
Imposter Syndrome Quotes

There are 164 quotes

"For me, this is why things like meditation really matter to me because I set my brain up for not spiraling into imposter syndrome."
"Imposter syndrome largely is a very realistic assessment of wow, I've never done this before, I have no proof that I can do the thing that I'm trying to do."
"You probably never grow out of imposter syndrome; what you have to do is learn to keep pushing despite it."
"I get imposter syndrome so often that I feel like I'm going to turn into like something from Among Us."
"Everyone with any sense who isn't narcissistic feels imposter syndrome."
"It's okay to feel imposter syndrome if you're constantly growing because there's always going to be something new that you're trying to do."
"The only way to stop feeling like an imposter is to stop thinking like an imposter."
"Imposter syndrome is real... Comparison is the thief of joy."
"The rise but also the fall can happen so quick. The imposter syndrome I already had got amplified. Anxiety, self-doubt, the whole thing just didn't feel real."
"Remember, imposter syndrome, the nagging thought of 'what if I'm not really trans,' afflicts almost all of us."
"Imposter syndrome and feeling not good enough are common experiences at university."
"Living a lie, not deserving accomplishments, feeling like a fraud."
"Imposter syndrome: living a secret life, fear of being discovered."
"You're going to have to power through imposter syndrome."
"Imposter syndrome is the mental health issue of our cybersecurity or IT community."
"Imposter syndrome is like where someone feels like they don't belong."
"When you feel like an imposter, recognize that other people think you're pretty amazing."
"Redefine your relationship with imposter syndrome to view it as something that motivates you."
"Step up with confidence, don't let imposter syndrome hold you back."
"I think a lot of people suffer with like the imposter syndrome to feel like they don't belong or like that they're not worthy to be there."
"The first problem of any kind of even limited success is the unshakable conviction that you're getting away with something."
"It's the only thing in the whole world I don't have any imposter syndrome about."
"I feel like everything in the car is becoming more and more thought through and which is really exciting and I feel a little bit like an imposter looking at it all and doing it all but you know..."
"Even if you were able to achieve something or do something that you should be proud of and other people you know admire you for it and they recognize it, you can't own that because you feel that it was a fluke."
"Yeah, but I think it's Asian. I think it's an imposter syndrome thing built in."
"Feeling an imposter is just another way to sacrifice yourself to protect yourself from the fear of failure."
"Success stories can be inspiring, so to know that some people who've done really well have had their doubts might be encouraging to people who struggle with imposter syndrome."
"The only treatment for imposter syndrome is to expose yourself to what you fear."
"I used to come to EE 380 to watch basically like the heroes of computing come over and like talk and like I don't belong here I really don't."
"Deep Space Nine deals with imposter syndrome."
"You're gonna doubt whether you've made the right decision, it's that whole imposter syndrome."
"Imposter syndrome is a feature not a bug of growing as a person."
"Don't put down your value because when you get imposters you think, 'Ah, what I do or say or bring to the table is insignificant.' And my brother, it's not true."
"To feel like an imposter like that is a good thing because then you use your 20s to figure out what you want to do."
"Everybody has imposter syndrome... but like, I'm gonna own it."
"How to build up your confidence and get over imposter syndrome when going to more elegant places where you have never been."
"We all suffer from imposter syndrome, that's true."
"I think this conversation about you know doubt and imposter syndrome and fear and not knowing is a far more powerful conversation than actually just going oh yeah well I find life easy which none of us do that's the truth"
"Imposter syndrome is something that happens when you feel like I hope they don't recognize that I don't have the right to be here that I don't have what it takes but I hope people don't find out."
"...you are going at exactly the right pace...it is very easy to feel a lot of imposter syndrome when you get to college..."
"...if you're a beginner don't worry about imposter syndrome the best person for you to teach is someone who's only a few steps behind you."
"Realize you are not alone. Imposter syndrome affects many people, regardless of their level of experience."
"Knowing when you're stuck and what maybe why you're stuck and thinking of creative ways to get unstuck, that really helps with imposter syndrome."
"When imposter syndrome sets in I'm going to tell myself these set of positive affirmations..."
"It's really interesting considering the result I think it heavily touches on how no matter what point in your career you may be at you're always going to have that sense of imposter syndrome."
"Just accept that you're going to have this imposter syndrome and be like, that's what it is."
"My imposter syndrome created so much trouble for me."
"When you're full of self-doubt, imposter syndrome, and you just don't know what to do, most people struggle here because they don't have a solid plan."
"It kind of messed with me I kind of had imposter syndrome and I kind of thought I'm not worthy of this people are so good to me."
