
Protein Quotes

There are 765 quotes

"By providing the body with a good source of high-quality protein, eggs help ensure your body has the necessary raw materials to construct the hormones it needs."
"The majority of researchers agree that the total protein intake per day is the most important thing."
"Get enough protein throughout the entire day, and you're going to be fine."
"Hemp seeds are a protein-rich food; they can help to replace animal products and dairy for those interested in following a more plant-centered diet."
"High protein foods do the opposite, they make sleep less likely."
"Pick any combination of plant foods adding up to 2,000 calories a day and try to develop a protein deficiency. You can't do it. It's mathematically impossible."
"Protein is not something you hear a lot about except in a negative way."
"Protein is the defining nutrient for a high-quality diet."
"Not getting enough protein is also a common mistake."
"Protein is awesome protein is the most satiating of all of the macronutrients."
"Protein helps spare lean body mass and build lean body mass."
"Side effects may include protein... said no one ever."
"Protein is not what damages kidneys. It's too many carbohydrates."
"Really high protein... messes with the enjoyment factor."
"Protein is essential for everything - skin, hair, muscles, bones, organs, enzymes, hormones."
"There really is no such thing as too much protein."
"How do you fix protein overload? I'm going to share with you an easy three or four step routine."
"Well, many people believe that Halloween replaced a Gaelic Festival of Sauron."
"Red meat is a net contributor to meeting human protein requirements."
"Adding some protein is gonna slow the digestion of it."
"Eliminates leftover proteins that may become toxic, very important in dementia and Alzheimer's."
"Each can has over 40 grams of complete protein."
"Oysters are high in zinc, magnesium, selenium, vitamin D, and copper... highly recommended as a protein source."
"Getting enough protein is so essential for bone health too."
"It is so delicious, it's very versatile within say dishes or sweet dishes, and it has a lot of protein which obviously we love."
"The main protein are beans, nuts, and seeds."
"If you take beans and rice, it makes a complete protein."
"You got to crack into a good source of protein with tasty, healthy, wonderful pistachios."
"Catalytic inhibitors are really a fantastic way to shut down proteins of interest."
"We're typically pushing our patients to much higher than that; we're asking patients to be closer to 1.6 grams per kilo per day."
"Protein RDA is the bare minimum to prevent deficiencies."
"There are few macronutrients that could cause more damage to the human body than excess protein."
"Plants are really your ideal source [of protein]."
"Mushrooms are this super power charged source for a very wide variety of proteins."
"Don't fear fat. The best proteins come with fat. We shouldn't fear the fat that comes with protein. Animal fats and fruit fats are good sources of fat."
"Prioritize protein. The protein is an essential macronutrient, and we need to make sure we get enough of it to maintain healthy muscle and bone mass."
"There are many other ways to build muscle through purely plant-based proteins and there are many successful bodybuilders who are on a plant only diet."
"People just forget that this is very much a constituent of plants and that that's really why I want to just remind people that if they have a diverse of plants they're going to be getting sufficient protein."
"Protein is extremely important for hair growth."
"When it comes to meal prep you need a protein something that you can really base a meal around but that protein whatever it is has to be functional."
"Protein is very important; it makes not just your hair, but your skin and nails. Keratin, a protein, is really the structure of your hair."
"This is a super quick and easy high protein snack."
"Tuna has only 145 calories per four ounce serving and it also has 27 grams of protein."
"The second thing that's amazing about protein is that it's extremely satiating."
"Protein intake should not be thought of in terms of percent of calories but rather the hierarchy of understanding where you are in life."
"Resistance training and protein right after can make your muscle respond almost as if it's youthful."
"This just made a wonderful protein-rich meal full of vitamins."
"If you want to maintain lean mass, you've got to increase your protein and you've got to engage in resistance exercise. Essential. Essential to maintain lean mass."
"Edamame provides 17 grams of protein per cup."
"I rate the lunch an eight, only because there was like no source of protein, but it was a pretty solid lunch."
"You're still gonna get significantly less sugar because four times the amount of protein and a fraction of the sugar."
"A Savory breakfast that keeps your glucose levels steady and helps you feel amazing is built around protein."
"A high daily protein intake will increase the likelihood or magnitude of muscle growth we experience at any energy balance state."
