
Calmness Quotes

There are 6925 quotes

"I don't panic anymore. I have a very clear vision of what's happening. It means that I'm delivering more energy to that person's brain."
"I feel so refreshed. I feel like a newborn baby. My body feels so healthy. I feel calm. I feel all the things right now."
"There's a real lesson here that comes out of it is that is that I've gotten up this up Kilimanjaro not because I was fighting everything because I just accepted it and I said okay we're going to do this and there was a calmness to it versus a relationship of adversary."
"You have to train yourself to be calmer to allow that calmness to release the ability to come up with good solutions."
"You do you. It's the best way to put it. Do what brings that calmness and that serenity."
"Being clutch is more of understanding that while everything is going fast, you can slow it all down."
"Intuition is the soul's guidance appearing naturally in man during those instants when his mind is calm."
"The ability to remain calm when disciplining is certainly a skill."
"If you consciously slow down your breath and change the way you breathe, instead of sending stress signals up to your brain, you can send calm signals instead."
"When the crowded Vietnamese refugee boats met with storms or pirates, if even one person on the boat remained calm and centered, it was enough."
"This has to be resolved in a calm, responsible, and professional manner."
"Our job as a parent is not to add in the chaos when kids are emotional and upset; our job is to share our calm with the kids."
"Something about being in the quietness of an island like this... it's really calming."
"There's something about being in the quietness of an island like this, especially when you're like in the shadows... and you just can sit here, look out on the ocean. It's really calming."
"You never appreciate how calming it is to have no conscience until you have one."
"Let's not get overconfident; let's stay cool, calm, collected, and composed."
"There's no sense in panicking, but there is a sense in being attentive and responsible."
"Imagine if, instead of having a long theoretical topic, you can actually just say, 'Let's cool things down, let's bring things back, let's calm it down,' and let's kind of have a discussion or a conversation."
"Keep your car clean, stay nice, calm, and composed."
"I thank You today for blessing me with peace, thank You for blessing me with a calm spirit and a heart that is not troubled."
"Remember, the great man is the one who can keep in the crowd the calm, even thought, the deep divine reliance on principle and more."
"Don't panic, guys; it's just another exam. You've done this many, many times. You've done mock exams at school, so treat it as just another exam."
"Stay calm and turn the situation into your favor."
"Never panic. We don't need to panic. The Lord has given us His word."
"We need to stay calm, stay united, and work together."
"If you feel calm when you are doing your analysis, then it is likely that your analysis is more correct."
"With that fear came a certain calmness and lucidity."
"Stoicism is staying calm while everything around you is falling apart."
"Meditating made me feel calm, made me feel like I could start my day right."
"When you let something go, what happens is that you return to a state of peace and just a state of being, a state of calmness."
"The great leaders throughout history... generally had a calm, thoughtful, reasoned response to the social problems they were dealing with."
"It's okay to just breathe and know that not everything deserves a response."
"There's no single price level for Bitcoin that would cause me to panic. It's about monitoring the fundamentals."
"The key in all of this...is to stay calm, please do not panic during these times, but prepare."
"If you're already bleeding, paramedics don't come to you and say, 'Oh, you're bleeding, but I feel sorry for you.' They give you calm, confident energy."
"The most important energy is calmness. America is confident calm."
"Purify the mind with wholesome thoughts, calmness arises."
"From a place of calmness, you can more easily arrive at wisdom."
"The reason why I am so calm is that I trust in the Lord, and he knows I am innocent."
"Having a great productivity system means that I'm less stressed, I'm less busy, I'm less rushed. Things are nice and calm."
"The best course of action is always to keep your calm, step back, and think, 'What would my best self do in this situation?'"
"Remain calm, not attached to the goal; forgive yourself right away for any mistakes you might make along the way."
"Retire to those pursuits that are calmer, safer, and more important."
"The hour of calmness is the hour of illumination and correct judgment."
"Your blessing is calmness. Calmness will sweep you over."
"I don't need to raise my voice... calm breeds calm, panic breeds panic."
"The only thing that can calm your fears is the intentionality of God."
"If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you."
"The person in the room that has the most power is the one that stays the calmest."
"Never in the history of being told to calm down has anyone ever calmed down."
"My goal is to share with you practical and Biblical principles that will help you navigate this crisis with calmness and competence and confidence."
"I was just so relaxed, so calm; it's almost like that I transcended, that my mind, my spirit left my body, and I was watching myself fight him."
"Gardening... keeps the one who is gardening... they feel a sense of calmness, patience, or observance... it grows in them."
"Calmness is power. Say unto your heart, 'Peace, be still!'"
"Meditation clears the mind, it calms the mind."
"At this time, we just need to keep him calm and get him to the hospital where he can be properly assessed by a physician."
"We're all going to have to make our own choices and come to our own self-realization of what is it that triggers us, why are we unhappy, how do we get that level of calmness where we can think things through properly."
"You're safe now," she said, and I became calmer because of her tone.
"If cool, calm, collected was a person, it has to be him."
"I appreciate the wholesome and chill nature that it has."
