union with God."
"Earth recedes, heaven opens. If this be death it is glorious."
"He was absolutely tapped into something higher than himself."
"Once you touch this power within you, which is not egoic power, it's primordial."
"Transcendence: rise up, honor your inner force, steps are being given, dance with the universe."
"Join me, Ryan, in a sitting meditation. Once in a trance, we will generate a psychic potential that will carry our minds beyond the limitations of time and space."
"The best kind of art is that which has a link to the Transcendent."
"Love is the ideal because it is transcendent."
"Not Mere biological programming, it is transcendent."
"We're not here to get rid of the ego, we're here to transcend it."
"You have to get beyond your body to heal your body."
"When we fully give ourselves over to that love and to that light, then the use for words is over."
"Science fiction is like televangelism for the alien worldview."
"We get to keep God, that inner urge to have something more Transcendent than we are, that will give us a destiny that has the solution to our problems."
"This shared experience transcends borders, cultures, and generations, reminding us of the unity and awe that the natural world can inspire."
"It's so much more than just music sometimes, you know."
"The Greasy Strangler goes to such great lengths to be weird that it somehow manages to completely transcend the entire meaning of the word."
"You're on a point of ascending beyond this reality."
"If you can think, speak, and write, you are absolutely deadly. Nothing can get in your way."
"Living in 5D is living in paradise on earth. It is beyond anything we could imagine when we are still caught up in the 3D matrix."
"I was so much more than that shell on the floor."
"Humans have a need for transcendence, for something bigger than ourselves."
"Love is the only thing that transcends all dimensions."
"The concept of avatar means one who comes from a higher level down to a lower level."
"He kind of transcends being a person and is more like a force of nature."
"You humans need to get out of the third dimension, bypass the fourth, you need to get to the fifth."
"We're being prepared for contact and also for direct abilities to go beyond the limitations that we've had for the last six thousand years."
"If you love yourself and know your power, you can supersede all."
"Because love overpowered profit, it overpowered the fact that she was a machine, and he was convinced beyond any reasonable doubt that she loved him back."
"It is a connection that transcends the physical universe. Two become one, thoughts and senses merge, identities intertwine, memories and emotions weave themselves together, becoming entangled in a single rapturous whole."
"It is not, it doesn't have to be an obstacle. It is not, it can be transcended."
"God is our peace that surpasses all understanding."
"When one accepts the higher wisdom of this mysterious love, one is a servant yet one is for the first time entirely free of the prison of flesh and bone, life and death."
"Love is the ideal because it's not mere biological programming, it is transcendent."
"Love on the other side is so much bigger, so much more full than here."
"The meaning that transcends mere materialism is to be found in the adoption of individual responsibilities."
"Hades Town is an absolutely transcendent theatrical experience."
"The meaning that transcends mere materialism is found in individual responsibilities."
"Friendship is something that can transcend the boundaries of countries."
"Our faith is everything... everything's bigger than ourselves and it has a purpose."
"Corona means crown, so there's something here about transcending the chaos of these days."
"The real way to overthrow the system is to transcend it, to say 'oh I'm not that person you made up'."
"You need at least the one guy in the sport that's going to transcend and push the sport further than the athlete goes further than what the sport is supposed to be."
"May the peace of God that surpasses understanding be your portion."
"Realizing the transcendent dimension to who you are."
"You can't meet negative energy where it is. You have to rise above it. You have to transcend it."
"I think her failure was that thing that you know a lot of people talk about when but when you've interviewed Bill would he sat down and you thought wow there's something there's something truly transcendent here."
"The first thing you must do to live a life of power is to find courage, you must be ready to reach beyond the boundaries of time itself."
"It was literally like my body evaporated and pure consciousness remained."
"How do you kill a god? Well, you become one."
"When the drop of water falls in the ocean, it becomes the ocean."
"Arguably the greatest power Qui-Gon Jinn possessed was the ability to transcend the material plane as a Force spirit."
"There is peace to be found that transcends any situation."
"There's a comfort and there's a transcendence in it."
"Belief is something that takes us beyond all boundaries."
"Stop taking life so seriously. Achievements and possessions will pell into insignificance when your soul journeys back home to the light from which everything stems."
"What are the hopes for art? To create Beauty, to entertain and to console, to transport and transcend."
"I want that kind of transcendent experience."
"It just grabbed you and it kept you there and know if you're feeling like this that means that all levels the song just transcended."
