
Coercion Quotes

There are 594 quotes

"Mandates and other forms of medical coercion are unethical and must cease; bodily autonomy is the inalienable right of every individual and must be respected."
"The relevant factor is freedom. Freedom from coercion."
"Morality applies to situations of choice, and if you have a gun to your head, you're no longer in a situation of choice."
"You can't force people to be normal because whatever people are doing outside of that coercion is what normal is."
"No matter what you do, the government cannot make a good decision if they're coercing people to do it."
"If you are looking to push another country to adopt a particular policy, or give up something particularly unpalatable, then starting a war can allow you to bring more coercive force to the table to encourage them to change their minds."
"Under the right circumstances, under the right coercive circumstances, virtually anybody could do anything that is appalling."
"Forcing someone to pray doesn't make them a believer."
"Many accused individuals were coerced or tortured into confessing to witchcraft."
"A choice made at the end of a gun is no choice at all."
"Shut up and do what I say, or else I'm going to have to revoke your chances of joining."
"It's really disgusting to manipulate someone's sexuality... you're threatening to ruin them, you're threatening to embarrass them, and you're doing that to have them behave sexually in your favor even if they're straight."
"If you get someone to consent under duress, it's not a real form of consent."
"You can't be a good person or do good things if your thoughts and actions are being coerced."
"Government is force... if you force someone to do something, it's really hard to say that that's what they want to do."
"Violence is using force to exert your will upon another human being without their consent."
"It's not just enough for you to throw up your hands and say, 'Listen, do what you want, whatever floats your boat.' That's not enough. What the left wants is your approval."
"There can't be any negotiations when somebody puts a gun to your head."
"The idea of just moving away from coercion as the prime mover in human affairs obviously leads to a more meritocratic world."
"Coercion is a poor tactic in public health; it breeds distrust and ultimately undermines itself in terms of effectiveness."
"To be forced to believe two plus two equals five is to be oppressed."
"The best political weapon is the weapon of terror."
"There's no election, there's no line of succession, and really, is there anything cooler than being able to say you stopped a whole goddamn country at gunpoint?"
"Nothing short of a gun to my head will make me get this vaccine."
"Trying to force people to do something in order to help people that are in an unfortunate situation is not even something that those people would want you to do."
"A system in which the government's only job is to protect us from coercion."
"The government cannot force Americans to abandon their constitutional rights as well as their religious convictions."
"Anybody who tries to make a person do something is out of pocket. You can't make a motherfucker listen, you can't make a motherfucker agree, you can't make a motherfucker understand."
"The main thing to take away from this is that the Biden White House explicitly, objectively, and directly attempted to coerce Twitter into banning materials for posting things that in some cases did not run afoul of TOS."
"It's almost as if you've got a big bully pointing a gun at your head saying you like me don't you and you just say yes because then he moves on to the next person."
"Protection against interference and coercion is actually what the establishment clause... is about."
"It doesn't force anybody to do anything that they don't want."
"It's simple: politicians forced the entire population indoors at gunpoint."
"Faith has to be a freely chosen thing, and so if there's any sort of coercion into this, that's a bad thing."
"The coercion is just totally wrong. I think it's destroying trust and public health. You're going to end up driving people away."
"I was threatened as a black man into the Democratic Party."
"The move, however, has rebounded badly against the government, many people unhappy at the act of coercion are taking to the streets in a collective display of defiance."
"Political power grows at the barrel of a gun."
"He's just bending the knee and doing whatever he's told."
"There is a demand that one confess to crimes one has not committed, to sinfulness that is artificially induced in the name of a cure."
"Diplomacy at the barrel of a gun is not real diplomacy."
"Threatening somebody saying you'll go to hell if you don't do as I say is exactly analogous to holding a gun to someone's head."
"I got yelled at for the rest of the night through my locked bedroom door. She threatened to take everything I earned away, threatened to beat me the moment I came out of the room."
"I'm gonna figure out everything about this Ben kid and I'm gonna have a little ammunition to... blackmail him uh yeah, it just is what it is man."
"The moral argument is strong enough and if you're not willing to consider it, we'll make you."