"The greatest quarterbacks are neutral energy. They have this calm, they see the field."
"The moment that I just grab the leash here, I don't even have to do anything; the dog already senses that if they pay attention to my energy and they see that it's calm, they feel calmer as well."
"Spread calm as the contagion rather than fear."
"Let's spread calm and connection rather than the panic that we're seeing going around."
"In the midst of heightened anxiety and fear, be able to center yourself and be calm."
"There's only one rule to remember: don't panic."
"Clean your way to calm because I love to use cleaning as anxiety management."
"Allow your mind to clear and let the noise of your thoughts fall away; listen to your intuition."
"And the people that I’m meeting had this calmness, this stillness, this sort of tranquility."
"The emotional intelligence of just being able to stay calm as a cucumber is another factor in this job."
"It's very calming and you talk for just hours on end, and I like that."
"Let's not get each other worked up over something silly, you know what I mean?"
"I think I am way more calm, peace-loving, non-judgmental."
"Slow down your breathing to the way that you would be breathing when you're calm, and you will start shooting calming messages into your brain."
"It's beautifully quiet in here, just so, so calm and serene, unbelievably so."
"Musashi's calmness in the fight is like measuring his heartbeat, systematic and untroubled."
"Seven in ten people were completely cured in a single 60-minute session... Instead, they felt calm, alert, and resilient."
"In the heart of the storm, there's a calmness that whispers of strength."
"Don't panic. Use stress management techniques. Breathe, that's a good thing to do when you're nervous."
"I'm feeling calm and in large part because I'm here with you."
"My girlfriend's really really calm and she has a way of taking my anxiety and bringing it down."
"I am filled with nothing more than a calm, ever flowing feeling of doing what I must."
"Vertical lines tend to indicate solidity, power, up-rising... Lines that are horizontal in nature tend to be a little more calming but still have that support, that definition, that foundation."
"The sense of all rightness, of ever wrong, there's something immensely calming about a field of grass. How many people just love a lawn outside their windows? Grass, kind of the description of grass, is forgiveness."
"It's going to be okay, alright? I just want you to breathe and focus."
"A calm mind is a million times more powerful than a mind that's always worried."
"Don't panic, you can prepare for the crisis."
"We all need to calm our tits or our balls, Left, Right, Center."
"Breathing deeply instantly makes me feel calmer."
"He's got a calm about him, you can see he's very methodical. I trust his work implicitly."
"Meditation gives one both a calmness and a clarity."
"If you stay calm and think clearly even in the middle of a life and death event, you improve your chances."
"He looked fantastic out there, relaxed, calm, accurate with his punches."
"It's time for cooler heads to Prevail and restore the honor and integrity of our political institutions."
"There's something about being so calm while standing up for yourself, saving the day, saving your friends, defeating an enemy."
"He's just calm and collected, easy like Sunday morning."
"A little bit of tactics, a little less passion. Keep your heads. We can win this."
"Remaining calm is the most important thing you can do."
"The shark didn't twitch, waited until it was helped, and when the rope was removed, it swam away from the fishermen. Told you the big animals are very calm."
"I just feel so much more calm and centered... excited to see where that leads."
"The Tiguan gives you so much confidence and calmness."
"Trust yourself, feel calm, and choose from your intuition."
"It never felt chaotic in the sense that it wasn't planned thoroughly."
"Stay surrendered, stay surrounded, stay grounded."
"Don't panic, let's just take a breath and take a beat."
"Kyle's response, 'I love you too ma'am,' when a protester screamed insults at him, shows his demeanor even in tense situations."
"There is no need to rush or push this. This is the time to take things as they come."
"What we can do is calm down, don't judge, accept people for what they are..."
"LC feels like tai chi, it's like smooth and flowing."
"Coding is just as important as being calm enough to explain how you're coding."
"We want to just discuss these things in a logical and mild-mannered way."
"It's been very calm, perfect for settling in."
"That's what leadership is about, I'm a cheerleader for the country, we need calm."
"Don't panic. You're fine. Everything's fine."
"If you just chill, you might actually win the hearts and minds of the people." - Tim Pool
"No one should ever talk to anybody like that, but I'm as calm of a person as anybody can be."
"Thank you for being a calm voice during all this chaos, encouraging coalition building over ideological purity."
"Don't make emotional decisions, don't make decisions in a panic. Stay calm and rational."
"Don't panic, things are going to turn out in your favor."
"It's all about time management, and about keeping yourself calm, and fresh, and ready to go."
"I think any nerves I've got at the moment are low."
"Just take a deep breath and let me tell you right here, we are gonna be good."
"I love the calmness of the world, until you start shooting people, but you can calmly shoot people."
"Bob Ross: known for his distinctive style and serene delivery."
"Calm is contagious, you walk in, assess the situation, slow down, bring the room down, and then you can make good decisions."
"Reminder to stay calm and be patient... nerves are always going to be a thing."
"There's going to be more peace, more calmness, more solutions instead of problems."
"Your videos changed my life." - "I distinctly remember watching your outdoors video the night before my operation because your videos calmed me down so much."
