
Positive Outcomes Quotes

There are 978 quotes

"Willing to trust that everything is working out for me."
"Good things tend to happen when you impact people in that way long term."
"Whatever is coming next, it's going to be really good. It's going to be a lucky break."
"Well, and also that wonderful cycle of the whole idea that out of something awful, something good comes out of it."
"Expect positive outcomes to flow from your honesty and pure intentions."
"All the right things start to find you because you're now open and able to be seen."
"Choose to be grateful for the good times that you had together, focus on the positive, and then more positive things will come as a result of that."
"Positive expectations are one of the most powerful techniques you can use to become a positive person and to ensure positive outcomes and better results in your life."
"I'm willing to have faith and trust that anything that isn't awesome will eventually lead to something that is."
"This change is going to be something that is sort of unexpected and it's like bad news ends up becoming the best news."
"There were plenty of opportunities for happy outcomes during our broadcast."
"This trust in others' willingness to return a favor...results in many positive outcomes for society."
"What you focus on, you get; and if you focus on things of truth, of love, of joy, then you get that thing coming to you."
"I was reminded of a scripture, which is Romans 8:28, which says we know that God works all things for the good of those who love him, who were called according to his purpose."
"Taking risks honestly, just taking a few risks here and there and seeing them play out for the better."
"When you speak truth and hold true to your path, great things happen."
"All your great work has opened the door for divine solutions and support."
"These are very abnormal patterns of thinking, and perceiving, and experiencing our emotional and physical life, yet so often, the outcomes are positive."
"Generosity in interactions can lead to unexpected and positive outcomes."
"I think society has to be controlled or managed in a way as to ensure the most positive outcomes for the maximum amount of people."
"Every single thing that happens to the believer is actually good for the believer."
"If something comes to that believer that they like, they are grateful for it, and so it's good for them."
"The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results."
"Back to back 21s, see? When you bless, you get blessed like this."
"What started out as a lose-lose situation sort of turned into a win-win situation."
"Sometimes the best things come as surprises."
"Your reaction determines the outcome. By reacting calmly, we can dim the flames and bring about a more positive outcome."
"Things that we've had to struggle through usually Empower us at the end of the day."
"Decriminalizing drugs... The results from that have been spectacular."
"When you give people value for free, really good things will happen."
"Tonight, white stones will be released, bringing lifegiving verdicts."
"Lead to some very positive outcomes in men's lives."
"She's performed a miracle. It's a Christmas miracle."
"I think with all the great testimonials and all the great results we're getting I think there's a movement taking place."
"Everything happens for a reason, and everything works out for the best in the end."
"Good things happen when you attach to the right people."
"Just to decisively actually break up with that thing that's that's a that's an all too rare experience and it's it's uh it's very positive when it happens."
"Trust that if you do it in the right way it's gonna be met with support."
"Gabby Patito's family does not want that light to dim and they want to make some good from this awful tragedy."
"It really is looking remarkably encouraging."
"Control the controllables, see a real positive response in the math, in your numbers, but also on your anxiety level going down."
"Emotional happiness and a successful outcome are on the cards for you."
"It's the teamwork that made the biggest difference in the world."
"The magic is in the people who show up and I'm never disappointed."
"It's great when you can clear somebody too, to say, you know what, her story is completely true. And that's a great feeling that you can clear somebody also."
"Paranoia disappears, you know what happens when paranoia disappears? The best opportunities come."
"A woman who believes in her value will only get into a great situation with a great guy."
"It's just one of those things where you didn't ask for it, but at the end, that experience was absolutely worth it."
"Sometimes a breakup is just a blessing in disguise."
"Patience is very frustrating, right? But usually it leads to a better outcome than being reactive."
"Success reaping the rewards; there's a lot of success coming your way."
"Be open to be surprised in the highest best possible way."
"I used to dream that I was in a musical, because in a musical, nothing dreadful ever happens."
"If you win, other people win. If they win, other people win."
"The next big major life change coming to you, I would put that before any other big major life change, some connection is going to knock your [__] socks off in a good way."
"And hey, as I recall, everything worked out pretty well in the end anyway for these guys, right? So it's a perfect plan."
"God uses and redeems the darkness for good and glorifying things."
"Life works in a beautiful way where you will get what you put into it."
"It's much better than we initially imagined."
"Trust that everything will flow lovingly your way."
"Change is upon you but you're in control of those changes and they are for the better."
"Trust the delays, they're headed towards something better."
"I'm really lucky that I had the experience. I feel like it opened up my eyes."
"God can use the worst of circumstances to bring about the best of results."
