
Integrity Quotes

There are 32861 quotes

"I will never sell any formula I wouldn't personally recommend to a loved one."
"If you're building integrity, you're going to have people around you that's going to make sure that you get back in pocket because they know how much you mean to them and they know how much you mean to the culture."
"I believe if you say you're going to do something, you just do it."
"Every time you break a promise to yourself, every time that you're not in integrity with yourself, it just slowly chips away at you."
"Success is not how much money or how much power you have. Success is how well do you do what you do when no one else is looking."
"Always try to do the right thing... find out what you're good at and do it... remember you can always separate yourself from everybody else if you want to."
"You're not living in integrity with your values."
"Integrity gives you real freedom because you have nothing to fear since you have nothing to hide."
"There's nothing that's more rewarding than trying to do things right. All other forms of reward pale by comparison."
"The kids who said 'I don't cheat' versus the kids who said 'I am NOT a cheater'... those who adopted the idea that they were not a cheater actually cheated less."
"I didn't understand how any man who has an ounce of Integrity or moral fiber in him could look at a woman and say that to her with a straight face."
"Don't give anybody an excuse for doing wrong. When you're wrong, sit in it, acknowledge the fact that you're wrong."
"You got to not stop; it's not about not saying the right thing because you're worried about getting in trouble, you say the right thing because you believe the fucking right thing."
"You recognize how good it makes you feel to be altruistic, to have integrity, to add value."
"When others are going so low, does going high still really work? My answer: Going high is the only thing that works."
"Empathy, integrity, originality, and courage are at the heart of Levi's brand values."
"Authentic people say no, that's not who I am, that's not what I'm about."
"I'd rather change my career than make it out of powdered mash."
"There's no amount of money or fame that can buy my opinion or make me go against my principles."
"Keep doing the right thing when the wrong thing's happening."
"Everything you do should be truthful, so next time you speak, you're bonded by your word."
"Be yourself, be honest, do your best, take care of your family, treat people with respect, be a good citizen, and follow your dreams."
"I actually love the fact that I am willing to be completely honest... I really do think I am a truth-teller."
"Truth is something that should be valued, and I think that everybody should value truth."
"Discipline requires you to do your best when no one is watching."
"There's longevity in the content that you make in the sense that there's a depth to your content."
"My entire self-worth is wrapped up in people knowing the truth of how I've interacted with them."
"Integrity is a verb; it's not a noun. You don't have it; you have to show it minute to minute."
"You have to say '[] those ads, [] those brands,' like your relationship comes first, no matter what."
"A good man is not a good man when he's only good when he's good."
"You can have a killer career without having to compromise who you are or what you want to do with music."
"I promise you, I'm never going to preach what just feels good. I'm going to preach what grows you."
"If there's anything wrong with our game, you can roast it because we want to make a good game, not just make a lot of money."
"Courage and integrity. I don't think you can separate the two."
"Integrity is measured by the distance between someone's lips and their life."
"You do good business wherever you are, that's just the character of your person."
"The only person that you have to be 100% honest with at all times is yourself."
"When you say no to something that comes with a lot of zeros, you do so because of your value system."
"Always tell the truth to other people and to yourself."
"You can always make more money, but you can't file bankruptcy on a reputation."
"The truth has nothing to fear from investigation."
"It's a choice for each of us to make our own decisions within the context of whatever our version of integrity looks like. All we can do is be the best we can be, for wherever we're at, and judge not ourselves or others."
"We are a nation of truth, and I seek the truth."
"Character and integrity are the most important components of stable leadership."
"Leadership that has integrity in a world where we are desperate for leadership."
"Politics without principles... wealth without work... science without humanity... these kinds of leadership are destroying our world."
"Character, not currency, determines the true value of a man."
"We can't love ourselves if we're not being ourselves. And to be ourselves, we have to conduct ourselves and make the decisions in our life that are consistent and congruent with who we say we are and where we're going."
"Our word is our bond, just like when we tell you we will protect our sources with our livelihoods."
