
Self-sabotage Quotes

There are 612 quotes

"The majority of people are actually sabotaging themselves, sabotaging their ability to come up with ideas that are going to help them in their lives, help their businesses succeed, help society, and essentially help move society forward."
"This concept of being stuck and really self-sabotaging ourselves... it doesn't have to be this way. It can't change overnight; there's no quick fix solution to this."
"The biggest threat for us to lose is actually ourselves. Sometimes we troll too much and we have too much fun."
"There is so much pain in talking yourself out of trying things."
"Congratulations, brother. You played yourself."
"There are some ways in which we can sabotage, delay, or even block our spiritual growth."
"Your job is not your enemy; you are your own enemy when you sit down and say, 'Great, I'm on board,' and you're going to take that paycheck and only pay bills."
"We recognize when working with people who have abandonment issues, a lot of times their frantic efforts to avoid abandonment actually end up contributing to the abandonment."
"We would all be really famous and successful right now, all of us. We'd have more money than we could spend. There's just one problem. We're getting in our own way."
"Achieving your goals isn't as hard as it seems to be; sometimes, we just get in our own way."
"The real problem is not that we don't know what to do, it's that we don't know how to stop getting in our own way."
"Self-sabotage only happens unconsciously. So, really, that spotlight of attention, of awareness, is a subtle but a very big factor in busting through that resistance and the procrastination."
"Of course, if you're acting out of fear, out of self-sabotage, before you even started, of course, it's not going to work."
"I'm trying to not self-sabotage as much as I usually do, especially with this new relationship because it's something so good."
"Imagine self-milling for 40 or 50, and your graveyard is stacked, and then you say, 'Bojuka bog targeting myself.'"
"Psychology Today's definition of self-sabotage is when you create problems in your daily life that interfere with long-standing goals."
"The challenge that I see over and over again with weight loss is that it's often presented to us in these very extreme All or Nothing type of approaches, and so we unknowingly and eagerly set up these very unrealistic goals for ourselves which inevitably lead us to failure."
"People love to self-sabotage...I used to be so scared of my own success on YouTube that I literally wouldn't do it."
"I'm so big on therapy and everything else; it's a great book I read called The Big Leap that talks about when people get to that certain point and end up self-sabotaging."
"Publicly guillotining yourself is reputational suicide."
"Don't sabotage your own success by being too indecisive on what you want."
"Don't let self-doubt or sabotage mess you up. You're going to be doing really good."
"These patterns of self-sabotage, the procrastination, the things that you want in your life that you can't make happen, at the most basic level, are fight-or-flight responses, their stress responses."
"Identify and investigate self-sabotage. Self-sabotage is such a sneaky little minx... you don't even realize most of the time when you are sabotaging yourself."
"Self-sabotage happens when you're all by yourself and nobody's around you. The same effort that it takes to sell yourself that you can't do something is the same exact effort it takes to sell yourself that you can do it."
"Self-sabotage comes from if in your default identity, you think this is the most I can get, this is the least I can get, anything above that point, you'll find a way to self-sabotage."
"We're always going to find a way back to what we think we deserve."
"You think there's something in your mind where you think if I make more than this amount of money, that's more than I deserve, and you will self-sabotage."
"Sometimes us human beings have this bad habit of self-sabotaging. 'It's not good enough.' Sadly, I was there."
"Many will mess up their blessing because pride and ego always get in the way."
"That little part of your brain will destroy you if you let it dictate your actions in business."
"You cheered your own destruction, you gave away your own freedom."
"Realize that the chimp is always there, ready to throw a spanner into the works."
"You got a lot going for you, and you're pissing it away."
"You will overcome self-sabotage. There is hope, and you don't have to sit in this."
"Tripping yourself when things are going well is self-sabotage. Embrace success, but with discernment."
"Self-sabotage is going to come up if you never get to the root of your core stories."
"Procrastination literally sabotages our happiness."
"You're literally defeating yourself, and it's not like this guy has been nice to everybody."
"Don't sabotage it because there could be some ways or some old ways of doing things that you need to let go of."
"You may want something all day and all night but if there's something within you that's rejecting you wanting that, you're standing in your own way."
"There is this idea that you have to allow yourself to succeed because if you view yourself as someone who cannot make progress you will sabotage your efforts."
