
Positive Outlook Quotes

There are 2224 quotes

"Grateful now, and that opens me up to more things to be grateful for."
"Go today is going to be a great day, and that way you get your brain looking for what's right rather than what's wrong."
"Do not give up during the preparation period because everything is conspiring for your good."
"You guys are masters, your souls are so evolved, and 2020 is just going to be a nice experience."
"Mainstream media reports on that .01%... I'm stunned how good people are. I love it."
"This life isn't just all about jealousy and revenge, it's also about love."
"This could be a change of address, a change of job, a change of relationship status for the better."
"If you can find things to be grateful for in that space, man, is your life going to be rich when there really are external things to be grateful for."
"Let's not focus on the negative; let's not focus on the problem. Focus on the solution, what we can do to make things better."
"Thank goodness there is a lot of goodness in this world, and more goodness every day."
"The planet is now 15 percent greener than it was in the year 2000...it's very hard for me to look at that and not think well maybe more plants is a good thing."
"On the external, on the day-to-day, I have felt so blessed, so grateful."
"Sometimes it's almost like it takes something really difficult to make you realize how good life can be."
"We're really optimistic about what we're going to do in the future."
"There's a lot of good things that can happen."
"Strength, this is fearlessness and bravery, courage."
"Let's go forward and create a really, really, really good future."
"Believing things are going to work out, having a positive outlook."
"This sort of radical transparency is coming at you and it is going to affect your life. And in my opinion, it's going to be wonderful."
"Money-wise, career-wise, it's an awesome read."
"I guarantee you this is going to be the best thing that ever happened to us."
"Optimism is a philosophical outlook or attitude characterized by a generally positive or hopeful view on life and the world."
"This child is literally going to be a blessing for you."
"The future looks bright, the brightest it's looked in a long time."
"It would do a lot of good to be around the friends you haven't met yet."
"If you're having an incredible day, if not, no worries, it's about to get better. Here's why."
"Stop crying; it's coming. Joy is coming. Peace is coming. Praise is coming. Restoration is coming."
"We're doing good things. Everything's going well. Everyone's actually in a good mood again, by the way. You're welcome."
"My first thing that always goes to is to try and see the good in things, whatever the thing may be."
"I like to find reasons to be thankful for people."
"Your energy picks up beautifully in the future."
"When we have exposure to short-term manageable stressors, our body turns on different responses...like our parasympathetic nervous system goes up, to actually slow the rate of aging and not accelerate it."
"Lynn realized that it wasn't as bad as he had initially thought."
"This game seems pretty damn complete, so that's really promising."
"If you take one step at a time, the suffering will end and the good times will come."
"The future finally looks a bit brighter for this criminally underrated classic."
"Lebanese people: Put them anywhere, they'll make the best out of their situation."
"I always believe the best in people. I do have faith."
"Teaching their kids real values, homeschooling—man, all in all, I say okay, I'm looking at the bright side of this one."
"All things work together for good. It's not happening to you, it's happening for you."
"I think things just look great for commander."
"Life is enjoyable so long as you find something to enjoy about it."
"I believe you. Like, how does that make you feel in the present moment knowing that you can look into the future and that each moment can only get better?"
"Your Pentacles will turn around. If you've been struggling financially, you won't feel lacking anymore."
"Accept ecstasy, bliss, and belief; embrace the euphoria awaiting you."
"There's a lot more love than hate, haters that won't make you succeed."
"I hope there's some silver lining, I truly do."
"Things are going quite well I must say. We've gotten off to a great start."
"You're on autopilot right now, but there's really good news."
"I'm glad that she's doing well, she's an adult now."
"I view the innovation of decentralized transactions as amazing."
"Everything in life just seems to pour in and it's in your favor."
"Rest assured, your dreams and visions will come to fruition."
"Instead of trying to survive, Oakland can actually be thriving."
"You're feeling a lot more positive about the future, you're feeling a lot better about the future and moving forward."
"Most people are going to respond to this and do just fine."
"No way to lose when you're having this much fun." - Everyone
"Everything right now is better than it's ever been."
"We've got a big wide future ahead of us, don't you worry my friends."
"Hard things we go through can lead to positive growth."
"I'm optimistic about it... I believe that people can change."
"Being open to possibility and just seeing menopause as not the end of life, but rather this incredible opportunity to play and have fun and explore."
"Everything is a surprise. Then you can celebrate it."
"The luck and the balance are going to be on your side."
"I've realized that if I'm happy, most things in my life tend to be going pretty well."
