
Gatekeeping Quotes

There are 98 quotes

"Gatekeeping is good sometimes. There might be times where it's important where there's actually a real value in gatekeeping certain topics from certain individuals because it's important to keep the conversations responsible and grounded in terms of like the evidence of the data."
"Not everyone should publish a book. We dispensed with the gates, which was an act of bravery, but then we dispensed with the gatekeepers, which was a suicidal act."
"Gatekeeping is so prevalent in nerd culture and particularly aggressive in franchises whose message is one of inclusion and progress."
"His mainstream is undoubtedly pushing back against gatekeeping."
"When there are no gatekeepers, bad stuff gets through."
"Yog-Sothoth knows the gate, Yog-Sothoth is the key and guardian of the gate."
"It's okay if some hobbies remain niche and gatekept."
"I believe in the First Amendment and anybody that says that you can't talk about groups when they talk about groups is a gatekeeper."
"The information flow comes through them; they are the gatekeepers."
"Gatekeeping, especially in music, gets us nowhere."
"You are the gatekeepers, you're the last line of defense before this person is let out in the wild. That is a huge responsibility."
"Unnecessary gatekeeping... is doing more harm to her cause than it is good."
"I'm the gatekeeper, yep. I can smell it from a mile away."
"If you have not seen Dragon Ball Z or OG Dragon Ball at this point and you're an anime fan... I might gatekeep."
"There's like a little bit of gatekeeping where people are like, 'I don't want other people to be like thinking they know about the thing that I'm super into.'"
"We never had nobody facilitate our talent to the gatekeepers."
"The 'cool Metallica shirt, can you name three songs' thing."
"The only thing that brings them joy in life is this pitiful attempt to gatekeep."
"Gatekeeping: when someone takes it upon themselves to decide who does or does not have access or rights to a community or identity."
"There's no Gatekeepers, you can get your info out to the people."
"Gatekeeping is a good thing; fake fans dilute hardcore series with accessibility options and casual modes."
"I hate gatekeepers. Like, hypothetically, I find the artist but I'm late to the party. Let's say I just started listening to Ronnie Rich, Mike. Time about you're not even a Roddy Rich fan, you just came in."
"People who gate keep information about fashion or really anything usually just don't know a lot about the thing that they're gatekeeping."
"Before the law stands a doorkeeper on guard. To this doorkeeper comes a man from the country who begs admittance to the law."
"We're taking the gatekeepers out in terms of now you don't get to speak for us anymore."
"They opened the door and closed it, or they paved the way for themselves and then closed the road for everyone else."
"The era of gatekeepers is over. There is no reason you can't be a great writer, musician, filmmaker."
"It sounds like some gatekeeping BS and it sounds very, very condescending."
"You truly wish to pass? You must take me down first."
"If you're a 'Zelda' fan, and you've never played 'A Link to the Past' before, I think you're not really a 'Zelda' fan."
"It's the same flimsy style of gatekeeping with nerd culture and fake geek girls, where you can somehow determine a lady's pop cultural credibility or whether they truly are a nerd based on appearance."
"Everyone has their own stars but it's not cool when you start gatekeeping from others."
"They tell you that there's no Gatekeepers but we keep seeing the same people open the gate. Didn't Kevin open the gate and let Tiffany in? What you mean ain't no Gatekeepers, there are 100 Gates out here."
"My mind has been thoroughly changed. It is kind of gatekeepery to not allow her to dip her toes in VTubing."
"If you didn't watch a certain number of shows... you were just labeled as a fake anime fan."
"Gatekeeping is kind of important within these spaces to begin with."
"We are lucky to have so many free tools allowing us to publish our own content, build our own career. Along with those growing avenues of independent expression, we've witnessed the decline of gatekeepers and taste makers."
"Guides can only be summoned by the gatekeeper."
"The gatekeepers gotta get out the way."
"...a woman is a gatekeeper... naturally it gives them value from the get-go."
"I told y'all I feel like WOI is one of those things that people just really have been gatekeeping and being really weird about and it's just unnecessary."
"WOI is one of those things that people just really have been gatekeeping and being really weird about and it's just unnecessary."
"Gatekeeping is mandatory. All the Gatekeepers report to my office in 10 minutes."
"I do think there's some cultural gatekeeping in who's allowed to address certain themes and who isn't."
"You're not entering into an organized system with organized bias, you're entering into a disorganized system with gatekeepers who want to make a lot of money."
"Gatekeeping is just as bad with people saying, 'Oh, you're not a hardcore horror fan because you don't watch this.'"
"You should not have to have a gatekeeper on your team to make a livable wage off of music that is making people billionaires."
"Rogan has turned into like this uh King maker this gatekeeper of Comedy that somehow every person uh that wants to make it in comedy needs to go through Joe Rogan."
"What this taught me though is that gatekeepers can be wrong."
"...the music industry, when we talk about the Gatekeepers, when we talk about the people who have the keys to these doors that everyone is trying to get through, a lot of times understand it's always been a good old boys club."
"sometimes it's annoying that people gatekeep but sometimes it's a necessary evil"
"Real estate agents are The Gatekeepers to the market."
"The gatekeeping is actually insane."
"Women get to gatekeep sex, women get to gatekeep offspring, men gatekeep marriage, men gatekeep relationships."
"We're finally in an era where there's no gatekeeper in entertainment, you know? If you're good enough, the audience decides."
"People who gatekeep music are losers, that's a fact."
"Acting is acting, and I don't want the gatekeeping of acting."
"Gatekeeping is never understandable, it's really, really annoying, counterproductive, and selfish."
"You just do it and I thought that'd be exceedingly cool to get rid of all of that gatekeeping."
"The gatekeeper determines the final expression of the work, regardless of how many selves were involved in its construction."
"Let the truth of God's word be the gate that thoughts have to pass through in order to enter into your mind and have access."
"Gatekeeping should be a healthy thing to do, like sportsmanship."
"Gate-keeping cars is a thing, but it's no fun, mostly because people are going to find out about them sooner or later anyway, so what does it actually matter?"
"People who try to gatekeep are jealous, people who try to gatekeep are scared that you're going to make something better than them."
"You're gatekeeping! I'm just going to call everybody a gatekeeper."
"For someone to be doing that and like really stopping people's success and really trying to gatekeep this entire genre like it's, it's, it's ridiculous, it, it, it really is."
"Self-publishing is largely a bad thing; gatekeeping is good actually, in so much that it ensures a minimum level of basic competency."
"The 21st century is the story of those Gatekeepers being destroyed."
"Gatekeeping is the process through which information is filtered for dissemination."
"Traditional media no longer become the gatekeepers of information."
"Every piece of information needs to pass through me for you to hear it for your own safety."
"Most critics of established sense-making institutions argue that these established institutions gatekeep badly."
"Platforms are gatekeepers at the end of the day, not irrational gatekeepers, hopefully more rational ones, hopefully more scalable and more efficient."
"The internet is the end of the gatekeepers."
"There's so many people that want to gatekeep, but there's this new fan base coming in; we have to cater to them, we have to make them feel included."
"God is the gatekeeper to all your blessings."
"Stop gatekeeping and accept the random interest."
"I think you can have a right to gatekeep specific knowledge, but generalized knowledge should be free for everyone."
"The media acts as a gatekeeper; the issues that they choose to report shape the nature of the conversation."
"If you can answer all of my questions correctly, I'll let you through."
"You're gatekeeping a whole culture."
"We need to not only keep what we create but gatekeep what we create."