"The CCP has perfectly illustrated the act of shooting oneself in the foot."
"More powerful than that is our self-image and our identity, and that's why people will self-sabotage."
"You sabotage a lot of the good stuff that you have going on for yourself."
"The world's richest man just can't help but be petty as [ __ ] and create endless problems for himself."
"People will self-destruct, create roadblocks that don't even exist, create drama because they have an insatiable need for turbulence."
"When we don't have self-love, we will begin to self-sabotage the relationships around us."
"Don't shoot yourself in the foot because I feel like you're just holding yourself back, and that's holding you back from this connection moving forward essentially."
"She's really her own worst enemy because she needs to learn to persevere and not give up in the face of adversity."
"You're not going to receive the strange new respect of the media for running against Trump."
"As long as you are carrying this stuff around, you're going to be sabotaging your relationships."
"You were setting up a problem for yourself that you cannot win."
"You're going to be a huge success if you step out of your own way. Sometimes we block our own blessings by holding on to things."
"It just keeps shooting itself in the foot over and over."
"All he's doing is shooting himself in the foot over and over again."
"The stupidity of Michael Hammond was that he actually has caused his own downfall."
"It's just one more step to you not doing a goal that you are totally capable of doing."
"You are the thing that's getting in the way of your own success."
"Women will literally destroy their own lives just to spite standards that they think are oppressive."
"First rule of politics: don't interrupt your opponents while they're making a mistake. Second rule of politics: don't run directly into trees while kicking yourself in the balls."
"The true irony of this story is that all of the artists involved are holding themselves back by clinging on to street beef."
"I don't want you to end up being alone; I just don't want you to be the reason that you end up alone."
"You gotta be careful about not embracing what's new, you'll become your own worst enemy."
"Boom, I thought for sure you'd be back here, you got played congratulations, you played yourself."
"Don't fear competition or anything like that because you could actually self sabotage yourself at the end of the day."
"It's a shame actually when you see fantastic talent... that potential is locked up, hindered terribly when it's by other people, but even worse when it's by themselves."
"We were just very broken human beings and we both were just sabotaging the hell out of our relationship."
"If you can just bear to ignore it and just focus on you, they will end up sabotaging themselves."
"Congratulations, Alex Jones. You played yourself."
"Don't cut the brake lines on your own car and then complain when you crash."
"I'm screwing myself over here. I'm repeating it which is making it worse self-fulfilling prophecy."
"Don't sabotage what you built, there's going to be enough people out there trying to sabotage you."
"This full moon might inspire you to cut off or end certain self-sabotaging thoughts or behaviors."
"It's this messed up cycle of self-sabotage where just because you're feeling kind of crackers because you're feeling kind of guilty you keep doing things that make you feel more that way."
"Conspiracy theorists are shooting themselves and their own cause in the foot."
"Some people can't succeed in life because they're so busy tearing down others that they forget to build themselves up."
"The universe wants you to win it's just that people inflict certain things on themselves to sabotage their journey."
"Trump punches in every direction... sometimes he punches himself in the nuts."
"We're eating our creators and that's the dumbest thing we can do."
"There's a bigger problem than not achieving a dream or not being motivated to go after the right job. The problem is that you could be creating everything you don't want without even knowing that that's what you're doing."
"Democrats gave a master class in self-destruction."
"Beliefs turn our natural impulses against us like autoimmune diseases."
"This is about endings and beginnings... realizing how you sabotage yourself... cutting out the things that don't work for you anymore."
"I think Donald Trump was his own worst enemy."
"Manifestation. You manifest losing if that's your approach."
"He's almost like he's his own worst enemy with his consistency sometimes."
"If you want to get anything done in the world and you're being dishonest, you're only hurting yourself."
"Remember not to self-sabotage your way out of it."
"You're setting a booby trap for yourself; this is going to backfire."
"Hack this thing called 'akrasia'... The state of acting against your own better judgment."
"Legia's success is as much to do with the self-sabotage of other clubs as it is to do with their own brilliance."
"If your results exceed your internal thermostat, you'll find a way to cool your life back down."
"I am the one always living, the one messing in every relationship before it starts."
"Don't trick yourself out of something that could be good for you."