"Your faith is gonna plant big seeds for you."
"This is your time, good things come to those who wait."
"When you put in the work to better yourself as a woman, only good things can come from that."
"You just gotta believe in yourself, believe in your decisions, and they'll work out."
"Relationships work for as long as they work, and when it's over, it doesn't have to be a bad thing."
"Live generously and live considerately and I bet you you'll start to see that coming back to you in spades."
"Good things coming in for you, Teamwork Makes a dream work."
"I chose the love, I stuck with the love, and it just unfolded so beautifully."
"Miracles upon Miracles upon Miracles will come into your life."
"Winning doesn't mean that someone else has to lose."
"I want that to be super known because I think people can take something and turn it into something tragic but what I did is I turned it into something good."
"When you do walk away from something that is no longer working for you, the universe is going to give you more."
"That does take courage, but it might turn out better than what we expect."
"Something beautiful is showing up for you guys."
"That's what happens when you work hard. Life's good."
"Even if they do break up, it's still a happy ending because they get to keep their memories."
"If you have a good process and a good routine, good things tend to happen."
"Him being reunited with Zuko, seeing his nephew has heeded his guidance and chosen to live a pure righteous life."
"This romantic agreement you might make turbocharged by maybe a friend or an ally is going to play out as positive marital type developments."
"Life can be a [ __ ]. But something that I've noticed personally is that when you don't run from your problems but face them head-on, things always seem to work out in the end."
"What are you gonna do? Nothing positive can come from anything negative."
"Rulings like this are super rare but when they happen we should be happy about it."
"When good karma arrives and you kind of know that it's deserved and it's right that it's happening, it's just beautiful."
"This case proves that there is always hope to be had at the end of the tunnel."
"Increase the probability that the future is good."
"You're getting what you truly deserve in the most positive sense."
"It's also about the fact that they looked so good in their wins."
"There are positive signals, we have seen successes already in some countries where they have already contained the virus."
"You're meant to be in that position of authority."
"The sun can bring about abundance, victory, success, happiness. It also will augment the positive aspects of the cards around it and negate the negative aspects of the cards around it."
"Something new will start coming into your life, something new that is very important."
"If you have a vision connected to reality, good things start to happen."
"If you can keep your heart open and bright... great things can happen."
"I just feel like when you're kind and you're sweet and you're a good person, that you just get blessed in life and have good karma."
"Collaboration leads to a lot of beautiful things."
"Some of the worst times in my career flipped to be the best thing ever."
"Remember to be good to each other. When you give people the good things, good things happen."
"There will be no disastrous outcomes and you will succeed."
"I view today as an absolute win because of the conversations we're having."
"It's always great to see that sort of collaboration take place."
"In the midst of all this craziness, a lot of good stuff has actually happened in the past week." - Host
"All of the things that have happened have set you up to be that kinder, gentler leader."
"You're going to have plenty of good things like money, health, and happiness."
"Embrace difficulties, they turn into golden nuggets."
"Be open to receive help from others, something good can come to you from them."
"Sometimes the worst thing that happens to you can turn out being the best thing that ever happened to you."
"One small thing can make a really big difference."
"We went from having a lot of bad things happening to having great things happening."
"I came away from this video with a rare feeling of hope."
"Something good can manifest in regards to your neighbors, siblings, or relatives."
"Competition can be really, really amazing when you do well."
"Suddenly things start to work out in your favor."
"It's a very dynamic, quick, and it's triggering my Sun, my Mars, my Pluto, but as I said, it's a positive result."
"You're gonna start seeing the positive result of those changes that you've made."
"Stay open to be surprised in a happy sort of way."
"Getting through changes in chaos with Grace usually resulting as a good omen or good things to come."
"If all you walked away from was that you understand a little bit more about how you would paint it, that is a win in artistic terms."
"This will be initiated and implemented successfully."
"Every terrible thing that happens in your life has a reason. Even though it's hard to see in the moment, every bad thing has a positive effect on your life."
"Choosing yourself is only going to be positive for you and lead you into the kind of relationship that you deserve."
"Successful conclusions and good news coming in for you here."
"Manifest: You'll be manifesting some sort of success or some big blessing."
"Absolutely is available to you right now and can support you in manifesting bright blessings in your life."
"I just love it when it works out in the end."
"Isn't it amazing that I'm working hard... somehow this monstrous thing that I feel like is just a dragon with a million heads comes out smelling like a rose every single time."
"However, it was greatly exaggerated since work programs, education, and psychotherapy absolutely paved the way for prisoners to re-enter society in a productive fashion."
