
Art Therapy Quotes

There are 153 quotes

"Art really saved my time in the hospital, and it helped me kind of like put my pain and suffering into something."
"Creating art to let out emotions is supposed to be healthy. Some therapists even recommend it."
"I felt extremely depressed and anxious after all of this, and a few months later, I forced myself to pick up a different style of drawing to prevent myself from thinking about them."
"A way for someone that is mentally unwell to express themselves in a more bald way is art and creations."
"On the worst days, I can always come back to painting and make it better."
"Artwork is a form of therapy, it always has been, it's clinically proven to truly benefit you and help your well-being."
"These art spaces are instrumental for helping people to heal from their losses."
"I think that's good, probably to some degree for all of us here that you do get to work through your life and your emotions and through your art. It's pretty cool."
"Painting is a really therapeutic process for me."
"Art is therapeutic, takes your mind off troubles. It's just a way to kind of focus what you're up to and just forget the fact that the world's slowly falling apart in a fireball nightmare."
"Make sure you're not getting tight. It'd be crazy to do a mindful painting and turn into a ball of muscle anger."
"Art has great healing power, it distracts from pain and anxiety."
"Sometimes the best thing I can do for my mental health is to just read or watch other art where someone has experienced something that I feel."
"I found salvation in art when I was young and when other things were unsafe and dangerous..."
"Art should be a relaxing ritual that you keep going back to, and having your own space for your art will keep you drawing for longer."
"It's not very often that I get to try a new satisfying art form but with rangoli or sand art, I'm really happy I gave it a try and I genuinely want to keep doing it simply for the therapeutic properties."
"I am a huge proponent for treating people who use art as a coping mechanism with respect no matter how strange that art might look to me."
"Once you even take away anyone's free speech, then you don't have any free speech."
"Medicine was killing me and art was saving me."
"I hope you're enjoying your painting journey and you're finding happiness and healing through this process."
"Art can save children, and through the children, the art can save the world."
"The power of sketchbooks: they can be as benign as just sitting there doodling or as heartfelt and emotional as what I've just shown you."
"Art had always been a form of self-care and self-love for me."
"Art's been genuinely a life-saving thing for me over the last 10 years."
"Art is healing, art is therapy, and it helped me through this really, really dark time."
"My brain will just have fun painting and I just keep going and going and going."
"Painting is so satisfying because you feel like you're kind of creating a different life, creating a life that's existing inside of your own."
"If you really wanted to, you could even have like a separate sketchbook that's just for you so that you always have a safe space where you can freely create."
"Drawing as a type of escape, especially from a boring life."
"Painting is meant to be a cathartic process, it's meant to be something that makes you happy that fulfills you, and it's okay to have other styles other ideas other color palettes that inspire you."
"Create art to stay grounded and help process feelings."
"Art just needs to... it just takes away the stress of all this."
"Lois spends time in her studio drawing with the victims, and each encounter takes her through an emotional journey as the victims go through their past trauma while trying to make sense of the details."
"Each stroke of color was a release of the pent-up emotions that had been building within me."
"Art making has helped me to gain perspective, has helped me to de-stress, has helped me to get through some tough times."
"Painting is not a replacement for a doctor or good mental health care, but it's certainly an excellent supplement. It's like getting sunlight. It's not the only health plan that you need, but it's an important part of your well-being."
"I lost my daughter at 23, no cause of death, her heart just quit, and I buried myself into painting because while I was creating for a little bit I didn't think about the sadness."
"I found especially this year, with all of us kind of being in lockdown, having the opportunity to paint, to sit down and kind of immerse yourselves in these settings, it's been so cathartic, it's been so needed."
"In areas of art therapy, people who can't draw have never drawn or whatever enjoy getting an end result, a picture that they type in. That's great."
"I want you to know that you will get through this by being patient, gentle, and consistent with incorporating art back into your routine."
"Drawing pulled me out of it, drawing put me in the present."
