
Delayed Gratification Quotes

There are 236 quotes

"When you're a young man and you're on self-improvement and you're delaying gratification, there's not that many people like you just in the world."
"The longer you can delay gratification, the more successful you will become."
"The less attention we commit to instant gratification activities and the more we invest into delayed gratification, the better our life gets."
"Delayed gratification comes from activities that give us some kind of reward for the long term, but it feels a bit hard and uncomfortable right now."
"Delayed gratification is activities like...exercising...It doesn't feel good right now, it feels bad right now, and yet we do it because we know that it makes our life better in the long term."
"Delayed gratification is the key. Not living in the instant pleasures of today but rewarding ourselves in healthier, happier ways."
"If you want to have something, it's going to take a little delayed gratification and investment on your part."
"Delayed gratification: being able to say no to liabilities today to be able to say yes to assets tomorrow."
"The longer you've been adding value... the longer you'll have the ability to have someone buy that something from you later in your life."
"If you're delaying gratification and going to the gym, you're not doing it for your current life, you're just stacking it up for the future."
"Delay gratification, delayed gratification, are the two most important words you need to understand to actually get into self-improvement."
"The kids who delayed gratification... went on to be way more successful and way less likely to do bad habits like drugs, crime, casual sex."
"If you can delay gratification, you are wired for success."
"Good things happen to people who can delay gratification."
"Adulting: growing up. One definition of maturity is learning to delay pleasure."
"The actual winning formula when it comes to many things in life, especially money, is like delayed gratification."
"Delay gratification. The men who delay gratification... those are the men who change the entire [__] world."
"Delaying gratification is an absolute superpower."
"Delayed gratification requires a degree of maturity that very few people have."
"Your 20s should be dedicated entirely to delayed gratification, to setting up the rest of your life for success."
"Poor people are wired for instant gratification... Rich people are wired for delayed gratification."
"Delay gratification was the single most important factor in success."
"What feels great is when you've waited for six months, or a year, or that second year that the apple tree finally produces apples. That delayed gratification is something that not a lot of people understand."
"One definition of maturity is the ability to delay pleasure and not be whining the whole time."
"When you do things that are hard, you have to feel bad now so that you can feel good later."
"The ability to delay gratification for a little bit is absolutely necessary. The most successful people in the world are living proof of this."
"Patience and delayed gratification in terms of trading... and a lot of other things too."
"Deferred gratification... the most important thing in the financial world."
"If you can wait two, three months before five months maybe a year to play cyberpunk for example... then you're getting a way better end product."
"Discipline is simply the ability to make yourself do things in the moment that you don't necessarily want to do so that you can achieve something in the future that you really do want."
"I am sincerely glad people finally got what they paid for with No Man's Sky, even if it is two years after the fact."
"Success is sweeter and sweeter if long delayed and gotten through many struggles and defeats."
"Delayed gratification, one of the biggest things that it took me to get where I'm at right now."
"The most successful people...are all really good at delaying that gratification until they're able to comfortably afford what they want without that expense negatively impacting your finances."
"Postponed gratification is the single biggest predictor of success or failure."
"He delays gratification for the sake of other people because Adonis understands manhood. He understands what it takes to feel fulfilled, to work on yourself, to make sacrifices, to delay gratification instead of pursuing pleasure."
"The ability to build wealth is available for anybody that can avoid eating marshmallow for today and can play the long game."
"Hate me now, love me later. Yeah, look, man, well, that's the book."
"True freedom is being able to say yes or no to both good and evil."
"Fasting always has an end that you can enjoy something later."
"Short-term gratification is in most cases inferior to long-term gratification."
"Delayed gratification is a sign of discipline and healthy brain function."
"The people that delay gratification and they look to the long term...they're the ones that become very successful in the long term."
"The ability to delay pleasure for a greater good."
"Eternal bliss has a price, and the price is to give up instant gratification."
"There is no better sales pitch than 'get paid more later.'"
"Everything that you wanted is showing up the way that you'd hoped for, even after a period of delay."