"We might have a setback, but we are going to bounce back."
"I want you to lay out a positive thing and then execute exactly what needs to happen to cause that desired future to occur."
"I think this is going to go down in history as one of the good seasons."
"Smile, the birds are singing, the sun is shining. Have a wonderful day."
"I used to dream that I was in a musical, because in a musical, nothing dreadful ever happens."
"Even if it doesn't happen, it was the fun we had."
"Know your worth. You will be jobless, and that's great."
"This is about putting miles in the legs, togetherness, and optimism."
"We transition, right? We live forever, I like that Nanette, yeah."
"There's a lot of success and abundance coming in for you."
"The crisis is a pain, but it's also a fantastic opportunity to create a much better world."
"It's all right to fail as long as you fail forward."
"Most dreams that are glad tidings take a long time to be accomplished."
"The Star Wars they know and love is back, baby!"
"Definitely a lot of happiness coming in for you here."
"You're headed right towards something better."
"Good things will come to you, and whoever you're dealing with, they're going to have to deal with their karma as well."
"Lydia encourages Emilia to see the good in everything around her."
"I think the fact that it is different is a good thing...I'm coming in with a clear-sighted view."
"Oh, I think I found it. See, there's no such thing as a mistake, just happy accidents. Let's go."
"This is actually going like really, really, really well. I'm going to be real."
"There's definitely way more good things than bad things."
"I love all people and I think that there's a goodness in people."
"Your outlook on life could suddenly become quite positive and hopeful."
"Something is coming, and it's going to be worthwhile."
"Brace yourself for the delightful surprise that awaits you because very soon you will receive news so wonderful that it will make your heart dance with sheer Delight."
"It's almost the point where it's good... It's a cleansing moment, it's good."
"I think there's gonna be reason to celebrate this week."
"Good things can happen for you. A lot of the times you could actually really have a better life, but you're not receiving it well."
"It's still a great time to be alive. Don't be freaked out. Everything will come good over time."
"Nevertheless, everything else shined through."
"Yeah, my closing thoughts are, yeah, I think relationships are awesome. Don't put pressure on each other."
"Good luck is on your side. You are a bright energy. Let worry go and be happy here and now."
"Good things are happening, good things are happening."
"Sex is not disgusting, it's lovely, it's great, it smells good, it feels good." - Tiger Millstone
"Things are starting to move in a very good direction here."
"Nine of Cups: positive energy, positive thought, realistic expectations."
"Everything is working out best case scenario, somehow."
"Positive developments regarding business and wealth projects."
"Something's going on here where you are killing it in the career."
"You've got a lot of abundance and luck coming your way."
"They definitely feel like Victorious around you... they're gonna see you in their life long-term."
"Something to do with a situation that is going to rise above or definitely go in a positive direction."
"Even if it drops half, even if it goes to four percent, I mean, that's better than any online, better than nothing that you can have."
"Miracles are regular unexpected fantastic things that prosper you."
"You're going to be feeling lighter and you're just gonna see consistent success."
"The future of Apple's health initiatives look positive."
"Just have fun with it because it is so much fun."
"There is a blessing coming in this week for you."
"It's very easy to be very negative about Manchester United, but when you look at this season, there are a lot of positives."
"Let's look on the positive side if we can and let's work to restore our country rather than tear it apart."
"The signs are looking pretty good right now."
"I truly believe great things are coming so keep supporting the Ukrainian military."
"Honestly, I haven't had a problem today. We've been safe."
"2021 is going to be a better year better year absolutely."
"This is very important: get your confidence back. When you step outside looking good, you attract positivity."
"Everything's gonna be a-okay looks like you guys are putting in the effort putting in the work and everything is just buying this eight of disks that's a really good card for efforts and finding solutions and putting a lot of work in."
"Everything's gonna be alright. Everything's gonna be alright. Everything's gonna be alright."
"One day it's gonna shock me how all this falls into place. It's gonna be awesome."
"There's a lot of abundance coming towards you."
"No matter your situation, God can and will use it for good."
"Let's hope it brings us lots of joy, health, and relief from the challenges we have faced last year."
"In these next three months, it shows that you are going to be happy, you're going to be kind of like at ease."
"You're on a great path, a great trajectory, and I feel here it's pretty obvious that you're going to be succeeding."
"Over the next few weeks, there's nowhere to hide and that actually makes me very happy."
"Ultimately, I do see that there's something to celebrate."
"Take a deep breath and realize it's all going to be worked together for the greater good."
"You got this and I see you will find success."
