
Cults Quotes

There are 287 quotes

"With the pandemic and everything going on, we may be entering a new golden age of Cults, a generation-defining event that is completely upended social norms."
"People with high autonomy scores are likely to have or be rejected from Cults or new religious movements, and that by doing so may cause psychological difficulties which are ameliorated by time and attendance at a support group."
"They thought this would be a routine domestic dispute. Little did they know that they were stepping into a twisted world of lies, unimaginable violence, and doomsday cults."
"Steven Hassan classifies cults not by size, enthusiasm, or level of social acceptance but by the level of unethical manipulation they use on their adherents."
"I consistently describe something as cult-like if it adheres closely to a model developed by psychologists and cult experts Steven Hassan called the BITE model."
"Human trafficking and destructive cults are not just issues in distant lands or plot lines in crime shows; they are among the most severe and rapidly growing problems happening right under our noses."
"You have a lot of cults that are very zealous for what they believe but it's without knowledge."
"The cults believe that these things are real and that they really do have an effect."
"Lured by the illusion of joining a supernatural family as a vampire... she actually found herself ensnared in a dangerous cult led by a predator posing as a werewolf."
"Heaven's Gate may have been a cult, but it wasn't a cold cult or a scary cult, really. It was a place that was filled with warmth and love and companionship, acceptance, and it gave these people a place where they felt they belonged when they maybe didn't feel like they belong to anywhere else before in their lives."
"Every cult has its own wild belief system, at the head of which is a preacher who is the source of all knowledge."
"How are the Heaven's Gate and Jonestown incidents any different? They all willingly died for a lie too."
"There is a massive world of difference between the cult of Mormonism and the truth of the gospel of Jesus."
"It's simple, when someone's in a cult to get them out of the cult you have to separate them from cult members and deprogram them. But with the existing woke cult, it's right there in the palm of their hands."
"I'll always stand by that. I think it should be illegal to involve children in cults, and that would include Scientology."
"I think it should be illegal to involve children in cults, period. End of story."
"Nobody joins the cult thinking that's what they're doing, and Scientology is no exception to that rule."
"Welcome here in this Channel and you are enough."
"For a cult that claims to be the most ethical people on the planet, they will lie so much."
"Scientology is a cult and it's a dangerous cult."
"The flds under the leadership of Warren Jeffs has undoubtedly become the exact definition of a cult."
"Intelligent, well-educated people join cults because they simultaneously desire a sense of working for a higher purpose and because they are afraid of being on their own."
"The most important thing to remember is that these people are not insane and that this could have happened to anybody."
"Against the cult of the reptile God is maybe the best starting adventure."
"Since it's too broad of a term, but there are Pentecostal denominations that are cults."
"I had signed a contract that essentially locked me into the cult."
"NXIVM hit headlines as a cult revolved around a man named Keith Raniere."
"I believe that we were raised in a cult. I believe that we were raised in a religion that thrives on control."
"The tragedy of Heaven's Gate cult is a haunting reminder of how dangerous extremist ideologies can be."
"I've always been fascinated with colts for a few different reasons... I want to know how do these cult leaders have this power and strategic ability..."
"It's a shit cult. It's a poop cult. I mean, Jillian, what would you instead it yourself?"
"This cult and the fact that they use torture and human sacrifices and all of that is just beyond like [expletive] up."
"Cult dynamics are everywhere in modern society and throughout all of human history."
"Rationality is antithetical to cults? No, you could certainly create a rationality cult."
"I'm not interested in being in a cult." - James Carville
"Cults harness archetypal ideas, eternal religious patterns intrinsic to humanity."
"But no, I do actually have something to say regarding Onision and moreover specifically using the time Onision was trying to start a religion, let's have a conversation about cults."
"Cults aren't necessarily religious in nature. We actually need to separate this idea in our minds that cults are inherently religious or they are religious groups because cults can actually exist in multiple facets of unreligious groups."
"The cult of Onision already puts Onision and his self in a religious context because outside of that, we again tend to think of cults as not being religious."
"Cults are almost always built on a totalitarian power structure. No one group has the power to question their Authority because this person is looked at as their only hope for salvation."
"There's nothing rebellious about Moon; if anything, his cult worships conformity."
"Political Cults are never good, often rise always pass. May that time come sooner rather than later."
"People drank the Kool-Aid, they committed suicide out in the jungle."
"This might be some sort of weird cult; they're gonna try to make us join."
"I find all this cult stuff super interesting."
"Cults are definitely a thing and they can be incredibly dangerous, especially if led by the wrong person."
"Don't let a cult leader take away your power."
"It's amazing that this cult still does this this practice is continuing today and they're still trying to work on more celebrities."
