
Non-verbal Quotes

There are 177 quotes

"There is so much that goes on in a look that we share with another person about ourselves."
"80% of communication is nonverbal...a good percent of communication is nonverbal and you have to be aware of who you're talking to."
"Communication is 70-80-90% nonverbal; we've stripped all that out."
"Words quantifying our thoughts and our feelings are other ways to do it without speaking."
"Woodworking videos: crafting without conversation."
"Satisfying videos: soothing the senses without speech."
"Understand this: the speaking of God is not always with words."
"Body language can give us information about what someone's thinking."
"Sometimes the best communication isn't even words."
"People have estimated that 95% of communication between humans occurs non-verbally."
"Much of his thinking does not involve language."
"He insisted that some things in life don't need to be said with actual words."
"Body language is great because you don't have to say a lot, but you can show a lot about how you feel."
"Seduction is a language that does not involve words. It involves what is not spoken: body language, your eyes, your smile, your face."
"They knew what they were all doing and they knew how long to stay still for so it's just amazing how they can communicate without actually speaking that side of it is kind of magical really."
"Deaf people are supernaturally gifted at communicating without verbal language."
"Use pictures and gestures to communicate with a resident who speaks a different language."
"It's beautiful how there are so many different ways to communicate with someone that doesn't necessarily have to be through words."
"Non-verbal communication is the world you live in."
"You see nonverbal modes of communication hardwired into our brains."
"Only seven percent of a message is based on the words while 38 comes from the tone of the voice and 55 from the speaker's body language and face."
"Haruna and R look at each other without saying anything, enjoying the secret between them."
"Words are becoming less and less relevant to an understanding because what Cezanne along with others at the time were bringing us back to the pure language of the visual arts which is non-verbal."
"So much of our Expressions can stem from our body language and convey so much more meaning than words."
"Communication isn't just the words and grammar, it's the way you use your voice, pausing emphasis, intonation, and your body."
"How to attract women without saying a word? Well, the simple answer is, of course, fragrance."
"He doesn't even have to talk, John. If he hangs up without saying a word, he knows that's bad."
"Nonverbal communication penetrates the mind deeper than words."
"93% of your communication is your non-verbal, your body language, and your tonality."
"Body language has its own power because it is the principal way by which we humans communicate."
"When it comes to getting yourself to come out of being non-verbal, I feel like it has to be a very physical type of warming up."
"Another thing that's also really helped is face stretches."
"These are things that have tremendously helped me when I am experiencing being non-verbal."
"Your confidence and your smile speak for you before you even open your mouth."
"So much was communicated without speaking."
"When you limit your non-verbal reactions, you become this calm sea exuding strength and assurance."
"Body language refers to the nonverbal signals, gestures, postures, facial expressions, voice tonality, etc., that convey information about thoughts, feelings, and intentions."
"His profound ability to control and influence others' emotions without speaking is underrated."
"You can convey an entire emotion through a teeth sucking noise or like just a glare or just a hand movement."
"Sometimes there's like no verbalization, it's just like the wide eyes like 'damn'."
"Body language dominates more than 90% of communication."
"The real communication between teacher and pupil is based on nonverbal reciprocity."
"So if you want to get to that depth you want to demonstrate commitment with that other 95%, the non-verbal, all that stuff."
"It's kind of shocking how much you can communicate without words."
"Body language is 90% of the conversation."
"Sometimes all it takes is a look, they just have to see my eyes to know I can be trusted."
"If you take your voice out of the mix you correct exactly what they need and you can start to use non-verbal hand motions you're going to see the blending go like that overnight I promise you it happens really really fast."
"Communication is all in mannerisms, you know, like it's not really even about what you're saying, it's how you say it."
"The characters managed to express themselves in ways that may not be achieved through words."
"It's like they're speaking without speaking, yes."
"Body language is a very big part. They say body language actually accounts for 70% of communication."
"The eyebrows say it all, don't they?"
"Dance became my way of expressing myself without words, without a voice."
"I think that people are still riding around in the back of trucks, okay, for sure. That's good. It's good to know. There's, um, there was a study done in the 60s that said 93% of communication is non-verbal."
"You see the self is always coming through. You will always communicate how you feel about people and about the world through your non-verbal cues."
"The better skilled you were at the clandestine art of non-verbal communication, the higher you were on the social totem pole."
"If most of business is communication, and two-thirds of it is nonverbal communication and body language, it's almost as important as knowing how to handle finances or do contract work."
"Nonverbal communication is absolutely essential; that's how you can judge people and also tailor your message accordingly."
"Nonverbal communication is reliable because it's programmed into all of us, and most of it, all throughout our lives, is unconscious."
"You begin to realize that they can communicate quite effectively in their own ways."
"Don't tell me with your mouth, tell me with your eyes and your face."
"A woman in her dark feminine energy uses non-verbals when it comes to communication, knowing that less is more."
"There must be a language that doesn't depend on words."
"This is relationship, and this is going on non-verbally, this is going on through behavior, through glances, through interaction."
"His images speak, but not in words or symbols."
"A little body language is a whole lot better than a ton."
"Ninety percent of communication is body language."
"We're talking about helping a non-verbal child find his voice."
"Animal memories are specific because they're not words, they're pictures."
"Non-verbal communication is eighty percent of communication."
"They communicated by sign language."
"Humans rely on understanding each other's intentions and expressions through non-verbal communication."
