
Legacy Quotes

There are 40326 quotes

"You can never take your eye off the prize, and the prize is my eulogy going to be better than my resume."
"The evil that men do lives after them; the good is often teared with their bones."
"At the end of my life, I'm going to ask these questions about life: Did I live? Did I love? Did I matter?"
"I think whatever happens for the rest of Kevin's Durant's career, we're going to look back in like 10 or 15 years and be like, why did we spend all this time with all the discourse and not just appreciate literally one of the greatest basketball players to ever play in this game."
"Would you be willing to give up everything for that one shot at glory, for your name to be inscribed in the annals of history as a somebody amongst nobodies?"
"You can't have a legacy if you're afraid to break the rules."
"What is the legacy of humanity? It should be knowledge."
"We should be thinking about what we want to leave behind when, as a species, we're no longer here."
"I'm reminded that my father would want me to continue to do what I've been doing, to not give up on inspiring other people."
"You're not going to be remembered for who you married or the relationship you had, you're going to only leave a legacy and be remembered for what you've accomplished."
"What gives us a sense of meaning and purpose in our lives is an attempt to create something that will outlive us when we die."
"I care about the world we're leaving behind. I care about the sustainability, the ultimate sustainability of everything, the human enterprise as it were."
"Be happy and leave the world a better place than you found it."
"It's about the foundation of what will be left behind and what you're building towards. It's bigger than me."
"It's about winning championships. If you don't win a championship, it does affect your legacy."
"In 1991, Lin explained that the purpose of The Wall is 'to help the veterans coming back, to help their families, to talk to people 100 years from now who will know nothing about that war and nobody on that wall.'"
"The highest level of fulfillment is not stuff; it's not even legacy; it's actually having children and seeing those children become great members of society."
"The dead aren't really dead as long as they are not forgotten."
"We are enriched by the life of Malcolm in many ways, more than we probably most of us even realize."
"Plant trees under whose shade you do not plan to sit."
"There is absolutely no hole in this man's legacy, and it's why Michael Jordan is my choice as the greatest player to ever live."
"You wouldn't get DMX without Pac. That's real."
"I am the Nigo and Hiroshi of this generation."
"I'm like the Tupac of this sh*t, baby. You can't stop me."
"Whether you agree or not, she was an amazing woman who led an amazing life."
"My biggest thing comes down to how I impact the people around me. I hope I give everybody around me something positive that they can take with them for the rest of their life."
"We don't have to pass our Brokenness on to our children."
"Make it so that when people remember you, they smile."
"We should plant trees under whose shade we do not plan to sit."
"Isn't that what it means to live an infinite life, that we can literally live on beyond our own lives?"
"This is not only my father's legacy, it's all of our legacy."
"She may be gone, but the spirit of joy and childlike wonder she hoped to impart in her work lives on forever."
"When you die, all your deeds come to an end except three: ongoing charity, beneficial knowledge, and a righteous child who prays for you."
"You die all your deeds come to an end except for three: ongoing charity, beneficial knowledge, and a righteous child who prays for you."
"Ian Schrager is a legend. The guy started Studio 54."
"Tonight, these two warriors collide in the ring, one man looking to achieve his dreams and continue his path to becoming a world champion, the other man looking to take him down and create a name and legacy for himself in the ultimate test of wills."
"I just want people to say, 'There was this guy, he's gone now. Let's pick up from where he left and see how we can continue this exploration.' The journey has no ending. The point of arrival is always now."
"The final test of a leader is that he leaves behind him in others the conviction and the will to carry on."
"Character protects your leadership and your vision, enabling you to leave a legacy for your own generation and future generations."
"Mike Evans, I mean, we talked about it this fall, he is, if he plays another three, four, five years, he will be in the conversation for Mount Rushmore of wide receivers."
"I always cared about legacy. I always cared about being one of the greats. I care about the art more than I care about the money."
"You could have been a man who stood for something, but what have you done since Nassau failed? Oh, nothing but murder and mayhem."
"You make sure that when you leave this earth, God won't be able to say to you, 'I gave you this in life... What did you do with it?'"
"If we protect each other, we're going to make our names, and everyone will remember us."
"Every young man out here is not looking for an OnlyFans model, IG model. They just want a regular young girl that they can build with and create a legacy."
"Breaking generational curses, having generational wealth, and really just making our last name mean something."
"To leave a mark. That matters. To dare to do something that people will remember, that makes you who you are as a pillar of your being."
"When you pass in this world, you take nothing with you but your soul and the memories you shared with those you love."