"This is the satanic Idol... he's a high priest and a satanic cult."
"Cults will often withhold or distort information to make it more acceptable or simply flat out lie."
"Members of cults experience extreme emotional highs and lows."
"The worst thing for a cult is actually knowing what they sell before you buy it."
"Claude Maurice Marcel Vorilhon: a French journalist who is also the founder of what is called the Raelian Movement..."
"Satanic cult at the end? I am A-okay with that."
"They were making steps away from the cult life."
"All of this stuff should be setting off red flags, it screams cult from the hilltops."
"The enduring popularity of sex Cults is not really surprising lust is a very powerful compulsion."
"Every day is one step closer to the total collapse of the human trafficking cult known as Scientology."
"The problem with Cults like the People's Temple and communes like Jonestown is the fact that you can't just try to rebuild Eden and your own image and pretend that the fall never happened..."
"Some people argue that the only difference between a cult and a religion is the size of the cult. Now, I disagree, I really, really disagree."
"Cult leaders don't die from COVID. That's a [ __ ] way to go out."
"Deputies find a mummified body of an alleged cult leader... literally in a bed."
"Everyone was like 'Oh my God she's been indoctrinated into a cult, we gotta go in, we gotta save her.'"
"I know what it is to be a victim of a cult-like situation. The person kind of gets in your head and reprograms what you've always known to be true."
"Did any of the cults ever manage to summon Cthulhu?"
"The church in America today is the Doomsday cult, the fundamentalist Christians."
"California has been the world leader in Cults for a very long time."
"If you're forbidden from learning, congratulations, you're in a cult."
"Anytime you hear somebody saying that somebody else is drinking the kool-aid, that's what you have Jim Jones and the People's Temple to thank for."
"Michael is evil. There's some kind of curse the cult has figured out a way to tap into the same evil."
"Nexium stands accused of drawing supporters down a path of Destruction."
"These cults will always be around. At some form or another they might diminish in power a little bit, but I think these things will always be around."
"Imagine what the world would have been like... People always say like people going into cults are lost, but I think people living in Ohio might also be lost." - Rose McGowan
"You can never fall in love again for them. You can never be clandestine organization. Now, now you're just any cult. Now you're no different than Cobra. You're not different than the Cult of Crime. You're just, you're just more schmucks in masks."
"Everyone thinks they're not the type that could ever join a cult."
"Cults are so interesting and sad."
"At some point maybe there needs to be a formal deprogramming of the cult members."
"I'm offering you freedom from this restrictive, destructive cult."
"I was going to go the Jim Jones route, which I might do in the future, and I was thinking maybe Charles Manson, but that feels overdone, so we're going to do the children of God."
"So, for those of you who don't know, the Children of God, otherwise known now as the Family International, is a far-reach Christian cult that started in the late '60s by David Berg."
"It's what cults do, they start questioning."
"How do you not join a cult? Look at the teachings, is one person at the top controlling everything and holding all the power for themselves?"
"Ultimately, how to not join a cult is to have the ability to look at yourself in depth, very clearly, and know what you stand for, what you believe, why you believe it, and how strong you are in it."
"A cult is any organization that will not let you leave it with your dignity intact."
"Cults become culture meaning it's more efficient to just focus on a small group of people and have them be evangelist for you."
Definition of a cult: "It's like it's a status game that's completely exclusive. You're not allowed to get your connection and status from anywhere else. Not your job, not your family, not your friends. It's us and us alone."
"Understanding the parallels between cult experiences helps shed light on the manipulative tactics used by various groups, including the Moonies and the Mormons."
"I worked on that case for a couple years and I really got acquainted in a secular academic way with cult and cult behavior, and what drives a cult. And I went through the home many times, figuring out what made this whole thing tick."
"There's a reasonable point that in sense of being special, of having a superior knowledge to other people, that maybe that's why there are so many celebrities who have joined Cults over the years."
"Gene Stealer Cults offer a promise of a better tomorrow and a family that cares for you, but their fate is far darker than that."
"Jones claimed that if his followers were loyal, they should be willing to jump off the Golden Gate Bridge for the cause."
"If you watch it as the origin of a cult, which is kind of what the Trump people are today anyway, then yeah, it makes complete sense."
"Healthy organizations do not coerce their members to stay in the group and they do not persecute former members. This is a clear sign you are dealing with a destructive cult."
"The way that you really tell a cult is not how do they get people in but what happens when they ask to leave."
"Anytime multiple people get together to discuss one person in a low vibrational way, that is cult energy... that's a dark cult."
"Your reality crumbles when you exit a cult."
