
Life Flow Quotes

There are 162 quotes

"Willing to trust that everything is working out for me."
"When we resist change, we resist the natural flow of life and create unnecessary stress. Go with the flow; you will be surprised where it leads."
"Don't be so uptight and tense. Learn to go with the flow and trust that everything will work out exactly the way it's supposed to."
"I trust the process of life. There is a rhythm and flow to life, and I am part of it. Life supports me and brings to me only good and positive experiences."
"Intuition, connections, and synchronicities, all those flow through you as you are just being."
"Don't block your blessings, let things run its natural course if it has to."
"Trust that everything will flow lovingly your way."
"Trust that things are going to sort of flow into the right space."
"Every day with any person is a gift, surrendering to the flow of life."
"Gratitude is part of a flow of life through us."
"Everything arranges itself in a way that's easy and effortless when you know how to flow."
"Feeling that cosmic flow, even feeling synchronistic, being in the right place at the right time and things just magically happening."
"The moment you surrender it and let it go, the faster things are going to make sense."
"When we feel more in our power, life just flows a little bit easier."
"There's a flow of life, here's an energy that is a returning force, and if you don't resist it and you just flow with it, you'll get more energy."
"Surrender to the flow of your life and trust the divine unfoldment."
"When you find your purpose, everything else will flow."
"Surrendering to the flow, not pushing things."
"I trust in the perfection of divine timing and allow my life to unfold as it should."
"You have the opportunity to slip into the flow of life now, when that happens you want what is happening and what is happening is what you want."
"If you're in the flow of life, all transits will work well for you."
"Everything is falling into place when you don't resist the flow of the meandering pathway of life."
"Every time I let go of something that's not a truth to me, I open up to source and life flowing through me as me."
"It's not a natural flow... know that it is okay."
"Just open yourself up and see where the current takes you."
"Sometimes it's better to just let life flow and know how to adjust when it isn't happening the way you want."
"Only love is real... let life flow and know that only love is real."
"When you really step into that divine flow, that's when you really open up to abundance."
"The divine rhythm keeps us anchored in the flow that keeps moving, that keeps trusting, that keeps opening to the experiences that we need to continue to learn and grow."
"They made it clear from the beginning that they were going to reach into the expanded universe."
"This is where you create power, this is where you go out of resistance into the flow of life."
"Let go of control issues, trust in the unfolding of events."
"Hold on to nothing, just flow along with this blessed power."
"You're standing there, hand out, ready to receive."
"You're kind of in a very very receptive waiting in a sense space and it's all just going to flow effortlessly."
"You need to lighten up on the perfectionism and allow what is meant for you to come."
"Everything is happening the way it's supposed to."
"Flow with the energy that has entered your life at this time... Enjoy the journey... Simply let go, surrender, and enjoy the journey."
"Instead of struggling, you're just going to start flowing down the river."
"Surrender is not giving up control; it's surrendering to the control that's already built into the flow."
"It's all about divine timing... release the details, just go with the flow."
"When you listen to your inner guided system, life becomes more effortless, more natural, it just flows."
"Things are moving exactly as they are meant to."
"Embrace surrender; release resistance and control."
"Things do happen for you; things do flow for you."
"You have to let things unravel the way that they're meant to."
"Release the grip of expectations and attachments allowing life to unfold organically and effortlessly."
"You are a vessel for that energy, but you have to embody that power for yourself by allowing yourself to flow with life."
"Life can effortlessly bring them to you if you're just willing to be receptive and follow the guidance that it's trying to give you."
"Surrender to what is. Say yes to life and see how life suddenly starts working for you rather than against you."
"Relax, let go, and have fun, enjoy yourself, and let the universe catch up to you."
"Water benders have always adapted to the flow of life."
"Every good aspect that you have is supporting the flow of your life to get past every bad aspect planet you have."
"Vedanta roots you in reality and then let the rest of the world take its course."
"Moving is about going with the flow and trusting your destiny."
"Let yourself flow through life as the embodiment of love."
"The more you let go stop holding yourself in the Stream the easier it gets. Let's see what the most likely outcome is."
"Trust the ebb and flow of life; when life is meant to speed up, it will speed up."
"Instead of moving against life, let life move through you."
"Forgive and let life happen, just watch your side, do not give up."
"Things come to you the way they're supposed to, when they're supposed to, how they're supposed to."
"Time, as they say, is a river without banks."
"Surrender to the natural ebb and flow of life."
"Do not want to have events happen to you as you want them to, but instead, want them to happen as they do happen, and your life will go well."
"Embrace it and accept it, and ride that wave."
"Embrace the flow of life, trusting in a higher plan."
"It's like you've kind of surrendered to the flow of your own life."
"Staying true to yourself and that things will come your way in time and to not force those things on yourself."
"I am not in control of the flow of life."
"The stream that's coming towards you was designed by God to be the most perfect thing."
"I am open to the flow of great abundance in all areas of my life."
"It's about letting life in to lead the way."
"Whatever is, is as it should be, and there is a subtler intelligence at play."
"When you start to trust life in this way, that is when you begin to flow with life rather than always fighting against it."