"Black beans are a great source of protein so I'm looking for a can and I feel like I scored because I found this 29 o can of Daisy brand black beans it's almost double the size of a normal can of black beans so I put it in my cart"
"So if I'm eating 120 grams of protein, I'm pretty full, pretty full."
"I don't care. Some people don't care. I eat protein, I need protein."
"If there's something I'm learning if I want to put on any muscle like I have to eat lots of protein."
"There's nothing quite like loading up on eggs and bacon. Definitely going to need this protein for our hike later this morning."
"So one of the crucial things that people often get wrong in their diet is protein. Most people, they don't get enough protein intake and that's a problem because as we age our muscle starts to decline."
"...so if you can get people to 30% [protein], you're going to pretty much reverse almost all pre-diabetes or really reverse metabolic problems..."
"For each serving, there's 43 grams of protein."
"Start by increasing the amount of lean protein you eat with each meal. You should be aiming for 30 grams of protein at every meal - breakfast, lunch, and supper."
"Whey is a really awesome food filled with protein and vitamins and minerals."
"Animal protein burns out. Plant protein is a much cleaner burning fuel."
"What we know for a hundred percent fact is that animal proteins, all animal proteins, have more essential amino acids than all plant proteins."
"It takes around 30, 35 grams of protein, around three grams of leucine, to stimulate muscle protein synthesis."
"In children, if they have a meal with 8, 10, or 12 grams of protein in the morning, they'll get a pretty good response in muscle protein synthesis."
"The less protein you're eating, the more critical it is that it's of the right spectrum of aminos."
"The total amount of protein is overwhelmingly the most important."
"But what we can tell you is that you're either expanding that protein pool or renewing it, making it higher quality."
"Protein, that's quality, and the quality protein, high quality protein is in animal foods. For many years, a lot of people thought protein only came from animal foods."
"If you really want to get real protein, eat animal protein."
"Whole Food plant-based diets provide all the protein we need."
"Everyone always asks me about protein bars and protein supplements so why not continue trying them out."
"Powdered eggs: a powerhouse of protein, stand as a resilient option for your long-term food storage."
"Protein, a vital component of a balanced diet, is often challenging to preserve for extended periods. However, powdered eggs break this norm."
"Powdered whey protein: a powerhouse in protein."
"There is no evidence to support dietary protein upper limit so we need a mechanism of action what is the mechanism of action we have seen in studies that 3.5 grams per kilogram of body weight actually improves muscle mass and improves lean tissue."
"The need for protein is so low in the human being that it should be considered virtually impossible to eat a diet too low in protein."
"I love when I find snacks that are clean and actually have that protein in it because you guys know me I'm like I always try to lead with protein."
"Focus on protein and fat is more important than counting calories."
"I'm much more protein Centric... most of what I focus my diet on is am I getting a minimum of 120 gram of protein a day."
"This looks like a great way to get in some extra protein, which I need to do."
"When you are exercising, you are producing this powerful protein that starts to repair the brain."
"Two and a half grams of leucine which equals 30 grams of protein is a good baseline recommendation for everybody."
"If we're working out three to four days a week, consuming enough protein, and not going nuts on sugar, safe to say we're probably gonna lose some fat along the way."
"It requires a minimum of 30 grams of high-quality protein to trigger muscle tissue. If you eat below that threshold, you don't trigger that tissue."
"You don't have to worry about like protein overload, protein buildup, making the hair feel stiff."
"And then I'll usually do my chocolate protein for a little bit of a dessert, and I'm going to have one of my pieces of bark that I showed you guys in my last video. This is so good. It's such a high protein, healthy dessert to have."
"You can't heal without protein, you cannot function without protein."
"Most of my clients are vegan or vegetarian, so for them, if we avoid legumes and lentils completely and the source of protein is literally gone."
"Are you incorporating more protein?"
"Protein is not the preferred energy source, in fact, it's the least preferred energy source."
"...protein by itself is vastly attenuated, it has a very, very small insulinogenic action. You have to mix the fat with the protein to bring that level up to the level that will maintain your kidney function, your thyroid function, all of those things in the natural range."
"When it comes to satiety, protein is so key."
"Protein is important and we don't need to demonize it."
"We have to move away from protein as just simply one macronutrient."
"Prioritize protein in your day, that's the message."
"...if we want to optimize, if we want to build muscle, build bone, and improve our health span overall, we need more protein."