"Was Christ a cult leader? By the Bible's definition, no he was not."
"I would so love to be able to go to places like the conference's that psychologists have or social workers or even EMTs you know all of the helping professionals they really need to be educated about the symptoms of someone being in a cult."
"They are a cult, and there's a way that you can actually define what a cult is."
"A cult is just an organized narcissistic relationship."
"All narcissistic relationships are just mini Cults with a membership of one."
"In all cults: there is an ongoing ‘subtle undermining’ of self-esteem."
"If you're into really spooky cult stories you'll definitely not want to miss this one."
"Heaven's Gate promised to lead their followers to a higher revolutionary level beyond human."
"Applewhite's conviction that he was a direct continuation of Jesus's mission on Earth became central to Heaven's Gate's theology."
"In fact, a wise man once said, nobody joins a cult on purpose. They join something good."
"Unfortunately, cults still exist. New ones pop up every day and they attempt to seduce and lure your children into a mindset that is often nearly impossible to get out of once they're brainwashed."
"Charles Manson's TV, used as a tool to brainwash and indoctrinate his followers with apocalyptic visions."
"The most dangerous cult is the cult that doesn't realize it is one."
"Welcome back everybody for a little bit more sptv where every day is a great day not to be in a cult."
"A cult is an authoritarian and elitist sect who teach that salvation hinges on membership in their group and yet they depart from one or more essential points in the ancient ecumenical Creeds."
"When you're in a cult, it doesn't have clear boundaries. It's not defined what the beliefs are."
"...if you're of this branch of just being interested in cults, we're trying to just bring compassion for everyone."
"Can we just pause for a second? Literally, what is it that gets into people's brains in cults?"
"He looks like a recruiter for a cult honestly special ceremonies and dressing up that sounds fun what I tell y'all he's a freaking recruiter for a cult I knew it by the haircut the way that he's talking just ever so softly."
"If you're going to a church that tells you you cannot understand the Bible for yourself, that's a cult."
"Nobody joins a cult on purpose, nobody knows they're doing it, they're just looking for something else."
"MLMs are cults and they're really good at keeping their skeletons in locked closets."
"Some Christian denominations can be cults from the sociological standpoint."
"It's an interesting time to leave a doomsday cult because we live in a real doomsday situation."
"The average well-trained cultist can take the average Christian and with a copy of the Bible twist you into a doctrinal pretzel."
"In a cult, the mission or ideology is seen as more important than the individual person."
"Just as in a relationship with a Narcissistic Abuser, the cultic system is designed to break down the participant so that they lose touch with friends, family, and their own knowledge and intuition."
"It's so interesting how modern day Cults can actually survive in this technological era with all the information that we have at our fingertips."
"If people had taken that approach, there would have been far less problems with cults and abuse around the world. So please take responsibility for your own spiritual life. Nobody else is responsible."
"No one who's in a cult thinks they're in a cult."
"What people have to realize when they leave the Watchtower organization is this: this organization does not reflect the teachings of Jesus Christ or the early church."
"Cults are extremely destructive and have caused a lot of harm to people and to people's families."
"Please read your Bible and don't get into a cult that teaches something that's not true."
"Many times, the psychological and sociological manipulation ultimately comes from the theological distortion of the cults."
"Out of all the cults that I come across, this one actually scares me."
"I think it's important to highlight that cults don't just seek to control or modify their members' behavior, they also seek control over the information their members have access to, their emotions, and even attempt to modify or control their members' very thoughts."
"It's interesting because a big part of the definition of a cult is a group of people with over-admiration or affinity towards something or someone."
"If you've ever been in a cult or been brainwashed...there is a way out."
"This is another common aspect of cults, particularly when men are in charge, in that they seemingly will control the members to be attractive sexually to them."
"There are little pieces of cults in all things that we don't see."
"It's okay to validate that experience and invalidate the cult that you're leaving."
"Joining a cult for clout and then actually joining a different cult."
"She technically didn't lie, but she lied in the moment because in the moment she didn't know she was going to be joining a cult and even now she doesn't think she's trying to call she thinks her life has changed and she's now conscious."
"One is extreme obsessiveness regarding the leader, individual identity is increasingly blurred, you're criticized if any questions are put out there."
"How easy is it for people to exit? And if it's one thing to have phobias like I did, versus if I had been born in the Moonies."
"A cult is any institution that won't let you leave with your dignity intact."
"In fantasy, we often see cults depicted as organizations devoted to some dread god or demon. But in reality, the movements most often described as cults have their physically present charismatic leader as an object of some great devotion."
"So today's guest she reached out to me with her personal story there is so much to this one so it's been a while since we've actually talked about just a family cult a very insulated isolated incident if you will."