"I think weed works for some people but if you're like me it can just be another tool in your belt of ways to self-sabotage."
"You got everything that the world could possibly give you and you just sht yourself basically... If it's just you being kind of a dingle then, like, if you sht yourself out of laziness like that's where things become really, really sad."
"Is there any self-sabotaging energies because you got the five of swords here you got the eight of swords here."
"You're choosing to lose in the area you could win."
"You've been holding yourself back, fighting against your best interests."
"You need to stop killing your dreams because you're sowing the seed."
"We're constantly protecting ourselves from potential disappointment by giving ourselves the same suffering."
"They're overcoming self-defeating behavior, they're overcoming this propensity that they have to self-sabotage."
"You can do everything I have told you to do up until now to the letter and you're still gonna find a way to fuck it up."
"We can't be our own worst enemies, we should not do Vladimir Putin's work for him."
"Even greatness can get in its own way I watched The Warriors now besides the 52-point loss."
"You have the tendency of standing in your own way."
"The resistance comes from the seekers themselves."
"In the end, Vince McMahon was no different from those old territorial promoters he went to war with, like them, his career was derailed by the actions of Vince McMahon."
"You must learn to love yourself through missteps and sabotaging moments."
"Some people you can't help them because they'll put themselves right back where they were, they will always be where they've always been because of themselves."
"Humans are natural fuck-ups our biggest obstacle is ourselves."
"Our brain keeps coming up with excuses to not do something."
"You cannot be complaining about something and then shoot yourself in the foot."
"Nobody had the power to knock Nikki out except for Nikki."
"Trust the goodness of what you already have so you don't sabotage it."
"He's shooting himself in the foot and he's blazing his guns around because he is so angry that he's cornered."
"I swear it feels like this woman hates herself so much as she's subconsciously sabotaging herself."
"I literally was in some situations where I would have been able to take away everything from myself."
"The less you go into it with an expectation of needing something out of the outcome, the more that you'll hold on to essentially sabotaging yourself."
"That's gold, you're digging your own graveyard."
"We're like crabs in a barrel, we'll pull each other down rather than lift each other up."
"Never underestimate the stupidity of a status yeah like you know they will they will they'll cut their own nose off to spite you like it's despite their face."
"Success includes not shooting yourself in the foot."
"You're blocking your own blessings worrying about somebody else's success."
"Words are very, very, very important because words will have you messing up your manifestation."
"You can plan all you want, you can hope all you want, but if you don't get yourself in a position where you can take that next step, you're just screwing yourself over."
"The enemy struggles might lift a huge stone only to drop it on its own feet."
"Your thoughts sabotage your present reality."
"You're self-sabotaging through work. Taking it to its extreme becomes its opposite."
"He looks at what you want to do and goes 'Oh yeah, oh yeah, take it and damage your own structure.'"
"We often give our enemies the means of our own destruction."
"Vince is trying to kill his own product rather than sell it."
"When someone attacks from a place of jealousy and hate, they're only setting themselves up for a fall. Their actions will backfire, and they'll regret it."
"The closer we get to our goals, honey, the more we screw ourselves up sometimes."
"We become our own worst enemies on a regular basis."
"The bottom line is that abundance is your natural state, unfortunately the editor keeps resisting and pushing away the abundance that's already yours."
"Don't sit there and put yourself in a hole because that doesn't help that just makes it the hole deeper."
"You just took yourself out. You created your own barrier to success."
"You're blocking your ability to receive a love that could truly be for you because of someone who did not appreciate the love you were trying to give them."
"Maybe the reason you self-sabotage is because it allows you to predict the future. It allows you to predict what's going to happen, which is giving you the illusion of self-control."
"I'm going to give him just enough rope for him to do all the damage to himself that he needs to."
"The only thing that can damage him is himself."
"We sometimes create our own problems at Manchester United by failing specific hurdles."
"You might feel like someone is out there to get you, but it's actually you who's out there to get yourself."
"You're tired of sabotaging this connection and you want to be with them."
"Insecurities get the best of you, do not self-sabotage. This is your person, this is no one else's person."
"Learned a very relatable term today: revenge bedtime procrastination."
"Sometimes people ruin their own progress and success by no other reason other than themselves."
"You're waiting for too much here that you're not acting or responding out of faith. You're acting out of what's in my control, and it is sabotaging you."