"So that's one thing. You got the best form of protein, as opposed to the protein that you're gonna find in red meat, chicken, fish, any of those meats."
"They're great if you're someone who's on the rush on the go a lot or as a snack like a high protein snack."
"Protein is required for our body to be able to grow, to repair itself."
"You can absorb any amount of protein... but the limit is on how much will be used for muscle protein synthesis."
"The ratios are off in the total complete amino acids that turn into muscle protein synthesis so it's not that there's not protein in it it's just that it doesn't exactly turn into egg right eggs right so just add egg to."
"Whether it's a body builder trying to put on muscle or whether it's just an adolescent who's growing through a normal lifecycle, egg protein is still going to be the best protein on a per gram basis to grow or to make new muscle."
"It tastes exactly like cake yet it has no sugar, no sweetener, no flour, no eggs, and it's filled with protein."
"What is gluten really? Gluten is a structural protein naturally found in wheat, barley, and Rye. Gluten helps Foods maintain their shape and structure."
"Rotisserie chicken is just such a simple protein to throw with different meals."
"It's packed with protein. It's a great healthy snack for just about anybody whether after a workout during a hike or at midnight late at night when you're watching a movie."
"Tofu is my favorite plant protein source by far."
"If you're concerned about getting enough protein when going more plant-based."
"Here’s what Luigi Fontana wrote in his book: Excess protein may not mass your muscles, but it will accelerate aging."
"Eggs: the budget-friendly, versatile protein source."
"Peanut butter is a wonderful source of protein."
"The bottom line is that plant proteins give you the amino acids you need, and any normal combination of plant foods gives you all of the amino acids in exactly the proportion your body can use."
"None of them are the only ones incomplete is actually an animal protein."
"If I strive for 30 grams of protein at every meal, a serving of pork just got me 23 grams."
"And for you as an athlete, then really because you're looking at doing this for a month, the primary thing there is going to be mainly around protein and ensuring that you're getting good quality adequate protein."
"Diets high in animal protein shortened lifespan, and diets higher in plant protein lengthened lifespan."
"I think the guy that vegans should be the most miserable people because people are always bugging you with questions like, 'Where do you get your protein?'"
"8020 is referring to the amount of lean protein to fat content. The more fat, the juicier it's going to be."
"Having a high protein diet would make a significant difference over and above the factors."
"I think eating those grams of protein I think will be fine but again just make adjustments as you go."
"Higher plant protein intake is typically associated with better health outcomes than low protein intakes."
"I focus heavily on proteins when we travel."
"It's important, and while we have the RDA, the recommended dietary allowance of 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight, there is research suggesting that higher intakes are actually beneficial."
"Adding protein to your diet can dramatically change your body and make you much healthier, especially as you get older."
"This is the perfect treat that's high in protein that will keep you satisfied and will also satisfy that sweet tooth."
"If you do all the resistance training in the world but you don't eat enough protein quite simply you still won't maintain or build muscle mass it will still decrease because your body simply doesn't have the building blocks."
"When it comes to protein, it's really surprisingly easy."
"Protein helps to keep you full and it helps build lean muscle which burns more calories."
"Try Protein Plus meals with 30 grams of protein or more per serving."
"Getting more protein in general has been such a game changer for me."
"Up to about 250 to 300 grams of protein a day... that'll be way, way, way, big anti-hunger effect."
"Keeping protein high... is a really good policy."
"How can you get enough protein without dramatic amounts of carbohydrates?"
"Just do exactly what I said. Hit your protein targets, eat it first, eat in the morning, high protein, make sure your first meal is a nice high protein meal, and the rest will take care of itself."
"you're going to have to go out of your way to make sure you are not compromising protein"
"Synthesis, that process of making those new proteins, whether they're enzymes or structural, whatever those new proteins you make every day and in the muscle, particularly as we get older, is very much meal-driven."
"I definitely hit my protein Target for the day."
"You have to realize when I'm consuming more protein, I'm doing it because I'm trying to increase satiety and control hunger."
"These are a great way to go with protein."
"Aim for at least around 20 to 25 grams of protein per meal."
"You can get over 30 grams of protein in extra firm tofu."
"Sweet potatoes provide an adequate amount of protein and all the essential amino acids."
"...plant-based protein can be just as good as animal-based protein for building and maintaining muscle mass."
"The highest quality protein is plant protein."
