
Human Resources Quotes

There are 224 quotes

"Human resources, like natural resources, are often buried deep. You have to go looking for them; they're not just lying around on the surface."
"I am not interested in positions; I am interested in the region and the humans. I am interested in the continent, the resources here, the human resources here."
"Treat your people well, people are the greatest resource."
"Our people are our greatest strengths and resources."
"Your number one most important product in business is people. You forget that, you will lose your people."
"HR should be every company's killer app. What could possibly be more important than who gets hired, developed, promoted, or moved out the door?"
"Racism is sapping the strength of the whole society through the waste of human resources."
"Hive cities serve mankind in all of its conflicts; they feed its insatiable desire for the materials of war, hardware, munitions, but most of all, their never-ending production of millions upon millions of human souls."
"All human beings are rich in one asset: time."
"The asset of the company is the people... when people are thinking, they're driving costs down and quality up."
"You lead people. You manage things. People are not machines, systems, or projects."
"All I ask for all of you, including new graduates, when you get into the workplace and you get into those leadership and management positions, remember the humanity of your workforce. So I want you to keep the human in human resources."
"Human capital is the thing that really matters."
"A players know their value. An A player costs 25% more than a B player but produces five times more."
"A players will leave if you keep B and C players."
"The best way to make your business better is hiring correctly."
"There's no bad employees, there's just bad employee-job matches."
"We take their concerns very seriously and what we are doing in the ministry right now is a human resource review."
"Incompatibility is really about putting people with these non-harmonious differences in roles or positions with each other."
"Invest into the people. This is the key part. When you have a right leader, the rest is easy."
"People, more than business plans or physical assets, are really what makes a strong company."
"A company becomes a great company based on the right people they hire."
"If your employees aren't actually making you money then there's no point in having them."
"Investing in people is what it is it's realizing identifying the good people the loyal people the decent people that are going to be an asset to your company"
"America's greatest strength going forward are people."
"Our single most important asset is our people, the dedicated public servants across all of our agencies."
"Business is about leveraging technology and people."
"Human beings are the resource and the more of us there are and the freer that they are, you know now."
"If you can't hire them, grow and develop them."
"Investing in people and skills is always a good thing."
"Bet on product, bet on people, don't bet on promises."
"Investing in people is really huge... continuing to invest in relationships and people is really important."
"Selection of the right people, putting the right people in place because you have to honor relationships and results."
"I felt very unsupported and unprotected by HR."
"What would you invest in in this crazy moment? People."
"Future-proofing HR: A roadmap for digitization."
"Let ZipRecruiter fill all your roles with the right candidates."
"Finding a way to leverage people has been the single biggest needle mover."
"Take very good care of your people because not only are they valuable now but you really have no idea where they might be in the next 10 to 15 years."
"Promote people who are respected; would you have your child work for that person?"
"Developing our human resource is a priority for us."
"The key to a successful company/business is its personnel, particularly its leadership."
"Welcome to HR, where others cut corners to make a profit, we strive to innovate and revolutionize the farming process."
"She's a manager who truly cares for her people as whole human beings."
"At the heart of the book 'The Element' is a plea for a different conception of human resources in ourselves and the people we work with."
"You're answer's so easy. How do you build a team? Hire some fuckin' people, bro."
"I think Russia obviously has its interests with Ukraine so it's not fair to completely blame the U.S operations for provoking Russia."
"Every single person is a resource for something."
"Every person you pass is a well of powerfully valuable resources."
"Josiah vs. Rachel. Analytics vs. HR... Place your bets now, loyal Theorists."
"Developers aren't resources, they're people."
"HR should be replaced with AI. Honestly, they only do the company bidding, they're only there to protect the company."
"The greatest treasure any organization has is its people. That's why they call it human resources."
"It's much easier to retain people than to recruit lots of new people."
"People are by far the most important resource that we have."
"The power of people is your greatest asset. Knowing how to deal with different types is key."
"People are going to be your biggest problem. They require empathy, respect, and purpose."
"The best resource you have in life always is people."
"The most important asset any project, any company can have is their people."
"No society has a monopoly on smart, resourceful, and dynamic people."
"The company has no bigger assets than their stars."
"The biggest commodity of anything is the people."
