
Maturity Quotes

There are 10973 quotes

"I found a lot of maturity, wisdom, humble attitude, gratitude."
"Children are children...we restrict children from making other decisions that have significant impact on their lives until they're at a spot where they can, from maturity level, brain development level...make those decisions."
"We have all the power in the world to take petty politicians out of their seats and put new politicians in their place; we're just not mature enough yet to want to admit that."
"Mature people make decisions based on truth, not based on feelings."
"It is possible to grow old and not ever grow up."
"Solid food is for mature people whose minds have been trained by practice to know the difference between good and evil."
"Our greatest wish and prayer is that you will become mature Christians."
"The emotionally immature man seeks out motivation to do something hard one time; the emotionally mature man uses discipline to do something hard a thousand times."
"You will experience massive growth and maturity if you realize this for yourself and all of its implications."
"However, other than slip-ups here and there, which is going to happen to everyone in any kind of issues that they deal with in general, what a mature individual does is continue to work on themselves, and they learn how to manage those emotions."
"They're so mature, the way they communicate with each other."
"Over the next five years, I think your maturity is going to skyrocket... I think you're gonna have gone through so much within the next five years that's going to teach you so much about who you are and where you're meant to be."
"A mark of maturity is someone that can entertain an idea without accepting it."
"I think we also need some maturity in this community."
"T'Challa was always a good man, but his transformation lies in his maturity and his greater sense of purpose."
"Maturity really helps you with that. As you get older, you get wiser."
"I remember thinking I was more mature, but realizing maturity comes from understanding your limitations and accepting them gracefully."
"The sense of maturity is knowing that it's okay not to have everything figured out, but still striving to make a positive impact."
"Neither party is in the wrong. They both owned up to their mistakes and worked things out, which is very mature of them both."
"I've grown up a lot. A lot of things have changed for me."
"It's your job as a parent to use your maturity and wisdom to guide your child and lead them through their own confusion."
"This is your trail of manhood. The boy named Christian has now become a man."
"My maturity is connected to her imperfection."
"Consistency is the evidence of maturity and the pathway to mastery."
"Maturing and growing up is about tolerating ambiguity and having room for things being complicated."
"Saturn helps us get our stuff together. Saturn helps us mature. Saturn teaches us life lessons and you're ready for it."
"He impressed me so thoroughly as a 23-year-old to have that head on his shoulders."
"The argument that animation could be more mature, could be dramatic, could be adult, could be a perfect medium for a story like The Lord of the Rings, was absolutely true."
"From every experience, I grow healthier and mature."
"It takes courage to accept you were wrong... By listening to the other side, you become more empathetic and mature."
"I don't need my leaders to be perfect anymore. I'm out of that phase. Been out of that phase for a long time."
"Love is protecting your child until they are mature enough as an adult to make their own life decisions."
"The game's bold choices help it to stand apart from its predecessor and provide a more mature character-driven experience."
"In order for you to mature in the fullest possible manner, you have to understand the manner in which you're deeply flawed in relation to your potential."
"Growing up is inevitable, but losing your childlike wonder is a choice."
"Amazing how having a child makes you mature immediately."
"You may find that you're not willing to partake in arguments as much as you used to. You're maturing a lot more."
"You take the feedback; some of it is valid, some of it's not, and you just have to be an adult, stay calm."
"You're wise beyond your years, and people are drawn to that energy and demeanor that you have."
"This person does know how to also have fun but they also are very mature at the same time."
"As I've matured, I've learned to respect other people more and their opinions."
"If you ask anybody who knows me, the difference between 20-year-old, 30-year-old, and 40-year-old me is night and day."
"Women are unhappy when they date a boy instead of a man."
"When I think of life, I don't want to argue about, 'You were late, you supposed to be at my party.'... I'm grown."
"She talked to us like we were adults, and that was a refreshing experience."
"Be an adult. Act like the digits on your age indicate you should be acting. Take care of business."
"We got a lot of adults around here in adult bodies that still have child minds."
"Guilt and shame are emotional teething rings to keep us immature."
"Being disenchanted is part of maturing, but the next part of maturing is to move forward optimistically as an axiom of your faith in mankind and yourself."