"Your justice is coming, bringing good decisions and big smiles."
"Desire realized is a tree of life, fulfilled desires through prayer."
"If you're a good person, if you're moral, if you treat others with respect and love, everything works out for the best."
"Our initial trials have shown a lot of success."
"There's something always positive on the other side."
"Bringing Labradors and lions together was always going to be a calculated risk, but it couldn't have gone better."
"It proves a miracle; it was an absolute Miracle."
"This tower situation is going to change you, but most certainly in the best possible way."
"The outcome is going to bring you beautiful new beginning."
"No matter what we Face, God is actively working for our good."
"And most the time they're better than what you expected."
"The worst times can be the best bonding experiences."
"All bad things turn into good things. I'm a big believer in that."
"You finally see the truth of things, there's no confusion, it's time for the positive return of your energy."
"Cases of uncertainty... it's easy to assume that incompetence must be the rule... but what came together well here was..."
"This connection, I feel, has a very, very positive outcome."
"It's good to see good things happen to good people."
"When you push yourself to do something out of your comfort zone that is positive and what do you get back? You get back all kinds of positive energy in return."
"People have been getting really good results in their financial situations and also in their love lives."
"Great joy in the smallest things turns into gratitude which you broadcast out, and amazing things happen when gratitude comes to you in that way."
"Great negotiation gives the opportunity for good things to happen."
"Sometimes there are these really bad things that you don't want to have happen to you in life but yet... good can come from them regardless."
"This karma, it's like something destined, something is coming towards you that is positive."
"Good stuff comes to those who wait, am I right?"
"I am very pleasantly surprised by the end results."
"Justice favors you because you have a beautiful heart."
"Just waiting for this to come back into fruition for you, so just know that it's coming."
"Everything took me by complete surprise in the best kind of way."
"If a person who's 30 gets Covid and then recovers from it, something good just happened."
"One good decision compounds on top of the other."
"They're getting really good results... 2x what the industry norm is."
"We aired in the right direction... in the careful direction from the beginning."
"I feel like addressing these sort of things, the fatal accidents at least, I think is a net positive."
"I think this turned out better than I thought."
"Hold it in the light, baby. Let's prevent this from happening. Visualize and see positive outcomes."
"Sometimes the worst things bring out the best in people."
"You're going to have amazing results with this."
"That's a w in my opinion, two dubs in a row."
"You don't know how miraculous and unexpected and amazing this result can possibly be."
"You will surprise yourself, but it's going to be a good surprise, a delicious surprise indeed."
"Luck is on your side, happy coincidence is happening."
"Whenever there's a clump of fear, usually good things happen afterwards."
"A possibility for learning, traveling, positive conclusions."
"Not all good things that happen in the wake of controversy are marketing conspiracies."
"Gratitude is so important in manifesting things."
"They just believed in it and the universe really served that."
"Your rewards are coming, your manifestations are well on their way to you."
"They tell you all the bad bits, but they don't tell you at the end of it you could have a perfectly good healthy baby."
"Something beautiful always comes out of the mess, a beautiful mess."
"Excellence, this is turning out much better than the activate the retreat protocols and cower in my room idea I had earlier."
"Everything happens for a reason. Change is scary but can lead to positive outcomes."
"I have faith that right shall triumph in my thinking, that good shall dominate my being."
"When you have faith, your life will begin to flow in magical ways."
"Critical thinking starts with the littles. They grow into reasonable adults, hopefully. Good job."
"Addiction is not the only outcome, a lot of people compensate for terrible experiences by becoming really good people."
"Rather than being cursed, the film's production team experienced an extraordinary degree of good luck."
"Remember to be good to each other, when give people the good things good things happen."
"Everything on this run is coming up roses right now."
"That rejection email was the best thing to ever happen."
"You're getting everything that you deserve because you worked hard for it and the universe conspires for it."
"Light will always triumph over darkness and good things will prevail even in the darkest of circumstances."
"Any opportunity for those to get more exposure is great."
"There's gotta be some positive that comes from this whole situation."
"I just start taking steps toward what I what I was passionate about which was the music right and then doors start opening I start seeing the results of them steps and I just followed the positivity."
"A lot of you are receiving blessings unexpected blessings."
"If you have gratitude, it can help the universe bring more to your table."
"Everything that happens this week will end beautifully for you."
"For every choice you're making, I'm taking it positive and I'm taking a negative from that."
"Believe in yourself and that belief will bring about protection and manifest acceptance and positivity as well."
"It's been 10 years and there's been a lot of good things to come out of it."