
Prevention Quotes

There are 9399 quotes

"The biggest thing we can do for Alzheimer's disease is prevention. If we can prevent or delay, we can save people happiness, improve their happiness, and we can save money and improve society."
"I don't think that you can really reverse it very well yet, but you can probably really put some effort in preventing it from happening, at least."
"Prevention is really about education and access to good quality food."
"As a surgeon and a celebrated nutritionist, I can tell you that the longer you wait to deal with problems, the worse they get."
"I wanted to be able to actually figure out how to prevent the problem in the first place."
"Alzheimer's being related to modifiable lifestyle factors shifts the focus from a genetic inevitability to something we can actually influence through our choices."
"We literally are just going to cease to exist from a budgetary standpoint as a country if we don't shift to root cause frameworks of food as medicine and getting back to basics."
"Heart disease, diabetes could be gone, Alzheimer's... could be gone if you change those three ingredients: added sugar, seed oils, processed grains."
"Everything that I tell the patients to do for their heart... this is going to keep your eyesight, this is going to keep you from gaining dementia, your renal disease, this is going to help you from hopefully also decrease your risk of cancer."
"The most important thing is why aren't you living a lifestyle to prevent these diseases to begin with?"
"The time to fix your life is right now and prevent yourself from getting sick."
"That one time you journal may save you from killing yourself 10 years from now."
"Many of these chronic diseases can be stopped or even reversed looking at heart disease, diabetes type 2, or certain cancers."
"If we could keep people from getting into these relationships in the first place...prevention in this case is the best cure."
"Daily self-treatment will help to prevent sickness and disease and bring your life into focus and balance quickly."
"Doing the moderate social distancing, doing the basic things, will go a long way."
"I love to see a woman that's about her business, doing her own thing. That's a turn-on for me."
"We can prevent things like this happening in the future as long as there's awareness and parents of today know what happened."
"Sure, we want to understand the motive, but I think this is also an opportunity to look forward to policy."
"The best way to stop an incursion is just to prune the timeline so the rot doesn't continue to spread through the tree."
"It's not about fixing what's not broken; it's about fixing what isn't even broke yet."
"We want this curve to be this, and it's not going to do that unless we act now."
"Everything we're doing is to bend that very famous chart from going up like this and overwhelming the healthcare system, to staying flat."
"No baby should be born deficient in vitamin D."
"It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men."
"It's quite possible that many of these cardiac arrests...could have been prevented."
"We need to revere these principles that would have prevented us from going down this route in the first place."
"We do live a little bit longer than men, but we're going to spend 20% of that in poor health, in decline, in disability, and this is avoidable."
"90% of premature aging is due to sun exposure alone, so everyone needs to be wearing sunscreen."
"We could stop the cancer. We could stop the heart disease. We could stop the dementia."
"Start by not smoking, start by not getting burnt by the sun."
"If you take the six steps of the meta moment seriously, you can avoid the 12 steps later."
"Sugar and starch, processed food, stress, lack of exercise, lack of sleep, those things are fixable by anybody without seeing a doctor."
"These vaccines aren't the best infection blockers, but they're very good at acting as a hospitalization and death blocker."
"We have to continue doing what we are doing correctly, and that means staying at home as much as possible."
"What if you could cut the odds of those happening to you radically? Well, a couple of things would happen. One, you'd have a higher quality of life, however long it was."
"Please get tested, get vaccinated, and if you're not doing those two things, please just stay home."
"Keep doing what you're doing with the 30 days to slow the spread, and we will hasten the day that we heal our land."
"Domestic travel now on planes and trains, you will be prevented from getting on board if you're showing symptoms of COVID-19."
"Take some responsibility and actually learn something, then you can avoid this kind of situation in the future."
"This means that upon my doctor's recommendation, I will remain in self-isolation for 14 days."
"We are human, we do our best to prevent any and all mistakes we can, especially ones of this magnitude."
"Indigenous communities have been telling us about something that's so important, which is culture, culture as prevention, culture as treatment, and culture as resilience."
"Please share this with as many of your loved ones as possible, because I think this could potentially be beneficial in our fight against COVID-19."
"We should avoid the things we can avoid, and we can avoid this."
"Prevention isn't dramatic because you get no credit for preventing a hundred things that don't happen."
"Washing your hands with soap and water is highly effective in preventing transmission."
"Violence is justified when it prevents further violence."
"If you can get into the mind of a criminal and hear the voice of a victim, you can prevent other people from becoming victims."
"Primary prevention should be eating a good diet."
"Primary prevention is to eat good food so you don't get the polyps in the first place."
