
Dignity Quotes

There are 4565 quotes

"Treat yourself and others with dignity and respect."
"Anastasia asserted that she could handle insults directed at her but not those aimed at her family and her father, the Duke."
"The dignity of feeling like you have a job to go to is important, regardless of one's abilities."
"All people, no matter their size, should be treated with respect and dignity."
"There's no weight limit on respect. All people, regardless of what they look like or what size they are, are worthy of respect."
"Dignity and respect is the bare minimum; it's the floor of where we can be."
"The border will be secure when people on both sides of it can make a living where they are and can live in dignity and safety."
"Identity politics is about empathy, it is about dignity and... compassion."
"Dress in a manner to create an aura of queendom, royalty, grace."
"When you are independent, when you thrive on the sweat of your own brows... then honor, dignity, self-respect, integrity... that's the coin of the realm."
"I compliment you for the professionalism and dignity you have shown over the last 865 days as you have endured threats against you and your family as well as unjustified attacks in the media and on your reputation as a lawyer."
"The late Queen's motto was 'never complain, never explain.' There may be furor, frenzy, and fabrication, but the monarchy should maintain a position of dignity and stoicism that befits its status and stability above the fray."
"My mother was a wonderful woman, a beautiful lady. She had tremendous dignity and class."
"Nothing is worth losing your happiness and your dignity. Nothing."
"I don't want to look like 31 at 52. Why should I look younger than my age? I earned my 52 with dignity."
"Trans women exist, they have always existed, and they will always exist. They are not a condition to be cured; they're not a pestilence to be eradicated. They should be treated with basic common courtesy and dignity under the law."
"Humans are exceptional. The human species is different than other species. We have intrinsic dignity."
"A job's about a lot more than a paycheck. It's about your dignity."
"If we got one good thing from the pandemic, it's these strikes and the realization that we are all owed a little bit of dignity in our lives."
"Women taking personal responsibility for themselves is how dignity and freedom will be achieved."
"All of human Liberty, all of human rights, all of individual equality, all of that is based in the belief that man is made in God's image."
"Treat yourself with dignity and respect because I believe you can't give away what you don't have."
"Dignity is a state of mind relative to both yourself and to others."
"It's a huge mistake to equate comfort and dignity."
"Knowing that the God of the universe says that you have value no matter what... no matter what you look like, no matter whether you're handicapped or what, you have value no matter what."
"The idea that someone who suffers the death of a slave emerges to become, it turns out, to be in a sense the creator of all heaven and earth and of all humanity, what that means in the long run is that it gives a dignity to people who previously would not have been afforded dignity by anyone."
"The radicalism of Pauline and ultimately Christian teaching is to say no, that's not true, everybody's body, no one has the right to have that done to them."
"When you respect yourself, you demand that the world respect you."
"These matters, involving the most intimate and personal choices a person may make in a lifetime, choices central to personal dignity and autonomy, are central to the liberty protected by the Fourteenth Amendment."
"It means more Americans have the dignity of work that comes with a good job that can provide for your family."
"The best way to preserve our humanity is to assert our humanity. There are no vermin amongst us, no scum amongst us, no bitches amongst us. We are all human."
"Let's call this out. The best way to preserve our humanity is to assert our humanity."
"Philanthropy produces moral dignity because it produces kindness to work miracles and to move mountains."
"Every day we're going to try to meet the standard set out by the president in treating others with dignity and respect, with civility and with the value for others through our words and our actions."
"We have to get, as a country, to a civil, dignified immigration policy that allows people to hold their heads up high, live in sunshine, and not in shadows, and find a way and a pathway to citizenship."
"We have to give them a dignified path just as our ancestors had, into this country, and this is a program that promotes that."
"Hopeful that we can do better, be better, and treat each other with the dignity and respect that is the birthright of every human being."
"With human rights, you always have an argument coming from the person outwards or from human dignity outwards about the way things should be."
"Social Security...stands as a monument to decency, dignity, and birthright of hard-working Americans."
"This sort of environment is only possible when harassment, discrimination, and behavior that seeks to silence, intimidate, and dehumanize is not allowed."
"Stand tall and maintain your dignity no matter what."
"Dignity has nothing to do with money, it's everything to do with what you think of yourself and how you see yourself."
"Any state, any entity, any ideology that fails to recognize the worth, the dignity, the rights of man, that state is obsolete."
"It turns out the idea of the super disabled is also an effective way to deny disabled people in society dignity."
"You should never ever ever ever feel ashamed or be made to feel ashamed by someone. It's such a horrible thing to do."