"Non-verbal cues speak louder than the words that are coming out of someone's mouth."
"Never forget that 80 percent of the way that people interact with each other is through non-verbal communications."
"Facial expressions, mannerisms, and subtle communication cues can be extremely persuasive."
"Language itself is not the only kind of pattern system that goes on in communication."
"We can actually not talk at all; this language can never be used for any appreciable length without paralanguage and kinesics at the same time."
"It's a sort of an unconscious way of your mind telling other people and communicating with them how you feel, but without using words."
"Communication is more than words; it's body language, it's voice inflection, it's articulation."
"Verbal communication are your written or your spoken messages. Nonverbal communication is communication without using words."
"Nonverbal cues are also very important when it comes to communication."
"Most behavior experts agree that between 70 and 93 percent of all communication in humans is non-verbal."
"It says a lot in a very short time and it does it without having any dialogue."
"God does not talk; He communicates."
"We speak with our mouths but communicate with our eyes, our faces, our smiles, our hands, our arms, even with our legs and toes."
"The way we look at people is profoundly revealing."
"That's hilarious, and my favorite part about that is, look at how much story both the characters told you without even saying a single word."
"Most communication is non-verbal."
"You want to understand an animal, get away from verbal language."
"The composite moon in the eighth house... there's such an incredibly intense emotional bonding connection that doesn't even need words."
"These are children... most non-verbal, could not articulate even what happened to them, but the camera told us the story we needed to have."
"80% of communication is nonverbal."
"Nodding is a great nonverbal cue because it shows agreement, engagement, encouragement."
"Different laughs right, and there are these things called non-verbal cues."
"Smiling is an amazing nonverbal you do it without thinking."
"Up to 70% of communication is non-verbal."
"We didn't talk but your eyes said it all."
"Some people say that 90% of what we communicate is nonverbal."
"The fun will be when we start communicating just purely non-verbally with all like looks and nods."
"The majority of human interaction is non-verbal."
"More than half of all messages communicated are non-verbal."
"I think you can communicate without speaking. I've had that feeling."
"Body language plays a major part in it, so it is dialogue even when there's no dialogue."
"B is non-verbal in that he can't speak with spoken language, but he does understand speech and communicates using gestures."
"People who can't speak are quick to use their hands. Learn how to speak."
"We have good non-verbal communication skills."
"Only seven percent of the message transmitted from one person to another is expressed verbally."
"We're going to be able to communicate without even speaking."
"The nonverbals... arguably more important than all of the previous points."
"I think they can understand language, if not verbal language, then your non-verbal body language."
"It just shows you how much in person is communicated without it being verbal."
"Nonverbal communication provides information more than words alone."
"Communication is 90% body language."
"Most of communication is non-verbal, most of communication are the things that you are picking up in your spirit."
"Physiology is 55 percent of communication."
"Babies can't talk, but they understand empathy."
"90% of the communicating we do is nonverbal."
"Nonverbal communication is not spoken; it can be body language, gestures, or facial expressions."
"Nonverbal communication is any kind of communication that occurs without words."
"Speaking with hands, face, and expressions helps the client understand what you're saying."
"Increased eye contact is a powerful way of conveying interest and attraction, like a secret language between two people speaking volumes without saying a single word."
"It's cool to get jet laughs without using words because then it adds some variety of texture to your set."
"There's a body language, and there is speech language -- both equally important."
"Communication is mostly not words; it's how they're given and how they're received by the other person."
"Nonverbal cues typically reflect a person's true feelings."
"Intuition also describes the non-verbal cues that we're picking up subconsciously."
"Excellence in appearance is recognizing that my appearance is a non-verbal communicator."
"You really don't have to talk to communicate at a party."
"Tone of voice is 38 percent, and body language even higher, 55 percent."
"Only seven percent of communication is done verbally."
"Name three ways to apologize without using words: make them food, buy them something, or like take them out somewhere."
"93% of all human communication is nonverbal."
"Body language says a lot about you."
"Communication is body language, communication is affirmation."
"The body language speaks volumes."
"I'm going to teach you the language of nonverbal communication."
"When you have a non-verbal child it's hard sometimes."
"Nonverbal communication conveys more of what a person feels, thinks, and means than is actually stated in words."
"Tone and body language, they make up 93% of our communication."
"Gesture is in fact a display of people's thoughts."
"They're capable of transferring a lot of graded information about what you're going to do or what you've just seen, but it's not words."
"There are so many ways to tell stories, particularly in the ring where it is all non-verbal physical storytelling."
"Non-verbal signals are so powerful at times that I wonder at our need to speak."
"Even the humans have minimal vocalizations in their language, instead relying on facial expression and hand signs."
"Max may not be able to talk, but he's very clever."
"I think I can communicate on an energy level, not on a verbal level."
"Most of communication is not actually verbal; it's just the tonality of what you say and your body language."
"What my mouth doesn't say, my face does."
"55% of communication is just body language."
"70 percent of communication is non-verbal."
"It's like 80% of human communication is nonverbal."
"Nonverbal communication is the sending or receiving of wordless messages."
"A combination of verbal and non-verbal communication will make communication more effective."
"Non-verbal communication is the transfer of meaningful information by means other than written or spoken language."
"The show doesn't let that hold the characters back from expressing themselves through body language."
"The majority of communication is non-verbal."
"Up to 90% of communication is non-verbal, meaning that only about 10% of our actual communication is auditory."