"Situational awareness is key. Pay attention to your surroundings and avoid dangerous situations before they escalate."
"The great thing about fasting is you get the benefits in the moment, the energy, the mental alertness, and you're getting those other benefits that are going to be preventing all those diseases down the line as well."
"If you have the opportunity to get proactive things done with your health, consider doing those things sooner than later."
"This is not a time for fear. This is a time for taking action now to prevent infections and save lives now."
"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure."
"The silver lining would be no collision, no one hurt."
"Before you ever do anything... you need to see outright evidence and facts because this could have easily been avoided."
"Using a retinol before you start to see fine lines and aging is crucial because preventing damage is much easier than fixing it."
"Skincare is supposed to be preventative, not reversible."
"The true measure of responsibility is not in admitting fault but in taking action to prevent future errors."
"It's horribly tragic and again this whole thing could have been avoided had there been any sort of safety inspection followed."
"The best disease is the one that you never get in the first place."
"The beauty of Islam is, I call it a Deen of prevention, not a Deen of treatment."
"Maintaining a quarantine to stop potentially hundreds of thousands of preventable deaths is the most sensible option."
"The primary part is not even part of the immune system; it's the barrier that prevents 99.99% of infective agents from coming in."
"If we make efforts on our part to take care of our immune system, then we will not be subjected to the virulent activity that could lead to death in those people that are compromised."
"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure when it comes to outbreaks."
"The Secret Service successfully identified explosives en route to former Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama among other VIP targets."
"How we take care of our body now can save our lives in the future."
"We must remember to keep doing the things that are helping to slow down and then to stop the transmission in our communities. This includes washing our hands frequently, physical distancing from one another, and staying home as much as possible."
"We need to keep practicing physical distancing, staying home, and washing our hands."
"Prevention is so much more powerful and valuable than the cures that we do after the fact."
"Resentment is poison that you give yourself... The best way to avoid resentment is bringing things up as they happen."
"Carbon monoxide is odorless; get a detector."
"Wearing a mask, according to experts, can help, but it cannot replace the social distancing that we should be practicing as a priority."
"There's never been a better time to pursue health both because it is the gift that keeps on giving over time but also because it confers an immediate best defense against severe coronavirus infection."
"Really good people can do really, really bad things and it's on us as a public and as a society to prevent that from happening."
"Let's try to unify as Americans and try to get something done to prevent these future instances from happening."
"Most firefighters recommend that you sleep with your doors closed at night... my doors will automatically close when my smart home smoke detectors go off."
"Spending time outside staying active basically just things to reduce your risk of anxiety and depression over time."
"It's low hanging fruit that we really need to pick for the health of ourselves and the people around us."
"The purpose is to learn from history so we don't repeat it."
"Washing hands helps ya not catch a cold! Thanks, Ignatz!"
"Wash your hands. You'll have a better chance of not contracting it."
"An ounce of prevention is worth a ton of cure."
"Evidence from observational studies suggests that vitamin C might be effective at preventing or treating pneumonia related to viral or bacterial lower respiratory infection."
"You have to take really good care of your health... most people, they can't buy their health back. You got to be proactive."
"He's had two visions, both of which were to stop lots of people from dying and nothing else."
"Public health interventions are successful when nothing happens."
"We need a wall on the border between humanity and the viruses."
"The existential threat of AI is mitigated to some extent by having a high bandwidth brain-machine interface."
"The fact that cardiovascular disease remains the number one killer of men and women worldwide is simply unacceptable because we know what causes it, how to diagnose it, and how to treat, prevent, and cure it, all around surrounds the endothelial production of nitric oxide."
"To preempt such violence, it is paramount that these communities have outlets to enter dialogues with each other."
"If you struggle with anxiety, you're going to think that it's absolutely insane. You have to think about everything that may not happen because that is how you avoid those negative situations and protect yourself."
"You got to stop at the beginning like they should have stopped Hitler at Munich. They should never let him get away with that."
"The three most important things for mitigating a potential Earth impact are to find them early, find them early, and find them early before they find us."
"There is actually quite a lot that we can do...prevention is key, and that's where knowledge of science and medicine helps."
"Others believe understanding Hitler's psyche is of the utmost importance. We cannot guarantee that another Hitler will not arise, but... you need to do everything you can to understand the perpetrator."
"We're trying to prevent them from dying, you know. 2,000 people died on the streets last year in LA."
"Masks, however, do work if you are sick and you're spitting on people as you talk."
"Prevention is the best cure if we as a society embrace masculinity and encourage men to become strong versions of themselves."