"I believe in the dignity of work and the dignity of workers."
"Stand tall and maintain your dignity no matter what, and others will treat you with the respect that you deserve."
"Nobody should pay for their cost of their Social Care by selling their home, and everybody should have dignity and security in their old age."
"What we're forgetting is a very important detail, which is just like human respect and dignity."
"A woman must never sell herself short, never sell her dignity."
"How do we get back to treating each other with dignity?"
"You can't have hard conversations if you don't trust the person you're in a conversation with to give you dignity and hear you."
"Every person who died on that hill has the right to have their dignity preserved."
"We see dignity, and we see people having conversations even when they're hard."
"All human beings have a certain dignity that commands our respect."
"Faith in what? The inviolable dignity of the human individual might be a good place to start."
"We have a categorical duty to respect the dignity of persons and not to use people as means merely, even for good ends."
"Her dignity, graciousness, and a sense of duty have been an inspiration."
"There's a dignity to solitude if you can pull it off."
"To believe that you are a human being with intrinsic dignity, who has God-given rights to freedom, you have to believe in a God who gives you those rights."
"The human person can't be disposed of for any reason."
"Every person should be treated with respect and dignity and should be able to live without fear, no matter who they are or whom they love."
"Catherine and William have just walked through everything with grace and dignity."
"We don't even afford trans people dignity in death."
"Everyone was treated with dignity and respect; it was an impressive showing of humanity at its highest."
"All these people want is to be left alone to work very hard and raise a family in dignity."
"We believe in the dignity of the individual, not the iron grip of the state."
"Every human being has value, and that doesn't matter the circumstance of your conception."
"Anger is a natural response to someone screwing with your human dignity."
"Alabama has shown me that even our deepest divisions can be overcome because each of us wants the same thing: to be treated fairly and given the same opportunities and the freedom to live with dignity and respect."
"Privacy doesn't mean the right to your data only; it means the right to your dignity. It means having control over what parts of yourself you share and which parts you lock the door for."
"If someone in this room got up, took off all our clothes, and walked out the door, no man has a right to touch her."
"The solution is to restore what's broke inside of these people: the dignity, the self-esteem, the belief in themselves."
"You can be poor and dignified. You can be poor and admired within your family. You can be poor and have decent or outstanding character."
"Let's try to make sure that there's decent housing for someone so they don't have to sleep under a bridge."
"There's a dignity to work, but the reason it's a cliche is because cliches have so much truth in them."
"There's tremendous power in unconditional respect and treating someone with respect, dignity, and fairness, especially when they don't expect it from you."
"The first thing people really want is dignity, a basic sense of respect, of being valued, of being seen."
"All humans on this Earth deserve rights, comfort, and a dignified existence."
"Collective action actually can get us somewhere if we start talking about these problems and push back on the people who are preventing us from having basic dignities."
"People in general want to hang out, spend time with their family, they want to feel like they have the tools available to them to, with dignity, take care of their lives."
"A job is a hell of a lot more than about a paycheck; it's about your dignity, it's about your place in the community."
"Everyone is just so deserving of love and dignity, and you're of such high worth."
"We now have a culture of dignity where it does not matter what you say, you cannot take my dignity from me."
"We got to treat people with dignity and with the pay that they deserve."
"It's better to lose with dignity than to play their game."
"They can't humiliate you if you don't let them."
"A multi-racial, multi-ethnic human rights movement must be born, one that takes seriously the dignity and humanity of all people."
"The single most powerful human emotion I have found is humiliation, and the quest for dignity. That has guided a lot of my career, covering people acting out on their humiliation and questing for dignity."
"Humiliation and dignity correspond to so much of what drives global events, from personal interactions to international relations."
"We learned about dignity and decency, that how hard you work matters more than how much you make."
"A country where we are judged by our character with dignity and respect for all."
"Katherine yet again shows class, dignity, courage, and strength."
"How can one even begin to speak of the dignity of labor when one secretly feels one's job should not exist?"
"We treat people with dignity and respect even when it's [__] hard, most especially when it's hard."
"Respect, dignity, and recognition are words that we don't hear a lot about when we're talking about election outcomes and why people are revolting, but they're incredibly important."
"In order to be loved, you must first love yourself enough to walk away from people who are rude, disrespectful, unappreciative, and those who try to intimidate you into compromising your values and dignity."
"We are similar, but we need to be equal; we need to appreciate the dignity, the freedom of all."
"The dignity of work is just such a huge deal."
