
Oxygen Quotes

There are 340 quotes

"The brain needs stimulation, the brain needs glucose, the brain needs oxygen; that's what it has to have to thrive."
"Oxygen was one of the key factors in the gigantism found in insects at that time."
"The great oxidation is similar to a mass extinction that kills most of the organisms existing at the time for which oxygen was then toxic."
"Oxygen is incredibly important for our mental clarity and not to mention our overall health."
"Scientists wanted to know how much oxygen is being released from Europa."
"Every time you breathe in a breath of oxygen, that oxygen goes into your cells; there are chemical reactions taking place that basically turn that oxygen and they basically burn the fuel that we eat and drink every day to make energy which allows us to move and walk around."
"50 to 80% of Earth's oxygen comes from the ocean."
"You're not breathing in just oxygen you'd be dead; you're living in a soup of gases."
"The significance of oxygen: the final oxidant in metabolic pathways, crucial for energy production."
"After all, the game is called Oxygen Not Included."
"Three-fourths of the oxygen in the atmosphere is made by tiny single-celled phytoplankton."
"For the first time on Earth, giant trees stored carbon dioxide and released oxygen in abundance."
"Lack of sufficient oxygen means Imperfect nutrition, Imperfect elimination and imperfect health. Verily, 'breath is life.'"
"An anaerobic environment is a lack of oxygen."
"A single tree produces approximately 260 pounds of oxygen per year."
"Bacteria cannot survive in the presence of oxygen."
"The number one problem that every single person is dealing with is a lack of oxygen or oxygen deficiency."
"Phytoplankton are actually the main producers of oxygen on Earth and consume a large amount of CO2."
"But it's interesting because this study highlights the linkage between this visual attention, our respiration, and the fact that our body and our brain have these innate mechanisms for making sure that we're getting sufficient oxygen."
"So why is B12 so important for life and the health of your hair? Well, besides allowing the trains of oxygen, those red blood cells, to grow, vitamin B12 is critical for healthy arteries, that means for blood flow."
"The Boost Oxygen natural is an essential addition to any survival kit, providing a rapid and convenient source of supplementary oxygen."
"So, logically if you see free oxygen in an atmosphere, it must be sustained by biology."
"They're taking carbon out of the atmosphere and producing oxygen that we will need, but they're not doing it for us."
"Oxygen is the most essential element for the heart, for the brain, and for the muscles to function."
"High blood pressure is also a response of your body trying to make sure your brain gets adequate oxygen, and it's all caused by the choices that you make on a daily basis."
"The Boost in oxygen enabled insects to grow far bigger than they can today."
"Oxygen: essential for high-altitude adventures. It's better to have it and not need it than the other way around."
"When we increase oxygen in our body, it increases our energy levels."
"Suddenly we have vegetation, we have photosynthesis, we have a lot of oxygen being circulated on the planet."
"The key to total autonomy is spirulina, a simple green microalgae capable of producing oxygen in large quantities."
"The ocean produces 50 to 80 percent of all the oxygen on our planet."
"If you don't have oxygen in the room, we'll be gasping. We cannot take a breath and will become dysfunctional."
"The air we breathe contains only 21 oxygen gas. The other 78 of it is nitrogen gas. Did you know, oxygen supplementation can be the most immediate and effective fuel source for aerobic recovery, rejuvenation, and performance?"
"Every atom of oxygen in your lungs was created inside a star."
"It is fascinating that we do not know why we have 21% of oxygen."
"Who doesn't love plants? They're green, natural, they make oxygen..."
"all these trees are just producing this fresh oxygen"
"When hydrogen and oxygen come together, they like to share electrons—it becomes energetically favorable for them to stay in that state."
"Encouragement: the oxygen of the soul."
"Patients with tetralogy of flow crave oxygen."
"This all-natural respiratory support provides a rapid and convenient source of supplementary oxygen, ensuring improved breathing during emergency situations."
"Means he's not getting enough oxygen. You know how people say you can't live without love? Oxygen's even more important."
"The ocean provides over 50% of the world's oxygen."
"With vacuum blending, you will be getting less separation, less gas and bloating due to the dissolved oxygen."
"So you're going to get a decrease in oxygen in the blood."
"After the complete transition of metallic iron from the mantle to the core about 600 million years ago, the main consumer of oxygen on Earth disappeared."
"Oxygen appeared in the atmosphere. This is the main factor that predetermined the prosperity of complex life forms on Earth."