"Think of it as being worth the wait, think of it as being better once you get it."
"Never go for the instant gratification if you can make something happen and a little bit longer term than what you essentially would want fight that instant gratification. I think you'll always come out better that way."
"Part of being a leader is the ability to put off present gratification for a future goal."
"The blessing is never at the entrance, it's always at the exit."
"Hope comes from the belief that the future will be better."
"Delaying gratification is the key to all progress and personal development."
"If you want to become wealthy sooner rather than later, you got to get rid of the car, you gotta wait on the car, you gotta wait on the watch, you gotta wait on the nice home, you gotta wait on the travel, you got to wait on the nice clothes..."
"The most proven successful strategy for investing is delayed gratification."
"Backordered blessings are finally coming in."
"Delay gratification... life is a strategy game and your goal is to win the game."
"I've been saving a game I've been not playing a game the entire time it's been out that I know is good and I'm finally gonna play it what is it?"
"The marshmallow test: Delay gratification, unlock success in life."
"Invest means one simple thing: you postpone present pleasure to get something better later."
"Sacrificing short-term pleasure for long-term success."
"It's amazing how close the relationship is in all things between delayed gratification and wisdom."
"Delayed gratification: saying no to shortcuts today in order to say yes to success tomorrow."
"Be patient with your results. Good things come to those who wait if it's really worth waiting for."
"Hovering is a long term form of intermediate reinforcement where the reinforcement, the opposite reinforcement, comes a bit later."
"It's always gonna taste a bit sweeter the more you wait."
"For some of you, there's a delay in the positive outcome for something that you've been working on but this is saying it's coming change is happening."
"Wisdom is synonymous with delayed gratification."
"If you just held on... you would have come out the other side even if it means you need to wait a little bit longer."
"Remember, good things come to people that wait."
"Patience is the ability to arrest the impulse to act impatiently while dealing with the frustration of the delay."
"Everything is realistic and attainable if you're willing to put in the work, make certain sacrifices, and delay gratification."
"Delay short-term gratification, think in decades not in months."
"You've got to have patience, you have to be willing to delay gratification."
"You can beat 99% of people simply by continuing to work without needing your immediate reward."
"Delayed gratification is really the secret to wealth building as well as real estate investing."
"It’s all about delayed gratification in a sense, because instead of going for the quick hit or looking good in the short term, it’s trying to do things that are wise in the long term."
"The entire purpose of offsetting immediate pleasure is for more pleasure down the line."
"People can't do that delayed gratification and that's the biggest issue I see."
"Sometimes we have to sacrifice short-term pleasure for long-term payoff."
"Choosing long-term satisfaction over short-term comfort"
"Instead of thinking about the reasons why you should choose instant gratification, think about the future reward first."
"These algorithms have the capacity for delayed gratification."
"Delaying gratification, you never lose, especially as Muslims."
"We're refusing to enjoy the fruits of our labor right now."
"Investing is about taking money today, not spending on nice things right now, with the hope that in many years from now it will be worth a lot more and you might then finally be able to enjoy it."
"Don't decide for immediate gratification."
"Stop thinking about the immediate, start thinking about what's it going to look like 10 years from now."
"I might see something at the store that looks appealing. I don't necessarily have to buy it. Not today, anyway."
"If you're not careful, you always choose what is comfortable now and give up what will make you comfortable later."
"My general philosophy is to wait a bit longer and purchase the thing that you really wanted to buy in the first place."
"By spending money today on things that you don't really need, you rob your future self of the wealth that it deserves."
"Patience and delaying your gratification is a very important concept to have success and profitability in the market."
"We're gonna have to wait a little bit longer to taste that though."
"They want to take their time, they want to go in deep with you. Good things come to those who build and wait."
"Sacrifice is the key. The secret to success is delaying gratification."
"In a world of immediate gratification talk about the patients that's needed as an entrepreneur."
"But now I don't have a milk cow and it won't be for a long time."
"Discipline is delaying personal gratification and it is giving up something good in order to get something better."
