
Self-reliance Quotes

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"You can't take care of yourself if you're relying on others to take care of you."
"You can't make your dreams come true relying on other people; rely on yourself."
"It made me think that whatever life throws at me, I've got the tools and resources within me to deal with it."
"Nobody is coming to save them. If they want to get out of that hole, they're going to have to do it themselves."
"There is no one coming to save you. You have to pick yourself up; you have to do the work."
"It was the first time I ever looked at like what can I actually do because I've been like, 'Why won't somebody else help me?' and it changed everything."
"Everything you need is in you now. You have everything you need to do everything you want to do."
"Hey listen, you got yourself through that. I was just there to help distract, but you did that."
"The only person who can change it is me. The only person who can change how I feel about my situation or try and affect the situation directly is me."
"The robin trusts her wings, not the branch she sits on."
"It's all on you. The self-part is what's big. I'm going to make myself good enough. I'm driven. I'm obsessed."
"Self-reliance is defined as, 'the ability, commitment, and effort to provide the spiritual and temporal necessities of life for self and family.'"
"Stop focusing on the adversity... You're the only one that will make you successful."
"No weapons, no friends, no hope. Take all that away and what's left? Me."
"You can, with very little difficulty, create your own economy."
"Nature has given you the tools: categories, ideals, empathy, and above all, intuition. Use it."
"Don't let outside circumstances make you unhappy."
"The essence of self-reliance is freedom, but it comes with the price of constant vigilance."
"Boundaries with yourself are so incredibly powerful because they only rely on one person to hold them."
"It's never external; it's always here, internal."
"No single human being is responsible for fixing another human being."
"I've always had to work ten times more than the average person because I had to do it for myself, because nobody else was expecting anything out of me."
"Eliminating the weight of opinions is essential."
"It's no one else's job to take care of you but you."
"The universe right now is very much calling you guys to step away from the media to step away from other sources of information and to start really building your own thought forms for yourself."
"It is time to stop seeking answers from anywhere outside of yourself."
"I like the fact that we can get stuff done and we can handle our business and we can tell our narratives, put things in our words, and handle things on our level without bowing and scraping to anybody."
"You can be empowered without Supernatural Powers."
"Mental health is real, people go through stuff, but let's stop using that as a crutch."
"Make what you need on your own. Don't you have to go to the store. You have a mind. Make your table, make your chair, make your clothes, make your books. Have an existence unto yourself. The real meaning of self-determination."
"Your Surety in life is going to come solely from yourself."
"I love putting it on me because I don't have the luxury of having somebody that's gonna cut me a check. We're gonna eat, but we're gonna work. You eat what you kill."
"There's really no external barrier except these distractions, but differently, all the tools exist within most all of us to be able to create what we want to create."
"I don't wait for other people to give me praise. If you wait on that, you're gonna be disappointed."
"I don't want to do anything for you. I want to give you the tools to be able to do for self."
"Take control of your fate; if you blame your skills or lack thereof on some external factor, even if it's true, it's not helpful. Do what you can for yourself, and you'll be the best you possible."
"I trust myself, I trust my life, I trust my expertise."
"Remember, if you make someone your everything, when they leave, you have nothing."
"When you do not build relationships, you build yourself an island."
"Other people can love you, other people can comfort you, but if you can't soothe and reassure yourself in your darkest, loneliest hours, nobody can."
"To break away from life as just another cog in the machine of the modern world and become your own damn machine."
"We need a de novo perspective if we're doing it on our own."
"The biggest mistake we make is that we build our homes in other people."
"The best thing that I ever did was not listen to other people's opinions about my life."
"Being emotionally and mentally independent means that you don't need that approval from others."
"You alone hold the power to be the difference you are seeking."
"To achieve individual freedom, we could be no one's slave and no one's disciple."
"I've become a lot more self-reliant and I know that I can count on myself now."
"Nobody is going to give you anything that you have not earned."
"You've got yourself, and you can trust yourself."
"Radical self-reliance encourages the individual to discover, exercise, and rely on their inner resources."
