
Education Reform Quotes

There are 227 quotes

"The first thing is to change our school environments from places where we score kids and track them based on scores to a place where every child is seen as an individual and is treated as valuable and is treated as a person with infinite potential to learn."
"If we want to end up with a more equitable society full of critical thinkers and curious, motivated, passionate people, teachers can start this movement, and we must."
"We're building a movement and we're changing the way that our country thinks about the school-to-prison pipeline."
"What would it be like to raise an entire generation of young people based upon what we now know to be true in science?"
"The one thing that I am encouraged by is the large number of people who are recognizing the low to abysmal results in much of mainstream education and who are engaging in literally thousands of different entrepreneurial experiments to try different educational models."
"Our education system should shift from creating workers to create wealth makers."
"We need better schools, and we need better instruction in the disciplines that schools are supposed to be teaching. They can't always be elevating the ancillary and the trendy and the fashionable and the hard left as a replacement for the millennial old purposes of real education."
"I am actually going to only present one idea to you - that we have to totally revamp education."
"We have to start building new and fight for our children in K-12 education."
"Education reform is a glaring topic that begs to be addressed."
"The universities should pay off the student loan debt with their endowments."
"A year-long course like mandatory in school where we learn about governmental process could change public understanding significantly."
"Ideally, we'd have some system where we could all put in the different topics we think are useful for everyone and useful for the most in-demand jobs, contrast it with studies showing the amount of time optimally that a kid can spend learning without destroying their mental or physical health, and use that to prioritize with scientific evidence which lessons should be taught."
"Public education in general is a serious problem that has to be rectified by local answers. It can't be rectified by government at a broader level."
"The concept of defunding universities and colleges is good yet there isn't any narrative that has a strength to replace the academic paradigm we haven't had right-wing universities since World War One in the West."
"We'll get critical race Theory and other left-wing lunacy out of our military and we will get it out of our classroom and we'll get it out fast."
"Education is the key, but they cannot put the system in this global system without school choice."
"Get your kids out of the public school system."
"School choice will liberate people, it will empower people, and it will actually depolarize some of these national fights that we've seen."
"You want to help them give them a living wage give them a college education that doesn't bury them under mountains of debt."
"The lack of critical thinking... disturbs me most of all... teaching kids that we're always likely to be wrong about something... is a great start."
"90% of the issues in society could be fixed with education."
"I believe I want to impact millions of people. I believe the greatest opportunity for me is going to be the fact that I'm going to change the education system."
"Schools should teach us to question, not just confirm our worldview."
"School choice is the first step to fixing all of this."
"Education should adapt to the needs of the individual, not conform to outdated models."
"Let's design a system that is more relevant, reactive and that the metrics of which are the life that these children could aspirationally lead, not a resume that they are or a boilerplate that they're filling out to just get through."
"Revolution of the educational system: more freedom and custom-based approach."
"We're going to make public colleges and universities tuition-free in every state in this country."
"Singapore has deployed a robot named or3 to help keep people at home."
"Charter schools make a big difference in closing the achievement gap."
"The tides are turning in favor of school choice."
"The model of school is not the problem, it's the information that they're providing that's the problem."
"NEP 2020 emphasizes the importance of experiential learning and personalized teaching methods."
"We have a once in a generation opportunity to make a qualitative improvement in the kind of education we give to our children."
"Charter schools give students their only chance to break out of cycles of poverty and misfortune."
"I think something needs to be updated in our educational system for people to recognize that anything that's scientifically new will have uncertainties."
"Now more than ever, we need to teach kids how to think, not what to think."
"Perhaps it would be the defunding of some of our worst colleges and universities."
"I want to make sure that we're working with high schools... to make the high school experience relevant for young people."
"It's not so much that capitalism needs an overhaul, our education system needs an overhaul."
"Fix the fundamental problem in traditional Public Schools or you're going to have to deal with people demanding something else."
"The education system is broken with more people than ever turn into the internet for affordable training."
"SEL devoid of culturally affirming practices and understandings is not SEL at all."