"Terry McGinnis, second Batman, also just called Batman. No moniker to distinguish him as something later or secondary or worse."
"Try to at the end of everything, if you can picture yourself on your deathbed, try to know that you've lived a life that left it a little bit lighter and a little bit happier than when you came into it."
"It is the Endurance Expedition and the incredible feat of survival which it constituted, which is ultimately Shackleton’s greatest legacy."
"The legacy of the Space Shuttle: a vehicle that for over three decades came to define human space flight."
"Where is Eomer? For my eyes darken, and I would see him ere I go. He must be king after me. And I would send word to Eowyn. She would not have me leave her, and now I shall not see her again, dearer than daughter."
"You're not in charge of your legacy... We'll decide what your legacy is."
"Our ancestors... built up this world for us and... entrusted it to us, and if we fail, we would be betraying the trust that they placed in us."
"And frankly, anything they have right now, and it's not very good, is running on the fumes of what I did."
"If he can do that, he'll become the greatest midfielder of all time."
"This is our legacy, our journey, this is who we are, and we are ready to unleash it upon the world."
"What are you leaving for the world with your art? Sometimes it's important to think, what am I actually impacting?"
"I've always wanted to make the game better, leave it in a better spot than I found it."
"My biggest fear is that I will never make anything that is important."
"A life is not important except for its impact on other lives."
"What's important is... it's about your legacy... it's about helping people along the way."
"Her Legacy has sparked self-defense courses, improvements in campus safety, and awareness campaigns across the country."
"If guys like Bruno Mars are singing about Gianni Versace 20 years after his death, that says he's fully embedded in our society and culture and has a profound legacy."
"Everything the light touches is our kingdom."
"One day, the sun will set on my time here and will rise with you as the new king."
"Remember who you are. You are my son and the one true king."
"We owe black people something; we have a legacy of slavery. Immigrants haven't even been in this country."
"Long has the Stormcrown languished, with no worthy brow to sit upon. By our breath, we bestow it now to you in the name of Kyne, in the name of Shor, and in the name of Atmora of old. You are Ysmir now, the Dragon of the North."
"If I must die, you must live to tell my story. If I must die, let it bring hope, let it be a story."
"You may not be the ruler of Equestria anymore, but in our hearts, you'll always be our princess."
"It's here to stay, and the ponies aren't gone and they never really will be."
"I would rather see during my legacy to help over-prepare our nation's public health system."
"We together built something that was undeniable at that time and I still feel like kind of has a lasting effect on the space."
"Khabib's legacy in UFC: one of the greatest of all time."
"I'm doing that for legacy, I'm doing that for karma, I'm doing it 'cause it's the right thing to do."
"You are never remembered for what you saved; you are remembered for what you gave."
"A good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children but also gives them the inheritance of the mindset of what to do with the money."
"I would hope [my legacy] felt that I helped move science forward...and that I served as a good role model for how humans should live their lives."
"It's very special that a nice couple of years from now, I'm be like one of the OGs."
"We accomplished some amazing things over a long period of time, many of which will be hard to replicate."
"The key to immortality is first living a life worth remembering."
"It's not too late to give them something to be proud of."
"Mentorship and passing on your wisdom can be just as fulfilling as financial success, contributing to a meaningful legacy."
"Legacy, baby. There's nothing like your community saying man, this gal, changed the entire city."
"Your legacy will be determined by how well you instill your children with the right values so that their children won't screw everything up."
"Bruce Lee, known as one of the greatest martial artists in history, continues to captivate us with his extraordinary skills and daring feats even today."
"After Bruce's tragic passing in 1973, Bolo solemnly remarked, 'There will never be another Bruce Lee. I am privileged to have had the honor of calling him my friend.'"
"Williams has created a team from nothing. Williams's place in the history books that's guaranteed."
"Toriyama, like Kanaro Miura who passed away a few years back, are the kind of people who were integral to so many things that we love."
"Without Miura, for example, dark fantasy stuff like Dark Souls and Elden Ring wouldn't exist."
"Rest in peace to Akira Toriyama, your legacy will never be forgotten."
"She essentially helped invent acting for film."
"You die two times. You die when you actually die and then you die the last time someone says your name."
"What does it mean to live a life well lived? What defines your legacy and how are we remembered when we're gone?"
"I prefer to die a man who lived by principles that nobody could shake and a man who added a bit of love to the world."
"All of us will be forgotten in the end. Remember where you came from. Remember who you're doing this for."
"When my story is told, people will say, 'Dram really left a stamp on the culture.'"