"Protein is energy, and if you're not working out, then it just gets stored as fat."
"You cannot overdo protein. When I had Dr Lane Norton on my channel, he even mentioned that it's really hard to overdo protein."
"...the dependency on the quality of protein and the dependency on physical activity, resistance exercise, really determines how healthy your muscles stay."
"These are packed with protein and good stuff for you."
"Beans are one of the best plant-based protein sources."
"Protein is for rebuilding. It provides the amino acids you need to build muscle, bone, and have great hair, skin, and nails."
"The green fluorescent protein didn't need anything to add; you just had the protein and it was fluorescent."
"...the main thing we need to consider... is that a high quality protein should be at a central part of the dietary intake."
"Just because it has protein doesn't mean it's healthy."
"Get enough protein... particularly important as we get older."
"As long as you're eating enough whole plant-based calories every day, you will inherently be getting all the protein you need."
"Protein comes first in any sound nutritional program. That's what we're made of."
"RNA binding proteins: navigators of mRNA transport."
"The quality of egg protein is so high that it is often used as the standard by which other proteins are judged."
"Animal protein is more nutrient dense and it is better absorbed."
"Animal protein is still the ideal human food has been for millions of years."
"Let's talk about protein. All right, the protein debacle. The Protein question I've heard it addressed so many times."
"Most of North America gets double the amount of protein that their body actually needs."
"As long as you're eating a wide variety of plant-based foods you're going to get everything your body needs including a ton of protein."
"It's like really quick satisfying protein that you can make a whole meal around."
"We focused on salmon yesterday as the perfect protein partner. Guess what? It's one of the best sources of super healthy omega-3 fats too."
"...the reality is we cannot store protein so any excessive amount much above 10 percent of your calories coming from protein we either pee it away or we store it as fat."
"We're pushing ahead today to talk about the macronutrient that everybody thinks they don't get enough of: protein."
"Shop the sales, store up a few types of protein."
"This chocolate protein is a wonderful addition to your smoothies or you can even add it to your favorite baked goods like muffins."
"Highly recommend if you're looking for like a natural vegan gut-friendly protein then we've got the Pre-Workout this flavor is so good and I love it because it's not too sweet it's more like a refreshing flavor."
"It's a great addition to your diet to help increase your protein intake."
"You can make use of lower doses of leucine or lower doses of protein to get the same anabolic response."
"Not all proteins are created equal."
"Protein is going to serve for the building blocks to build muscle."
"Protein is the most important nutrient, not only for muscle building, but also for body composition and maybe even longevity."
"Protein matters, and it's better to consume a higher protein diet."
"Protein quality becomes far less important with sufficient total protein intake for the day."
"If you starve people of quality protein, they will continue to eat other Foods often carbohydrates and fats in the pursuit of a hunger for nutrients in particular amino acids."
"PTF just stands for Protein Freaks and that's the overall company that owns the software."
"The most important time to have high protein is when you're eating very few calories so you can spare your muscles, that's what's important."
"Prioritize protein in your day. When you prioritize dietary protein, everything else will fall into play."
"This is the easiest way to get a lot more protein in your diet."
"The goal is to get as much of that muscle protein synthesis as we can not just whole body synthesis but isolated in the muscle and that is where Lucine matters the most."
"Being mindful of having a protein-rich breakfast has been basically life-changing for me."
"If I want an extra hit of protein, I sometimes add some cottage cheese in with my scrambled eggs."
"Upping your protein intake is key to a successful body recomposition."
"Your new training will cause extra muscle damage, increasing your protein needs."
"Skimping out on protein as a new lifter could literally mean forfeiting gains in your first year."
"...a lot of people struggle to get enough protein in their system to actually repair the tissue."
"They're both like deer is chewy, you know, doing sound like it's good, it's good protein, it's good for you, but like, that was good."
"One thing that I do when it comes to my workout and like my workout plan is to intake a lot of protein."
"There's just something about having some protein in your meal, you know?"
"Protein really helps keep me satiated for longer so I feel like not like I'm ravenously wanting to eat more food."
"I feel like I can taste that oat protein. It's creamy."
"Stop obsessing about protein. Almost everybody gets enough."
"It's high in protein and nutrient trans and that means it's perfect for spreading to Tropical areas where food is scarce."
"They want to make a plant-based burger that equals or exceeds the protein content of beef."