"Businesses are telling us they don't have a problem accessing financial capital; they have a problem accessing human capital."
"Human capital is really important and in Tech there's nothing more important than that."
"As soon as it starts showing sign of working why wouldn't you have a salesperson why wouldn't you have an assistant why wouldn't you have someone who's you know customer service role."
"Hire well, fire well, learn how to hire people well."
"People are more important than hardware. You cannot mass produce competent Special Operations forces."
"Depreciation of human capital occurs over time, influenced by usage."
"Our biggest resources human beings is to turn to another and know that another is there for us."
"People are your greatest asset and your greatest liability."
"People are your biggest asset as a business owner."
"That's talent, that's like talk about human resources, the truest sense of the word."
"When it comes to workplace bullying, human resources is not your friend. Human resource professionals amount to absolutely nothing more than glorified gossips."
"Our biggest investment is in people."
"...if you can I would go down the journalist path first get exposed to all of the different facets of the human resources function in the entire employment lifecycle and see what you enjoy the most."
"I am HR, I'm your personal assistant, human resources."
"It is a huge waste of resources for a consulting firm to hire and train someone only for them to leave after 6 months or so."
"The best employees are either stolen from somebody else or referred by one of your best employees."
"People are our most important asset."
"It's easier to retain somebody than it is to start from scratch and build somebody from the ground up."
"The crises of 2020 put HR center stage. These are human crises, these are emotional crises."
"I believe HR will be the function that lays the road for the business and that sees the future and connects it to what's happening internally better than any other function."
"HR needs inspiration and self-belief. This is the time to walk with Swagger and confidence."
"It's all about people, it's your ability to find, recruit, train, and retain good people."
"I want to have HR and I want to be able to have people communicate discomfort in a way that's comfortable to them."
"People are a resource for the company no less valuable than unique vessels."
"What's really important is human capital."
"The future of work has migrated from something that HR geeks like us were interested in to things that CEOs are really interested in."
"No nation in the world has developed without seriously addressing the issue of building human resources."
"I know this is classic HR to say, but you're not alone."
"The business of business is people."
"As an HR business partner, you'll generally be assigned a client group or a portfolio, and you are responsible for their HR needs."
"HR business partners are often referred to as HR generalists because their role involves a wide range of activities."
"If you critically think through every problem, every situation, you'll forever be a success in human resources."
"People are human capital, the best capital there is."
"If you think about our resources, our resource is the finite number of extraordinary engineers and how much time they have in a day."
"Your employees are people, and you need to treat them as though they are people with respect, with warmth, and with support."
"People analytics is a really fascinating topic."
"We help organizations to put their people in the picture."
"The interview process is not about how smart you are; they want to get to know you as a person."
"The most important thing in a start-up is who you have. The people are the important thing, not the ideas, not the algorithms."
"Investing in the people, the personnel, is important."
"We believe that there should be a new approach, a more developed approach towards hiring people, placing people, working and developing people."
"We have also given due importance to the welfare of our cadres by addressing both the human resource matters as well as the infrastructure requirements of our personnel."
"The most valuable resource you have in your company is your people."
"Using role-based permissions will make for a significantly faster employee on-boarding and off-boarding process."
"Human capital is the truest wealth."
"Your biggest resource is your staff, and finding good staff is very, very difficult."
"Human resources are the country's biggest assets."
"I am trying to be your advocate and say that a lot of organizations, they don't care enough to be human in the hiring process."
"You want good people first and then if they have skills, that's amazing."
"People analytics is any systematic approach for guiding human capital decisions which achieve organizational objectives."
"Human capital is part of our intangible capital valuation."
"People analytics helps you jump straight to predictive analytics."
"People analytics is coming; it's not going to be a fad."
"People analytics is about using data to influence action."
"HR has to move from being a service station to being more of a power station."
"We are the company, and people are the only sustainable competitive advantage we have."
"The primary business of any business is people, yesterday, today, and forever."
"We value our people as individuals, not just as workers."
"Hold closely and use wisely the most valuable resource you'll ever have the opportunity to manage: the human resource."
"HR is increasingly becoming strategic in nature."
"Network with the HR managers, the HR directors, the recruiters."
"HR has moved from traditional to a strategic role."