"Creating an environment of chaos... is just self-sabotage." - Hani Rambod
"They're realizing that they basically sabotaged their own happiness, okay? But I feel like it's by watching you and whatever it is you're doing."
"People will try to trick you out of greatness."
"You're blocking your own success by overthinking."
"When masculine energy is damaged or weakens that is what leads to this state of inaction, not moving forward, especially not moving forward on things that the masculine truly desires or even self-sabotaging."
"You're doing all of the right things, but you're also being blocked by your own refusal."
"The reason why you're not getting what you want is because of a hidden positive intention keeping you back."
"Overcome your fear of success or failure. Don't sabotage your own success."
"Don't ruin it for yourself. Don't be that person."
"When it comes to being successful, there's so much focus on trying to make it happen, yet we rarely stop and address the part of ourselves that is unconsciously pushing success away."
"I am a perfectionist, which is terrible sometimes because you can really self-sabotage."
"There is no enemy; we're doing this to ourselves."
"You're getting in your own way with your own energy."
"Success is about what you say no to, make sure you don't sabotage yourself."
"Our stagnation is a byproduct of us standing in our own way, choosing not to grow."
"You will not self-sabotage yourself or the relationships that you have because of the insecurities that you have."
"The great enemy in investment performance is us; we're our own worst enemies."
"For some of you, you are too open, and there is a level of self-sabotage here as well that needs to be healed."
"A lot of self-sabotage and rebellion from being frustrated at how strict things were and how they weren't able to do and be what they wanted to do and who they wanted to be."
"He really stepped on his own tail there."
"I saw some people speculating about it being self-sabotaging... how do you even self-sabotage at this level?"
"It's not that life sends a saboteur to get us; it's that we sabotage ourselves because we're terrified of more responsibility."
"Resist that urge to self-sabotage. You don't deserve an installment pain plan in order to be okay with someone else."
"Honestly, I've never been more satisfied watching someone's self-sabotage in my life."
"This connection between me and you is so strong, is irresistible, and I sabotaged a connection on purpose because I didn't feel worthy of you."
"They're trying to block you from your own abundance."
"What I lose sleep over is when kids start self-sabotaging their own efforts. That's the kind of stuff that really concerns me."
"You can be set free but also still have elements of sabotage."
"The shadow side of this card speaks to the unfinished symphony in your life. It is a reminder that procrastination is a form of self-sabotage."
"I just feel like every time I get close to a good idea, I get in my own way without even realizing it."
"Most people put themselves out of the runnings before they even apply for the job."
"There's absolutely nothing to stop it being successful. The only thing that will stop it being successful is you two."
"Don't let yourself become your worst enemy."
"Just do everything for everybody else and the Justice card is telling me that when those scales aren't balanced, all you're doing is sabotaging yourself."
"The more you need something, the more you create this comfort zone of lacking it, which will create so much self-sabotage."
"Addicts and alcoholics will sabotage their own success."
"Your own greed, you are your worst enemy."
"Most people are their own enemy, they're the ones that block themselves before anything even happens."
"What you need to remind them is they can love you at the same time they're sabotaging the relationship."
"The problem with self-sabotage is we take the one example to confirm our fears instead of looking at all the good things that have come as a result."
"It's the exact same thing. If you could get rid of using all that effort fighting self sabotage, just eliminate self sabotage to begin with, eliminate the little Big Mouth yap, you would be at that next level."
"Most success advice isn't success advice, it's anti-self-sabotage advice."
"I know when I was a teenager I used to do that a lot, like, I would be like, 'Oh, this isn't gonna work out.' And I'm sure some of that was intuition but also, I think a lot of that was me being self-sabotaging."
"I truly believe that Bret Hart screwed Bret Hart."
"They don't want anyone to sabotage them or anything, you know? They want to sabotage their own life too."
"Self-decapitation is not a normal negotiating tactic."
"There's an energy of self-sabotage that I'm picking up on. They feel inadequate or not good enough."
"It's almost one of those things where it's like don't get in your own way of your own blessings."
"All self-sabotage is just self-love emanating upwards from the subconscious mind."
"The process of ending self-sabotage is the process of getting back in touch with ourselves, the whole of ourselves."