
Suppression Quotes

There are 403 quotes

"We should never suppress scientific findings."
"If you push stuff down... eventually they're going to start bubbling up."
"The distributed idea suppression complex...great ideas got buried no matter where they occurred because great ideas were likely to be highly disruptive to an institutional order."
"Depression actually means to push something down. What do people push down when they're depressed? Their emotions."
"Holding your emotions in for a really long time can be painful and detrimental to your health."
"The suppression of the normal sex instinct, for example, is responsible for a thousand ills in puritan countries."
"There is simply nothing more dangerous to a democracy or society than the inexorable construction of a system designed to suppress with the force of law and corporate power all dissent."
"If you can destroy a man, you can destroy an idea, and you can get all sorts of other people to shut up."
"Your voice, your perspective, your experience, your truth should not be suppressed."
"It's more about the risk-taking... you just have to observe the things you're suppressing."
"The suppression of free speech, freedom of expression, and people's basic rights to freedom absolutely."
"Suppress it, push it down, fight against those base desires, and fight instead for virtue and nobility and all the virtues of chivalry itself."
"Suppression of new technology would be an obvious play in the idea and strength of a free market system, yet it still seems to happen right in front of our eyes."
"You're suppressing so much stuff and you're not saying that."
"That's exactly what everyone always says they think their ideas are better and they have a right to suppress other people I disagree that is authoritarianism."
"What internal becomes external, what we suppress we project."
"This type of upheaval is like gravity, is to be expected when you kind of just suppress and depress a group."
"Critical thinking and having alternative opinions and questioning what authority tells you is becoming more and more suppressed and oppressed."
"Emotions are trapped energy within us when we don't let it out all right whether that be hurt anger anxiety whatever the case it is and even speaking Our Truth when we when we suppress anything we're gonna cause problems."
"If you just suppress everything and just keep working, you don't realize how much it's like [ __ ] up up there."
"What you've been suppressing, what you've been in denial about, it's coming out."
"We have a culture that is seeking to suppress our pain physical and mental."
"At this school, any disagreement with Critical Race Theory was carefully monitored and suppressed."
"They just needed to be quiet about the whole thing."
"This is how all of this works: an attempt by the left to suppress narratives they do not like."
"Truth can't be silenced, no matter how hard they try."
"Despite brutal suppression from the CCP, Chinese people can still tell good from bad."
"The more you try to bury away sadness, the more damage it does."
"Your vote is valuable, and that's why they will either work to obtain it or they will work to suppress it."
"What if we defend true things and we suppress false things?"
"The suppression of media opportunists and charlatans... that's how science gets suppressed."
"The goal here is to silence you, the silenced majority."
"It really is demoralizing to constantly self-censor and feel like you can't say what you want."
"The history of science is the history of the suppression of great inventions."
"They are working hard, round the clock, to ensure the voices that are genuinely in support of the issues you care about are shut down."
"Voter suppression and intimidation is a threat to democracy."
"If you're telling people that, you get expelled, suspended from one of the two major parties in a two-party system. That is a severe threat to democracy."
"The truth is a strange thing. You can try to suppress it, but it will always find its way back to the surface."
"Citizens in North Korea are expected to never speak out against what is going on in the country."
"An attempt to suppress and subvert the right to vote."
"There's been a suppression of this technology for decades; they've been keeping it from us because they don't want us to have free energy."
"Freedom of speech, they don't want us to have it. Freedom of religion, they don't want us to have it."
"The more you humiliate... the more you take away from them their ability to organize and express that rage."
"Empire means that all that competition is going to be suppressed and homogenized."
"It’s 22 days out. All over the country we are seeing a blitz by Republicans to tilt the playing field, to run elections, to administer democracy in a way that is maximally inconvenient or just flat-out suppressive of likely Democratic voters."
"He's literally taking action intended to suppress people's voting rights."
"The true beauty of the human spirit is stifled to keep things running smoothly."
"Suppressing reasonable conversations can be detrimental."
"But when the black man tries to do it, no, shut the hell up. Just worry about your identity and this white supremacist cult known as Christianity, KKK Christianity."