"Honestly, anytime I paint anything with a brush, it's so therapeutic, so calming."
"Painting is definitely the most therapeutic thing."
"...the power of Photography to face your own difficulties and to transmute that pain you've experienced into art that speaks to others."
"Your sketchbook can be your safe place too. Just doodle things that feel safe and familiar to you, like flowers, botanicals, or whatever makes you feel comfortable and relaxed."
"Art is definitely a good healing process."
"So even if you're coming to your sketchbook after a bad day at work and you do this, at least you can turn that bad thing into something that looks good and pretty."
"If you've never tried this before, I would highly recommend it because you will find that when you start painting, anything that may be going on in your life, this tends to really, really help a lot more than I can describe to you."
"...collage can be so calming and soothing. I can do it for hours and it has increased my mental health in ways that I can't even describe."
"I love painting birches. Birches are healing."
"Neurographic art: relaxation through art therapy."
"Art as therapy, or maybe more as art as mark making."
"I'm not afraid to use boobs to try to convince you guys to get into drawing because I find it very therapeutic."
"Art is incredibly personal and it pulls out sometimes deep things within you that forces you to heal from it."
"To have some scribbly messy paint splats and scribbles just really helps kind of ground me and make me feel like I don't need to worry about making something perfect or beautiful."
"I appreciate the people who use films, books, music, just any forms of art as a form to either escape or to alleviate some pain."
"Art can be very healing to our mind."
"Art has been helping me through a difficult time."
"Art therapy is healing because it increases the communication between the two hemispheres."
"Art therapy treats the whole brain—the right brain and the left brain."
"Art therapy is a game-changer in trauma intervention."
"Making junk journals or any art form or craft or whatever can relieve a great deal of stress and you can cope so much better if you have something that you can just dive into, get lost in, enjoy yourself."
"I find neurographic Art to be so relaxing and fun."
"These paintings like this, they're kind of gloomy but I'm telling you, they do good."
"Put those emotions on the canvas, those little gloomy colors, and it helps you kind of... kind of get them out."
"Finger painting is seriously an art therapy. I mean, just look at this kid's finger paint can't do that. Only fine artist oils can. And you're worth it."
"It's worth creating, it's worth doing it for yourself because in the times in my life where I've been devastated, I've gone through loss, art was the one thing that kept me around."
"There are many ways to deal with that anger. I deal with it by making art."
"draw whenever you feel anxious and stuff just draw and watch how you put those thoughts into drawing"
"Painting always makes everybody happy."
"The four different art therapy career paths that you can take."
"Turns out paintings are really relaxing."
"Art really can be therapeutic. Good art, it truly is therapy."
"We want you to be on vacation when you're here painting with magic. Each time you watch Penny Smith magic, we want you to be on vacation and want to make you feel good and be happy and make your day."
"Art as a form of therapy was a very progressive approach at that time."
"Art itself has allowed me to explore my unconscious, and that's been a lifesaver."
"Art therapy and music therapy have been useful for some individuals with primary progressive aphasia."
"I use art to cope with things that I ultimately have no control over; it's my way of grieving, it's my way of letting the emotions move through me and out of me."
"Art can offer solace; it has the ability to slow down time to make you lose yourself in its symbolism and detail and beauty."
"Mark making can allow you to just spend some time with your mind, hand, and instrument, so you build that connection between the mind and the hand."
"This is my therapy, it truly is, like a creative therapy."
"Sometimes when I draw and I have a bad day, the hatching is therapy."
"Painting should make you happy, should just make your heart full of joy."
"The idea of painting mandalas is because they say that it is a way of helping yourself calm down, find peace, see your inner world."
"I've been trying to take art and do artistic stuff as a distraction, and it's really helped me."
"If you are interested in using art as a path towards healing with stress, anxiety, or any mental health issues, hit that subscribe button because that's what I focus on here on my YouTube channel."
"Painting is really therapeutic for me."
"You'll be happier and more excited about picking up your brushes and your pencils and your paper, and it'll be just a great experience for you."