"I will not report embarrassing information about you if you do X for me and if you don't do X quickly I will report the embarrassing information nothing I might write here could tell the National Enquirer a story as eloquently as their own words."
"Complete freedom from all forms of coercion... is a prerequisite for any kind of truly liberatory sex positivity."
"The solution can only come from rejecting the use of coercion."
"If you're holding a gun to someone's head and making them work for you, you're never gonna get the output that you do when people are working willingly."
"Perhaps her confession to the police was coerced... it's just very confusing."
"They socially construct an extreme pressure to confess."
"His confession had been the product of deceit and pressure."
"That was an attempt, essentially, to use subterfuge and trickery and coercion to overthrow the will of the people."
"The government is by definition violent. It is by definition coercive."
"Some people say in China they're being forced to get inoculated against their will."
"Reynolds said he was blackmailed into playing the original rendition of Deadpool in 'X-Men Origins: Wolverine'."
"If government is providing a service for you, why does it need to be provided by force?"
"The question is who was it that made dr. Manhattan do this... somebody else basically went to dr. Manhattan and said a you should change this."
"If they can force you to do it, you don't know how to die."
"Stop with the coercive abusive male pattern sexual threats."
"He picked up the phone, he said, 'Let's make this one disappear, let's give this woman whatever car she wants.'"
"Hey little buddy, you wanna have a look inside? No, I'm good thanks. Oh, you think you have a choice? That's so cute."
"It's a choice made under duress and threat of Eternal damnation."
"If you think I'm gonna blow the guy for your sick purposes, forget it."
"Knowledge acquired under compulsion has no hold on the mind."
"Any form of coercion is the opposite of freedom."
"Critical race theory should be voluntary, not compelled or coerced anywhere."
"There's a name for the type of organization that tries to prevent people from leaving by threats of violence, by silencing, and by intimidation and it is the [ __ ] mafia."
"Essentially blackmailed creators into doing what they want."
"People being compelled one way or the other by force is the issue we're dealing with here."
"Crimea can't have the election as the barrel of a gun. It's not free to vote elections."
"The reality is if you tell a human being... he's going to act more by you putting a gun to his head."
"False imprisonment includes using physical restraints or seclusion to keep someone against their will."
"I don't know what's worse, the fact that he took away their cell phones or made them listen to him sing for like an hour."
"Bitcoin makes coercion less profitable basically."
"He was swatted by people who wanted him to give up his Twitter handle."
"The day when I really did get the shot, I walked into the living room and my friend was getting forced to take medication."
"Even something completely free can be despised when forced on the general public."
"Richard Ashcroft told us that nothing could be sold until I signed away 100% of the song, so I was forced to sign Bittersweet Symphony away for one dollar, including the lyrics as well. I was held to ransom."
"Once you start learning about it, it just makes so much sense to have the assets and not the cash."
"Fatherhood is selfless. These men who coerce their female Partners into this unethical live experiment on the baby Must Be Stopped."
"Life is better when you get to make a choice... being forced into something."
"The world is ruled by money, man. If you don't do what they say, they'll kill you."
"It's demanding the impossible for you on pain of hellfire."
"Liberalism has the audacity to tell you that you have the choice to not participate while not actually letting you not participate."
"Individual liberty is a facade, a mirage. You're not free if you're trapped in a coercive relationship."
"You don't do your job, I'll shoot you." - Ace
"The past couple of days have been just a lot of manipulation, in particular, manipulating my own words against me to make me do things that I don't want to do."
"Nobody feels coerced. That's the magic of the hunter-gatherer culture."
"By forcing people to take a position, you're compelling speech imposed by government, and that's not allowed."
"Nothing will go back to normal until there's a vaccine... it's basically mafia tactics at this point."
"So long as they keep smashing this in your face eventually you just give up and say fine please I'll take whatever you make me take."
"Public health interventions should be positive, they shouldn't be coerced, people shouldn't feel like they're being punished."
"Are we going to force a child that was raped to give birth against her will?"
"Freedom of religion meant you could not be constrained to contribute to the support of a church that you didn't believe in."
"It demonstrates so many cultic principles including disenfranchised women being coerced into believing he was somebody special."
"I could make you talk to me if I really wanted to."