"Traditional Chinese medicine is effective in preventing COVID-19, and medical staff can prevent an iatrogenic infection by taking a decoction made based on principles of traditional Chinese medicine."
"It's very, very important to start using eye creams early on. I always tell people, start on an eye cream honestly when you are like in high school even."
"One of the things that's going to have to happen over the course of time is a slow and gradual rebuilding of a social fabric that prevents this sort of stuff from happening."
"Having a lower blood pressure is healthier than having a high blood pressure. That relationship starts at pretty low blood pressure levels."
"You're there to hopefully find something to prevent recurrence, to save somebody else from having that same tragedy in their lives."
"The best thing we can do to support our healthcare workers is to adhere to those guidelines around 30 days to slow the spread."
"It's my belief that if we take every step possible, we can reduce your risk to that of anyone else."
"Diet and exercise, strong social connections, and new intellectual challenges can reduce Alzheimer's risk."
"Experts state that there are almost 20 factors that could have prevented the fire from taking over 200 lives."
"Dementia is largely a disease of lifestyle and not genetics; rather than worrying about whether you are an apoe4 carrier, you'd be far better off making sure you eat well, sleep well, and exercise well."
"Get eight hours of sleep, learn, so come to Ted, exercise at least 8000 steps per day, diet—Mediterranean is the best, omega-3 is very important, stress—try to meditate, very, very beneficial. So remember, SLEDS."
"Most deaths in the United States are preventable and related to nutrition."
"If anything's going to stop a person walking off a cliff, it's going to be love."
"Feet, forks, and fingers are the master levers of medical destiny for not just thousands of people on any one occasion, but the medical destiny of millions upon millions, year after year."
"If they learned to love those tastes, we would knock down these pre-diabetes figures and the diabetes figures very, very rapidly."
"Planetary defense is cataloging, figuring out where all these objects are, but also trying to prevent them from hitting the Earth."
"Exercise... radically reduces your risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, even dementia."
"The future of healthcare will involve an evolution toward a paradigm where the prevention and treatment of disease is centered not on a pill or surgical procedure but on another serving of fruits and vegetables."
"One in three seniors dies with Alzheimer's or dementia, and that's a crime when you know that you can fix this, and you can prevent it, and you can reverse it."
"The number one weapon you have against child predation is mandatory sex ed for everyone."
"Better to build strong levees than try to predict hurricanes."
"If China had taken measures to address the virus earlier, they could have prevented about 95% of the infections throughout the world."
"What makes it worse is that we know this could have been prevented."
"Just trying to close off the most dangerous options."
"Education is the way to stop them. You teach people, and then they say, 'I don't want to do this anymore.'"
"This is our last chance to not relive history."
"How much are you dropping at the pharmacy for middle of the night trips when you're desperate to feel well? Isn't it worth investing in our own health so you're more equipped to live life fully?"
"You cannot stop the birds from flying over your head, but you sure can keep them from building a nest in your hair."
"This is preventable. There's no reason in hell this dog should have died out here like this."
"Instead of telling our girls not to walk through parks, maybe we should be telling our boys not to rape them."
"By working from home if you can, limiting contact with other people, and washing your hands regularly, we can continue to save lives and livelihoods as we begin to recover from coronavirus."
"We're not defenseless against this virus. We have a powerful tool, a powerful weapon: social distancing."
"We must slow community spread through unrelenting social distancing."
"The whole idea of a vaccine is to build up the antibodies before you get the disease."
"No matter what specialty you choose, it's important that you remain cognizant of your posture and movement patterns to minimize the risk of developing issues down the road."
"It gave me the insight that maybe I could save some more people just by being a little bit earlier with the education."
"We have a vaccine that's highly effective in preventing disease and certainly in preventing severe disease and hospitalization. It's easy to get, it's free, and it's readily available."
"The boosters are incredibly effective at preventing hospitalization."
"Sometimes there are warning signs in relationships and people's behaviors that if we just understand a little bit more, then we can almost prevent ourselves from ending up in horrible situations."
"Put something over your mouth, and you won't spread droplets which might have virus in them."
"The evidence is clear: Masks can help prevent the spread of COVID-19 by reducing your chance of infection by more than 80 percent."
"There's no real option for me for wiping us out completely, not because it couldn't happen, but because every time I think of something that is a huge threat to us, I can think of a way we, as relatively sane people, could work to prevent that."
"Every year at this time, we talk about awareness, prevention, and the importance of women feeling they can step forward, say something, and be heard." - Joe Biden
"The under eyes is something that is very hard to treat... so the first route of defense is a good eye cream."