"Suppressing ideas generally serves only to make them stronger."
"There's been so many times where I did a young glitch interview he talked about everything like four years ago about his uh sexual assault case the lawyer calls me we can't put this out boom we didn't put it out."
"This is a way to shut you up. They're trying to drive you from office."
"The more you try to suppress something, the more interested people become."
"I don't really have an opinion. I know that a lot of them feel very suppressed and I think that's terrible."
"You can try to suppress freedom all you want, but it finds a way."
"We get emotions wrong; we don't speak about them; we try to suppress, thinking that is the best thing to do."
"We have suffered through more Dark Ages than Academia will reveal to you."
"We must deal with that offense and not suppress it and pretend that it's somehow evil to mention these obvious parallels in history."
"Speech concerning elections was intentionally suppressed."
"A shameful case of weaponization of a government agency for political purposes and suppression of the truth."
"The triumph of democracy is when half the country is suppressed, ostracized, no longer has a voice." - Bill Maher
"Silence political opposition the left do it all the time."
"To say that you have no interest in the possibility of survival of death, I think is to really suppress some part of our humanity."
"Any kind of freedom movement can be snuffed out before it begins. That is the China model."
"It's a bit like them saying, 'Oh, if it's not on the news then it's not true.' But maybe the whole system is weaponized against us to keep us suppressed." - Ben
"The United States has done what it always does, suppress the reality of these groups and empower them."
"You know, so do you think that what you've detailed in your report is this suppression of scientists?"
"If empaths and sensitive people are getting the message that we have to be small and we have to suppress our ego... we end up hiding in the shadows."
"Speaking out about a lack of PPE causes serious financial problems...it's really silencing people."
"That's a good thing you buried that down. You remembered that [ __ ] down, dude."
"This is nothing less than the weaponization of the penal code to stifle dissent."
"It's amazing how much time, energy, and laws we spend silencing people who were just simply different."
"The more you try to suppress the truth, the more the truth makes itself seen."
"When you suppress what you are, it comes back with a vengeance."
"Every voice matters, but they sure seem desperate to erase evidence."
"NASA has had a long-standing role in actively suppressing UFO information."
"Even at the other side that's prohibited is the one telling the truth."
"If we don't allow expression, do you know anyone that creates? Potentially someone else."
"If a narrative doesn't fit, it's shadow banned, it's suppressed, it's throttled, it's argued against by a swarm of repetitive responses."
"They're actively shutting down anyone looking into this be careful."
"Ultimately it's healthier to let them out than to suppress it."
"The bigger picture is suppression of information which is so important and vital to a democracy."
"The smoking gun has been completely suppressed."
"Once we lose that and the establishment excises the free and independent individual and thinker, you'll start seeing crackdowns."
"They're weaponizing government itself to suppress democracy because they fear the majority."
"Anybody who questions power is really who gets the shaft."
"They're trying to stop our mass communication, why you think they don't like us in big groups?"
"Many human rights activists and organizations attempting to help these workers have been silenced or banned."
"The truth is the enemy of the state that is doing everything in their power in order to trample it and destroy it so people of course never get to see it."
"Their goal is to crush Alex Jones and use it as a template to crush others they don't like."
"Involving the authorities is akin to preventing a Scientologist from being able to apply standard Scientology, and that's a high crime, it's a suppressive act."
"Xi has stifled all perceived threats to social stability, this not only in the form of protests or dissidents but also human rights lawyers, labor activists, poets, feminists, and anything else he views as a threat."
"The blocking of any sort of mechanism that would reveal or release us from those acts of psychological genocide."
"This is a blueprint for the suppression that is coming our way."
"Silence him and make him cry, indeed it shall."
"Wood release, naturally suppressed the power of tail beasts."
"Bottling up emotions is one of the most destructive things for a human to do."
"If you hide that, if you say you can't say certain things then that gets hidden and gets buried."
"Imposing full control, squashing out independence and liberty."
"Don't allow people to use that to shut down the discourse."
"Beach Hills just suppress them, keeping them down, locked in their base."
"We cannot out-organize suppression, we cannot out-organize oppression."
