
Facing Fears Quotes

There are 281 quotes

"Just walk towards the things that are scary. Because if you don't, they'll just expand. They become bigger. If you avoid the demons, they become bigger."
"You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself I have lived through this horror, I can take the next thing that comes along."
"If you face fears a little bit at a time, fears and challenges, and you do that voluntarily, then you become more than who you are."
"The ability for me to confront what I'm most afraid of has been a great source of power."
"You've got to face fear's bluff like a kid who believes there's a monster in the closet, you've got to open that closet inside of you."
"One of the best pieces of advice I ever got from one of my teachers was that if I ever felt like I wanted to run in the opposite direction from something, that was probably the best signal my body and brain could give me to head straight at it."
"To liberate yourself and to get to the highest levels of human potential, you need to do the most counterintuitive thing possible, which is to face your own death and to go straight into it."
"Fear has a certain kind of a power, and I don't like losing control, so things that frighten me make me go to it, to embrace it, to understand it."
"The things I was most afraid of, I coward from. I had to start facing these things and becoming an expert at the things I feared the most."
"Every now and again, you got to sack up and do the thing that scares you the most."
"All you have to do is face your fears and become your heroes."
"If you voluntarily confront what you're afraid of, you get braver."
"If you want to get good, you must face all of those problems, all of those fears. You have to be willing to fail."
"Risk your security, face the unknown, quit lying to yourself and do what your heart truly tells you to do."
"So, if you want to change the world, don't back down from the sharks."
"You start to heal yourself by facing your fears right your fear there's nothing but your something that's deep bury that you don't want to deal with."
"You can't escape your fears, you can only confront them."
"Ghosty realized she would have to face her fears to help her new friends."
"Face fears head-on and don't bury your head in the sand."
"I find the inner strength to face fear with confidence."
"Don't be afraid to bring the shadow into the light."
"It feels really good when you face things that stress you out or scare you."
"Courage: find the inner strength to face fear with confidence."
"I learned that it's so important to do what scares you and to say what you're scared to say."
"Courage isn't being brave, it's being able to face the thing you are afraid of."
"One of the best way to face your fears is go through it... it stings for the first 5 seconds... then you good money."
"Take some of your worst phobias, talk to your worst fears, and force yourself to take risks."
"I'm kind of only interested in doing stuff that scares me because that's where the goodness comes from."
"Remember that all men have their fears, but those who face their fears with dignity have courage as well."
"It's like you unlock stuff in your brain when you face your fears."
"If you face what you're afraid of, you can find what you need."
"Speaking of important things, if you feel fear, you should do it anyway."
"I know death. He's got many faces. I look forward to seeing this one."
"Face your fears, make a change, question your own biases."
"Are you a coward or are you gonna go face the fear?"
"You've got so many of the boogeyman out of the way."
"Just because you hate the sharks doesn't mean you can't swim with the sharks, right?"
"When people tell you to stay away from the darkness, that's what you need to run towards."
"What's the worst thing going to happen? You're going to fall off."
"Sometimes the only way to lay our ghosts to rest is to confront them head-on."
"I'm the thing that monsters have nightmares about right now. You and me are going to show them why."
"Instead of running away from our fears, we should run to them and embrace them."
"Strength exists when you need to overcome either your inner demons or challenges in your external environment; fears. Strength exists in the face of fear as well."
"You want an amazing life? Figure out what you're afraid of, right? And then figure out what you need to do."
"Recognize that you have the power to change your life, face your fear, and align with the light."
"If you're scared of something and you think it's going to be a big challenge, say 'yes'."
"There's no time like today to face whatever it is that you are afraid of."
"Creating the life you want can be scary, but you know what's scarier? Regret."
"Facing your own fears and surviving them - that's what you need now more than anything else."
"Facing legendary horrors demands ingenuity, resilience, and a refusal to succumb to fear."
"Do the things that scare you. Courage is what comes afterward."
"Lean into the fear...realize there really is no downside."
"The cave you fear the most holds your greatest treasure."
"It is important to face the fears that plague us and take it all one step at a time."
"You have to do what you're afraid of while you're afraid to see that your fear is a false alarm."
"It's a new vision for partnerships; you'll have to face your fears."
"We fear what we don't face and what we don't face controls us."
"Things start changing really quickly once you claim your truth and you look your doubts, your fears, and your anger straight in the eye and say no more."
"The only way for you to be successful is for you to face your fear and take action."
"Face fear head-on, reclaim your power, and dissolve it."
"I think the fear is the thing that validates that you're doing the thing that means something to you."
"You're blossoming into your truth, facing fears and doubts that have kept you small."
"There's a lot to be said for facing your fears and just doing whatever you can to make the best of yourself and the best of the life that you've got while you've got it."
"Following my excitement, whether it's walking in the woods or not taking a job when I'm scared that I need to, or whatever."
"I do believe that you have to scare yourself that's where your kind of creativity or your growth or any of that comes from."
"Leave your comfort zone, face the 'what ifs' head-on."