"It's almost like you don't go through puberty; like you're still a child in people's eyes."
"At the end of the day, I'm a grown man, and I know how to admit when I'm wrong."
"The difference between adult and mature: Adult is aimed towards adults; mature is fully grown and developed."
"I think sometimes we get way too tribal. It's like, 'Well, I'm this, so f*** you.' It's like, you know what, this isn't a playground. You're not five years old."
"When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things."
"Women are often just more mature than men, especially at a younger age."
"This is the end of the childhood of the human race. It is time for us to become mature adults in the cosmic civilizations out there."
"Attain maturity so that we may no longer be children tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine."
"Nothing has matured me more than those three practices: prayer, fasting, giving. It teaches you how to love, it teaches you how to obey, it teaches you who your source is."
"When I became a man, I put away childish things."
"Automata is mature and knows who he is as a person."
"It's a place of empathy and so this is what happens when we are mature once we've realized what doesn't work."
"No woman wants a man-child. No woman wants a man that views her as an object."
"There's this hypothetical person who is mature, never emotional, 100% logical all the time...this person doesn't exist."
"It's a sign of maturity if you can recognize if an argument is good."
"What sort of partner do you want? Do you want an overgrown child, or do you want someone to contend with?"
"While unfortunately overshadowed by their louder counterparts, there were many straight-up mature normal people within the Undertale fandom, who just solely love the game for what it was."
"Identity is negotiated, plain and simple, not subjectively defined for all of those who have matured past the level of an egocentric and sometimes violent two-year-old."
"Being an adult actually means having responsibility. A sign of maturity isn't doing whatever you want whenever you feel like it; it's having obligations and responsibilities toward other people."
"We're supposed to go through things, so they can mature."
"Heart chakra is open; they're emotionally intelligent and mature."
"I think one of the things I did believe, and I learned this from somebody who I kind of learned parenting off, how to treat your children in a mature way."
"It's a really strong and mature thing to do to admit you need help and to reach out."
"This person is older than you, wiser than you."
"Your goal as a parent is to get the child to the age of 18 with sufficient maturity to basically navigate in the culture."
"Adulting: growing up. One definition of maturity is learning to delay pleasure."
"I also hope we can engage in these matters with maturity and utmost respect for one another and each other's beliefs."
"If you throw a hissy fit like this in a store over something that really doesn't matter in the end, I want you to know, you aren't a martyr, you aren't some warrior that others will sing praises of, you are a child."
"I'm a grown man. If somebody apologizes and genuinely means it, then, you know, I can accept it and we can move on."
"This is the death card; it's about transformation. It's like painful, difficult endings, but it is to make way for a brighter future."
"Madison did something very mature and actually just sent an honest to God message to Blair."
"Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything."
"As I mature, I realize the freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences."
"Recognize that you have to work within the whole system. Being anti-establishment is sexy when you're a teenager, but eventually, you have to grow up."
"Maturity is about being able to remain disciplined long after the emotion has passed."
"Real evolution, yeah. You hit that 30, it's a different thing."
"I am at a maturity level that is not common at my age."
"Despite his young age, Jack handles the situation with impressive poise. His clear understanding of his rights shines through."
"I know me. At this age and stage in my life, I know me."
"Sometimes, growing up doesn't always benefit the biological population."
"You become an adult when you decide to act like one. You don't become an adult because you turned a certain age."
"This person is really starting to step into more maturity and responsibility."
"You can be the big smart-ass all you want, you can be the funny guy, but at the end of the day, you got to be an adult."
"Your long-term survival will be enhanced, will be prolonged if you decide to be mature and be part of a community."
"You have to be the bigger person just because they're doing wrong doesn't mean you have to engage."
"It takes a certain kind of maturity to recognize that if I have a position that's different from yours, it doesn't mean that I'm a bad guy."
"When I was a child, I speak as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things."
"Growing up and seeing the flaws in the people you used to look up to... is actually very healthy."
"Growth is something you have to go through as a human being. As a man, especially, maturity."
"You don't become an adult by age; you become an adult by accepting your responsibility."
