
STEM Quotes

There are 206 quotes

"If you're a woman interested in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, do it. Study it, learn it. We need you."
"American universities when it comes to STEM are still leading universities in the world."
"Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) impact every aspect of our lives, shaping our understanding of the universe and driving innovation."
"Innovations in science, technology, engineering, and math will be the roots of the future of our health, wealth, and security."
"You're allowed to notice that there's a lack of female representation in STEM fields."
"America has without question some of the finest sources educationally for brilliance in STEM subjects."
"Knowing and understanding Math, Science, and Computer Science unlocks whole new worlds."
"If you're in a stem field then yes it's worth it to go to college, you're going to have an actual job connected to your education."
"It's the best way to learn math and science interactively."
"Brilliant is the best way to learn math and computer science interactively."
"...the key idea behind this video sponsor Brilliant. Brilliant is a STEM learning platform that designs these amazing interactive courses that take big and complex subjects..."
"Start the STEM program in your hometown. You start it."
"The most exciting kind of teaching is self-teaching, and Brilliant lets you learn all kinds of STEM related subjects through fun hands-on lessons."
"It's a very empowering story for women... especially women in a STEM field."
"Please follow your passion and work on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics."
"Brilliant is an interactive online learning platform for STEM subjects that includes math, science, logic, and computer science."
"he is the reason many young stem professionals today ever built up an interest in science"
"The acronym Jedi has become a popular term for branding academic committees labeling STEM initiatives focused on social justice issues."
"Part of this has been training, I think close to 100 if not more than 100 teachers on STEM education."
"Teaching STEM without teaching the humanities is how you get Spider-Man villains."
"Anything that gets people excited, including STEM education."
"Math and science may not be subjects that come naturally to some kids, but you need to learn 'em if you want to succeed in this next century."
"Learning science and engineering doesn't have to be sucky and boring."
"The importance of STEM is to teach you to look at the world and break things down into simple pieces that you can do something with."
"Women in STEM can be in STEM and also get to kiss, and that's activism."
"It's physics, math, and engineering."
"Now you can help your little girl develop her interest in STEM with the STEM Barbie doll! But you don’t wanna just influence your kid with only one job, do you? Remember, girls can do anything! Lots and lots and lots of anything!"
"The award is given to someone who's made an outstanding contribution to any STEM subject."
"This interactive platform that teaches you STEM subjects from the basics to a deeper level."
"The emphasis only on STEM subjects is a product of this feeling that we need to increase productivity, but that will get us nowhere on its own."
"To try everything Brilliance has to offer free for full 30 days and start learning STEM today."
"From my point of view, what Lewis has done... getting kids interested in STEM subjects."
"One thing I really love about doing a STEM degree is the variety in which we learn."
"As long as you have an interest and curiosity, it's a great field to go into."
"Brilliant.org offers thousands of courses on things like chemistry and physics."
"Stem is massively underrated when it comes to Sci-Fi movies."
"Kiwico crates contain hands-on projects designed to expose kids to science, technology, engineering, art, and math."
"My channel here is probably the number one source on YouTube right now for direct actionable high school students who are interested in STEM. And so if that applies to you, I would highly recommend subscribing."
"...it's just so effective for learning stem subjects that are notoriously hard to learn because they're such abstract concepts."
"...I think it's a very smart way to get kids excited about the STEM fields."
"Brilliant’s thought-provoking courses help you see STEM in a new way."
"They're always women in STEM romances and I just love them, so I'm so excited to read this one and I've heard so many good things."
"Everybody should specialize and we try to beat into our children that they have to have STEM education, forgetting that the arts and the humanities are what make us creative."
"Brilliant is an amazing website filled with lots and lots of really really good high quality courses on various stem topics."
"Brilliant makes it easy to build a solid foundation in math, science, data science, computer science, and engineering with bite-size interactive lessons."
"Well one is study math and science because I think too often in Middle School young young girls shy away from math and science so don't shy lean in um and I think that's vitally important."
"Women should be encouraged to go into math and science and technology."
"STEM's actually critical... The innovation world is going to be where a lot of the most important leaders come from."
"I've mentored over 3,000 students now through stem workshops in person and online."
"Brilliant is a learning platform for people of all levels designed to help you get a better understanding of fundamental STEM topics."
"It's been amazing being in a STEM project like this."
"Fewer than 30 percent of American high school graduates have had four years of math and four years of science."
"...it's 10 newton meters which is quite a lot for a stem so don't be shy."
"By intentionally including making and tinkering in your early childhood program, you're not only helping children build a strong foundation for STEM, but you're developing skills for children to become creative, innovative thinkers and successful learners."
"A growing focus on STEM has brought funding and excitement for these subjects into schools."
"...for over a thousand other projects in all areas of Science and Engineering not just Arduino check out our website www.sciencebuddies.org."
"The stem is the same as I have on a fat bike, a fairly budget XLC model but it's light and strong."
"I thought it was really cool, like, seeing something that was right in front of me that's gonna go off and do all this exploration. And so that was when I realized that, 'Oh yeah, I really want to be in STEM.'"