"Who I truly am is good indeed. I am authentic in thought, word, and deed."
"Any leader that's trying to kill your integrity or your character, you run from. Anybody that's going to make you compromise your morals, you run from."
"If you cannot be this in the secret place and in the closest relationships, then don't shine anywhere else."
"This is a moment for responsible leaders to think carefully about where they stand and who they stand with."
"Are you gonna take the consequences of being real?"
"If you have to lie to win, you don't deserve to win."
"The just man walketh in his integrity: his children are blessed after him."
"Mercedes was down to her core a good person."
"If you build a community on lies and false perceptions, you are going to have to live that way the entire time."
"Being a whole person means there are no lies, just transparent honesty."
"You can't nod yes and mean no; integrity is about aligning your actions with your words."
"The most important thing, really, is the truthful word."
"It's not about what you preach; it's about how you actually live and how you choose to represent what your moral code is in your life."
"Truth is truth, regardless of how you present it."
"Speaking the truth, even when it's against yourself or your kin, is the essence of bravery and integrity."
"If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for everything."
"The only way to stay alive and fully human in a moment like this is to resolve that you are going to tell the truth in every and all circumstance."
"The main thing is if you can not be frightened of being fired, then you have to speak out for what you believe in."
"The court should do everything to ensure that the will of the voters prevail."
"This is not a story of partisanship... this is a story of good old-fashioned corruption."
"The four greatest values in life: Integrity, Faith, courage, and humility."
"You did it the right way, were a great teammate, and you did it at the highest level for a long time."
"It means so much to me to live up to my word."
"Truly good people are honest and upright, distinguish between love and hate, and have a sense of righteousness."
"Leading with integrity and being your wonderful authentic self can't go wrong."
"Integrity and honesty is something you have to practice; it's not something that you're just suddenly going to start doing later on in life when the stakes are much higher than they are at University."
"The test of a man is about his integrity, the ability to stand there in spite of all the problems."
"The Integrity of the system depends on it, and the judge has an obligation, in my view, to make sure that the system works."
"Integrity is something that is very personal to people... People should be able to trust you with their words and actions."
"Not everything has to be a bold message; sometimes, integrity lies in the little things."
"I refuse to sell out. Integrity is the most important thing."
"I also vow to never sell an artwork that is not authentic and that comes from my heart."
"I am so happy I have inspired with my integrity."
"The public's reverence for the royals depends on integrity and on trust, and both of those things have taken a battering."
"There's never a bad time to do the right thing."
"The integrity of the upright guides them, but the unfaithful are destroyed by their duplicity."
"What you say means nothing compared to what you actually are."
"To win in life meant no more backing down, no more shortcuts, no more compromises, no more lies, and no more cons."
"I'm a man of principles. Like, you know, integrity. I value the well-being of humans as a species."
"The administration of law should be like Caesar's wife, be above suspicion."
"I don't care if you make money, just don't let it corrupt you."
"Notice when you sell out or are tempted to sell out and swayed by money."
"I don't want private interests fueling how I go about governing a city. I want it to be about the people completely."
"Honesty at all costs. It costs to be honest, but it provides in the end."
"Honestly, at all costs. It costs to be honest, but it provides in the end."
"I think there's two types: ones that are okay with the fraudulence and they like it; and others are like, 'Nah, generally speaking, I don't care if you're fake, you're [__] if you're fake. I want honesty even if I don't like it.'"
"Winning the right way or even losing the right way is better than winning the wrong way."
"Character is what you do when no one's looking."
"Batman being someone of integrity is the final fundamental pillar of his character, it is a defining trait that makes him the man he is."
"Integrity is a word which means to be a whole person, without hypocrisy, without duplicity, to be who you are."
"The true measure of a man is not what he does when he's being watched; it's what he does when he is alone."
"Integrity: A common expression for the compromising of a person's integrity, morality, authenticity, or principles in exchange for personal gain, such as money."
"Integrity, you keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means."