"the kids that grab all the candy will have much less 20 years from now than the kid that put the piece of candy back"
"You don't have to have everything right now."
"I couldn't be happier. It's our very delayed grad trip."
"Lesnar versus Brian was booked for 2014 but eventually happened four years later at Survivor Series and was brilliant."
"Do you want to be fast now or do you want to be fast later?"
"I'm one of those guys where you can have a biscuit now or I can give you two biscuits in a month later on."
"The greatest returns are delayed."
"People definitely see that you're a hard worker, people definitely see that you have a sense of delayed gratification, which is also very, very attractive."
"Sometimes you have to deny yourself that initial gratification and allow success to be your revenge."
"Sometimes the best things in life take a little bit more time."
"Delaying enjoyment can enhance long-term satisfaction."
"Sacrifice today for tomorrow's betterment."
"The longer we wait, the more we let this build up, the better we can manifest later."
"Moving away from this compulsive pleasure-seeking consumption from very, very early and learning to reject really the convenience and the easy pleasures of our lives in favor of a commitment to things that are hard."
"Don't sacrifice long-term success for short-term gratification."
"If you actually enjoy it and you're getting frustrated, thinking why am I putting all of these hours into something that's not giving me anything back, just trust that one day it will."
"Not giving in to instant gratification is about good internal boundaries, saying no to yourself."
"I'm a huge advocate for delayed gratification because it's gonna come. If you operate in alignment, it's just a matter of time. No, you're right. You're speaking right."
"Don't be afraid to delay immediate gratifications and focus your energy and thoughts on the positions that will provide you with the opportunities to grow and become an owner."
"Can you stop? Can you wait? Everything comes to those who can wait."
"Putting off instant gratification. Working hard for something makes the gratification better."
"The longer you wait, the sweeter the fruit is."
"Man, I wish I saw it back then. It would have been like a terrific experience. But I finally did it. I finally watched this movie."
"I'll eat my fries when I get home."
"Wanting things fast doesn't make them happen faster."
"You are borrowing happiness from your future self."
"Allow yourself to receive the long-term benefits and allow yourself to receive it later when you're practicing delayed gratification."
"I held off on getting an instant pot for many years because everybody was talking about how great they are."
"the longer you can do something without expecting something in return the bigger the thing you get in return at the end will be"
"Better late than never, but it finally came."
"But that's not gonna make you any more money right then, but it will make you more money later."
"It's just that being willing to delay satisfaction or gratification is, in my opinion, the single greatest skill that you can develop."
"The future is very expensive and it requires sacrifice now. Can you depart from instant gratification and suffer now?"
"All the children who deferred the gratification long enough to get the second marshmallow were way more successful in the latter part of their lives."
"Don't look for a return right away on everything, things take time."
"What you want most matters more than what you want right now."
"Sacrifice and delayed gratification lead to more freedoms in the future."
"You might not get it right now but what if I told you that if you wait, you can get more of it?"
"It takes a mentally strong person to delay gratification."
"Do what you have to do, right? You can worry about the money later."
"A lot of the things in life that'll make you really happy don't have this day-to-day effect."
"...the payoffs for the things we do might take months or even years to come..."
"Busting your ass delayed gratification."
"Good things come to those who wait. Trust me."
"That was awesome. Took a little bit, because I'm very old school."
"You need to be willing to act on that principle without getting rewards in the here and now because it doesn't exist yet."
"We know what's up. We know exactly how video game designers just make games the way we want, and then I'll play them in a year's time when they're cheap."
"Just because it doesn't happen right away, boys and girls, doesn't mean it's not going to happen."
"I'm really happy I finally picked this up. I've been meaning to read this book for literally years."
"The best time to plant a fruit tree would be 20 years ago. The second best time is now."
"I would rather pay the £10 in three months that I would have saved this month and know that it's something that I'm definitely going to use and get joy from."
"It's okay to take some of those wants and put them on a timetable. I think that's the other thing people are not super, super good at, is that whole idea of delayed gratification."
"We held off on buying a TV for a really long time."