"They cruise around because they need oxygen. They need water pushing through their mouth and their gills, so they have to keep swimming for that."
"In its gaseous form, oxygen is colorless and doesn't have any odor, but when it's liquid or solid, this substance looks pale blue."
"Oxygen is very important during the process called callus formation."
"The last thing that I want to leave you guys with before I let you go is kind of a question for you to think about: Why did oxygen allow life to become more complex? Why couldn't it be complex before?"
"Oxygen invigorates, vitalizes, electrifies."
"The most vital element needed for life is oxygen."
"Live aquarium plants... consume those toxic nitrogen waste compounds... produce more oxygen for your fish to breathe."
"The air we breathe contains only 21% oxygen gas. Did you know oxygen supplementation can be the most immediate and effective fuel source for aerobic recovery, rejuvenation, and performance?"
"Oxygen supplementation can be the most immediate and effective fuel source for aerobic recovery, rejuvenation, and performance."
"Whether you're looking to break the world record for the 800-meter or simply break the internet, Boost Oxygen makes supplemental oxygen readily accessible."
"Evelyn finally opens the safe door and gets some oxygen."
"There is not a single elevated emotional state not one that does not require the presence of oxygen as a component of its structure."
"You see we are either managing oxygen well in our body and therefore we are very disease-free and we are going to live a long happy healthy life or we're managing oxygen very poorly."
"I love oxygen. It is the air we breathe in."
"Breathing through the nose allows us to gain about 20 percent more oxygen than breathing through the mouth."
"In order to get the optimum amount of oxygen, you should be breathing slowly, you should be breathing low, you should be breathing through your nose."
"...so I want to make sure we're keeping that oxygen going in."
"Earth's atmosphere relatively rich in oxygen."
"Hope Is Like Oxygen when you have it you thrive when you don't you can literally die."
"100% of body healing requires oxygen. 100% of body functioning requires oxygen."
"We need plants because we wouldn't get any oxygen without them."
"Once they're out of the sack, they depend on oxygen, especially during wintertime."
"As I mentioned before, the total dose of oxygen is our biggest risk factor and here we consider if we have an FiO2 being delivered that's greater than 60 for more than 24 hours at one atmospheric pressure that this is the level in which oxygen can become toxic."
"If your patient is requiring high levels of oxygen but you've got very high SpO2 that this is probably something that we need to be evaluating and looking to bring that down knowing that there are consequences to this."
"Oxygen plays a critical role in our cellular respiration and the production of ATP. At the same time, it has very strong oxidizing properties that can actually damage even biological material."
"Oxygen is essential to life and the use of supplemental oxygen is the difference between life and death and many acute conditions."
"when it first happened that byproduct oxygen was poisoned to most of the life on the planet"
"If living things were to disappear from the face of the Earth, oxygen and ozone would rapidly disappear as they react with other chemicals until equilibrium is achieved."
"Salah is your oxygen; it's non-negotiable."
"The body just has a free flow of blood and oxygen to all of the cells."
"The secret to composting is oxygen."
"Plants produce oxygen and animals use it."
"You get oxygen when you solve the equation."
"When you do your fit ball, make sure you open the windows because you're going to need some oxygen, some fresh air. That's why we need plants in the house."
"Remember, oxygen is our primary source of fuel period."
"You know why they put oxygen masks on planes? So you can breathe. Oxygen gets you high."
"Oxygen acts as a natural antibiotic, antiviral, anti-parasite, and anti-fungal."
"If you ever heard of the great unconformity it's a massive geological event that caused the oxygen to spike from a tenth of a percent up to eight percent."
"Live plants act as a natural filter for your aquarium by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen, which keeps your fish healthy and active."
"Complete combustion means they're burning insufficient oxygen for all of the carbon and all of the hydrogen to be fully oxidized, so we're always going to make carbon dioxide and water."
"Just like a fire, if there's not enough oxygen, even if there's a flame, it will slowly suffocate."
"The goal with the inspiratory training is not to push more oxygen to the muscles...rather it's to increase the endurance of the respiratory muscles."
"Gratitude is the oxygen of marriage."
"Oxygen levels are high when blood leaves the left side of the heart."
"I think like around 2500 M you like get 17% less oxygen compared to sea level wow."
"Photosynthesis and photodissociation of water vapor contributed to the rise of oxygen."