"Educators must recognize school systems as racialized and political."
"This bill should have passed unanimously, but unfortunately, some members are more concerned with appeasing the teachers' unions and radical activists in their party rather than standing with parents."
"If colleges didn't get paid until their graduates got paid, colleges would work a lot harder to get their graduates high-paying jobs."
"Our education system, rooted in the 19th century, won't give young people the skills they need for the 21st century."
"We have to have a Revival of education so every child in this country can look forward to getting a college education so they can contribute to make America grow intellectually."
"I favor radical school choice in this country. Every parent deserves to send their kids to the best possible school."
"Elon Musk holds several promises to improve this great country... Elon Musk is sure to revamp the whole education sector in America."
"Financial freedom: the thing they should have taught you in school by the time we're 18 years old."
"The US should strongly embrace innovation, change the education system, and have a better immigration policy for foreign students."
"African-American studies should be an actual credit... it's an actual history class."
"We believe coding should be a required language in all schools."
"School in Canada would be better served by teaching more practical skills."
"Ask yourself, how does this unit plan advance my students' thinking about equity, power, and anti-oppression."
"We can do both. We can shut down the schools until right and create our own schools."
"We need to prepare for that, for instance in the educational system."
"It would be a great idea to start teaching personal finance early."
"Each time the youth of this world stand up and demand a more sensitive, humanistic education process for your own growth, well-being, and the well-being of the world, because this world is yours, tomorrow!"
"Education should focus on giving young kids the facts to have happy, healthy sexual and emotional lives."
"We are the ones who are saying that we need to go back to core knowledge."
"I want to change education, I want to change therapy, I want to change the way we look at rehabilitation from trauma."
"Higher education needs to put more weight on practical skills rather than just test taking and essay writing."
"I think we have to reimagine education. I think we are stuck in a mold that doesn't fit our times."
"Rethinking our institutions of education and higher learning is going to be vital towards making sure that that experiment continues to flourish in the years and decades ahead."
"If we want to help black kids struggling in school, one of the number one ways is school choice."
"They should have us in America learn another language wait like an elementary school because they don't make you do that until high school and at that point it's like the best time to learn another language is when you're super super young."
"Teachers stop using academic language and standard English as the accepted communicative norm."
"I think things like the education system need to get up to scratch with how this works and educate children properly."
"If I was the governor or whatever and I could decide how schools work, there would be no schools."
"No American students should ever be trapped in a failing government school."
"We'll make public colleges and universities tuition-free."
"The move will promote educational equity and quality."
"More education needs to become more mainstream on this kind of a topic."
"Faculties of Education, they need to be fixed."
"Free college is not a racist policy; it makes a public good broadly available."
"If the University of California system loses the suit, the higher education landscape could change forever."
"I think American schools should absolutely emphasize Spanish language stuff more they should emphasize learning about Latin America more absolutely because these are your most important neighbors."
"Teachers... overworked, underpaid. We support y'all getting unionized too."
"Reparations is necessary because of deep miseducation."
"Education is where it all starts. When we can sort out the education issue, we can sort out all the other social ills that exist."
"When we tell people to better themselves by going to college, we shouldn't saddle them with the albatross of debt. That's immoral."
"That's why I think even though yes, there's plenty more reform to be done and these institutions need to be better funded and there need to be tuition caps... I support doing the thing we can do now."
"The perceived necessity of higher education can be reduced by empowering citizens with higher order thinking."
"If we are going to make society a fairer place then the place in which you can begin to make those changes is in the school."
"The traditional education is very centralized, but the new creator can win because their content will be more specific, deeper, and they will have proof and evidence that they are the best at it."
"Want some [ __ ] want trades and coding taught in our schools..."
"Education pioneer: Willard's fight for women's higher learning."
"America has to get a grip on education the citizens have to be educated and engaged and voting day should be the beginning of their engagement not the end."
"I think abolishing grading is a step we need to take."
"Education is so important for all our children not just our kids with special needs."
"Barely literate America needs better schools."
