
Exploitation Quotes

There are 2428 quotes

"To target people who are in extremely vulnerable and desperate places and get try to get them to join an industry where 99.6% of people don't make a single penny and then convince them to drop $5,000-10,000, which they usually don't even have, so they have to go into debt or into more debt to join a company where many people don't even make their first sale for months or over a year... I mean that is just extremely, extremely disgusting."
"It's the grandiosity, sense of entitlement, and exploitative nature of people with antisocial personality disorder that often leads to them treating others, particularly their romantic partners, as their property."
"I'm not going to make it by taking advantage of other people."
"An empath is someone who cannot differentiate their feelings from the feelings of others. This is a beautiful quality when it is not being exploited."
"We have to restore the humane apparatus to religions that has been extracted by exploiters who use religion the wrong way."
"Black empowerment does not mean everybody has a green light to do some Black exploitation."
"Black empowerment does not mean black exploitation."
"We're talking about the importance of black empowerment and black empowerment does not mean black exploitation."
"Migrants are vulnerable to exploitation by human traffickers who prey on their desperation."
"People who exploit others and take advantage of already marginalized people for the sake of their own profit have no place in our community."
"At the end of the day, when you have leadership that taints the word of the Lord and turns an actual community effort into something where people literally sit down and give money to these individuals so they can live lives luxuriously, that's when you lose me and most people around."
"As these AIs start to become self-aware, at what point is it no longer we're profiting off the backs of computers to it's almost like slavery?"
"Act like you're crying really quick... I am crying... go like this, for the video."
"It was made off of the backs of these children."
"We cannot hope to end any form of exploitation without tackling systemic inequality and violence."
"Irregardless of how desperate you may become at any given time to acquire wealth, power, success, or fame, never use children as leverage or social currency, especially under malevolent or erroneous pretense."
"Every economic system has a problem of exploitation if it's not bound by certain levels of morality."
"Capitalism doesn't reward hard work; it rewards you for exploiting other people's hard work."
"Allegations came sweeping in, calling the treatment of workers in Boohoo's Leicester factories 'modern slavery.'"
"An undercover journalist... was met with horrific treatment immediately. There, they discovered they would only be paid three Euros 50 cents an hour, a massive difference from the United Kingdom minimum wage of 8.72."
"The show does very little to help anyone who appears on it and is designed primarily to make Caleb and his team as rich as possible, all at the expense of shaming every person who comes on the show looking for help."
"I think the truth is that this is a predatory workplace and it absolutely is."
"Extracting from people and the planet is not sustainable long term."
"The financial system was built on our bodies and built on extracting wealth from us."
"Loyalty is one thing, but blind loyalty is another. Blind loyalty will get you taken advantage of. It will have you wasting away years of your life for an abstract concept that, at the end, is meaningless."
"Is it a surprise then when I tell you that it makes appearances in countless multi-level marketing companies?"
"You're kind, a woman who doesn't know much about cars, and he saw your expensive bag and thought he could fleece you."
"There is just something extremely sinister about profiting off of loneliness, profiting off of artificial love."
"We have paid some high prices for the technological conquest of nature, but none so high as the intellectual and spiritual cost of seeing nature as mere material for our manipulation, exploitation, and transformation."
"Wants are not good justifications when it comes to the exploitation of others. The want in and of itself shouldn't make it morally permissible."
"Capitalism is incredibly exploitative and incredibly unequal."
"Every form of exploitation, every form of hierarchy from feudalism to slavery onward, once seemed natural and impossible to overcome."
"I believe that our labors and our intellects and our work is basically being exploited from us and extracted. To keep our minds occupied, they purport a false reality."
"The institution of rent-seeking is fundamentally immoral and just as exploitative as siphoning the surplus value of a worker's labor."
"Democracy can be used to exploit and to oppress in ways that are so fundamentally obvious."
"De-growth means restructuring the economy to minimize exploitation and adjusting consumption to be more sustainable."
"I think of magic like glitches and video games: if there's any way to exploit a system, humans will do that. That's our nature; we're always looking for an edge, always looking for the advantage. Science is simply us trying to speedrun nature."
"The exploitation of human beings for private profit is an outrage."
"It really does break my heart when somebody's so vulnerable and so innocent, and they just get taken advantage of."
"This is about a broader tendency online where more and more social media websites make money selling data and ad space to profit off of labor that is done by the people who are on the site itself."
"She was taken advantage of because of her kind nature and ultimately she was absolutely a victim of a hate crime."
"Exploitation is a crime that exists in the mind; it's not just in the final outcome."
"There's a system in place purely designed to maximize the profit out of an individual all at the expense of their well-being."