"A man under 30 needs neighbors, and to stop up the current of his life with a long silence is like obstructing a river."
"Surrender is a state of the flow of life, just being open to what it will bring."
"If we align with what we feel is truly us, there's no resistance; we just get in the flow of life, and the universe will present opportunities for you."
"The turning of seasons and the ebb and flow of life, such cycle is called 'Nian (year)' by the Chinese people."
"Like the middle of the ocean goes the tides of fate."
"If we are then directed by life, if we are breathed by life or the vital force, I think we're getting out of the way to let it do us."
"Everything is working out, even the things you feel like you have no control over."
"Everything is constantly changing, so you have to be aware of that and just kind of ride that wave."
"It's a strange kind of peace when you let go, let your life flow like a river."
"There's a constant ebb and flow to life, and I feel like I have been pretty in the flow."
"I feel my muscles relax. I flow with life easily and effortlessly. All is well in my world."
"It's not about doing; it's about being and allowing life to flow."
"Our outer world is the way that, whether you consider it your inner being, your guardian angel, or spirit, I like to call it the flow of life."
"Everything just happened to flow with a natural flow."
"You have to trust the flow of the universe."
"The more that you do, the more that the flow of life is going to give you things to respond to when you honor that inner guidance."
"I surrender my heart to you, God. I will not allow something in my heart that could affect the flow of my life."
"You just gotta let the river take you, you've just got to know you're worthy."
"All will flow as all is meant to."
"Every event that happens has been predetermined by all the preceding events like a chain of dominoes."
"Surrender is the simple but profound wisdom of yielding to rather than opposing the flow of life."
"Life is continuing, not the way you want, but in its own way."
"It's like really living with life, keeping up with life instead of fighting it."
"I'm really just going with the flow right now and just letting life unfold as it should."
"What flows, flows; what crashes, crashes. I don't know, I just think that's really good. It's just kind of like let it be, just let it all go."
"You just have to flow with how your life is going."
"I release the need to control and embrace the effortless flow of life."
"In this trust, I find solace and strength; the river of life flows with a rhythm that resonates with the beats of my heart."
"I trust in the flow of life, knowing that each step is a deliberate choice to embrace the currents that guide me toward my highest good."
"I trust in the flow of life to happen and include me in it."
"I trust in the flow of life; in this trust, I find solace and strength."
"When you understand that the whole river is going beyond your control, you can just bow down to it and say, 'Okay, I accept'."
"I'm not trying to stay constantly happy; I'm not trying to sit in my sorrow. I'm just letting life go at this point."
"Everything is impermanent, everything is flowing, it's like a river."
"You want to be in sync with the flow of life, being in sync with the I AM."
"The flow of life, the continuum of life, does not stop for anything or anyone."
"What we really are might know that it's not threatened by the flow of life."
"It's best just to flow with the wind."
"I don't wish away time because it will just move right along on its own."
"Spiritual awakening is something that happens in the flow of life according to God's will."
"You don't have to put in that much effort all the time to make things happen."
"I am tired of clinging. Though I cannot see it with my eyes, I trust that the current knows where it is going. I shall let go, and let it take me where it will."
"When we tune with a Power greater, we seem to flow more easily with the current in our lives."
"I no longer force things. What flows, flows; what crashes, crashes."
"Have faith and trust that everything is going to be okay, yet still you must do exactly that because when you have faith, your life will begin to flow in magical ways that you never imagined were possible."
"Love, healing, and plenty are flowing into your life as you deserve them."
"Allowing life to happen through you instead of by you is infinitely less work."
"It's funny how things come to you when you allow, when you stop planning, you stop trying to manipulate energy, and you just allow."
"Just release the need to know how things are going to happen and just let them happen."
"Allow life to be what it's going to be."
"You're tapping into an energy that follows the flow of life."
"There's just a need to go with the flow and let things play out how they're supposed to."
"You are going with the flow now and putting all of your trust in the universe."
"Release your expectations and go with the flow."
"Release and surrender all control and let nature take its course."
"Stand back and to see the bigger picture, everything is happening just as it should."
"Sit back, relax, and enjoy the flow."
"Everything happens as it should when it should."
"The overall energy for you in this next phase of your life is just peace, inner peace, flow, allowing life to happen."
"Follow your bliss and everything happens in perfect timing."
"When it feels like we're being tested, it's because we're not going with the flow of our own life."
"Isn't it wonderful when you feel yourself in the flow of life, when events and conditions seem to engage you in a way that is fluid and effortless?"
"Flow with life, allow life to happen, be proactive in life. If you're having a new beginning, get excited about it."
"Everything is happening as it should."
"Love the self, let life flow from there. You so deserve it."
"Infinite abundance, abundance is pouring into your life."
"The more you release the need for things to go a certain way, the more likely it is that they're going to work out."
"Let go and let flow because all is smooth sailing right now."
"You're just gliding with it, right, with the momentum of the universe behind you."
"Being in the flow of life is that Wheel of Fortune energy."
"Embodiment, understanding the actual nature of life itself, in the way that life flows, in the way that nature is."
"Good karma is flowing into your life."
"Just let things flow, just go with the flow."
"All you need to do is let go and go with the flow."