"It makes you feel better about yourself, not worse."
"Look, that's a positive problem. You got men who want you. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!"
"Gratitude is the attitude. You cannot manifest beautiful, positive new energy if you were ungrateful for what you already have."
"I've never felt this optimistic about the future in my country in my entire life."
"Some people get depressed because of the outcomes they have today, I think most people need to be excited about where their journey is going to be in the next two years."
"It's a good spot to be, take advantage of it."
"I'm not emotional; I'm not disappointed; I'm actually happy. I am happy that it's over."
"I think there's a lot of really cool stuff coming."
"Accelerating growth next year, which is something you really love to see."
"Strengthen your relationships and give you a more positive outlook on life."
"It's compelling it's gonna be absolutely amazing."
"In these times of darkness, I'm actually really grateful and thankful."
"Thank you guys so much for watching the video... things are only going up from here."
"You're making changes and they will be successful."
"Whatever you're going through in July this is quite positive."
"Children give us immortality, and immortality is a good thing after all."
"Wherever you are in life, you've got comeback power."
"I believe that we're all going to have a positive network by 2050."
"It's a time for forgiving people, for releasing old paranoias and jealousies, for forgiving yourself of old emotional wounds as well."
"Life ain't shitty. I know we all have our tough times, but every day that I get to wake up and be alive, I just try to live the shit out of that."
"A time of great joy for you. Get ready for much more to come: parties, fun times, holidays, no worries."
"You're gonna succeed, you're gonna find success."
"You're changing your finances. It's gonna be good no matter what."
"I do feel like there is energy supporting reconciliation if you want to. If you would be willing to get on track and move in that direction, I think the universe would have your back."
"This is a very, very benevolent month for you."
"Work I'd say I work 12 to 15 hours a day and I work seven days a week. It's a pretty positive thing."
"2021 is going to be freaking great, I'm already calling it."
"Instead of being envious of someone's life look at it in a way like oh my god I want to live that life and be happy for that person."
"You're either incredibly blessed or you're about to be."
"I look up to him... if you always look for the good in everyone and everything you'll find it."
"We don't make mistakes, we just have happy accidents."
"Either it's delicious or I get to lose five pounds either way I win."
"It's about now we're in a new era of hope. Hope has broken out on the horizon."
"I feel like there's a wish coming in for you."
"The creation is God's and all that God has made is good."
"That is perfect then we don't have to worry about social need and we don't have to worry about getting tense fantastic that is so good."
"Nobody wants Battlefield 2042 to launch poorly. Everyone would love to see a great Battlefield."
"I'm forecasting boom and zooming instead of doom and gloom."
"For most of you, I believe there is peace to await."
"There is so much love and joy and happiness that is about to come your way."
"Every terrible thing that happens in your life has a reason. Even though it's hard to see in the moment, every bad thing has a positive effect on your life."
"The universe is preparing very healthy, very good, very prosperous either relationship or partnership or stable financial life."
"I feel like you need to focus on fun... this will have a positive outcome."
"Believe me, the other side of what we've just been through is going to be delightful."
"I feel like it'll be successful, no doubt about it."
"No more doom and gloom as far as I'm concerned."
"The hype is real for that game, it is looking great."
"Earlier disappointments were just rehearsal for the great stuff coming your way."
"It's actually a very optimistic game as far as I'm concerned."
"Despite what is going on right now in your life, there's happiness awaiting you, there's a lot of positivity here."
"Every moment of our lives, regardless of how terrible they are, you'll look back and think, 'Wow, that was great.'"
"Don't let it overtake you okay things are working out in your favor whether you realize it or not."
"The potential is obviously there so I'm excited to see them roll that out."
"I honestly believe in it, I have a very good feeling about this team."
"This is making horror this year a good year."
"You have like a lot of good stuff to look forward to here, Aries."
"Life is precious, releasing all grudges today, leaning into the light."
"Bitcoin adoption through time is going to be a good thing."
"I feel just like humanity is so freaking cool, dude."
"You are never alone, trust that you are always being guided and everything will work out for the best."
"Was it really a bad day if you made your friend so happy?... It was awesome, it was all... so small."
"Another way to say it would be, 'Oh my God Megan, I'm so excited by this, I didn't realize that we actually have a path out of being stuck.'"
"I honestly god believe we have an enormous opportunity now."
"You're going to see the light at the end of the tunnel."
"The prognosis is looking really good, it's the message."
"Wouldn't shock me to end this week higher than before."
"At Bunny Smiles, we believe that all it takes to achieve our dreams is hope."