"If there's something there that I feel a bit of fear in, something takes over and I start heading towards it."
"And oftentimes people don't go all the way up to the top because it's scary, but this is gonna build your confidence."
"You will get through it quicker. Don't run away from it. There's no reason to be afraid of this. We will overcome this together."
"To me it's better to know the outcome rather than to think about the regret of never trying what I thought impossible."
"If you want to stop the scary dreams, you gotta face the scary things in real life."
"I think; when all is said and done, we all must face our demons in the end."
"Do what you are most afraid of because it's usually what you need to do most."
"Something is going to be scary, unknown. Am I really about to do this?"
"Positive changes are inevitable, face your fears."
"The cave we fear to enter can hold the treasure that we seek."
"Listen to your intuition for accurate guidance, face your fears, and grow stronger, baby."
"Isn't it right for Marcus? So brave and collected until they've met with their darkest fears."
"Courage must be summoned in spite of your fear, spirit will always catch you."
"Wow, that's smart guys, in life you just gotta face your fears."
"Passion for life comes when you face your fears."
"Embrace and accept your divinity. Do not fear judgment. Be brave, face the fear, and do it anyway."
"Sometimes we have to face our fears and talk about difficult topics."
"You gotta face whatever you are most afraid of."
"Despite a climate of extreme fear, I'm looking for opportunities ahead."
"There are few things more liberating in this life than having your worst fear realized."
"Even the scary ones." - "Especially the scary ones."
"I actually found that when I've in those moments of fear when I allowed myself to go into the fear not around it, not out of it... I had breakthroughs."
"Doing things you're afraid of makes you grow."
"Everybody felt safe and some of us got to face our fears in a controlled environment."
"Let's start facing and following our fears and not letting them F us over."
"Dare to die today because the human thing stepping into what's uncomfortable is like a death threat 101."
"You need to deal with these fears or else you're never going to get into your power."
"It's where we learn to speak what we're afraid of and we learn to do it anyway."
"I'm not fearless at all I get scared by a lot of things but I actively do the things that scare me."
"It's through facing our fears and overcoming challenges, enduring things, that we become the marvelous complex human beings that we are."
"It's through this continual process of facing our fears, facing our challenges that we continue to evolve and grow."
"You have to work for the things that you want, you have to face those fears."
"Sometimes you gotta face your fears."
"Scared just means you're facing something that could change your life, and that's a good thing."
"We don't walk away from things that scare us."
"Go headfirst into what scares you."
"Don't let your fears stop you; face your fears head on."
"If you're not good at something, you have a fear of something, you have to go out and do it."
"You know how you get confidence? By attacking your fear, attacking those hard things you know you got to face and overcoming them."
"Every night I'm forced to walk a dozen steps only to turn and face it."
"You know, I'm proud of you for trying Cody, facing your fears."
"Let's face our fears as we take this journey together."
"What if instead of running away from that, we lean into it?"
"They're telling their friends that they've had a lot of patience when it came to this connection and now they're ready to face their fears when it comes to you."
"You got to do what you're scared of."
"I also find it compelling seeing Boo going from being terribly traumatized by Randall to ultimately finding The Bravery to stand up to a closet monster all to save her big fluffy friend. What a way to inspire kids watching to face their own fears."
"That's how you win, you just gotta face your fears."
"I did a great job of using Ginger's daughter as a foil to her own character from the first movie. This fearless freedom fighter now was afraid to lose what she had fought for and needs to face those fears. I like that. Good concept."
"Your soul knows the importance of facing your fears head on and finding ways to debunk them and to find levity within that."
"The best way to overcome your fear is to go all in on the fear until the fear disappears."
"So many of us have been talking about how we're trying to face our fears, trying to do the tough stuff to learn from these experiences that are difficult for us."
"He's on the brink of that dark cave, facing their greatest fears and challenges."
"Facing the dragons isn't an ordeal to dread but a gateway to growth."
"When you see something you're scared of, you should run towards it."
"The worst thing that's going to happen to you is you're going to wear the damn hat."
"If you're scared of something, just do it."
"Face the what-ifs even if you're afraid."
"I got that from being willing to sort of step into the fire, to enter the cave that was the one that I feared, right?"
"True courage comes out when you face your fears."
"I was determined to face my fear. I couldn't let this unseen terror rule my life any longer."
"What bravery and what an inspiration to those of us out there trying to face our fears."
"You're headed for something which feels like Destiny, you need to face a fear and get over it."
"I always face my fears bro that's how I make it through life I face my fears I lean into [__] I don't run from I lean into it and that's what make me a different person I lean into it."
"What role do our masks play? Do we hide behind them, running from things that we're meant to face?"
"I love facing fears because they unlock so many doors and so many decisions become easier later because I'm not scared to do these things."
"If you constantly run away from things, how is there growth?"
"Try to do the thing that scares you and take that leap because you'll never know what could happen."
"Despite being generally passive and weak most of the time, Jerry has the ability to channel the inner strength to face his fears."
"Kora learns to confront her fears and connects with Raava."