"The oxygen saturation in situations of impaired diffusion and VQ mismatch usually fully corrects with 100% fio2 unless the underlying pathology is very severe and or advanced."
"Colder air carries more oxygen and you need the oxygen to burn the fuel."
"Other teams are on the mountain but none offer oxygen."
"They're trying to get oxygen. What's the reason?"
"98% of the oxygen use in the soil is by microbes."
"Somebody come help us! She needs oxygen now! She can use mine. Here you go. Thank you. How did you end up only having one left? It's a long story. Well, you can use my can as much as you need to then. Thanks."
"Oxygen in the atmosphere is completely and totally due to photosynthesis."
"Imagine the change without carbon. Carbon is killed and there's oxygen out there."
"Just because you have a fuel in there in the form of a mattress with bedding on it does not necessarily mean that that fire is disconnected kind of rage on and continue to burn it still needs a sufficient supply of oxygen in order for that fire to sustain."
"It's known as the lungs of the earth and it produces over 6% of the world's oxygen."
"Grasses provide oxygen and contribute to urban aesthetics."
"I love plants. They take the thing we can't breathe and then give us the thing we breathe."
"Cyanobacteria built the oxygen supply of our atmosphere."
"Trees help give human beings oxygen."
"Oxygen is between 20 and 21% of the air we breathe."
"If you find a planet with oxygen, it's evidence of something generating that oxygen."
"Life-giving oxygen riding on the breath reviving and replenishing every cell in your body."
"The circulatory system is responsible for transporting oxygen and nutrients to cells and removing waste products."
"It takes your breath away because there's no oxygen in there."
"Air is made up of many things, but primarily it is made up of nitrogen and oxygen."
"The lungs are designed to quickly and efficiently transfer oxygen into the bloodstream."
"Oxygen is one of those things that's like, just game changing to earth as a planet."
"Rainforests are also extremely rich in productive living systems, providing us with oxygen."
"It greatly affects hemoglobin's ability to carry oxygen."
"When you get reduced oxygen to the tissues, the cells become fatigued."
"Without plants, we wouldn't have oxygen in the atmosphere."
"What's the number one source for a fire to be successful? It needs oxygen."
"When it has oxygen, it can give you 18 times more energy compared to a cell that does not have oxygen."
"Our lives and those of all other animals depend on it; we need it not only to breathe but to protect us."
"Plants come from little itty bitty baby seeds, then they grow into big and tall plants that help make the oxygen we breathe."
"Lake Baikal is known for its rich oxygen content, making life possible in its depths."
"The test for oxygen gas using a glowing splint and the observation that the splint relights."
"Just look at that flame which is now being produced, demonstrating once again the fantastic effect of oxygen on improving the combustion of an element."
"The very first green lungs of the planet are here right in front of you; the first forests sprang up here on the shores of seas, lakes, and rivers."
"Plenty of oxygen coming through there."
"Our atmosphere is dominated by nitrogen, mostly, but also oxygen."
"The positive impact of oxygen is that patients felt stronger, better, and less exhausted."
"Blood has the potential to carry oxygen throughout the body and deliver it to different systems as it is needed to keep the body functioning constantly."
"Our little plant will give the world some much-needed oxygen that we breathe every day."
"Oxygen, which is a waste gas, and simple sugars like glucose are created."
"Oxygen therapy... on face value seems fairly simple, fairly obvious; however, there are a few quite confusing aspects to it."
"We have to have oxygen for cellular metabolism, that's called aerobic metabolism."
"The more oxygen you can pour in, the more energy, the more alertness you will have."
"Oxygen is also produced but it's given off as a waste product."
"Oxygen turned out to be the linchpin of evolution."
"Oxygen is essential for our lives, but 3 billion years ago, its emergence was catastrophic for the planet."
"That's to show how powerful oxygen is in the system and how powerful breathing is."
"The presence of pyrite and uraninite tell us that the Earth's early atmosphere had very little oxygen in it."
"As soon as the oxygen is produced, there would have been a chemical reaction that took place that would have more or less stripped that oxygen out of the atmosphere as soon as it was formed."
"It's not until the Proterozoic where we begin to see the amount of atmospheric oxygen really taking off."
"The mass of one mole of oxygen is 16.0 grams."
"Imagine how much oxygen these plants are giving off; that's a wonderful thing because now your scrubbers don't have to work as hard."
"Never use oxygen to ventilate any space; use a blower or ventilation fan."