"Someday when I'm not here, I hope that my grandchildren will love these things, and there'll be enough to go around to everybody."
"It's my history, but to your point earlier when you talk about Legacy, I didn't want to leave my legacy with them."
"How sad would it be, how tragic would it be, if that was all you were remembered for? What's on the resume?"
"We lead with the resume but... we're left with the eulogy. That's all we have in the end."
"MLK was for racial equality, economic justice, and stood against the exploitation of the poor."
"If Martin Luther King were around today...he would be protesting because that's what an activist does."
"His philanthropy, its legacy—wow, it's incredible."
"Infrastructure is important, and as I’ve said before, we’re living off of the infrastructure investment of my parents and grandparents."
"Those who turn many to righteousness will shine like the stars forever and ever."
"If anything, these kinds of things make you think of life a little differently. When you're laying on your death bed, it's not the assets or money that matter."
"Wouldn't that be great, if we could be 60 or 70 and say, 'I finally figured it out. What is my legacy going to be?' and just start again."
"You choose who raises your kids; you choose who gets your useless crap after you're gone."
"E hung Yun was an incredible actor, and I'm sure that he also wanted to be remembered for his work that he put so much effort and passion into."
"The fiery trial through which we pass will light us down in honor or dishonor to the latest generation."
"Rich people are planning decades ahead, and the really wealthy are planning past their lifetimes."
"A good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children."
"Society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they will never sit beneath."
"You have to do the best you can to leave your mark and allow humanity to reach its potential."
"I did the most I could to leave the world a better place than I found it."
"They pulled back triggers to take away your life, but half a century later, you still shine bright."
"Life is short but art is long...having an opportunity to leave a bit of art has been a tremendous opportunity."
"A message must be bigger than the messenger, otherwise, it'll die with the messenger."
"For Dale Earnhardt Jr., if that wasn't like the old man, I don't know what was. Tony Senior, hey, he had a good teacher."
"Only one life will soon be passed and only what's done for Christ will last."
"A legacy is not just about passing down money but what else you're passing down."
"We have to write an ending to our story that we can look back on, that our future generations can look back on, and be proud of."
"When LeBron is gone, we're going to miss him. As much criticism as he gets, there's nobody even playing like him now."
"For over 20 years, Test Track has been a staple of EPCOT and is considered by many to be one of the best rides ever built for the park."
"Through her tireless work with the Robert Urich Foundation, she had touched countless lives, offering hope, support, and solace to those grappling with the shadows of cancer."
"A legacy isn't just about what you leave behind; it's about what you set in motion for the future."
"I stopped chasing stats a long time ago and started chasing legacy."
"Anime characters carry a legacy that goes beyond the screen, influencing not just fans but culture at large."
"If you just hoard your money and die without doing anything, you are missing out on the most fun because you could have had an impact on other people."
"For the sake of her legacy, I'm going to be hoping with every fiber of my being that third time's the charm because she and Ged deserve better."
"The game was a cultural reset, and its influence and legacy have only grown since its inception."
"When I die, I want to have an impact on this world. That's why I started my company."
"Sometimes the best way to honor the past is to take its legacy, come to terms with its flaws, and use that knowledge to build something newer and better."
"The life Sting has pumped into this place... we were the final stop on what is the greatest career of all time."
"Your money is not a legacy. It's a tool, but it's not a legacy."
"When people hit that point, they start thinking about how am I going to make a difference in the world. What legacy am I going to leave? How am I going to make a difference or change the world in some way?"
"The habits and actions you have with money will outlast you."
"I understand the need to sacrifice for the next generation."
"Through these vectors, Lane will live forever. She is in our memories, carrying her with us is the least we can do."
"I want to look back on what we've done with Critical Role and feel like we've made things a little better and made some opportunity for some really good people."
"But so long as there are people there to engage with it, so long as Berserk is remembered and experienced, then Berserk will never truly die."
"We should make something that, if we look back and see, at least in our minds and our hearts, it must look good, isn't it, what we have done?"
"You can be significant without achievement. My grandfather was very significant in many people's lives."
"The struggles he's going through aren't about how will he save the world or find love; it's about how will he and his legacy truly emanate from the shadows."
"My definition of greatness is leaving the world better than it was given to you."
"As soon as you allow for the possibility of your footprints lasting longer than your lifespan, this is a whole new ball game."
"Whoa, that's a whole other world of what you're doing now. The footprints you leave after you are going to matter."
"If you think of it as a big idea and that you are aiming to die with zero, then it actually makes you think twice about what you're doing with your money."