"Early on the work that I did was more like scouting... there aren't that many guides... you have to figure a lot of stuff out."
"When you can't rely on others, rely on the one thing you can trust: yourself."
"You're focusing more on what is within your control and what you can rely on."
"You don’t need their approval to do what you want to do."
"Spirit is giving you a message of you stepping up to that leadership position not waiting for other people to guide you or tell you how to do it."
"Make your own opportunity and be your own green light."
"You're not a victim, no matter what's been done to you. You can be self-reliant."
"I think that God generally wants us to just do our best, work hard at things, and accomplish things, and not rely on him to do everything for us through miracles."
"The goal of a better human life, the recognition that we have to solve these problems apparently ourselves, is the part of reality that carries with it this seeming objective motivation."
"We have to pull ourselves up by the bootstraps. We have to create our own science of hope to demonstrate that the solutions exist, they just need to be proven."
"Our children are tired of being told to 'get a good education to get a good job.' Teach them they can also be employers."
"No one acts in your best interest better than you."
"Independence heals. There is luxury that comes with it."
"It is very hard and very painful to rely on somebody else, especially the government, to take care of you."
"The biggest thing you need is yourself to sit down and show up."
"We count on people too much to get us through... if you can build that total accountability in oneself, it's not about being selfish, it's about creating a better you."
"Stop looking for somebody to give you permission to win; just go win."
"On the outside, everything was taken away, then you could totally feel heartbroken and like everything's falling away. But if you find that happiness and create that happiness within without looking outside of yourself, then that's true happiness and peace."
"You'll be highly capable of solving problems through your own efforts; you'll be established, wealthy."
"I've fallen into a trap where I've completely outsourced if I'm going to be okay onto other people and things."
"Allow the love and support of others in, rather than trying to handle everything yourself. This can take the pressure off and simultaneously nurture you."
"We are the ones that we have been waiting for."
"Nobody is going to save you. Your life is within your control."
"Forge, don't follow; pave new paths; be the leader you wish you had."
"The only kind of motivation that lasts, the only kind you can count on, is internal motivation."
"When people leave us the hell alone, we start thriving."
"You do things on your own, and people love that about you."
"Understand that the keys to your kingdom lie within yourself."
"If you lost everything but still had your skills, you could start from scratch because the main asset is the skill set."
"I picked up that shovel, and I made my own path."
"You can't just wait on somebody else to do it... We're all somebody, and we have to stand up."
"A good driver is to learn not to be pressured by anyone but to follow your own senses."
"Self-reliance, one of the most important things in life."
"Self-reliance does not mean that you must be able to do all things on your own. To be truly self-reliant, you must learn how to work with others and turn to the Lord for his help and strength."
"It's reminded me why my self-reliance started and where I started into my journey to become more self-sufficient."
"Self-reliance is being able to do as much for yourself as you possibly can and to learn as much as you can about a wide variety of skills that help you and your family survive."
"Dare to know; have the courage to use your own understanding is therefore the motto of the Enlightenment."
"It's your life, like no one else is going to change it, so you've got to make that decision and do it."
"Nothing external can defeat the internal. The only thing that can take someone down or break you down is internal. Nothing external is strong enough."
"The goal isn't to become a professional yard sale reseller but to learn the power of making money for yourself."
"If your parents didn't know how to hold you, you develop the mind you hold yourself with."
"Self-reliance is a must. Assistance is a bonus."
"Self-reliance is possibly the greatest value in my life."
"Self-reliance...that's self-reliance right now, one thing that's proven by COVID is it's just another incident...you need to take care of yourself."
"When you love yourself, you're truly never alone."
"It's not easy, but you're not going to get it from anyone else but you. And it's worth it. It is the thing that is going to bring you freedom."
"Your job first and foremost is to take care of you... you are the only person who has always been there for you."
"If you feel like something needs to be addressed, do not wait for somebody else to address it; address it yourself."
"Those messages of self-reliance, thrift, environmentalism, spending as much time in nature as possible, and protecting that nature are more important today than they were back in his time."
"I think being able to be independent is really cool."
"It is what it is and the way that I'm gonna do it, that's all there is to it."