"If plants didn't exist, guys, then there'd be no oxygen."
"They are the origin of the oxygen that we breathe and the fuel that we put in our cars."
"What is the chemical symbol for the element oxygen?"
"Aerobic metabolism is going to require oxygen... anaerobic does not require oxygen."
"Plants allow us to breathe fresh air."
"These humble algae colonies are responsible for giving the earth its breathable oxygen."
"Your body needs oxygen to do what we're asking it to do."
"About 50% to 80% of all the oxygen on Earth comes from our oceans."
"This is the foundation of life on Earth; oxygen is arguably the most important element for life on Earth."
"Oxygen is really critical at the beginning of fermentation because the yeast require oxygen to reproduce."
"The only time during fermentation when oxygen is an issue is once alcohol has been produced."
"More surface area means more oxygen; oxygen supports combustion."
"They pump out 20% of the world's oxygen and produce incalculable tons of fruits and seeds."
"The oxygen just goes in, wakes you up, gives you lots of energy for the whole day."
"When you breathe in air, your lungs transfer the oxygen to your blood to keep your body going."
"Photosynthesis generates oxygen and organic molecules which are used in cellular respiration."
"Energy is released as the electrons associated with hydrogen ions are transferred to oxygen, which has a lower energy state."
"In other words, it's going to essentially replace the oxygen in that room or lower the oxygen percentage in that room where there is a potential to suffocate, believe it or not."
"That's why plants make oxygen for us that we breathe."
"Algae are not plants... they do photosynthesis and they produce oxygen."
"An obligate aerobe absolutely has to have oxygen to live."
"As the leaves grow, they release lots of oxygen that we like to breathe."
"There's just the right amount of oxygen in the air so that we can survive; it's not too much, it's not too little."
"Dietary nitrates can increase the oxygen efficiency of our cells."
"The Amazon has been described as the lungs of the planet, because it produces more than 20% of the world's oxygen."
"Long-term oxygen therapy is indicated for patients who are hypoxemic at rest or with exertion."
"Oxygen is going to move from high concentration from the lungs to low concentration into the blood and carbon dioxide is going to move the opposite way."
"When you give people oxygen, it is one of the best and the primary drugs that we use to treat pulmonary hypertension."
"Oxygen is the number one essential nutrient our body requires to survive."
"Welcoming more oxygen into the muscles, into the body."
"When you boil the water, it loses a lot of its dissolved oxygen, and that makes for poorer quality tea."
"It's ultimately photosynthesis that we are managing, this process, it is plants breathing in that carbon dioxide, releasing oxygen."
"Oxygen is the biggest catalyst for burning fat."
"Tired of living at the bottom of the ocean? Now, there's oxygen everywhere and the sky's blue!"
"Trees contribute to the oxygen content in the atmosphere."
"Oxygen is just what we call an atom that has eight protons."
"When we lose oxygen, the process is reduction."
"When you gain oxygen, you undergo oxidation."
"Oxygen is more electronegative, which means it pulls the electrons towards it, giving the water molecule a bit of an uneven character."
"The gas syringe would measure the rate of oxygen produced."
"They produced oxygen, which allowed plants and animals to emerge onto land."
"Our number one priority is getting that oxygen to the patient immediately."
"The ocean performs many important functions; for one thing, it produces 50 to 80% of all the oxygen on our planet, which means it keeps us alive."
"This oxygen was used in multiple ways: used for breathing, used for cooling, and it was used for pressure suit."
"The ocean is the lungs of the planet, eighty percent of the oxygen you're breathing right now comes from the ocean."
"Although oxygen is the gas we need to breathe, it is not what makes up the majority of the atmosphere."
"The oxygen flush essentially is a bypass control so that it will deliver oxygen at the pipeline pressure."
"When I have fresh air coming into my lungs, when I have more oxygen in my system, I feel more awake, I feel more alert, I feel more alive."
"The advantage of that of course is that when you finish with the air breathing bit, you can then go on to replace the liquid air with liquid oxygen that you're carrying on the vehicle."
"It makes your heart and lungs work faster, sends more oxygen to your muscles, gives you a Zeus-level boost of strength."
"Iron carries oxygen in the blood, so it helps prevent anemia and brings oxygen to the baby which is key in brain development."
"It's like oxygen, I can't live without it."
"We could put oxygen on other planets and create other planets that are hospitable."
"Half or more of the oxygen we're breathing comes from the algae."