"You have inherent dignity and value because you are made in the image of God."
"The dignity of the human soul... you're participating in creation itself with your actions and your language."
"No person should be homeless if we can have public structures and public policy to allow for people to have homes and food and lead a dignified life in the United States."
"Mr. Hillary has conducted himself with extreme dignity throughout this entire process."
"Especially the black women at complex networks has chewed up and spit out without regard for our dignity and humanity. I see you. I'm here for you. And our voices are stronger together."
"We are people too, and I think that's a beautiful thing that needs to be preserved."
"Throughout this course of conduct, Mr. Spears stripped his daughter of her dignity, including her dignity to make her own decisions, and of her humanity."
"These are people; they're not a product on a shelf. They're human beings."
"Here was this brave, composed, marvelously dignified young woman, talking about something that was deeply shocking and traumatic for her and her family."
"We must transfigure common life, dignify it, and ennoble it."
"Unless we address that suffering, unless we reintegrate these people into society, unless we re-knit the social bonds to give them a place, give them a sense of dignity, give them meaning, give them a sense of purpose, we're finished."
"It's not about biology; it's about intelligence, it's about dignity, it's about who you are."
"A job is about a lot more than a paycheck. It's about your dignity. It's about respect. Your place in the community."
"We need to ignite like human dignity again in people because when women uphold themselves to a certain standard, men are forced to uphold themselves to a certain standard in order to be with those women."
"No idea is above scrutiny and no person is beneath dignity."
"I care about myself and when I'm standing up to you I'm standing up for myself, for my own pride and dignity."
"It recognizes the shared wealth we create when we lift each other up...providing a level of dignity and a removal of social stigma that holds so many people back."
"Historic places lend a kind of dignity to an area."
"You treat everybody with dignity and respect, regardless of race, religion, color, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, and all other protected categories."
"Sometimes you got to hold your dignity when you know your worth. Ain't no price on that."
"Everybody has the opportunity to age in dignity with the care they deserve at the end of their life."
"Please be respectful of the other people in the comments section, please be kind and please just treat each other with a little bit of dignity and respect."
"You have a right to seek peace, you have a right to seek asylum, you have a right to not be tear-gassed, the right to be honored and dignified."
"Not maltreating animals... animal abuse and those kinds of things, I think, that's like absolutely exploitation and just a degradation of animals' dignity."
"Beverly LaSalle wasn’t the first female impersonator on television. But after years of TV treating drag performers as deranged psychopaths and literal punchlines, she was probably the first to be afforded dignity, love, and respect."
"Every man and woman is a person made in the image of God and therefore having infinite dignity and worth and great potential."
"We are not meant to live in shame and weakness and disgrace."
"It would be better off if we treated the people that were coming here to better themselves with the same dignity that we treat all Americans."
"We should want all people to feel the maximum amount of dignity and togetherness that is possible."
"Please remember to afford all people dignity and all ideas scrutiny."
"Human beings have an inherent value that distinguishes them from animals or widgets."
"Dignity and self-respect are something that you can have all your life."
"I am the crowning glory of the creation of God...whether I am tall and beautiful or whether I am small and not so handsome, I have inherent dignity and worth."
"There is dignity and there is grace within every woman, every man, and every child in this nation."
"It is one of the highest responsibilities of our government to see them, to see their dignity and to lift them up."
"We will fight like hell for our veterans and their families the healthcare, respect, and dignity they deserve."
"Black lives matter is really fighting for the dignity and humanity of Black communities all over the world."
"It is tasteless to prolong life artificially. I have done my share; it's time to go. I will do it elegantly."
"We do things in a respectful way. It's our job to take away the guy's liberty, right, for committing the crimes. It's not our job to take away his dignity."
"America is an idea that all men and women are created equal, that everyone is entitled to be treated with dignity."
"I want to go when I want. It is tasteless to prolong life artificially. I have done my share; it is time to go. I will do it elegantly."
"Every human being should be treated with dignity and respect, and that's an overriding sense of my own character, but also what the law requires."
"It's not a way to treat someone; let them die with a bit of dignity."
"A well-being economy has to be about ensuring dignity to everyone, making sure we all have enough to get by and we have a sense of purpose and meaning in our existence."
"This subpoena is beneath the Congress of the United States."
"My entire point always is to improve workplace conditions for everyone so they can also have some free time and pursue a life of dignity and find dignity in their work as well."
"I think all humans are deserving of dignity, but respect is something that's earned."
"There is as much dignity in tilling a field as in writing a poem. It is at the bottom of life we must begin."