"Pathological narcissism is an attempt to avoid dysregulation and to avoid disintegration by suppressing thoughts which are perceived as internally threatening."
"Suppressing the attachment suppresses not just the emotions, but because the emotions are physiologically connected to the immune system, when you suppress your emotions, you're suppressing your immune system as well."
"Why are we seeing a rise of autoimmune disease in this society? Because people are more and more having to suppress themselves to fit in with the false expectations of society."
"Uncomfortable emotions are there to show us something, and when we suppress and ignore them, we can't become aware of the issues that made them arise in the first place."
"You may feel like you're suppressing true honesty in order to make other people more comfortable."
"They just don't want the content out there; they don't want the truth out there."
"It is never healthy to suppress your emotions."
"Curiosity is beaten out of us by the time we're in Middle School."
"They're definitely trying to silence her."
"Censorship is a double crime: it stops someone from speaking and others from hearing."
"They try their very best to remove the idea of pride so you have nothing to be proud of."
"We have learned to tuck away parts of ourselves we've learned to hide or suppress aspects of who we are."
"Choosing the right suppressor is all about matching the silencer to your firearm and the types of shooting that you're doing."
"I have no idea who is suppressing it or how or why, but I need to get it out there."
"Never suppress, don't do it, especially this week with all these energies around you."
"Society's getting dumber and constantly suppressing and bringing down smart people."
"Universal Studios, because they actively suppress this video, so like the intro goes and then I'm like, I imagine a movie happening."
"Tearfully suun agreed to try to suppress the news spreading in the media."
"The suppression of life is disease."
"Actually, not fighting is a bad sign uh it means you're really suppressing your uh complaints and not feeling comfortable expressing those to your partner."
"...this person is very attracted to you, some of you this person has feelings that they're suppressing."
"Silence and Stillness is how you suppress the voice of self, and the word is how you silence the voice of the enemy and silence the voice of secular culture because the word of God is that foundation."
"They were trying to block your originality."
"There is an overarching agenda from a spiritual standpoint to suppress Africa and Africans."
"Feelings are unbearable, too painful, and we all are in a habit of suppressing them or repressing them."
"...what is oft forgotten is that the echo brain situation wasn't the first time Jason's creativity was hampered at the command of fragile egos."
"When we suppress feelings, they don't go away."
"Children at St. Anne's residential school suffered nightmarish levels of abuse and yet the office of the attorney general suppressed thousands of pages of police evidence that identified those perpetrators."
"Anger doesn't just go away because you shove it down."
"The full-blown war on heresy inaugurated by Pope Innocent III... set the stage for the official and sustained suppression and prosecution of the magical arts."
"They don't want you to remember the magic. They don't want you to know that you can reach higher levels."
"Put a lion in a cage for too long and it stops acting like a lion"
"Girls don't speak about it, they just bottle it all up inside."
"In all cultures that are suppressed, that's what they have to do. That's what we had to do in order to break out sometimes, go against the system."
"...having to suppress your real self in the service of attachment and survival."
"Wouldn't you say it's suppressing you?"
"They feel very stuck on you, but they're also suppressing their emotions."
"Consider your little rebellion quashed."
"Opposition to Covid-19 vaccines, mask and lockdowns were suppressed."
"...Kansas City Chiefs... I've never seen a team that can rip off 21, 28 points like the Kansas City Chiefs. It's unbelievable."
"Push it away. Push it into the cornfield. We've all looked at it enough. Please, son. S it into the cornfield. All right, that's better. He was a bad man, so I turned him into a clown. Jack in the box. A clown that still had his face."
"The hidden little girl wanted to scream."
"For me, there's specific like early memories of when I first had a thought break that was like 'Huh, little oh [__]!' and immediate like shoving it back down."
"It's not called how to run from an SP, it's called how to confront and shatter suppression."
"Let's try very hard to say that we can just wipe out forever any unpleasant or unhappy thought against any person."
"I realized I had been suppressing many of my true feelings."
"Feelings can't be easily suppressed or eliminated."
"...if you keep ignoring that anger over and over again, that's when people can kind of snap."
