
New Day Quotes

There are 380 quotes

"Happily embracing each new day with the spirit of gratitude."
"The best part of waking up is the Father giving me a new day with grace and mercy."
"If God creates a new day, and in His divine planning has sketched you into that day, there's something for you in that day."
"Dawn represents the beginning of a new day, evoking warmth and reviving energy."
"Your story isn't over with; through every dark night, there is a brighter day."
"It's a new day and I'm not gonna go get coffee this morning."
"Fresh coffee and bagels too, a new day is waiting for us."
"As you step into tomorrow, feel the warmth and light of the sun on your face."
"Is a good night's sleep a new day has an excitement."
"It's a new day, it's a new light, feel the wind, feel the sun."
"Every day you wake up, let that be a new day, a clean slate."
"It's a brand new day and it's telling me it'll all be okay."
"Tomorrow's a new day, we're all good, look at the bright side."
"At day one, Roman will put the title on the line against Xavier Woods. But if Woods loses, the New Day must permanently disband."
"It's a new day today is tomorrow Phil."
"A brand new day. Hey, wake up every morning and say it's a brand new day."
"For every single Christian today, a new day."
"The mornings, each new day, is so precious."
"Good morning, I am seeing myself for the first time this morning and I'm ready."
"It's a new day, a new year and the possibilities are endless."
"This gets me so excited. It's a brand new day!"
"May I awaken revitalized and prepared to embrace a new day."
"Good morning, welcome back to a new day."
"I've never seen this one before, and I'm grateful to God to be able to open my eyes and see a new day that I've never seen before, amen."
"Good morning, ogies! It is a new day, y'all."
"It feels like a new, better, beautiful day."
"The North American continent doesn't consider the new day like the FX market gently calls the you know in Wellington being the new new start of a new day I don't consider that as a new day."
"God is raising the Earth into a glorious new day."
"It's a new day, it's a new morning, feels like a fresh start."
"Tomorrow is going to be a new day, it just is."
"The sun is starting to come up in the back of the house. There we go, another day."
"Each day I get up, it's a new day, new things, new opportunity."
"Every day is a new day, everything, every day is a blessing day."
"Good morning everyone, the sun is rising."
"If God's doing anything he's preparing us to embrace a New Day."
"Make sure y'all give praise to God, man. It's a new day, a beautiful day."
"Be thankful, be blessed today. It's a new day."
"Everyone loves a new day and so few people realize that you can have a new day metaphorically every day if you'll practice a process of acceptance."
"You have never seen the year 24 before. It's a new day and you are on a portion of a highway that you have never traveled before."
"A rosy dawn brimming over metropolitan stadium and a fine new day."
"It's morning, your night is over. It's morning."
"Good morning to you! It's a new day, it's a new dawn, it's a new feeling, and I'm feeling good."
"Glory, Hallelujah! It's a brand-new day. Starts all over when daylight breaks, gives me a song and makes me sing."
"The dawn of a new day: The World of Tomorrow."
"Finally, it's a new day, it's a new dawn, it's a new life."
"Morning hello welcome to a brand new day."
"Tomorrow is a new day, just remember that you are never alone."
"Tomorrow's a new day. Tomorrow's a new day."
"A new dawn, a new day in New York."
"I woke up early in the morning just as the sun was rising."
"Good morning, it is Monday which is not my favorite; however, it's a beautiful spring day."
"Now you're ready to face the world."
"Since it is a new day, the theme of today is do our best. Actually, that's the theme of kind of every day, but especially today."
"It's gonna be a beautiful day that's plain to see."
"By the time morning rolled around and Heather was throwing away her foam earplugs and pulling off her safety glasses, her usual smile was back on her face."
"Morning has began the sun is rising."
"Good morning, everybody, another beautiful day."
"It's going to be a glorious day, I feel my luck can change."
"Life has been good, I'm blessed to be here, woke up on another unpromised day."
"Sleep finally came with the dawn."
"We're starting off another amazing day."
"It's a beautiful morning and we're up and raring to go."