"What would you do if the person you loved was part of a cult?"
"Language like the elect chosen people I mean talk about a red flag for a cult."
"...are we in the moment of cults I wouldn't even say cults as much as I would say social models."
"Exposing the dark underbellies of these cults."
"I have a voice and a YouTube channel, and I intend to use those two things to continue to expose abusive, deadly, family-destroying cults."
"If they wanted to go mainstream, they would have to get rid of disfellowshipping fully and completely since shunning former members is a classic sign of a cult."
"The number one catalyst you can do to be able to witness to a cultist and to know and to be able to witness the truth is become familiar with the original."
"More than 60 percent of people in cults get recruited by a friend, a family, or a co-worker."
"Cults require infrastructure and administration which means you need capital."
"We're supposed to believe that God literally spoke these words to this man about how his church is supposed to buy up a bunch of property, and then it happened."
"This is what cult leaders do. This is how every cult leader operates."
"Cults are like really serious and it's nothing to joke about. My heart breaks for the families of members that were a part of it or my heart breaks actually for the members that are in it."
"Cults take something that's meant for good and twist it towards their own narrative."
"Charles Manson is the prototype of a brutal cult leader, manipulating followers to commit his violent crimes."
"When a person leaves a cult like this, it's very difficult for them to just simply go into a church."
"At some point, maybe there needs to be formal deprogramming of the cult members."
"There needs to be formal deprogramming of the cult members."
"The last nine members of The Cult would finally emerge from the cave due to the toxic fumes produced by two of the members who had died over the winter."
"Gate Heaven's Gate was an American religion movement that began to Garner a following in Southern California during the mid-1970s."
"The followers of this cult believed that they could transform themselves into Immortal extraterrestrial beings."
"That's a cult, be careful if you don't work for a church or like a nonprofit."
"Our brains are vulnerable to cults; it depends on finding the right cult."
"Cults in modern day, like a long time ago, come in all different shapes and sizes."
"Restricting food is one of the ways cults get people, you literally go delusional."
"Successful cults are skilled in the art of redefining truth or what Hasson describes as creating their own map of reality."
"You can be in a cult with just another person."
"One of the most insane cults... preparing for the upcoming apocalypse."
"Cults try to seduce people to join, and control them once they are there, which is the exact opposite of what I do."
"Check out Amanda's books. We have 'Cultish' and another book called 'Word [__].' This one's called 'Cultish: The Language of Fanaticism.'"
"The Internet isn't great with a lot of topics in my field but with Cults it's pretty good."
"Why would the cult want to perpetuate a narrative that isn't put forward by the person they're following?"
"I didn't realize I was joining a cult."
"Why can't people escape religious cult figures? The promises are marvelous to some people, they sound like stupid gibberish to the rest of us."
"I've always been fascinated by cults."
"Hellbound is fundamentally an examination of the rise of a religious cult in a capitalistic society."
"Some people say cult plus time equals religion and then other people say a cult is a group where the leader claims to talk to god, a religion is where that dude is dead, right?"
"Participation in the cult in this world allowed one to transcend normal life, one experienced a temporary membership within a community of fellow worshippers."
"Participation in the cult in this world brought a potentially blissful feeling of belonging."
"Your intuition was right about your karmic family, your intuition was right about this satanic cult."
"How people are trapped into these cults, how they're forced into a particular way of life with little to no control."
"That's another level, that's a cult."
"America has probably been the most productive source of cults of any place on earth and any time in the history of the church."
"Waking up someone from a cult isn't easy, and there are no guarantees that you'll succeed."
"Cults are kind of scary and intriguing at the same time, like how did they get you - how did they snag a person from their life and brainwash them?"
"I think that's the difference between a cult and a religion."
"I'm very wary of cults and ideologies because I think that they deliberately, manipulatively cut you off from the rest of the human thought space."
"We all know that Scientology is a cult, right? Yes, Scientology is a cult."
"Cults don't have to be religious, and there are lots of religious groups that aren't cults."
"Narrative control, behavior control, emotional control, and thought control—if a group exhibits those qualities, it's probably a cult."
"He discovered that the world was not the terrifying place the cult had led him to believe."
"When you're in a cult, you don't think it's a cult."
"I didn't even understand it was a cult until after I left."
"American Cult is a graphic novel anthology of different cults throughout American history, and it's really well done."
"Love bombing involves overwhelming new recruits with affection, attention, and positive reinforcement, which creates a sense of belonging and gratitude."
"I read up on cults on the internet and decided to get out."
"The Raelians, in my opinion, are nothing more than a sex cult that are out on the ragged edge of sanity."