"People consider the right to retire with dignity to be really a fundamental right."
"A man will never respect a woman beyond the respect she has for herself."
"It is better to hurt with your dignity intact than to suffer the pain of dishonor."
"It's one thing for you to disrespect me, but it is another thing entirely for me to disrespect myself."
"Everybody deserves to have their name returned to them."
"Vincent House is a clean, safe, restorative community, built upon respect and dignity, something people with a mental illness rarely experience."
"Judges should maintain the dignity of judicial office at all times and avoid both impropriety and the appearance of impropriety in their professional and personal lives."
"We will not rest until every American enjoys the fullness of freedom, dignity, and opportunity as our birthright. It is our birthright as citizens of this great Republic."
"Democracies in which everyone's dignity is recognized, where the rule of law and human rights are respected by everybody, where people have a voice in how they're governed, where we all have a stake in maintaining the social order, and where we can disagree with each other, sometimes bitterly, without losing sight of the ties that bind us together."
"Above all, I came here because of America's belief in human dignity."
"It's an extraordinary achievement to have presided with such dignity and grace for 70 years."
"What is independence? Independence means dignity. Independence means security."
"Just remembering who that person is... still giving them that respect and that dignity that they deserve is so important and crucial."
"Give your loved ones purpose. Regardless of where they're at at that moment, they still have that inner voice telling them they want to contribute."
"I look at the dignity and worth of a person and do unto others as we would want done unto us."
"I care a lot more about taking care of Americans, making sure that Americans can live a life of dignity."
"We're going to show Americans how you can be outraged about an issue but still keep your dignity and discipline."
"We must stay classy. Don't let them break you."
"You can no longer have this life with dignity."
"Black lives matter but black dignity also matters."
"Black lives matter, but so does black dignity."
"Human dignity shall be inviolable. To respect and protect it shall be the duty of all state authority."
"The world might be broken but it can be repaired because we're all created with human dignity."
"The hijab is to dignify, to honor, to make a woman known as free, as honorable."
"Nobody should go through torture and the loss of dignity, no matter how old you are and no matter how close to death you are."
"I'm a full supporter of the right of trans people to live with complete dignity and full legal equality."
"No idea is above scrutiny and no person should be beneath dignity."
"Malcolm's ability to think about dignity in such a panoramic way is huge and hugely important."
"There is a dignity, it's your dignity at stake here."
"We have to act now. It's not just to meet the moral obligation to treat our fellow Americans with the dignity and respect they deserve."
"We need meaning in life, you know, we need dignity as a human."
"We believe in the Dignity of every citizen and it is an America's DNA and I believe in India's DNA."
"No community is beyond repair and the dignity of people is never fully extinguished."
"Whether or not that is the case, these people now exist and I believe that as humans they should be afforded the rights and the respect needed for them to live decent dignified lives."
"Every paycheck must have dignity in it as well." - John Fetterman
"Every work has dignity and every paycheck must have dignity in it as well."
"Everyone should be treated with dignity and respect... no matter what their age no matter what their position no matter what."
"If it seems that I'm being cold or callous to trans people, I want trans people to live with the exact same dignity under the exact same laws as everybody else without question, without exception."
"There is dignity in earning an income. There are people who want to work for a living."
"This is It's a disgusting political stunt at the expense of human beings... but you know what on this island we treated them with dignity."
"Banding together is like a human union calling for dignity and taking care of each other."
"Take your heart, they can take your past, they can take your future, they cannot take your dignity unless you hand it to them on the way out."
"Dignified, strong, powerful, you've been hard done by, but still incredibly dignified."
"Our mother lost her life because of this, and nothing has changed. Protecting her legacy, we protect everyone and uphold the dignity with which she lived her life."
"Real value, real dignity does not come from people."
"Every individual ought to be viewed as precious."
"Dignity is at the core of what feminism should always be about. Dignity means that a woman should be able to freely choose her own path in life." - Tammy Bruce
"The turban is like a crown. The Guru has made every single Sikh into a King, male or female, we carry ourselves like Kings."
"It is a part of your own human dignity, it is a part of your intellectual liberation not to put up with this nonsense anymore."
"You guys don't have to put up with being treated like crap by your country..."
"Late-stage capitalism asking poor people to police the dignity of other poor people for no payment."
"It's not hurting other people. It is consensual. A government that affords you the ability to live a dignified life through strong institutions and a government which doesn't surveil you, I think that is a government that stays out of your life."
"The basis of dignity is to be needed by your family, by your community, and indirectly, to be needed by the economy."