"Good morning, it is a beautiful day today here in Malindi, Kenya, we are going into an adventure."
"Good morning, and welcome to a day."
"It is a beautiful morning here in Fort Collins; the sun is just coming up."
"Good morning y'all, it is bright and early."
"You wake up ready to say, I think I'll make a snappy new day"
"Welcome back, you guys, a beautiful day here now."
"Are you ready to get yourself some breakfast?"
"Good morning, it's another beautiful day."
"The sun is going to come up tomorrow, and it's up to you what you're gonna do with your new day."
"The sun peeks over the edges of the buildings, bringing another new day to New York City."
"Understanding that just because today hasn't gone well, it does not mean tomorrow can't be different."
"Good night. We will meet you tomorrow morning. Let's see the sunrise tomorrow morning."
"Woke me up this morning, started me on my way, gave me joy to make it through the day."
"It is time for another day of adventure."
"The sun is just rising, beautiful sunrise."
"Good morning world, today is a great day."
"It's a beautiful brand new day, welcome back to another exciting farming week."
"Good morning, it is a brand new day."
"It's a new day – spiritually, mentally, physically, financially, materially."
"Good morning another brand new Sunshine day here in Guyana."
"Good morning everyone, what an incredible day."
"After the dark of night, there's always the fresh new day."
"It's a beautiful morning, and we started with howling winds yesterday."
"Let's start a brand new day with a big and happy smile."
"Well, good night world, it's been a lovely day, tomorrow's just around the corner."
"Good morning, you guys. Welcome to another day."
"Thank you God for waking us up to see another day."
"Tomorrow is a new day full of possibilities."
"Good morning, happy Tuesday, let's get this day started."
"Welcome to a new day, I'm so excited to hang out with you guys."
"Tomorrow is a new day, that game just do be gaming."
"I woke up and I said today's gonna be a good day."
"Good morning, it is a beautiful day and we are headed home."
"When we wake the birds and see the sun, our fears are done."
"As the sun rises, Montreal breathes a collective sigh of relief."
"It's always an exquisite day when you wake up."
"Every day is a new day and work towards it."
"You wake up in the morning and you're like, 'Yeah, I've lost everything I have... but I wake up in the morning and I'm like okay, like today is going to be a good day.'"
"Good morning guys, it's a brand new day."
"Good morning, it's the next day now... lots to do, lots to see."
"Welcome to a new day in New York morning."
"This is another bright and beautiful day."
"It's another day, another shining day, another good day."
"Good morning everybody, it's the next day, but look where we are, look at the pool, life is good."
"The morning has come, and he's somehow still alive."
"Good morning friends and welcome to the 12th day of the third month of the best year of your life."
"Morning is here, it's time to get up and greet the day."
"With every new day comes new challenges."
"Well, it's another day and another adventure."
"Good morning everyone, it is another day in Sicily."
"Just waking up, it's going to be a good day."
"Good morning guys, it is now the following day and today's appointment is my nails."
"Good morning guys, welcome to Budapest day two."
"Literally we're psyching, Sun is about to come out, it's gonna be a great day."
"Good morning and welcome to a beautiful day."
"It's a bright new morning and Buster looks so excited."
"Good morning folks, well it's another day, and I got a great idea last night."
"Every morning that we wake up, we have life."
"Welcome back to the channel, welcome back to another beautiful day."
"It feels as if the Sun is rising on a bright new day."
"Praise God, it's a new day for you."
"Good morning everyone, it's an early start to the day here in Nepal."
"Good morning everyone, it is another day."
"The sun is shining, it is going to be a good day today, it's going to be amazing."
"Oh look at that, the sun's starting to rise up for another day of our USA road trip."
"Good morning everyone, it's another bright beautiful day at Disneyland."
"It's a beautiful Wednesday morning."
"Good morning everyone, it's the day after Super Saturday."
"You don't have to wait for a whole new year to start again or even a new week; you can pick things up from a new day."
"Good morning everybody, it is the next day. Let's get cracking."
"In the sunrise lights of another day."
"Good morning, today is quite an exciting day."