"If we understand these causes, we can take steps to prevent it, which is the entire point of this study."
"Sunscreen throughout your entire life is going to really set you up for success."
"You're almost certainly more likely to be a victim of knife crime if you carry a knife."
"We don't want this to ever happen again, and therefore we first have to understand exactly what was it that happened that we need to prevent."
"The only way to prevent the worst-case scenarios is if enough countries cooperate on that."
"Prevention is the best medicine. Vaccinate, take care of your pet's teeth, keep their weight in check."
"A majority of the Americans...want to understand what happened, they want to get to the bottom of what happened on January 6 and they don't want it to ever happen again."
"We don't always expect people to break into our houses, but we still lock our doors, we still lock our windows."
"The best garbage is the type that never occurs."
"If I save even one person's life because they went to get screened earlier, then it was all worth it."
"A nuclear war cannot be won and should never be waged."
"In the United States, we focus a lot on treatment, medications, seeing people in the clinics when they're sick, and I think we need to put more emphasis on keeping people healthy, out of the hospital."
"We wanted to provide access to relatable health information about a wealth of things... what is diabetes, how do you avoid having your kidneys shut down."
"We, the United States, will interrupt potential Pathways to conflict, reduce threats before they arrive on our shores."
"Prevention is the most cost-effective way to manage health care policy."
"Anti-terrorist plan aims to spot those vulnerable to being radicalized."
"Help prevent heart disease, lower blood pressure, and cholesterol: eat five servings of fruits and vegetables every day."
"Let's address the underlying issues before they get to the place of criminal contact."
"If you're interested in reducing addiction... you have to talk about what are those factors that make this appealing."
"If it is in our power to prevent something bad from happening without thereby sacrificing anything of comparable moral importance, we ought morally to do it."
"It's all about harm reduction for the most possible people."
"What I'm interested in is to prevent the move E four, E five."
"How important it is they did just to take care of injuries."
"Protecting yourself 99% of the way is better than 0%. Think about it like a condom."
"Maintaining social distance, practicing vigorous hygiene, and staying at home are your most effective ways to win the war and to escape danger while you're fighting this battle from home."
"A key part of problem solving is making sure the problem doesn't get worse."
"I get to share my story in hopes that it won't happen to someone else."
"Cut back on STDs, cut back on STIs, cut back on teen pregnancies, cut back on everything that could occur like why. I can tell you why."
"He also recommended to people that they get plenty of fresh air and, unlike the vast majority of his contemporaries, he didn’t recommend bloodletting as a way of staving off the disease."
"Fewer assaults take place because people establish boundaries sooner."
"And at the same time, I have this feeling of well I really hope what I'm doing right now saves somebody else and maybe just maybe wakes the system up to doing something about these serial offenders."
"Prevention is the action or steps we follow that can prohibit avoidable injuries and unnecessary delays."
"Preventing war and stopping atrocities, that's a win-win across the board."
"We need to know what happened with MH370 and how we prevent that in the future."
"We did what we had to do and what we were trying to do was prevent the Germans from taking over the whole world."
"Surely the first rule of safety must be to think the unthinkable."
"The most important thing is physical distancing."
"Diabetes can be reversed, and you can prevent these more serious symptoms."
"Industrial disasters are tragic, especially when they're preventable."
"Action by as many people as possible is required to prevent a full descent into the madness of totalitarianism."
"They believed they were trying to prevent what seemed like an inevitable and devastating catastrophe."
"We're asking all Americans to redouble their efforts, to be vigilant, to embrace masks, social distancing, handwashing."
"If we take it seriously enough, it might be able to be stopped."
"If you put meaning into the lives of those vulnerable to extremist recruitment, they won't resort to violent actions."
"Even in areas where we don't have a significant outbreak, we want to make sure that the American people have the tools to prevent the spread of the coronavirus."
"We can prevent these actions from happening and not have to be here after the fact."
"Ample testing and monitoring... are the keys to vigilance."
"It's much easier to prevent people getting ill than to treat them once they have a disease."
"None of that would be here but for the people who stand with me today."
"Stop it, get some help. If you don't, the feds are gonna eventually stop you anyways."
"Sunscreen is more likely that people are gonna like it and stick with it which for sunscreen is really, really important for not only anti-aging but skin cancer prevention."
"Don't make my mistake, be very careful with the sun, sunscreen and reapplication is key."
"Flatten the curve, and the only way we can do that is by getting that R not as low as we possibly can."
"Practice good hygiene, these are the things that are going to help us flatten the curve."