"Healing through art, healing through community."
"Art is really good for that, to develop patience which is the virtue."
"Painting for therapy, so stay tuned, and I'm going to show you how to paint this scene today."
"Neurographic art is a way for our subconscious mind to communicate to our conscious mind without any words."
"Don't struggle with watercolor; it should be stress-free and enjoyable."
"This is so therapeutic if you are struggling with what to paint, paint something fun with color."
"Art has the power of bringing comfort and healing and it's not about saying the right thing, it's not about being perfect."
"It's therapeutic just to watch it."
"Drawing and painting heals and soothes my soul."
"I want these paintings to kind of absorb maybe things that people are going through."
"I'm looking outward for things that inspire me rather than feeling the need to let all my anger out in my art."
"Art is a good compensation for desperation or bad times."
"Art is as a whole while serving time and how drawing especially can save your life while locked up."
"Drawing makes me forget my depression."
"It's something so cathartic about art like this."
"She thinks of ways to maintain her sanity and consequently resumes painting."
"I was drawing to help myself learn medicine, and that didactic element of art medicine kind of carried into teaching my medical students, teaching my patients."
"We use art to feel better when we need to see the light at the end of a long tunnel."
"This just relaxes me after a long day; let me just sit down with my painting and please, just let's paint something because it's therapy to my soul."
"Making art is incredibly relaxing, and I can practice and improve even while being very relaxed and very joyful."
"This process of just sculpting and finding shapes is kind of like therapeutic."
"Art can be a really relaxing class."
"She was there to help them convey their feelings through the clay."
"Sometimes it's all about relinquishing control and not only does that make for a less stressful painting environment or experience, but there's also something incredibly elegant about just letting things be and being at peace with that."
"It's no right and wrong like I've said before, and it should be relaxing and enjoyable."
"My music to help people heal because art has been my biggest medicine."
"With all the crazy stuff that's going off in the world, when you sort of get that brush in, just popping it on a bit of paper like this, everything else just completely goes out the window."
"Just get lost in the moment and enjoy, that's our eyesight so therapeutic, this kind of art."
"Life is so freakin' stressful these days, man. You just need to take time to color and create beautiful artwork."
"I'm gonna paint away the stress of everyday life here in Wales."
"Having art to turn to can be a very powerful thing."
"When I'm sketching from what is in front of me, I am able to push down any anxieties or concerns that I might have."
"It's not just about painting; it's about people escaping their lives for a couple of hours and how can I show them love, show God's love through art."
"This is a great exercise in trying to teach yourself to breathe and just relax into your art."
"Let painting be a time of meditation."
"I make jewelry and art, that's what I do to de-stress."
"I've been doing watercolor painting, and you could just feel your tensions flowing out."
"Think of it as a little bit of coloring therapy ahead of the Christmas Chaos."
"And so we end up not saying anything because we don't want to hurt their feelings. But the wonderful thing about art is like, this is enough."
"I am working on my master's as an art therapist."
"Zentangle can take you into different places when the opportunity arises."
"Art is a big therapy, and it really is a great way of passing the day."
"Let's make more art classes. Why? Because then people can fix their brains and deal with it through art and have a great outlet."
"Mistakes, whatever, we just keep painting till it all works out. We're not stressed."
"Simple page, but I really enjoyed coloring it."
"I put all my heart into this page."
"Painting is very therapeutic and it really helps a lot."
"Brightly colored flowers and art helped her patients to recover more quickly."
"I am after a time with you guys that I can enjoy and learn a new tangle and just not worry about things."
"Painting has got me through some interesting times in my life."
"Paint was my therapy, and I started painting furniture in my garage."
"It's a very meditative kind of painting; it's really good for the soul, it's really good for creativity."
"I want to share those wonderful powers of art by becoming an art therapist who takes care after the broken hearts, especially of children."
"We are trying to be creative for an hour, relax and let our worries kind of drift away as we paint this beautiful rainy day."