"Disengaging is not a sign of weakness; it's a sign of maturity. The truly powerful being is not the one who takes out a sword and kills every opponent. A truly powerful being rarely unsheaths his weapon because he knows the damage that he can do."
"You really have two main types of men: a grown boy and a grown man. The grown boy had some unhealthy and toxic upbringing. The grown man could have had that as well, but he got it together."
"This isn't how adults who are educated well should behave."
"Maturity, responsibility, duty, tradition, commitment, industriousness, and civic engagement... are the daily virtues of attitude and habit that stabilize, provide hope, and unify."
"The ability to delay gratification is the hallmark of maturity and a crucial part of the process of adapting to present actions for future consequences."
"I encourage all of my followers to engage in open discourse and be fair, honest, and mature."
"Admitting you're wrong is a grown man decision. That is what grown folks do."
"Success is better when it comes mid or later in life because you're not going to take it that seriously, you could live with or without it, and you know who you are."
"This person's been doing a lot of maturing. I think they've gone through a lot of ups and downs."
"If you treat kids like an adult, it gives them responsibility; it makes them step up."
"When you start getting responsibilities, it changes everything."
"You're not mature until someone else is more important than you."
"It's very very difficult to mature until you have children."
"When you get older, you're not gonna be the way you are in there. That's what happens when you age or mature."
"People need a call to responsibility because they need to mature; they need to want to be adults."
"A child hasn't developed mentally and emotionally enough to be able to make a well-informed personal decision about how he or she chooses to live his or her life."
"You are not mature enough to tell it like it is. Even that burden you leave to us children."
"You reach a point in your life where you know you're too old to keep doing the same old thing."
"Unlike his thousands of contemporaries, he managed to stick it out as his personality matured like a fine cheddar."
"We just want the truth, and we'll deal with the truth. We're big; we're grown-ups; we can deal with the truth."
"The First Division is a division made up of quite mature Shinigami, acting as model examples for the rest of the officers within the Court Guard Squads."
"Dressing well is a sign of maturity for a young man. It definitely makes you seem more caring."
"If we are unable to live in a society that allows for constructive discourse even on very uncomfortable topics, then frankly, we as a society are nothing but a bunch of babies."
"Part of maturity is growing and learning and understanding, and having your eyes open to things so that your opinions can change. That's the sign of wisdom and maturity."
"The real trouble in the world is that too many people grow up."
"You are a little bit more mature, you have a little bit more experience, but you're still young enough to apply some of these financial strategies that will make a huge difference in your financial life."
"The Bible says, 'When I was a child, I thought as a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things.'"
"My personal definition for maturity is knowing when you've had enough and courage to be irrelevant."
"Maturity is being able to hear something undesirable about your in-group and view it objectively instead of defensively."
"When I was a child, I thought as a child, and I spake as a child; when I became a man, I put away childish things."
"A man will always return to the woman he respects when he grows up."
"When I was a child, I spake as a child; when I became a man, I put away childish things."
"Delayed gratification requires a degree of maturity that very few people have."
"You will know you've grown up when you can be nice to nasty."
"Mature art will age with you, i.e., if something is created to stand the test of time or otherwise has a human worthwhile creative core, you'll keep getting something out of it every time you go back."
"Akira classes himself as a 'super grade player', which is loosely interpreted as a mature yet respected gamer, and I think that's something as retro fans we can all hope to achieve."
"Having a polished and defined style is about having a strategy with your wardrobe that's distinct to who you are, but it's polished in the sense that it looks mature and thought-out."
"I believe I have evolved and matured over the last 20-plus years."
"Refusing to grow up doesn't mean that you handle things immaturely; it means you still have a kid at heart."
"When relationships end, they don't always have to end on bad terms. It doesn't always have to be [__]. Sometimes you can shake hands and still keep it cool."
"It just takes time for them to grow and mature."
"You've got to have that maturity to think long term and progressing over time, and not having that desire for instant gratification to force progress."
"I think if we move one more time, we're ready to go outside, aren't we? After this, it's like adult time, paying taxes and living life."
"During this period of time, when we need consciousness and truth... we have to make sure that we come out of this much more stronger, mature people, and willing to make not only sacrifices."