"Discipline is one of the most important things we can develop in our lives because without that ability to be self-reliant and willful to get things done on a continual basis, we never get that great amount of momentum and progress towards what we really want."
"A brave person listens to their heart, their own mind, their own thinking, pays attention to their gut first and foremost, and of course, will listen to outside sources and cut them off when they deserve to be cut off."
"Become independent of the good opinion of other people."
"Being powerful does not come from an authority figure granting you that power; it really comes from within yourself."
"Let's focus on our energy independence, decouple our economy from things we can't produce."
"Don't double down on someone else. Instead, double down on yourself."
"Some people define success by the ability to reliably take care of themselves and those they care about."
"You yourself are the ticket. It's not the external factors."
"The cavalry's not coming. It's just us. They don't keep us safe. We keep ourselves safe. We protect us."
"Self-confidence is building a reputation with yourself that you keep your word to you."
"You don't go and find confidence or happiness outside of yourself. It all comes from within."
"Make sure you're always financially independent. It doesn't matter whose daughter you are, it doesn't matter whose wife you are... you have to stand on your own feet."
"You start feeling better every day without anything outside of you, and you start showing up unpredictable in your life."
"One of the fastest ways to free yourself is to pay your own way, and when you pay your own way, you start to feel very empowered to pave your own way."
"So relying on others is definitely not an option. I can only depend on myself."
"Focus on your own strength; you shouldn't be so connected to someone else."
"Staying mentally tough is a single player game."
"The development of this continent lies in the hands of the Africans, not in the hands of foreigners."
"We got to understand our power and stop getting permission to be empowered."
"I decided to be my own hero and I rescued myself and I started doing things for myself."
"You're the key to your own healing and you're the key to your own acceptance, and you always have been."
"We have a lot more than we think we have. All I did was I picked up that shovel and I made my own path."
"You have to see yourself in a big picture; right now, you're the machine, you're the one that is manufacturing everything."
"If you're nothing without this suit, then you shouldn't have it."
"You have to be able to stand alone if you have to until the right situation comes into your life. You're not a weak little woman that needs an attachment for identity purposes."
"Women have to feel empowered to go out, work, do what you have to do to get what you want to get in life, and not need some savior like a Meghan Markle to tell you that you have a voice."
"You're doing wonderfully, and I think that this reliability really speaks to you being reliable to yourself and being able to count on yourself."
"I want you to see yourself... as strong. I made this fire. I have the capacity to create, to mold, to change things."
"We look to other people to open the door. This is also reminding you that you've always held the key that you need to be able to get something done."
"I love the hustle. I love the idea of somebody being a stripper and working their way and becoming a millionaire. That's naturally conservative, without taking any handouts from the government. Those are great elements."
"If you give a man a fish, you feed him for one day. But if you teach him to fish, you feed him forever."
"It's your ability to think critically and independently for yourself that's what it takes."
"I did not give this privilege to anybody that somebody can make me happy or miserable."
"Focus on self-reliance, on independence, focus on creating massive value for the world through your life purpose."
"No matter what, you're going to be okay. You're going to remember that no matter what, you got your own back."
"Tomorrow morning if you wake up and you need to survive for 90 days, how are you going to do it?"
"You don't have to wait for somebody else to come along and give that back to you; give it to yourself."
"Nobody's showing up to fix your life for you. At a certain point, you have to decide it doesn't matter what's happened; I'm the only person who owns my own future."
"We homestead to feed our family the best quality food that we can, and we know the best way to do that is to raise it right here."
"I am the one who's always here, picking up the pieces in my life."
"Don't trust anybody; don't trust me. Trust yourself."
"You have everything you need to have everything you want, but you must get to work."
"It's awesome to have a personal challenge to work towards where it's not about depending on a group of others."
"At the end of the day, you are your only boss and biggest critic."
"Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We're the ones we have been waiting for. We're the change that we seek."
"The most capable hand is at the end of your wrist."
"The fact she still can't speak to her cat Gigi anymore is another sign of her growing independence and self-reliance."