"This is extortion. We showed you what we can do, so now you play right."
"This attempt to coerce information from members of Congress about their official duties is a dangerous abuse of power."
"That's the President of the United States threatening Google you better show up with positive news results for me even if they wouldn't normally show up in your algorithm otherwise we will address your company."
"This was a coordinated pressure campaign with intent."
"Human beings have to be won over. You can't force human beings through force."
"You can't run a dude's life with threats and lies, come on."
"You better say something or I'm going to shoot you, you better talk."
"Another important note about the idea of consensus is it will often be reached by force if necessary."
"Cruelty, coercion, and threats are common ingredients of abuse."
"You can't be forced to do something that's that means that you're surpassing the subvert in the constitution if you're doing that."
"Stay silent or prepare to go court, that's kind of what they want to do there."
"You're bullying people into getting vaccinated who are vulnerable young people who get very little benefit from this."
"When you are inculcating people into this norm of hierarchy, you coerce people into just going along to get along. It makes everybody's life easier. It ensures that the people who have power remain in power."
"Having you locked in a cage in order to force you to do something is a form of torture."
"I will blackmail you to within an inch of your life if I see anything less than five stars, or 30% tip."
"I'm not here for the shoving of faith down the throats of people who just don't know."
"When you get to the stage of force, you are not dealing with a country that is used to being pushed around."
"They said they would destroy my life if I said anything."
"He worked! He took it, Jelly, but it's fine. I didn't give him a choice. It was such a good deal."
"The blind spot is this: you believe that the people who signed up as slaves were coerced..."
"Bitcoin is perfect money that cannot be manipulated or inflated by governments."
"Scarcity equals dependency equals control, whether food or energy."
"People are getting saved right left they all have one thing to say when they leave the Masons the reason they didn't leave before if they were made of what the Masons would do to them now if it is a good group why are people afraid to leave it."
"Shaming guys into getting into situations that are unfavorable for them according to their own thought process is not gonna work."
"Public property just isn't a thing, it doesn't exist because everybody that claims any of it has claimed right to it through some sort of coercive means."
"We might just have to drag him along as a prisoner."
"I was held at gunpoint to do this, this you, this you."
"These actions demonstrate that plaintiffs can likely prove the White House defendants engaged in coercion."
"Proof of violence, proof of the ability to exert force over someone."
"It's a veiled threat, a coercion by the FBI."
"Coercion has been recognized under U.S constitutional law."
"Friends stick together, so you have no choice."
"If you listen to us, maybe we keep you alive."
"Debtors are now given a choice: suffer the consequences or join them and become part of the syndicate."
"One of the most fundamental principles of the Quran and one of the most forgotten realities in Muslim cultures around the world is people making choices in their life not because they want to but because someone else is forcing that choice on them."
"Even if he wants you to do his homework if you don't do it what is he gonna do get punched in the face twice and cry."
"Doing the same thing and expecting a different outcome is indeed the definition of madness."
"Consent is about being compelled under threat of having rights taken away."
"I know you would not want that. No, no, no, no. So how about this: you perform a simple job for me and you get your son back."
"Paper is a mortgage on wealth that does not exist, backed by a gun aimed at those who are expected to produce it."
"I think we need better ways to talk about coercion and come to an agreement on what it means."
"Scientology does blackmail people into donating money, they don't blackmail people into staying in Scientology."
"There is a gang of violent thugs out there that are willing to do violent things to you if you don't obey them."
"The Congress would have probably bent over backwards with threats or whatever to prevent such a verdict from coming out."
"The idea of forcing humanity to accept mutants or enslaving humanity."
"If you're making a big decision but told it's not, then that's not a free choice, you're being coerced."
"Mergl and Solad then drove to the 50-year-old's home while continuing to threaten him with a knife and forcing him to do more drugs in order to keep him incapacitated."
"If you don't do A, then you're going to get B, and it's going to be miserable for you."
"We don't go around terrorizing folks to try and force them to do something they don't want to do."
"Azula learned early on that the best way for those around her to submit to her was to taunt them with the prospect of torture, imprisonment, or even death if they displeased her in any way."
"She's a master manipulator and tactician, one who utilizes threats, coercion, and bribery to shape both enemies and allies alike."