"Every year, 15,000 African players, minors, ending up in Europe somewhere without anything. They just got trafficked there."
"The truth is what needed to be out there. I needed to tell my story so that Lance didn't use his platform any longer to take advantage of women."
"There is no default condition of exploitation. Exploitation is inherently multifaceted, conditioned, and executed through multiple channels and against multiple groups."
"Financial illiteracy is very profitable because when you are financially uneducated, then well, businesses can sell you whatever they want, banks can make you risky loans, and the government can keep you relying on them."
"The US government's definition for child trafficking is the use of fraud, force, or coercion to seize the custody of a child who then moved for one of two purposes which is either labor trafficking or sex trafficking."
"She was preying on people because they were vulnerable."
"Marx argued labor was exploited in a capitalist society as capitalists unfairly kept surplus value."
"We are constantly sharing the nursing side, talking about how nurses are stretched super thin, which they absolutely are, and how hospitals take advantage of nurses, which they absolutely do."
"What rich people do at home or in their car or on their private jet pales in comparison to the exploitation of labor and the wrecking of the earth that generates the money they enjoy."
"If we allow [markets] to tell us what to want, what they will do is explore every defect of human character and exploit it to somebody's benefit but not to our collective benefit."
"People who lack self-love become exploited by people who are more grandiose in their perception of self."
"If you love a narcissist, you are going to be involved with someone who consistently feels entitled to exploit you and who feels like they have the right to avoid accountability."
"This profound and really immoral transfer of wealth into the hands of a very tiny few under the canard that they would create jobs... their business model is not job creation; their business model is job elimination and worker exploitation."
"The main purpose of convict leasing was to keep the southern economy moving with a nearly-free labor force."
"The master treated the slave unmercifully and with the sole object of getting the greatest possible amount of labor out of him."
"In both sexual and inspiration porn, we see the objectification of people for the benefit of others."
"Fast money, lack of knowledge. This is where there's money because it's easy to take it when you're not educated."
"It's unconscionable what we're doing to people under the guise of offering them opportunity."
"Cable news will always, above all else, exploit people for cheap views."
"If we don't understand these laws, we're not taken advantage of by others and we also need to understand our own weaknesses and vulnerabilities."
"Capitalism without competition isn't capitalism; it's exploitation."
"Morbid obesity is a serious condition with very serious consequences and should absolutely not be exploited."
"Capitalism without competition is not capitalism, it's exploitation."
"He lies about his whole existence... He does not have a college degree, he is not an electrician or engineer like he may say, he is a real-life bum who uses women for money and lives off of them."
"These children destroy their health and risk their lives for less than a dollar a day."
"China has been exploiting the United States, infiltrating our universities, and stealing our intellectual property."
"Children are not cash cows to exploit for profit."
"It's always the scam based on someone in trouble who plays on our goodness and our good nature."
"To turn a child into a political tool is a deeply wrong thing."
"The exploitation of the child for whom I feel awful, really truly."
"I'm not okay with exploiting people's deaths for views."
"Exploitation is a very lucrative game, and people who do it are not really fond of those who try to stop it."
"Latin American prospects are exploited in a corrupt system that does not treat them the same as the prospects in the United States, Canada, or Puerto Rico."
"Video games are supposed to be entertaining, supposed to be enjoyable, supposed to be a distraction from your normal miserable life. They're not supposed to be designed to milk you for every last penny in your bank account."
"TLC was once an educational aid created for those who didn't have access to it; now it's exploited the lives of so many people for the sake of brand recognition."
"Exploitation never disappears; it only changes how it presents itself according to the complaints of its time."
"The kafala system...promised very good working conditions, excellent living conditions, and better pay. However, once the migrant traveled to their new workplace, they'd quickly realize those were all just lies."
"Respecting people just because of what you can gain from them is exploitation."
"The America we now know... was built upon an economic model that exploited the... labor and time and generations of black people."
"Do not let these people take advantage of your kindness."
"It's sad to me that when accidents happen or they have to go to the hospital or their kid breaks their leg, their first instinct is to whip out the camera and make money off of it."
"But that doesn't change the fact that she's come from humble beginnings and has screwed over people that look very much like her."
"People invent vile things to make themselves rich off the back of families of little kids who've been blown to pieces with a machine gun... I think that is actually a line I wouldn't cross."
"There's no direct evidence of sexual abuse of children... but you could make the case that some of the things... could be deemed as sexually exploitative of children."
"We become a product to them and they want so much of us... but you are still a person who is allowed to feel."
"He's defined what he believes to be nauseating evil: It's the strong that exploit the weak."