"We have to address the structural issue that is public education."
"No exams, no mandatory attendance, no fees, stipend."
"What we really need to do is have a free college option in every state."
"The real lesson is we need more financial literacy in our public schools."
"A rise in teenagers leaving schools and getting their GEDs or high school diploma equivalents, or just creating their own self-employed small businesses."
"Queer education is openly hostile to norms, expectations, and anything considered dominant."
"Get rid of the federal loan system for schools... schools might actually care about the success of kids who graduate."
"We are going to make public colleges and universities tuition-free."
"We are looking for a long-term correction in teacher pay."
"Taking steps to sort of modernize the academy."
"I think this should be a curriculum in the grade school is for people to understand policing in America."
"You know, it would be nice if it started at the high school level, it would be nice if it was a mandatory part before people were to apply for the FAFSA."
"Our children don't need more school. They need less school."
"We need competition in our schools. This is the best way to improve all schools and I think we're going to see that very quickly."
"The grading system is of no use if we want a creative society."
"This is a good beginning but we have to now offer better alternatives, better curricula, better pedagogies."
"The only fix here is to teach a population to think and reason."
"It's often perceived as skills versus degrees, but in reality, in a skills denominated future, it is that tide that lifts all boats."
"If we can flip our education to get to a better sense of human capacity, then I think we'll have a better chance of understanding and making sense of the world within us and the world around us."
"Education is important. I just wish we could change it."
"We will restore patriotic education to our schools. In God we trust."
"We need to push for upcoming generations to experience education that is self-directed and critically conscious."
"We don't need free college, we need to acknowledge the fact that the majority of jobs asking for a degree right now don't actually require one."
"School choice is not a perfect solution but is the best solution we have in front of us."
"A legitimate, accessible, affordable, easy education."
"We need our higher education system to focus on promoting academic Excellence, The Pursuit Of Truth."
"Colleges should have affiliates that give you tuition, I feel like colleges need to morph."
"I really wish that the education system would change to be more youthful content and material that would actually inspire you."
"Changing the fundamentals of our education system must happen... telling a child of 12-13 years of age, 'If you don't get 98, you are no good,' that's what he's doing."
"Critical thought should be taught in schools, not just RA."
"Schools need to get their emotional intelligence classes."
"Education is broken that's just one example of it but I need your help I need you to help me apply a little bit of pressure."
"In terms of education policy, there should be a focus on 'Dignity of work.'"
"Innovative new approaches in education and workforce development are investments in our country's future."
"Could you build schools that were better than the public school choices that these kids have and give them a chance for a good education regardless of where they live?"
"We would be a stronger country if we trained more analytically capable people."
"Attack the cancer and in 10 years we have a halving in costs of universities, we have a doubling freshman seats, and we have a lot of on-ramps into the middle class."
"I think self-awareness, social awareness, emotional intelligence, those are skills that are underdeveloped in most people. It's not talked about and highlighted in schools."
"The whole idea of quote decolonizing the curriculum or decolonizing anything is a highly political cultural act because what it says is everything that you think is good is bad really."
"During the war, there had been significant reforms to the education system."
"One of the most interesting and important things that have happened in American education is the protest of the students against an archaic and obsolete system of education."
"It's now time to redefine liberal education and create the liberal education for the 21st century."
"College is done it needs to be remodeled and remade into something that prepares people for actual life."
"If we don't start to focus on reinventing the processes of Education, there's no hope."
"Transforming schools is a transformative book about the schools and mental health awareness."
"The Jackson Institute will be a locus housing our undergraduate International Studies major soon to be reformulated as a Global Affairs major."
"We want schools to be run by head teachers and teachers, not by bureaucrats."
"It's the biggest change in the certification program in 26 years."
"We have to reframe the conversation; we can't and won't talk about education, we need to change the conversation from one about education to one about learning."
"Education is not going to be fixed from a top and trickle down approach; it's going to be fixed from a bottom and bubble up approach."