"In order for you to be protected in this life, you got to be willing to walk your Damascus road. You prepare to walk that narrow path alone if you have to."
"God will feed every bird but he's not going to put food in their nest."
"I need to figure out how to make money without using my body or like relying on my body."
"Worry only about whether you can trust yourself."
"There is nothing more powerful in the entire world than feeling like, 'I did this.'"
"My biggest one of course is self-sufficiency."
"Puerto Ricans don't wait for external influence to help; they immediately jump into the situation and try to solve things."
"It built so much character, perspective, and self-reliance."
"A strong sense of who you are means you're basically not looking to other people to tell you who you are."
"If you want to do something, don't wait for anyone to make it happen. You are the one who's in control of this dream or this goal. Make that decision and the how will unfold."
"You have to parent yourself. Your life is your responsibility."
"It's nobody's responsibility but your own to make it happen for yourself."
"We have to create our own ecstasies; your miseries will find you on their own."
"I'm very independent. I can do everything on my own, so I don't really need help with anything."
"I was so busy waiting for someone else to give me the answers that I gave up looking for them myself."
"Sooner or later, you need to learn that no one else is going to take care of you."
"No one's gonna come to help me. It's me against me, period."
"Your happiness is going to come from your own personal fulfillment from your own accomplishments because no one can give it to you and no one can take it away from you."
"Don't rely on fancy gear or weapons. Your skills and basics are what truly matter in a confrontation."
"Just don't give up. You're going to feel like everybody is against you, but at the end of the day, you just gotta stay in your own lane."
"You're not dependent on a thing; you're dependent on yourself and your writing and ability to go out on the road and earn a living."
"Everything you need is within you, you just have to command it out."
"You do not have to and I would argue like in a healthy relationship should not have to lean so heavily on an outside implement to voice to your partner what it is that you're needing."
"The person who's going to heal us is ourselves."
"Everything you need to become all you were meant to be, you already have."
"There's no hack to that; you've got to go out and build who you are as a man first."
"Stop depending on the government, start depending on yourself, your community."
"The redneck prepper and the hippie prepper both want freedom, independence, and to be self-reliant."
"It is what it is, and until you can do better, I'm what you got."
"Nobody cares about you, and I mean that in the most positive, optimistic, inspiring, motivating way."
"We're going to change our communities; we're not waiting for anybody else."
"I think prepping should be something that's taught in schools personally. Self-reliance and preparedness should be a subject."
"Community is the future. I don't believe that any government, any religion, no offense, any health care plan is really going to take care of people at this point. We've got to learn how to take care of each other."
"It's a great option if you're a one-man band and you just want to sit in a chair and take photos of yourself."
"At some point, you will need to rely on your own merits to see you through."
"You have to create your own way rather than have a way that was created placed in front of you."
"You are with yourself 24 hours a day for the rest of your life. No one else will even come close to that."
"It’s like handwriting Wikipedia and drawing all of the illustrations for it yourself."
"The cavalry is not coming, Santa Claus doesn't live in Washington D.C., it's up to you."
"We need to build a more resilient people and help them to get this idea that sometimes nobody's going to come save you but you."
"Why don't you buy your own birthday? You're a boss."
"Seeking human's approval is a dangerous position to hold, no matter who you are."
"You might not have super strength, but you do have a brain, and you can be smart."
"You have all of what it takes internally to make this happen, whatever this may be."
"If you're anxious in life, you're searching for stability, a groundedness, and you won't find it in them; you're gonna find it in you."
"Make your own food, make your own bread, have your own energy, have your own income streams, have your own money and not be reliant on anyone else."
"What you hold is the key. Why give the key to someone else? You need to keep the key also for yourself."
"You have all the resources that you need, both within you and around you."
"All you need is us, and if we study this and know it just like the back of our hand, we want to be free."
"I want us to own everything, and it starts with what we teach our kids. So teach your kids to own things, don't teach your kids to just work for other people."
"I'm not interested in stimulus, I'm interested in helping working people survive. I'm not interested in micromanaging this economy, I'm interested in getting working people back up on their feet so they can manage their own lives."