"He just knows exactly what he's able to get away with and he abuses it so hard."
"It's very short-sighted and dangerous to exploit resources and ecosystems that we don't truly understand."
"Who profits when we optimize ourselves into oblivion?"
"You don't need to talk about secret cabals... there's a great deal of exploitation in the world and yes, the powerful manipulate systems in extraordinary ways which we can discern and understand."
"Pedophile [ __ ] is getting out of hand for you to even take a child and think you could trade a child for some Nikes is really getting out of [ __ ]."
"She gave these people false hope, shortened the time they had left, and took thousands of dollars from potentially struggling families."
"The only way for people to escape the exploitation they find themselves living under is to work together in solidarity."
"It's a pretty good swindle they have going on, to be honest."
"Humanity may be guilty of it's logical to believe that if creatures like Pokemon did exist we'd see these organizations naturally evolved to take on those who profit from their exploitation."
"If you want to become an excellent poker player... figure out how to exploit their weaknesses."
"I'm definitely angry with myself for letting people take advantage of me."
"I'm sorry that we live in a culture that commodifies sexuality of unwilling participants."
"People who fall for these things almost always are good people, they're just good people who are hurt in some way."
"They're not trying to solve the problem. They're trying to exploit emotions."
"Despite using coercive methods to extract wealth from the Congo, Leopold retained his international reputation as a philanthropist and an opponent of the slave trade."
"An unarmed population is much easier to exploit and torture after the guns go."
"China is exploiting our weaknesses, notably capitalism."
"Don't exploit, don't lie, God is anti-exploitation."
"It was natural for them to seize from the vulnerable; if it was acceptable to exploit the weak, her actions should also be acceptable."
"Exploitation is easy if you're not paying attention."
"We cannot allow them to extract from the black community and separate us."
"We're talking about children and women that are being sexually exploited."
"They are taking advantage they are accelerating this division and this nonsense."
"Without a doubt in my mind, this MLM is clearly preying upon people's fears of cancer."
"Searching for the good in someone who thinks nothing of you is how they condition us to become accustomed to being treated like [__]."
"These guys were not my friends, they were comfortable using me and my platform."
"He didn't just manipulate and take advantage of young girls who hadn't found their voices yet or their independence yet."
"Many of them make their money appealing to desperate people who'd give anything to reconnect with a lost loved one."
"I don't take well to my friends and family and good people being exploited and I do not take well to people being told lies and expecting really exciting things in their lives by people who are lying to them."
"Reminder here, Roblox is making money from widely children developers creating the experiences on their site with a payment structure that makes it virtually impossible for those developers to make any money."
"Because you're getting played and you're gonna get screwed out of your money."
"The cartels exploit them by asking them to carry Fentanyl and other narcotics across the border when they're walking into the United States."
"They just want to represent your child to try and make money out of them."
"France's historical relationship with Chad has been a topic of concern with allegations of exploitation."
"It's been the easiest money printing for influencers."
"Whoever they are though, they successfully used the greed of influencers and their following to design one of the grossest rug pulls of all time."
"The whole thing screams incredibly predatory... we don't need more Jake Pauls and Austin McBrooms running around in the world."
"Not all that glitters is gold is gold gold is not all that glitters is gold do not let them take advantage of you do not see this new change so we're gonna change the beauty community there might be ulterior motives there be mindful of that."
"At the end of the day I think most of these influencer scams are all about power abuse."
"The companies need the employees more than the employees need the company."
"Mental manipulation is one of those ways... They could care less about you and I personally. They use us as collectives to complete a goal."
"That girl loves you and you know it. That's why you go over there, stay when you wanna stay, have sex when you wanna have sex, 'cause she's just your own personal 7-Eleven. 24 hours, 7 days a week." - Judge Lake
"Over 60 percent had been asked to provide sexual services to high-profile individuals, usually either businessmen or politicians."
"Humans sadly do best: find a large attractive Target, hunt it down, and don't know when to stop."
"EA is taking advantage of The Sims and these casual players who play it."
"It's about the bag dude. If it's about... if you're willing to put it out there for a bunch of [__] perverts to see, like, right? Like, yo, take advantage of the purse. Do it."
"Let me just say this is a story about a social justice warrior... who tried to exploit copyright law... openly bragged they were doing it."
"The children are props... they're nothing more than objects."
"All this company is reaching for is your vulnerabilities, your devotion, and most of all, your wallet."
"She's clearly very manipulative, and she's using her brother and sister-in-law as like mommy daddy right now."
"Putin is using Russian ethnic minorities as expendable pawns in his war against Ukraine, and it’s horrifying."