"OTE honors Martin Luther King Jr.'s legacy by continuing to fight for equity, liberty, and freedom."
"LeBron will be one of those guys whose impact will be felt long after he's gone."
"It's really special that our kids will get to know their great grandpa."
"Even if there's something personal going on with him, just based on what he was able to do for that organization, they do retire it."
"Legacy is paid at the cost of change, but sometimes that change is very much needed."
"We're just here to be memories for our kids."
"I just want something that my kids are going to like, be like, 'My mom's that b*tch.'"
"We are playing for a million dollars, first place. Legacies on the line, legends will be made."
"All of us have to be the revolutionaries for our bloodline."
"Nobody does it alone...we all sit in the shade of trees that were planted by others."
"We may not be Power Rangers anymore, and our Wild Zords may be gone, but their spirits still live within us."
"It doesn't really matter what you drive at the end because when you're in that casket, what matters is how you lived, not what you owned."
"The people who love and remember Lauren are determined to live while keeping her memory alive because that is what Lauren would have wanted."
"Those trees weren't planted for you, but you reap the benefit of those trees."
"I personally just wanted to maximize a certain score, which was, for how many person-years after I'm no longer here anymore, did what I do mattered?"
"We remember those who were great, not those who were simply good."
"It's a story about Arthur's legacy, it's a story about the gang's legacy more than anything."
"Life is a lot more than just what immediate impact you're having. Obviously, everybody occupies time and space; you're sitting in your chair, but that's just for the now. Will you be remembered in that way? Will you live on? Will people look at you as a role model, an example of what it means to be truly alive?"
"A mortal human being can become immortal; a finite creature can become infinite because we're touching it, and we channel it through our lives."
"The blessing that God has for you in this next season is generational. It's not just for you, but it's for your kids and your kids' kids and your kids' kids' kids."
"Once I understood that my life needs to expand beyond what I'm doing now and leave something for them, I was moving like I didn't have no tomorrow."
"Even if I cease to exist... as long as everyone continues to move forward toward the future we created together, I will never disappear."
"Griselda will definitely be Sophia Vergara's Legacy project."
"One of the things that struck me recently was that as an only child without me cooking these recipes, without me passing them on, they disappear."
"These aren't just ingredients put on a page. They're a family legacy carried across time."
"Legacy is really not what you see because it's the seeds that you sow, it's the lives that are impacted."
"You are the change in the world, in your family, in your long line of lineage."
"Ultimately, the legacy of the choir is carried on by The Imposter Yosefka, who sets up one last research station, one last attempt to unpack the mysteries of the cosmos while Rome burns around her."
"The opportunities are much greater than in the past because there already is a legacy of freedom which has been won."
"My values would definitely be sustainability, human well-being... wanting the human race to go on long after I'm here, wanting people to struggle but struggle well so that they can be tough and be resilient."
"Don't let your dreams die with you. Gift them to the world, and you will live forever."
"This artist who is dead now could have never imagined that in a hundred and twenty years from now, hundreds of thousands of people are going to see their artwork and appreciate it and love it and see what was going on in their life at the time."
"Freedom... is not passed on to our children in the bloodstream; it must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same."
"When I'm done, people are going to say I changed the game."
"One of the things my father said to me once, which he was a civil servant, and he always had this thing about look, when I work in an institution, I want to make sure that the institution becomes stronger and it doesn't fall apart after I leave."
"What they're not taking into effect are the hearts you've touched, the people you've changed."
"This is a story that isn't written, that needs to be written. But that's part of your legacy, that's part of our legacy."
"Try to stand out by getting into a niche hobby, being someone your friends consider a safe space to go to, and putting effort into being a figure that people will remember fondly after you're gone."
"People want to make a mark in this world and be remembered."
"This is all temporary. I want to be forever proud of who I was as a man."
"Our legacy is not defined by the wealth we accumulate but by the kindness we spread and the lives we touch."
"What do you actually want written on your gravestone?"
"There are three things you can do with your life: you can waste it, you can spend it, or you can invest it. The best use of your life is to invest it in something that will last longer than your time here on Earth."
"You can't take it with you, you know, the material things in this world that don't matter. The only thing that you have in those life is the story that you tell."
"We must be better so that our children do not inherit the wrongs and the traumas that we have."
"The memories that you have, the legacy that you create, the lives that you touch—that's the stuff that really matters."
"If you're not saving for your own retirement, you're leaving behind a horrible legacy for your kids."
"It's the duty of the survivors to pave the future for those that have died."
"Remember why you're here. Remember why you're doing everything... to become the person in your family that changes the way everyone moves."