"You possess an innate intuition no matter how hard you try to suppress it deep down you are aware of the status you have chosen it's a visceral feeling you can't shake off."
"It's like there's a fire that's supposed to be there in your belly and you're dampening it down."
"The industry has the power to silence the female voice."
"Although the trial and suppression had succeeded in destroying the order of the Temple, it failed in other areas."
"Evil will seek to silence the good."
"What's the cost of suppression in this case? It's significant, your honor. A guilty man who committed a serious crime will go free."
"If the entire mass culture wants to bury something, then it will do a much, much better job than any dictator could ever do with his reputation."
"You heal by releasing, not suppressing."
"This person could have been ignoring their feelings as well."
"A healthy connection would never ask you to suppress your emotions."
"Even if you try to bottle up your emotions and not show it, it always seeps through."
"Emotions: you can never actually bury them. You can try to hide them, you can try to quiet them, but they're going to creep back up."
"With all these new ideas floating around, censorship increased to keep them at bay."
"Don't suppress your true nature or you will regret it."
"They're the ones trying to suppress it, they're the ones who developed and made up cancel culture, which is completely a Marxist belief."
"I feel like straight men feel a lot more rage like they suppress their emotions, road rage or they just punch a wall."
"What they attempt to do is erase your emotions."
"They have to squash the drive. They have to get rid of the nature of the men because if they don't get rid of the nature of the men, the men will continue to engage in it."
"You've been trying to stifle your emotions."
"Their solution for me was very compelling. They suggested that I had been suppressing part of my identity as an artist."
"If you take a girl like Carrie who's hated by her classmates, who's persecuted by her mother, and if she has a talent like this that's suppressed, what happens when that talent comes out?"
"Every time we try to suppress our emotions, we're depriving ourselves of our humanity."
"Suppressing doubts and fears and concerns usually doesn't work."
"Instead of crying at the table, instead of giving names, instead of lying that you're stable, instead of pushing it away, and you say it's just to get out, yeah, it's just to get out."
"...and a lot of suppressed and denied anger. But the anger is very present, will explode out, and a lot of issues in their close relationships."
"The extermination of the Cathars had profound effects on the region, from the destruction of local culture to the suppression of local languages."
"All emotions are important, and suppressing them rather than meaningfully confronting them is unhealthy."
"You feel like you've lost this connection with yourself because you've been suppressing so many things for so long."
"It's actually that your power is trying to rise to your heart, your power is trying to express, and we keep shutting it down and shutting it down."
"Someone feels like they have to cater to someone else's wishes or cater to something that goes against their own intuition."
"There's a suppression of following inner guidance."
"The Smithsonian suppression conspiracy theory is widely circulated among groups such as creationists and cryptozoologists."
"...300 Blackout, silence or as close to it as you can get."
"You either say how you feel and [__] it up or say nothing and let it [__] you up instead."
"Whatever is suppressed within is not victory."
"I couldn't help but burst out laughing and I couldn't stop laughing no matter how hard I tried to suppress it."
"I'll shoot this thing so just imagine that it's suppressed that it's quiet it does uh with proper suppress it it really is a quiet shooter I think that pointed bullet ought to go through a 2 L don't you."
"Silencing somebody just shows that there's something to be silenced."
"Why suppress? Why not suppress? That should be the question."
"Labels box people in, it limits people, and it suppresses who they really are."
"Liberalism is not an open society anymore. The enemies of the open society are liberals themselves, as they suppress alternatives and cancel discussions."
"He ruthlessly censored newspapers and forced them out of business."
"History actually is getting worse because those who rule have more and more sophisticated means to suppress a larger number of people."
"You cannot banish anxious thoughts for good by trying to suppress them. Trying to do so makes them stronger and more persistent."
"Imagination is in all people all the time, it's just suppressed, and it is dangerous."
"Their intellectual and emotional spark plug has been quieted by the disease."
"There's a quiet little feeling of shame about that, but you push it down."
"Have to overcome this desire to suppress their feelings."
"I just flooded with many many many um although thankfully I think I repress them it's a bit like child birth."
"His attack on Officer Tackias and Officer Crane was cowardice, it was a blindside, it was suppressed fire."