"Imposter syndrome is so real, but one thing that really helps me is to remember who I am."
"My imposter syndrome starts to trigger and I don't want to get on stage."
"I've never felt peer pressured or imposter syndromed or competed with during my time at Columbia."
"I understand sometimes the impostor syndrome, I get it, where like you're just like uh, what am I doing, and am I going to fail at this."
"It's just so nice to be celebrated, but it's also kind of like a part of me kind of feels like I don't deserve this."
"That's the thing. When things are going well, I feel like an imposter."
"Imposter syndrome never ends. You just become bigger than it, but it's still going to be there. It's like your shadow."
"We're all just kind of faking it till we make it. What percentage of people would you say we're all just kind of faking it?"
"I hope that this kind of explanation of how imposter syndrome can emerge out of narcissistic abuse was helpful."
"Regular practice will help you get rid of imposter syndrome."
"Imposter syndrome is when like you feel like you're the least qualified in the room or like you don't deserve a certain opportunity like you just feel like i don't deserve what i'm getting like it's too good for me."
"You'll always encounter something that you're not necessarily an expert on. Imposter syndrome is real."
"I feel like it just makes you really take it in. It's so easy to have like imposter syndrome with everything."
"You've got to punch fear in the face and start. Not get permission from anybody else but choose myself and just get on camera and overcome that imposter syndrome."
"It's a good feeling to acknowledge your worth, to acknowledge your opportunities and experiences, and to not shove them under the table for the sake of having imposter syndrome."
"Of course you lack the experience, you've never done this before. That's why you doubt yourself, that's why you feel like an impostor."
"You're also putting like you're building impostor syndrome in other people when you tell them like they definitely they definitely should have imposter syndrome imposter syndrome on others you're diagnosing and accusing at the same time"
"Imposter syndrome is often cued by feelings of negative comparison."
"Imposter syndrome is a pretty normal experience that people have where they doubt their capability maybe they doubt their worth."
"This movie glorifies imposter syndrome."
"The big one is just around imposter syndrome."
"...take stress off you if you're starting to worry about it, you know, I hear people concerned about imposter syndrome."
"Imposter syndrome feels like I am this tiny little piece of inadequacy who contributes nothing."
"Each of these imposter syndromes have been different and different to navigate."
"You're going to get stuck on projects and give up. You're going to get stuck on projects and figure it out. You're going to have moments of imposter syndrome or look back at old work and feel embarrassed by it."
"Therapists, especially when they're starting out for the first five to ten years, are fairly insecure and have a lot of imposter syndrome. It's not valid, but it's there."
"Imposter syndrome is more than just feeling like you don't belong in the room."
"Imposter syndrome is the feeling of being a fraud, of being unprepared. Why did they pick me? Who am I to show up and do this?"
"You're a filmmaker you just haven't made a film yet, so ain't no such thing as imposter syndrome my friend."
"Imposter syndrome will happen do not let that stop you just by watching this video you are welcomed in this space we thank you we want you to be here."
"If you do well at something you think, 'Well, I'm sure that'll be the last time that happens.'"
"I distinctly remember my brain thinking: 'You're not supposed to be here.'"
"It's okay not to know everything, it's okay to have impostor syndrome."
"Everybody feels like they're faking it at some point in their life."
"I think a lot of people feel pressure or imposter syndrome and a lot of different things so I think it's encouraging that even a person is like successful as yourself you can still experience that so I think it's pretty motivating"
"One of the things that will beat imposter syndrome is when you start to also tell yourself that there's a reason I'm here."
"Self-sabotage and imposter syndrome is what holds most people back from actually being who they came here to be."
"the Imposter syndrome is super real right now"
"They all contributed. Yeah, that would just confirm that it's like the opposite of imposter syndrome. Exactly."
"Fighting imposter syndrome is just feeling like [ __ ] and doing it anyway."
"If you're doing the right things, you're going to feel pretty uncomfortable often. And a lot of times, you're going to feel almost like insecure and have this imposter type feeling because it takes a while for you to recognize that you belong there."
"You're not playing imposter out here, you're playing disc game."
"I have crazy imposter syndrome and I'm just like, 'Does anybody actually like me at all?'"
"Absolutely. I'm always just like, 'This is it. I'm this is it. No, I'm going to get found out and nobody's going to hire me anymore.'"
"Imposter syndrome is real, better to do something than nothing."
"That's how I got over imposter syndrome: 'This is who I am, and I feel really resistant to sharing this in public. Why is that? Okay, anxiety, that's a variable. Great, I'm gonna go to therapy.'"