"Sun has risen and it's a new day."
"Good morning come another day in Paradise."
"Each day is full of new potential and new opportunities."
"Well, good morning. That was a long night. I'm here now and there she is, the UK's most majestic mountain in all her winter finery."
"Good morning everyone, it is pre-dawn right now."
"Good morning everyone, it is just about sunrise."
"Good morning party people, it's the next day now."
"Wake up to a new day with the Morning Sun."
"In the morning Frodo woke refreshed."
"This is my day, another day for me to experience the open hand of God."
"It's a beautiful morning on a Monday."
"Every day is another day, just get up."
"Good morning, Savannah, got down here, got some sleep last night, been looking for loads all morning."
"You close your eyes and you wake up the next day feeling refreshed."
"I wake up in the morning and I'm really grateful for being alive and I'm excited to take on the day."
"Good morning, guys. It is now the next day."
"We woke up at five and got up for sunrise."
"The sun rising above a clear horizon announced a magnificent day."
"Good morning guys and welcome back to a brand new day here in the beautiful Batangas."
"Well good morning, it's the next day. I got some colorful chemistry going on here."
"Good morning, you ready to start the day?"
"He sleeps through the night and wakes up smiling, stoked for the new day."
"I'm just waking up every morning wondering what wonderful adventure the new day will bring."
"Good morning, if so, good morning because it's still a new day."
"Good morning, what's a brand new day. Let's open this, get the full effect. Ah, never gets boring."
"I'm awake now and I'm ready to face the day."
"Good morning everyone, it's a new day here in Oviedo."
"I'm so excited for today, I'm just excited to be awake again and ready to start it, you know?"
"See you tomorrow, wake up, today's gonna be a good day."
"Every day is a new beginning. Stay blessed."
"It's another cracking day full of promise and potential."
"You're about to start your day; you have a blank slate. It can be anything that you want it to be."
"It's a brand new day today; we are embarking on another journey, another adventure."
"Dagney means 'new day,' and I think that's why it's really perfect for this time of year."
"The sun is rising again; we've made it to another day."
"Every new day really does carry with it a new opportunity for hope and solutions."
"Good morning, today is a really exciting day."
"Grace and peace and good morning everybody, it is a new day."
"Good morning, it's the next day, it's early in the morning."
"Rise and shine, it's a beautiful day today."
"Good morning, guys. It's the day post-show."
"Spring always comes slow along the water, but on this morning, the winds were light and the day was full of promise."
"Tomorrow is a new day, or the same day is a new start."
"Good morning! I hope everyone's having a fantastic Tuesday."
"It's the start of a new day, and your boy is up with it."
"Rise and shine, my friends, the sun has graciously decided to make an appearance, so it's showtime."
"Good morning, good morning, good morning, it's the start of a new day."
"You're taking a rest now; there's no revelation now, and you'll be prepared and ready to take on a new busy day."
"Thank You for my new day, thank You for my new morning."
"It's a beautiful morning, a beautiful morning, a beautiful morning."
"That's like one of my favorite new attires that New Day has ever worn."
"Lord, I thank You for another day."
"That's where we're going to end the day... new day tomorrow and hopefully that planter works better."
"Good morning, my darlings, it's a beautiful day today."
"I'm actually not tired, I took a shower, I got plenty of sleep, I feel very well rested and ready to start my day."
"As the sun ascends over Roanoke, Virginia, a new day dawns for fighters who've journeyed from across the globe."
"It's a great way to start the day, and I think it's going to be a pretty amazing one."
"It's a brand new day, the sun is shining."
"Hey guys, time to start a new day. Oh yeah!"
"It's just going to be an awesome day. What do you say we get it started?"
"Thank you for allowing us to see another day that you have made."
"Every time that damn sunrise, you got another day, you got another chance."
"Good morning everybody, today is a super super exciting day."
"It's like today is Christmas morning, you woke up."
"Believe in the promise of each new day, just as the morning sun faithfully brings light to the world."
"Good morning, today is a new day, we have a lot to get done."