"As a recruiter, you're basically going to go out there and look for the right people to fill certain positions for companies."
"Human resources are just like natural resources; they're very diverse and often hidden."
"As long as you don't think it's going to save your company because it isn't, the people are."
"If you're a human resources professional and you are interested in having more impact at work using data to have more impact with analytics, this is the video for you."
"Your organization's greatest currency and asset is the people in it, so you need to invest in putting them in a position to win."
"HR metrics or human resources metrics is a key part of the business."
"...people are your most important asset..."
"People are a resource, money and all the other stuff comes downstream."
"I am so fortunate that I had a wonderful boss who listened, understood, and told me how to work with HR to take breaks when I needed."
"Why do you want to work in HR?... It's a very essential role, companies particularly large companies simply would not function without a well-organized HR department."
"I see my job as someone that's supposed to figure out people's potential."
"People are our most important resource."
"Australia has always known the value of human capital."
"Challenge yourself as HR professionals to create ownership for engagement among your employees."
"The HR department needs to display itself as a helpful and motivating platform for existing and new employees."
"Being able to help others is something I liked about working in Human Resources."
"The career opportunities in Human Resources have grown over the years."
"Talent management is about a clear process for identifying and bringing on high-performing talent and high potential staff."
"Our ultimate goal is to have the right people in the right job, always."
"Job analysis is a shared responsibility between the HR unit and operating managers."
"People are the greatest value of every company."
"HR feels a lot like just common sense."
"At Success Factors, we believe that people put the intelligence in an intelligent enterprise."
"People is the most important asset of any organization."
"What builds great companies are people."
"The right people are your most valuable asset."
"Creativity, decisiveness, passion, honesty, sincerity, love - these are the ultimate human resources."
"Staff is often treated as expenses and liabilities instead of assets that help drive revenue."
"The primary role of the human resource department of a firm is to hire, recruit, train, and motivate employees."
"The term human resources refers to personnel available for productive and professional services."
"The most important asset you have are the people that leave at night and come in in the morning."
"People are not your most important asset; the right people are your most important asset."
"One of the strongest assets of the World Bank group is the staff."
"The differentiator with any organization now is around talent, around the people."
"The greatest potential of every nation lies in its human resources. The key to exploiting this resource is education."
"I'm overweighting on people that don't show up, that flake, that don't even answer the phone calls."
"It's a great way to actually get feedback from the HR himself."
"Human resource management in healthcare is surprisingly interesting."
"The people obviously are the most important in any business."
"We are accessing the human resource page successfully."
"The term human resources refers to persons available for productive and professional services."
"The role of HR is an independent source for hiring qualified personnel and a source for verification of wage information."
"A skilled workforce is a very significant strength because human resources are in large part the greatest asset that most companies can have."
"If we don't create an environment where people thrive, it's not sustainable."
"Hiring is everything. The only difference in most companies is people."
"...HR has a huge role to play in the survival and sustainability of your tier of the company; let's give talent wings and ensure organisations are relevant."
"The secret has been human resources and getting a culture instead of a payroll."
"I think there's nothing more important than nurturing, retaining, recruiting, watching the promotion cycle."
"It is above all a big human organization, an organization of hardworking and satisfied employees."
"The function of HR has been redesigned to enhance the other line functions of the business to make our organizations more competitive."
"Human resource professionals must have a knowledge of the organization and its strategies if they're to contribute strategically."
"People within an organization are one of the primary means of creating a competitive advantage."
"The organization's human resources are nearly always its most valuable resource."
"Human Resources Management, the recruitment, retention, training, motivation, appraisal, all of that goes on in there."
"Culture is who you hire, who you fire, and who you promote."
"Finding and retaining talented employees can be a significant source of competitive advantage."
"You need great people to be successful."
"You make a great human resource person, a great manager."
"The human resource function can create value in a number of ways and ensure the company has the right mix of skilled people to perform its value creation activities very efficiently."
"UltiPro software can be a very robust option to help you manage the employee paperwork side of things."
"You have to work with people, and that means the people that you put in."
"The most valuable resource in meeting those needs are people."
"Human capital is the most important thing."
"The success of the business depends on the people that they have working for them."
"We need to fully utilize our human resource."