"Sometimes I feel like I am faking even though I know I'm not... It's just hard, yeah, it's hard to qualify yourself."
"He's just not always counting himself equal and need to prove himself, and I also think that's born out of his inherited imposter syndrome."
"Your imposter syndrome may have more to do with your addiction to feeling like an impostor than your actual capacity."
"The key to getting over imposter syndrome is to know everyone else is an imposter too."
"The idea of imposter syndrome refers to this feeling like you're not supposed to be somewhere that, on paper, actually, when you think about it, you have every right to be turning up to."
"Imposter syndrome is loosely defined as doubting your abilities and feeling like a fraud."
"I'm a very introverted guy who's got, what's that thing called, imposter syndrome."
"Imposter syndrome should be there; it just means that you care and you're reaching for something that's bigger than you."
"What if my writing sucks? That's just the imposter syndrome talking."
"You're going to feel unready, you're going to feel those hints of imposter syndrome. That's an okay feeling to have."
"We are talking about imposter syndrome. It's something that most of you are going to experience."
"You'll believe yourself more, and it will get rid of imposter syndrome."
"I suffer from a good amount of imposter syndrome... just makes me feel like, okay, maybe I do deserve to be where I am."
"It's kind of good to have imposter syndrome to some extent as a therapist because that means that you don't think that you know everything."
"Don't let imposter syndrome define who you are; don't allow it to stop you from taking risks and becoming a better developer."
"Imposter syndrome is like when you're capable of doing something but you don't think that you are."
"I get imposter syndrome all the time."
"Imposter syndrome is the fear of being outed as a fraud or imposter, despite being competent."
"Realize when your imposter syndrome is kicking in... label it as such, take away its power by reminding yourself that it's not real, it's lying to you."
"Time heals many things, but it especially heals imposter syndrome."
"Some of my biggest struggles are creative blocks and imposter syndrome."
"For the first time in my life, I'm hitting what I think is imposter syndrome in a way that I've never felt before."
"I definitely had a bit of imposter syndrome."
"Imposter syndrome is real, trust me, I've been crushed by it a ton this entire year."
"Imposter syndrome means never feeling good enough."
"I've always suffered from this like imposter syndrome where I'm like, I'm not meant to be here, what the hell's going on."
"All the best ones have imposter syndrome. If you think you belong, then I don't want to talk to you."
"Even when they're cheering, there's a little part of you that still feels like you're an imposter."
"Imposter syndrome disproportionately affects high-achieving people who find it difficult to accept their accomplishments."
"How you kind of escape imposter syndrome is just doing the work."
"Imposter syndrome is a side effect of what happens when you accomplish something. So congrats."
"He suffered from the imposter syndrome."
"The easiest way to get over imposter syndrome is to build things that matter."
"If you build something that matters, you won't have imposter syndrome because you'll have built something that matters."
"It's like imposter syndrome type of thing where you think, 'Oh well, I can't do this, can I?' And then you fail at it."
"Keep it together, keep it together, because then you can, you know, you're in danger of getting that imposter syndrome situation."
"Imposter syndrome is so normal, guys. I always feel it when I start a new job or get a promotion."
"The way to combat imposter syndrome is to get a lot of reps in and also be very confident that whatever money you're taking from someone, you are giving them so much more value."
"Imposter syndrome is real, and it's something that plagues a lot of students when they're starting out."
"It took me 30 years of my life to understand that the imposter syndrome that you have in your brain is just an echo chamber of what you've heard your whole life."
"So much of imposter syndrome is saying things like 'yeah, these are my skills but...' and discrediting our hard work."
"You're going to feel like an imposter until you push through that clenched up moment over and over again."
"If you suffer from imposter syndrome, it's not an issue of whether or not you have the skill, the problem is that you have a pattern of thinking in a way that stops you."
"Imposter syndrome is real but remember that you should be worried about being the best that you can be and not comparing yourself to other people."
"If you're thinking you're an imposter, there's a good chance you're not."
"No matter how many tangible things exist to tell you you're great, in your soul, you feel like a fraud."
"I'm going to share with you my tips and tricks on how you can become an expert and overcome your imposter syndrome."
"What you're dealing with when you have imposter syndrome is you're dealing with a lack of self-worth."
"You've got to learn to embrace the fact that you're going to feel like an imposter, but you, my friend, are the kind of person that moves forward anyway."
"You've got to learn to embrace the fact that you're gonna feel like an imposter, but you, my friend, are the kind of person that moves forward anyway."
"You only feel imposter syndrome in situations that you care about."