"Everyone, here's what we're going to make today: a straw rocket."
"Diagrams are important for STEM communication, especially teaching, but otherwise too."
"You need to check out brilliant.org. Brilliant is the best place to learn about STEM topics in a low-stress environment at your own pace while still being incredibly effective."
"...but believe in yourself and create a stereotype that women can be the best in science and technology and engineering."
"Critical theory is becoming a religious movement, attacking STEM as inherently racist."
"Queens is a web-based series for young women of color showing them successful, interesting, amazing black women who are killing the STEM game."
"Inspire children to get into those stem programs."
"A math major is a STEM degree. STEM degrees are typically viewed pretty highly."
"We need more women in STEM, even the evil ones."
"I'm also interested in science outreach and in making STEM fields more accessible and welcoming to everyone."
"We want and we need to build the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics skills that we'll need for a growing and rapidly changing economy."
"I am actually an engineering major, so I am in like the STEM program with science, technology, engineering, math."
"What you really want to do is be able to have the STEM education in place so that the students from the next generation can see themselves in this industry."
"Mathematics, of course, puts the M into STEM, and building STEM capital in individuals and society is one of the core missions of the Science Museum Group."
"I've spent much of my life exploring science, engineering, and technology to find out how things work."
"Biomedical engineering, known as bioengineering in some cases, is basically a STEM field which is science, technology, engineering, and mathematics."
"One of the top skills you will learn with any STEM subject really is resilience."
"It can really help encourage young children but especially young women to go out there and pursue STEM."
"Canada wants to build its STEM industry, wants to build its IT sector."
"STEM literacy simply means that you are a critical thinker when it comes to decisions based on STEM."
"We can no longer afford to be STEM illiterate in a world in a nation surrounded by science and technology."
"Just because the STEM category draw has not happened, it doesn't mean it will not happen."
"STEM category draw will happen, and I absolutely believe it will happen, hopefully sooner than later."
"I love a woman in STEM. I was a woman in STEM."
"Algebra is the gateway to all STEM fields."
"If you care about STEM at all, algebra is a must-have."
"One of their biggest initiatives was getting more women in STEM."
"I like to think of myself as a STEM poster child because my undergraduate degree was actually in mathematics."
"STEM is really an advocacy term and it's really promoting just good teaching and learning."
"It's about starting to think about integrated STEM not just as a four-letter acronym but really having this meaning that goes across all disciplines."
"Equity in STEM is really really near and dear to my heart."
"We're trying to really push for K to 12 sort of STEM inclusive education."
"For me, I feel like a solution would have been if they just had an event where they brought in black majors in STEM and just people that these students could look up to."
"Technology surrounds us, we need to make sure everyone understands the basics of science, technology, engineering, art, math."
"I think if you work in education, like if I was working in grade school, middle school especially, and I'm looking for some STEM stuff to do, that R2 project would be perfect."
"We'll need scientists, mathematicians, and engineers, problem solvers who know the consequences of a world with climate change and are invested in preventing it."
"Education, especially STEM education, is the greatest way to improve one person's life and the lives of people around them."
"We need more girls in STEM, maybe we can find aliens."
"If you're gonna go to college, please major in STEM and be prepared; you're going to hear all this nonsense ideology, but don't be a follower, please be an independent thinker."
"Can you build a top tower with the eggs? So this is a STEM activity in which kids are going to be using the egg tops to build a big tower."
"Forbes calls biomedical engineering the high-paying, low-stress STEM job you probably haven't considered."
"Brilliant is an online interactive STEM-learning platform that helps you gain a deeper understanding of concepts in math, science, and computer science."
"She was all around a very bright child... particularly good at science and math, and enjoyed reading and writing."
"Science academia is an aesthetic that focuses on STEM subjects while retaining the vintage romanticism of dark academia."
"The plane he flew, the legendary SR-71, was the remarkable product of a sustained United States investment in STEM."
"Most companies prefer STEM students... they have more analytical skills."
"I want us all to think about new and creative ways to engage young people in science and engineering."
"If you're a STEM student or anybody that uses a lot of equations, then I strongly recommend that you write your homeworks using LaTeX."
"I think Ali Hazelwood writes a woman in STEM so well."
"We need more math teachers. We need more science teachers. We need more teachers generally who are enthusiastic about their work and their jobs."
"Brilliant is a superb online platform for learning about and exploring topics across science, technology, engineering, and maths."
"Creativity is the secret sauce to science, technology, engineering, and maths."
"This book is really useful because it promotes STEM learning through play, exploring cause and effect, builds critical thinking and skills."
"We've got lots of bright young minds that are excited about STEM education who want to be part of the space program."
"It's a sort of an e-commerce toy business in the STEM space, helping kids learn through play."
"My curriculum focused primarily on STEM with heavily involved hands-on applications."
"The special awards provide a unique opportunity for academic institutions, corporations, science associations, and other organizations to recognize and encourage achievements by young people in the STEM fields."
"Thanks to everyone who has supported tonight's finalists on their exceptional journey to becoming a STEM leader."