"What we have here folks is a case of a young man who did not believe in delayed gratification, he wanted it and he wanted it now."
"You can get what you want out of life, but it'll take one or two years longer than you expected. Be patient."
"There is something extremely valuable about something that you have to work for and then you have to wait for."
"Keep going so the more it hurts now the better it's going to feel later."
"Sacrifice self-gratification for long-term gain."
"Have it be worse, and then when it comes out, it's like when you ordered food and it took a really long time."
"Live today like no one else, so that later in life you can live like no one else."
"If you can delay gratification you're going to find yourself in the winner seat."
"If you just take a little bit of today and put it and defer it for that tomorrow, that great big beautiful tomorrow, you're going to have success."
"Delayed gratification. Don't give up what you want most for what you want now. Okay? Seek purpose, don't seek pleasure."
"Discipline is not this thing that you try to do. It's really fueled by a bigger picture, a longer-term manifestation that you create. Delaying gratification is discipline."
"It's always better to hold out to get what you really want than maybe to give into that instant gratification."
"Give it a month before you buy something."
"Short-term pain for long-term gratification."
"I'd rather be uncomfortable now to be comfortable in the future."
"If I delayed gratification then eventually the money would come."
"If you are dazzled by the semblance of any promised pleasure guard yourself against being bewildered by it but let the affair wait your leisure and procure yourself some delay."
"Discipline means that you know that it's best to not instantly gratify, in the test, meaning you postpone your own pleasure to a later distance in the future."
"Frugal millionaires minimize emotional spending by giving time between their desire to buy something and actually buying it."
"A lot of people don't invest because they want to have the money to spend now."
"If you're gonna serve some serious time, you gotta handle that. Just pay it, and then get the gift later."
"If you prolong pleasure in general, you have a better thing waiting for you."
"The emotional maturity that allows you to delay pleasure is a real indicator of Building Wealth. No discipline seems Pleasant at the time but it yields a harvest of righteousness."
"Short-term sacrifices for long-term gains."
"Life's not like that and we want to build an AI that can learn to make decisions with delayed gratification."
"Entrepreneurial growth, capitalistic investing is about delayed gratification."
"I lead into doing things that I enjoy rather than going for things that have instant gratification."
"The seeds that you plant today may not reap its rewards until another week, another month, another two months, three months, whatever it is."
"A lot of the things we've taught the kids about money have been about focusing on the problems we see adults having issues with, like delayed gratification."
"The successful among us delay gratification, pursue what is meaningful, not what is expedient."
"When most people think of millionaires, they tend to think of people that can buy anything they want whenever they want, but the truth is the people that ended up becoming millionaires are those that delayed gratification."
"If you engage in delayed gratification activities, then the net positive benefits that come from that compound over the long run."
"For the difficult is the rejection of immediate pleasure, of instant gratification."
"Delayed gratification increases the value of an anticipated reward, regardless of its actual contents."
"The result from faith is immediate; the reward of faith takes time."
"Our current generation don't know what it's like to actually wait and be patient and work at something for delayed gratification."
"Instant gratification almost always hurts you later on. Anything that's worth having always hurts up front but then gives you long-term pleasure."
"If one desires to build wealth, one must demonstrate a capacity to delay the kind of instant gratification that comes from spending all your money now in order to save, invest, and secure gains for the future."
"I got into running because it was something that taught me patience, it taught me something about delayed gratification."
"It's very important that we do think about our future! Just delay some of that gratification!"
"The kids that can delay gratification are the kids that later on in life can... not have that five dollar Starbucks coffee because they know five extra bucks in my Schwab account is gonna mean like ten thousand dollars when I need it."
"You got to sacrifice what you desire in the moment for that thing later on."
"The necessity for being patient, the delayed gratification."
"Delay gratification for a little bit of time until you get to a certain level."
"Be more intentional, stop seeking instant gratification, save your money."
"Focus on the bigger holistic point of view instead of the short-term gratification of 'I want results now'."
"Life is long, delayed gratification is amazing."
"Delayed gratification... is something that I struggled with before and now I am willing to put the time in."