"What comes to mind when I see this is you transcending the ego mind and connecting to something so much larger than yourself."
"For the believer who's following Jesus, we don't run out of time... it's the beginning of seeing things in heaven where you go 'Wow.'"
"The divine starfish heard our pleas, and pulled back the curtain of the material so we could gaze upon it."
"The only ability that we have truly as artists is to transcend time."
"The medium of manga itself transcends story, politics, and the tangible."
"Consciousness indeed shows that there is a Transcendent being that we call God."
"Inner peace is the ultimate realization of inner peace, a state of being that transcends judgment, fear, and separation."
"Lion's Gate is a gateway to the higher dimensions, where belief shapes reality."
"Have some transcendent primordial elemental love about cooking this food."
"There's something greater than yourself that's here."
"Supreme's transcendent; it's beyond just fashion."
"Love is a form of transcendence, connecting to a greater Unity that's more than the sum of the parts."
"He claims that he can incarnate in any dimension in any time frame."
"My kingdom is not of this world." - John 18:36
"This culture is a Divine thing... greater than man."
"Pillar 43 is about cosmic geography... the path from the physical mundane world into the sky world."
"The power of friendship transcends even death."
"Truth does quite literally transcend the illusion of it all."
"This connection is definitely beyond this world, it's limitless."
"Transcendence is inclusion and acceptance of all of those experiences."
"Seven is the number of completion, and it's something that's beyond human interference."
"Love transcends boundaries, age differences, divides. Love is love."
"His task is to be outside this realm of human drama."
"Becoming nobody: the key to transcending time and healing the body."
"This is a release card, the judgment. It's like rising above something, rising above previous beliefs and expectations."
"I felt so... I was no longer myself, I felt like I was part of something so much bigger than me."
"Chris Thomas transports his art into an unearthly dimension."
"Life is an opportunity to unite with something greater than you."
"Everything that we are doing here in this culture is essentially towards that - that there is a possibility of transcending all limitations and getting there."
"I believe a lot of you guys want to excel. I believe you want to transcend."
"God is beyond all thing, all thought, all being, all capacity."
"Once we take our costume off, whatever race, religion, political, financial, whatever it is that we have accumulated to find ourselves, they all go away."
"Performing the Yuga Dharma is a success. One can go to Goloka in this very lifetime."
"The power within me transcends anything that can manifest around me."
"This is a time to go beyond man-made laws, man-made institutions, man-made opinions, man-made religions, and surrender to a universal truth, to a universal law."
"The world is the university to teach us how to transcend it."
"You feel like you're playing out of your body."
"I quite literally left my body, I went into this other just world."
"This person gained wings, they're going to have access to the kingdom after this awakening."
"Stories transcend politics, they transcend color, they transcend sexuality, religion."
"We are a transcendent organism created by God that's called The Church."
"Death isn't real, so it's like it's happy transcendence."
"Kashi is not a physical place that you come through taking a train or a flight. Kashi is a space that you enter inside."
"Love is seeking wholeness, completion, integration, and transcendence."
"It felt like my body was melting into the Earth and my spirit or my energy was like rising above me."
"Your story includes your death and also transcends."
"There's a transcendental realm beyond language. It's just hard as hell to talk about."
"Recognize ultimately that the other is you then that is true self-actualization that's true transcendence and that is the purity of love."
"Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time." - Thomas Merton
"Recognize the Brahman behind the appearance, don't stay at the level of the appearance." - Swami
"You have to kind of take the lid off of that and be open to something more transcendent."
"Death is not the enemy, it is only the beginning."
"It's a twisted religious story of transcendence."
"Dio did achieve his goals, he did become an all-powerful being that transcends humanity."
"The universe is contingent in a radical way that points to a transcendent cause."
"This is a search for immortality, to conquer death, to conquer sickness, to become immortal, to become godlike."
"If we connect ourselves to the perfect one, it gives us enormous power."
"You must join yourself to the whole so that you may bring with you into the super sensible realm not only yourself but also all else that exists in the sensible world."
"You are the true Seeker, Awakening, actualizing, transcending. How can you invite more grace to guide you?"
"The being is beyond the intellect, beyond the emotions, beyond it all."
"The UAP phenomena will transcend the terrestrial concerns of humanity."
"Moving into this higher realm, we get to a place where we are just open, infinitely able to access whatever it is that we need without attachment."
"It's time to let the Spirit of God take you up into a higher realm."