"For the past several years, Lilienthal has been working tirelessly with the Russian Ministry of Education to bring Reform Judaism and modern, western education to the long-suffering Jews of the east."
"Students at Roosevelt and four other East Side high schools brought their grievances to the school board."
"More funding for schools in a more even way of developing schools would absolutely fix like half the issues."
"We need to rethink the entire military officer education system."
"Standardized tests are becoming less of a central factor in the admissions process."
"We have to change how we educate children... we don't explain what a credit card is, we don't talk about debt with them at early ages."
"We must become trauma-informed, we must reduce chronic absenteeism, and we must correct the disparities that still exist in our juvenile justice and education systems."
"We need to do a better job of serving and supporting students as they move and not putting them into these cycles of remediation."
"The school system was not designed to teach children to think for themselves."
"It's not what facts have you memorized; it's the clinical reasoning, and that's the whole reason why they're doing this Next Gen, is to measure in a valid way clinical reasoning."
"We have radically reformed the college loan program to lower the cost of college loans and broaden the availability of it."
"We need to lighten up the emphasis on standardized tests which do not measure anything fundamental about our character or human worth."
"...it's very difficult to see how you put together a national coalition to address K through 12 education."
"Charter schools have been an enormous benefit to the education system by choosing competition."
"We really need to change the way that we think of education from this one-size-fits-most model to a more holistic, well-rounded collection of styles."
"My dream is that every school in America learns the four R's: reading, writing, arithmetic, and self-regulation."
"We need radical reform of the education system."
"Horace Mann, father, slave abolitionist, but most importantly, education reformer, spent a majority of his career changing the scope of American public school education to an overall better environment."
"We are in this country at a turning point. Will we choose reinforcing the factory model schools of the past or will we choose developing schools where students are able to apply their knowledge to critical thinking and problem-solving situations?"
"This country must change its way of thinking about education clear back to the kindergarten."
"We're doing a lot of work on education reform. We are doing a lot to bring in new teachers, to improve classrooms, to make sure that they're all connected to the Internet, to make sure that college is more affordable."
"Education systems, yeah, we need like a serious overhaul of that."
"Something is deeply flawed with an education system that doesn't immediately say, 'Great, how can we help you get there?'"
"The whole school system is outdated and it needs to be reevaluated and looked at and updated."
"Between 1870 and 1914, the majority of European governments pass compulsory education laws."
"This is the beginning of the end of traditional education."
"Over the past five years, Longview Prep has not changed its curriculum by shifting the primary focus from imparting knowledge to development of critical thinking and research skills."
"We need to change education at an early level to add in financial planning, financial literacy."
"Compulsory education should be radically reformed."
"The modern School Choice Movement... esas are education savings accounts."
"We're fighting to give every parent of every student access to school choice, because no American child deserves to be trapped in a failing school."
"The corporations that took over as the ruling sector of Japan also reworked the way that the educational system was run."
"The landscape of Education is littered with the corpses of failed reforms."
"The second big change the new SAT is that instead of the three-hour test, the new test will take just two hours."
"We're really making a serious dent in this issue of what teachers know and do."
"We are going to move holistically to ensure that our children are getting a world-class education."
"People working together again instead of against each other, and that's what's sorely missing in education."
"We're moving away from having just one grade based solely on a final exam."
"Teach them this stuff in high school and you'll have more productive young folks out there."
"Once we improve our school system, our target is in the next three to five years, we should bring back one lakh students into our government schools from the private schools."
"It means reforming and improving math and science education -- and encouraging the private sector to inspire young people to pursue careers in science and engineering."
"We can't trust the public school system; we got to educate our kids."
"If school put learning instead of testing and memorizing as the top standard, then the letter F would not stand for failure, it would stand for find another answer."
"We have one of the most antiquated education systems in the world."
"The educational system needs to teach us how to be happy, how to be healthy, and how to be a whole person."
"We should be starting right now on a massive National Education plan for 2024."
"We need to transform education so that it does a better job of preparing students for careers."
"We need to build a better education system to equip young people with the skills and knowledge they need to compete for jobs in the future."