"This still just feels scary. But it doesn't mean we don't do it. Just because something's scary doesn't mean it doesn't mean we run from that anymore."
"I am a big believer in putting yourself out there and facing your fears."
"You face your fears. That's the most important thing in life."
"To live a full life, you need to be doing at least one scary thing a day."
"Courage is facing your fears, even if it means experiencing rejection."
"So yeah, that's the point of the movie. It's about wanting to run away and deciding to stop running and face your fears."
"Joseph Campbell says that the cave you fear holds the treasure you seek. Why? Because to face the dancing Shadows is to gain power over them."
"Sometimes when you're faced with your biggest fears, that releases something where you become...happy now."
"The abyss might be scary... some of the dreams might be scary... but don't run from it, don't suppress it. It has information and you're not alone in it. We're all here together."
"Do things that scare you I know that that's a great thing I've been doing it."
"Let It Be horrifying and step into what you truly are."
"You just gotta do it scared, you know."
"You should do it because you're scared or because you don't want to do it."
"When you face it it's like you set yourself free and the more you do that the more you become free of it"
"Everything you want can be on the other side of what you're avoiding."
"Once you face those demons, when you run at them and you face them, you learn very quickly that it is your strength and that it is a beautiful part of you."
"Reflecting on our relationship to intimacy and facing our fears is a focus during this retrograde."
"Swim with the sharks, walk with the horses, make fear your friend."
"Every time I feel fear, I go right against it."
"If you want to go somewhere and you want to be somebody, you better wake up and pay attention because every time something scary comes up, you decide to run, you all are going to be running for the rest of your lives."
"Run towards your fears instead of away. Lean forward."
"Face your demons in legendary rocker Alice Cooper's Twisted mind."
"You might be scared of something but you move towards it, that's what Freddy did."
"How can man die better than by facing fearful odds?"
"I don't know what I would have been doing had I refused to go through this fear."
"Do what scares you until it doesn't."
"This person intends to make the choice to face their fears."
"He has to push Society forward, face the fears of the long night, and improve and progress his incredibly conservative Society."
"She challenged her fears, she stepped into them, and it didn't close. You may, like a virgin, therapy, it works."
"The more we scare you the more you'll realize, oh that wasn't so bad. The best way to get over your fear is to face it head on."
"Honestly, I've kind of been putting it off. I really did not want to look at my credit card statements, but it's got to be done. It's gotta be faced."
"Don't run away from your fears, turn them into gnarly riffs."
"If I ran away from everything that scared me, I'd live my life on the head of a pin."
"2024 to me is the year that I face my fears, get out of my comfort zone, like just try new things."
"All of them faced their fears through singing, asking out their crush, and correctly spelling the word goat."
"I'm just here to have fun today and what could be more fun than finally facing down my artistic Nemesis graphic design."
"You have to be a hero and go to the place that scares you."
"That feeling of facing a fear and doing something really difficult, I don't know, it just felt really cool."
"Everybody has fears. But you just gotta face 'em. And when you do, they go away."
"You have to stand in front of it."
"I'm not the kind of person that runs away from my fears. If something is making me afraid, I'm gonna chase after it."
"You make me face my demons. Thanks to you, I'm a different person, free of fear, free of weakness, free of doubt. I know exactly what I'm capable of."
"I was so proud of these kids facing their fears."
"I wish I had some formula I could propose, right? That would make you go from zero to sixty in three months. But the truth is, the biggest bang for your buck is stepping right into the terror, the thing you're most inclined to run from."
"You got to face your fears and I have a whole list of activities for us to do."
"I learned more about myself. I also faced my fears."
"Monsters live in the dark and when you can flip on that light and walk in the light of the truth of like this is true."
"We have to look at have the courage to look where we're scared."
"Just tell me. You have to prove that you're worth it and face your biggest fear in front of everyone."
"I think it was probably better that she ran toward her fear instead of away from it."
"It's time for me to feel the fear and do it anyway."
"Facing all that you fear will free you from yourself."
"We were born for adventure and stress. Everyone reads the science fiction or fantasy stories thinking of how exciting it would be to live through them, but they're scared when they actually have to."
"it is really like that facing your fear and all that stuff"
"I faced my fear I practiced everything that I learned about how to handle the situation and like I always say and like I live my life nothing bad happened."
"I promised I swore an oath to the people that I would face my fears in this series."
"...it was harder for me to live my life avoiding everything and it would be easier if I stayed alive to face every single thing I fear."
"I think it's almost therapeutic in a way it forced you to face it like you can't you can't run from it."
"I was obsessed with the rush of endorphins I experienced when facing my fears"
"Facing fears. If it scares you, do it."
"I can't believe you made me do that. Did you face your fear? I did."
"Experience is your compass, like whatever scares you, go to where's that."
"Face your fears, for in doing so, they often simply dissolve."
"Thank you, guys, for helping me. If I wanted at least one thing to take away from this whole experience, it's to be able to face my fear. So thanks, guys, for helping me."
"The magic is in the doing. Feel the fear but do it anyways."