"It showed me how to be a man at a young age. You know what I mean? So with that, you know, I wouldn't be the person I am today."
"Americans need serious adult conversations about the world around us."
"I have a newfound appreciation of life now that I'm old enough to understand just how close I could have come to being killed."
"She's definitely upset. Why is she acting so childish?"
"When you truly grow up, you will not have people around you that treat you disrespectfully."
"Forgiveness is a thing that I, I mean getting older myself now I'm finding it's coming easier and easier whereas when I was younger I'd hold a grudge."
"Maturity comes from putting disappointments into perspective and learning from them."
"From the moment that you sit in this car you're very much impressed with a feeling of how grown-up the experience is."
"If you're resentful, you should grow the hell up and shut up and get at it and be mature because you're just whining or you're actually being subjected to a certain form of tyranny."
"It was a very mature and intelligently presented film."
"One definition of maturity is the ability to delay pleasure and not be whining the whole time."
"You don't get to act like Jessica shot out of the womb 18 years old."
"If there's anything corny or campy from the source material, this movie is like, 'Hey, isn't it dumb how corny comic books are? This is a movie for grown-ups.'"
"One of Megamind's strongest attributes is the shockingly mature story it decides to tell with its characters."
"I want to know this because this can happen. I hear people all the time talk about 'We've grown apart.' Can your values change and evolve as you get older or just as you mature as a person? Absolutely."
"The King of Cups represents emotional mastery."
"I think it shows a hell of a lot of growth and maturity."
"He's a mature man, he's an adult male. That has nothing to do with maturity."
"It seems true maturity is realizing that life is not about being better than others."
"Mandating adulthood before you make such serious decisions should be a no-brainer."
"People grow... I'm not fucking 10 years old anymore... it's mean to say to people."
"Enlightenment was man's emergence from self-incurred immaturity."
"The enlightenment was man's emergence from immaturity."
"Aging with the characters was a smart move to mature not only the individuals but the plot as well."
"That's what you gain with experience. You know when I couldn't have done this project when it was in my 20s or 30s, I just was not mature enough."
"I realized I have been an adult longer than I was a child."
"Until you establish a dialogue with it both you and the conscience are immature."
"A mark of maturity in your own personal life is just figuring out which opinions matter."
"I feel like I just hit puberty, like literally as a fighter, as a man and a fighter."
"I think all guys are children at heart really."
"I'm not a Democrat because I love the donkey logo or I'm specifically loyal to the party... I'm with them because they're adults in the room."
"You kind of toned down a lot over these past couple of years."
"September brings you maturity, stability, and authority."
"We are not making a game for everyone. We are not making R for everybody. We are making a game for a mature audience."
"That's not something that is American... I think we need to learn how to be adults in the room."
"Having emotional maturity is probably one of the biggest flexes you can have."
"When I became a real man, my energy shifted."
"When you become a man, you stop blaming others and accept full responsibility for your life."
"It made me a man because it forced me to look at myself."
"Maturity comes from mastering the lessons sent every day."
"By the time you come out of this Venus retrograde, hopefully your conversations will mature greatly."
"If you want grown man respect then be a leader."
"That's what separates girls from women and boys from men okay your ability to take responsibility."
"You also have to have other sides of yourself...to be mature and childish at the same time."
"A mature and realistic depiction of a revenge story."
"One of the markers of adulthood is actually being willing to seek out intellectual and emotional challenge."
"Ichigo just becomes more mature... he approaches situations and just feels more like an adult."
"It's time for us to play grown folk major league ball."
"Maturing is realizing that the shortest crop top and the most makeup doesn't make you mature."
"Life Starts Now. You can't keep thinking like 'Oh, I'm a kid.'"
"I like when the rapper's grow up and start doing things the right way."
"We got important and powerful experiences as well at this age, and we should feel proud of."
"Most of the time it's not worth it... the console war stuff doesn't actually matter to anyone On My Level."
"Don't fear getting older, gentlemen. It gets better in life."
"Without the suit, I'm nothing. If you're nothing without this suit, then you shouldn't have it."
"It's just a part of as you mature and you realize that you know what my sister is not that bad."
"They have a leadership position, mature, wise."