"Everyone has to make money, but at the end of the day, where is that balance between the needs of the creator and the needs of the audience?"
"What's the next right action of integrity? No matter what happened, it's what's next."
"The longer the space between what happened and your next right acts of integrity, the bigger the pain."
"When it comes to money versus integrity, the integrity side of that argument knows what's at stake."
"Colin Kaepernick kept his integrity, got the bag."
"Integrity is like a tough conversation to have because you either have it or you don't."
"Just because they cross lines doesn't mean I get to cross lines. Just because they became violators doesn't mean I'm going to violate."
"I do right by them not because of them, but because of Allah. I owe that to Allah, and I keep that in mind."
"Integrity is the cure for unhappiness. Period."
"Being in integrity simply means that you are wholly yourself and that all aspects of yourself are harmoniously aligned."
"A million decisions with integrity over time leads to your success and your future."
"What we need more than ever right now, obviously, is we need to have integrity in our leadership."
"Integrity is essential, and we'll always make mistakes and will fall short because we're imperfect, but we can act with integrity."
"No amount of money is worth selling my integrity."
"When one door closes, another opens, and I have faith that for those who stand with integrity, goodness will always prevail."
"Don't affirm what you know are lies. Don't cooperate with what you know is wrong. Don't abandon what you know is true."
"Integrity is doing what you say you're gonna do when you say you're gonna do it, when no one else is watching."
"I care about the truth... I want to live in a society where people care about the truth and we're grounded in truth."
"Personal integrity... do you live up to your own expectations of yourself?"
"If you do what's right and you stand up for what's right, you can't control the outcome, but at least you did everything within your power to do what was right."
"I value love and integrity far, far above money, fame, and power. Those latter three are all ephemeral; they slip through the fingers of anyone who tries to hold on and leave behind an empty shell of a human being."
"Once you say something and you give the people your word, you should stick to it."
"I'm not going to listen to Floyd or nobody if I gave my word to the people. I'm just going to do it."
"We need leaders who are capable and with proven integrity."
"If you cannot be real with yourself, you're not fit to be honest with no one else."
"When you apologize for something to a person or something messed up that you do, which that's pretty messed up, Jessie's point was that when Gabby got on camera and tried to deny and lied that that ever happened, that apology that she gave to Jessie was taken back by her doing that."
"Integrity is the indispensable imperative for intelligence, the best friend of national security."
"Integrity is the congruence between your words and your actions."
"All of creation follows a very simple pattern: you think it, you speak it, you act it, and if you have integrity, it happens."
"It takes courage today to stand up and face the current and stand the ground when you find yourself in the presence of what you can clearly recognize as being absolute nonsense."
"I believe that Anyone who puts themselves over the Constitution should never be president of the United States and anyone who asks someone else to put them over the Constitution should never be president of the United States again."
"We have nothing to hide and nothing to fear. Fast Bear Entertainment is as clean as a whistle, and that founder is as innocent as a newborn."
"We used to be in a date and time where you had 60 minutes, and people did stories, and they verified information."
"Your actions will always speak louder than your words."
"This is not about politics; it's about what's right and what's wrong."
"When a man has a code and a man has principle and boundaries of how he runs his life, you have to understand just how powerful that is."
"Hold on to the truth irrespective of fear or temptation."
"I will never respect the views of people who can't come out and simply say that slavery is immoral."
"Becoming a person of high values, a person of principle, a person of honest, a person that earns respect."
"Be impeccable with your word. That's how to speak things into existence."
"My sense is if you put good people in power and give them the opportunity not to have to pander to corrupting influences, these problems aren't so difficult to solve."
"If you haven't done anything wrong, do not apologize."
"I'm not going to pull my punches. I'm not going to be mean. I'm not going to be unkind, but I'm going to say the truth."
"I think righteous is living true to your heart and knowing that you're doing good by people."
"We pursue integrity, depth, joy, aliveness, connection, growth."
"The relationship with myself is the highest thing I can have with anybody, and I want to have a great reputation with myself."
"I committed to always saying what I meant and meaning what I said."