"It was mainly just to have a gun to the head of the officers saying you know if you Retreat them we'll shoot you."
"Again, it's about money. They also tried to create misfortune so that you couldn't get out of it."
"There was a clear forcing of certain beliefs from Constantine on the people."
"You are an armed man, demand the macho from him with a pistol to his head, señor, it is not his, I tell you."
"I told him once I wasn't interested, and he told me that he would end his life if I didn't go on a date with him."
"I was doing a lot of things that I would have rather not done."
"He was a child who was being forced to do it, and it wasn't him."
"He'll need to kill again, do you understand me? Needs to."
"Freedom from want involves coercion."
"Jimmy tries to force himself to believe it's true."
"Howard has essentially backed Howard into a corner where he sees Howard's only two options is undesirable which will force Howard to give Chuck what he wants by agreeing to keep working alongside him at HHM."
"You either persuade people to live a different way or you force them to live a different way."
"Once you start pointing a government gun at people I get real uptight."
"Fear is how we get people to do what we want."
"'That's the terror of it, that's why she always had to do what he told her, because you couldn't ever answer him back.'"
"The free exercise clause must not be allowed to become a tool for perpetuating the effects of coercion. Susan's beliefs were coerced, and because of that, they do not warrant the protection of the first amendment."
"Society as a whole has a stake in freeing Susan Barnes' mind from the mind control which has been exerted upon her through the coercive practices of the New Freedom Church."
"This might have been a way to try and get her to not try and fight the will but I guess it didn't work."
"It's not okay for you to force your religious belief as a Scientologist on other people's children and the safety of other people's families. That's not religious freedom."
"I'm going to count three, and then I'm just going to shoot it. Now why don't you be smart and give me this stuff?"
"Love can never be forced coerced or legislated."
"It was forced, it was beaten into people."
"Agrippina’s uncle to find her a husband, so Claudius forced a consul to marry her."
"Is violence truly the answer? It's always the answer. Always threaten them, you get what you want."
"You'll do any one thing I want, is that right?"
"It's the intimidation, it's the scaring off people from doing it... that usually makes it effective to begin with."
"We're going to make a deal with you. You're going to work for me."
"Spencer swears Maya will give him anything to get her husband back."
"She tried to force people to be her daughter's friend then just scared them off."
"Many men were forced into their vehicles at gunpoint by bath party loyalists with threats made against their families and told to do their patriotic Duty in fighting off the Invaders."
"How can you give a product to someone and tell them if you tell anybody you're going to get killed? You don't pay me, you're going to get killed. Not love."
"I'm gonna ask you one more time and then I'm gonna do it again put your hand inside this thing or I'm gonna do it again please."
"Refusing contraception is also a form of sexual coercion."
"Culture promotes mistreatment of girls and coercion."
"We're taught coercion, not respect."
"Ignorance has no place here, and coercion doesn't work either."
"Fear allows you to take freedoms from people that they otherwise would not normally give away."
"You can't leave, we're going to kill you."
"If I were you, I'd quit arguing and start selling, because Cozy Kitchen is going to get their money one way or the other."
"The fact that in one case a person freely chosen and in another case it was forced upon them means that one person is morally culpable and the other person isn't."
"All you did was are you going to run back to him I didn't have no choice I was getting beat."
"You can't have a state unless you have a fairly large open area in which you can essentially move armies and coerce people."
"I feel sorry, I shouldn't do... You had to be careful because if you refused an operation they would say 'Oh, then we're gonna take this disability away from you.'"
"Either you play along or I put you in the clink right now. Your call."
"Kidnapping children and forcing them to kill each other because you want an army of said children to kill more people is really not the way to do that chief."
"I was a little cautious I must admit but I thought you know he's offering me a lot of money and I should probably do what he's asking or he's going to find somebody else."
"yeah they get you out of it but they go but we know so you got to stay in this or we'll we'll leak it"
"That's pretty impressive stuff, but forget that, that's done now, brainwashing her, forcing her to work for you for free, that's crazy."
"If it were up to me, I would just break Jason's legs and chain him to his desk to make him work."
"No compulsion was used by Muslims for 1,400 years."