"Force him to get into a STEM program and he'll thank you for the rest of his life."
"Push him into a STEM program and then when he graduates, he's going to be making $120,000-$130,000 a year starting."
"The legislation would exempt advanced STEM graduates who are educated in the United States, U.S. universities, and have a job offer in the U.S., along with their spouses and children, from numerical limitations for employment-based green cards."
"She was cited as a pioneering example of African American women in STEM."
"She was a champion of women in astronomy and a strong advocate of STEM for all young people."
"Indian-Americans abide by this, it's like a religion: STEM - Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math."
"Promoting branding about the idea of STEM education and launching campaigns to really integrate a sense of urgency of how important this is to our community and our economic system."
"Thank you, STEM, for building out this super detailed Millennium Falcon model."
"STEM is all about problem solving."
"This competition has been essentially designed to promote interest and aspiration towards pursuing STEM education."
"China's graduating more STEM engineers than every other country combined."
"Brilliant is an online learning platform designed to help you learn and develop your understanding across science, tech, engineering, and mathematics in attainable, interesting ways."
"LaTeX is so powerful, and it's basically used throughout mathematics and many other STEM fields as well."
"We want to focus critical attention on the need to prioritize STEM in the education of the Nigerian child."
"We want to promote and reward excellence in this field of study."
"Brilliant offers an engaging and interactive way to grasp concepts in math, data science, or computer science."
"So hopefully this sparks the kids' interest in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics."
"This series of talks is co-sponsored by the Foothill College STEM Division, the SETI Institute, the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, and the University of California Observatories."
"The policy guidance today encourages the use of the EB-1A and EB-1B categories for STEM scholars and researchers."
"Brilliant.org delivers the very best interactive courses in math, science, and computer science."
"I double majored in math and computer science for my undergrad bachelor degree."
"I want it to be guided by my curiosity in STEM and service."
"Engineering Management is very similar to an MBA but this is a STEM-focused degree."
"Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics... you're definitely going to be making over six figures a year."
"These dummies are a perfect example of combining science, technology, engineering, and mathematics to produce new tools that extend scientific understanding."
"For too long, young women were discouraged from exploring possibilities in STEM fields, and the world has been poorer for it."
"The barriers for women entering STEM fields need to fall."
"We gotta close the gap between men and women in STEM."
"His theme is kind of STEM or STEAM."
"Pran is an online learning platform and also app with nearly 70 interactive courses in all topics STEM."
"We want to encourage as many children as possible to explore STEM fields in the hope that many develop a passion for these fields."
"Brilliant.org makes learning fun and engaging with thousands of interactive lessons on topics such as maths and computer science."
"Look no further than brilliant.org with their interactive, hands-on approach to learning."
"As a math and science teacher, one of my favorite topics is STEM."
"By bringing STEM centers into my classroom, it has given my students more options and they're able to be more creative and imaginative, which I love to see."
"Luciana is a STEM girly who can't wait to go to space camp; she wants to be a rocket scientist."
"Every student is going to have to have some kind of STEM background for America to be competitive."
"NASA is trying to engage more girls in STEM."
"We want to help inspire you to consider STEM-focused educational opportunities and careers."
"This site provides online courses for the African Center of Excellence in Innovative and Transformative STEM education."
"Here is your check for $150,000 to a STEM charity of your choice."
"It's our way of giving back to the STEM community."
"We are investing in STEM education."
"Kiwico has hands-on projects that are designed to actually expose kids to the concept of STEM."
"Check out our FT STEM program, it's amazing from K through 12."
"As a true woman in STEM, I made a little spreadsheet."
"How much are we doing to invest in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics will determine the future of our continent."
"Is the proven gender bias among the faculty in this study enough to explain these large gender gaps we see in STEM, or might there be other causes as well?"
"Asiatic minds, they teach STEM to the Sherry behind, teachers STEM to young kings and queens all across the country."
"We're giving away a million dollars to STEM charities."
"For every one job we're going to create in STEM, we're going to create three in HEAL jobs."
"Women are outperforming men in all fields, including STEM."
"Why not engineering? That's math. Why not science, quantum mechanics, quantum physics?"
"We need engineers, we need scientists, we need people in the STEM."
"More than half of the students that graduate from a UC in a STEM degree actually started at a community college."
"The highest award isn't for the robot; it's for what the team does to help their community and get more kids interested in STEM fields."
"Investing more in the STEM workforce."
"A 12% drop in one year in interest in young people applying to STEM at university is a worrying statistic to say the least."
"Welcome to the Orlando Science Center for Spark STEM Fest. Let's do it, buddy!"
"We're breaking down gender stereotypes in the STEM world."
"Welcome to Robo shade, a groundbreaking fusion of STEM and arts that redefines education and entertainment."
"I'll be studying chemical engineering this fall and want kids to have opportunities to be introduced to STEM."
"Women hold nearly half of all the jobs in the workplace but only hold less than 25% of STEM jobs."
"I want to encourage any girls that might have a desire to go into STEM to do it, not let any of those things stop you."