"Tell the truth because not telling the truth is more awful."
"It's not about how close we can get to the line; it's how quickly we run far away from the line."
"I'm known for my honesty, my immunity to groupthink. I just don't go along with it."
"Integrity is the one word that comes to mind when I think of Penn & Teller."
"If you feel that you would be doing damage to your integrity, then you have to say what you have to say, do it carefully, and prepare for the consequences."
"The fact that I support someone politically doesn't mean I'm going to sacrifice my integrity or my adherence to the law."
"Self-confidence is building a reputation with yourself that you keep your word to you."
"Judge, you don't actually have to find that they actually did lie, you just need to find that you have grave concerns about the fact that maybe they lied."
"Our faith is not built on a man; our faith is built on the integrity of God."
"There's nothing more important than character... Characters are many different things, but if you tell me you're going to do something, you do it 80-90% of the time."
"Courts are not supposed to be the courts of gossip, the court of innuendo, the court of rumor."
"There are few people in this industry with more integrity than Mello Online, in my opinion."
"Everybody does it is all the more reason to strive for honesty and transparency."
"Don't sell your soul for a mess of pottage because in the long run, it's not worth it."
"Baldur's Gate 3 devs have gone on record that the game will never have microtransactions at all."
"Our job here is to tell the truth about these products to the best of our ability."
"Live in accord with your sense of right. Obey your own conscience, then all things yours."
"He who is faithful in what is least is faithful also in much; and he who is unjust in what is least is unjust also in much."
"Be principled. The right thing to do is to stick to your words."
"All of us yearn to be like Batman. We want to have integrity to be morally virtuous...because we are actually morally virtuous, not because we're merely cowards afraid of consequence."
"A genuine intent for truth at whatever cost is essential to avoid falling into falsehood and delusion."
"But down these mean streets a man must go who is not himself mean, who is neither tarnished nor afraid."
"If you are right, then you have nothing to hide. So just go and have the conversation."
"Don't let your morals flow away like the wind."
"Any man that runs out on his responsibilities for his family is no man to begin with."
"You can buy success, you can buy trophies, you can buy good players, you can buy managers, but you can't buy fans."
"A great man is governed by his integrity... he's governed from within."
"Even when no one's watching, he genuinely lives by the values that he preaches."
"Trustworthiness, it's not any really any different than honesty. It's not really any different from telling the truth."
"It's not journalism anymore. Good journalism is about well-sourced exposes."
"Live your life as you say other people should live their lives, and have standards for yourself."
"There's a difference between compromising in a system that necessitates compromise versus compromising with yourself and your own personal values."
"I think in the end, our... it's more important that we stay grounded and on what we believe in and take the high ground."
"To do the right thing even when no one is looking, that's another great definition of integrity."
"Discipline means taking the hard road, the uphill road to do what's right for yourself and for other people."
"Be an individual who values truth and no one can ever take that away from you."
"I would never take money from an authoritarian regime."
"This is not the money game; this is the integrity game."
"What commitment is, commitment is staying true to what you said you were going to do long after the mood that you have said it in has left."
"A lie is a lie even if everyone believes it. The truth is the truth even if nobody believes it."
"Just make sure that you are being honest about everything; that's all that matters."
"The only way to do the right thing is to face it head-on."
"I think there's a lot of political ground to be gained in pandering to your own side and confirming their biases. I strive not to do that."
"The two things most corrosive to the human soul are cowardice and lies of cowardice."
"The worst sin that you can commit against anyone, more importantly, yourself, is a lie."
"I'm not a piece of trash that would hurt a woman."
"Truth at no matter the cost. You have to seek the truth."
"When you're able to say at the end of the day, 'my conscience is clear,' that's what truly matters."
"Truth is much more important than popularity for me."
"For all intents and purposes, I woke up this morning looking at the picture of my family and making my commitment today, as I do every day, that I'm going to live an honest, virtuous, and responsible life."
"How do you earn trust? How do you keep your trust? How do you know who to trust?"