"Just breathe. Biggest thing when this happens is breathe. Don't make any rushed or rash decisions."
"In calmness lies power. No strain or effort is needed but rather the turning of the attention towards divine realities."
"Calm as a cucumber, it looks like that Tome really came in handy."
"The calmer you become inside, the calmer the world appears outside."
"After going through the confidence chamber it also teaches them how to stay calm and not panic when their bodies are under duress."
"Stay calm and do not get pulled in by this situation."
"Governor DeSantis exhibits a leadership style that combines calmness, decisiveness, and accessibility."
"Remain calm, do not succumb to provocations, and remain in your houses."
"We can have peace and calm only in his presence."
"Just ground yourselves, just ground yourselves, just breathe, just think things through and you're gonna be okay."
"Name a better trio. I'll wait. Food Theory is calm."
"There's few things more powerful than treating a person who despises you with such calm politeness." - Narrator
"Nobody ever said, 'I sure am glad I panicked.'"
"Mr. K remained relatively calm and collected throughout the encounter."
"My appeal to Nigerians is to remain calm, remain powerful for our country Nigeria. We have no other country except this one."
"Stay calm and carry on, and expect the unexpected."
"Success breeds more success, is that classic situation. He seemed very calm, very sort of almost just like taken in stride."
"There's really no reason to panic, just make sure you have multiple ways to receive alerts and have a tornado action plan in place."
"There's no reason to panic tonight, I'm trying to emphasize that as much as possible."
"Stay calm and as we discussed internally, debate everything but be true to yourself."
"That's a dangerous man who's so calm before, at this stage, this far out."
"I don't know if I've had alligator or crocodile, you gotta calm down."
"This is how we should have discussions. We should talk about things in a very calm and logical way."
"A man in a library is calmly reading."
"I'm a pretty chill person, you may not believe it, but it's true."
"Stay calm, keep good counsel, and keep your eye on the ball."
"Ten minutes a day of meditation... You'll notice, 'Why am I so calm?'"
"Don't worry dude, don't stress. It's done when it's done."
"It's like chill I'm still producing you know I'm still making music I'm still doing my things but just more calm."
"I'm better now though, I'm more calm, I'm more peaceful."
"They need to stop. Everyone needs to [__] calm down."
"I'm a naturally calm person. I find it to be a problem when people are overreacting because things are out of our control."
"Looking calm and cool and chatting a little bit with his opponent."
"Hopefully this inspires people to take action and to be more calm patient and just allow this Market to do what it does."
"The answer is not fear. The answer is not panic."
"There's a calmness that Rio and Virgil have that I've never seen before."
"Anger and emotion are strategically counterproductive. You must always stay calm and objective."
"We made it. Everything's fine. There are no problems here."
"Let's be cool, let's be collected, let's be like robots. Let's use our 'if-then' statements. If this happens, then we'll do that."
"I like her composure, she's almost unflappable."
"Keeping a calm headspace during the game is key."
"A calm born of proven competence... that's what astronauts do for a living."
"For now, I hope that you can just heed the warnings, take it seriously, don't panic, stay tuned for future updates."
"It just seemed composed, it just seemed comfortable throughout the tournament."
"Make sure you give it some time and really feel good and calm before making any big moves or decisions."
"Keeping your voice low, keeping your words slow."
"Emotional mastery is crucial: be calm, be zen, like James Bond."
"Freddie Rasmussen, the cool, calm, collected Freddie."
"When you learn how to respond not react, that's the one of the best things that you can do for yourself in any relationship because it diffuses the other person."
"Smart, remain calm, ensure your own safety, stop the bleeding quickly, assess."
"Cultivate calm stillness and joy and let go of anxiety as a lifestyle."
"We weren't like 'yo we gotta win this game,' we were just calm like 'yo, we're good.'"
"Instead of feverish anxiety and joyless quest, possess calm confidence and the power to accomplish everything."
"I have calmed it down, no judgment, this is just my journey."
"Stick around when the market is calm, that's when you make the most money."
"Don't panic! We're gonna use those great words of Douglas Adams right now."
"Trust in the overall plan, revise it if you need to but don't panic."
"I have the crystal clear vision of the spirit."
"...maintain your calm will be one of your biggest strengths."
"You have to be calm to make sure your decision is right." - Katara
"Move with the flow, respond with calmness and peace."
"You shouldn't necessarily panic if you haven't already had a problem."
"That dog is being very quiet and obedient... he's chilling, he's not all turnt up like that woman was."
"For now, there really isn't much that's worth completely freaking out over."
"I'm calm so I'm watching how everything transpired."
"From day-to-day annoyances to the big stuff life throws your way, it's easy to get worked up, but there's a better way, a chiller way."
"He's so laid back, very calm, you know, very in control."
"Latvia, it's been great. Stay cool, calm, and collected."
"Sometimes nature seems like the calmest and most chilled thing out there."
"If you're so right, just relax and talk to people and you'll be right."
"You thrive under pressure. When everybody's losing their around you, you're the one who's really calm and finds a solution."
"Noah smiled and noted that there was nothing to worry about."