"I feel like the music industry has treated artists like [] for so long, and exploited dreamers and taken advantage of people who have a passion for this []."
"To me, exploiting another person's feelings for personal gain is unforgivable."
"Why were we brought here in the first place? It was about business, baby. It was about making a profit off of us." - Vikki Dillard
"It's pretty [ __ ] crazy, basically slavery. I mean, it is slavery."
"The Amazon Twitch system works by trapping vulnerable people and providing a temporary solution to a permanent problem."
"MLMs prey on vulnerable people and promise them a life of rich extravagance."
"From all the reviews I read, it's just an exploitive movie of a real-world tragedy that happened to this young girl."
"An odd weakness, but a useful one for heroes to exploit while trying to defeat this wily character."
"The credit system in this country is an industry designed to prey on poor and desperate people."
"Exploitation by the elites: they don't care about you, they don't care about us."
"Britney said, 'They've done a good job at exploiting my life.'"
"I just don't like when I see a particular industry trying to take advantage of someone because they're going through a very special time in their lives."
"Let's start with why this is happening in the first place... it's basically a blatant cash grab."
"That's the only thing that's going to work here okay you are not allowed to use them for content heartbreaking truly heartbreaking."
"Her father collects a $100,000 salary from her."
"Drivers forced to pee in bottles to meet quotas."
"You exploit your power over others, you play God."
"I'm not saying Bill Belichick's the only football coach that tries to do that, but it feels as if the Patriots are always the organization that finds a way to get through a situation and exploit it to benefit themselves the most."
"A lot of men are out here buying women. They buy you to stay silent. They buy you to bite your tongue. They buy you to keep your self-esteem low."
"Britney Spears has been taken advantage of since she was a child, thrust into the spotlight by her family."
"What a disgusting type of person you have to be to use pictures of an innocent little girl just born into the world to try and scam people for their hard-earned money for absolutely no reason."
"Christianity is the most anthropocentric religion the world has seen."
"By destroying Pagan animism, Christianity made it possible to exploit nature in a mood of indifference."
"Manchester United is a cash cow to them, and they're going to milk every single bit out of Manchester United."
"Bonnie was convinced that Kenneth could heal her. Unfortunately, she ended up passing away, believing that she didn't give enough to Kenneth."
"Tricking naive or impressionable young children or swindling the elderly or the vulnerable out of their money."
"We were manipulated to not like each other for the gain of these people."
"When anything is just that damn sexy, people are always going to look for ways to capitalize on it."
"Anyone who’s worked in a job where they say 'we’re like family here' knows that that’s just an excuse your boss uses to guilt you into overworking."
"White supremacy always discards its tools when it's finished with them."
"I think that the culture should generally be encouraged to not take advantage of people like that."
"Every day this government finds a new way to wrought the Australian people."
"How predatory is it to plug your MLM to your students and then try to get them to join so you can make money off us when we're already struggling to pay student loans?"
"Let's not prey on people who are already in vulnerable spots."
"To the public, you were lied to and your Goodwill is being both weaponized and abused."
"The atomization, the individualization of exploitation has been one of the biggest hurdles to the left labor movement."
"He doesn't give a damn about you... he will do nothing for you other than sell you a pipe dream."
"Every woman here is beautiful. I think you're all beautiful."
"It's about time we had some exploitation in the film industry."
"They're exploiting you right, like they're making a mockery of you."
"So much more unites us than divides us, and we cannot allow people to use our hearts as the place where they're making money by teaching us to hate our fellow Americans."
"If a therapist encourages you to reconnect with your abusive family, they're pimping you."
"Seeing something so nefarious attach itself to something so innocent and charming is just disappointing."
"Instead of embracing the amazing capabilities of these beings they seek to capture them secretly and try to understand and use the power possessed."
"They took advantage of this situation and they denied export permits for Jewish families."
"If you care about America, you ought to oppose the exploitation of Americans, whether it's happening in the inner city or on Wall Street."
"I really can't stand people who take advantage of other people... Because you know it's just wrong... Why do you need to negatively affect somebody else?"
"The monster in this case wasn't just Brandon Andrew Clark, the monsters were also the people that seized upon this moment to try and make it their own."
"It seemed once again that people were exploiting the audience of a creator just for money."
"It's very exploitive, they get them young and they don't tell them all the consequences and they don't pay them properly and they don't represent them properly."
"Most people manipulate fighters just like probably this industry as well where people just want to take advantage and get as much as they can out of the people."
"It seems to me that although Chris knows that, he is still willing to suck money out of any mentally vulnerable person who may stumble across his books or courses."
"Leave people with cancer alone, please. Please don't bring somebody with cancer into your pyramid scheme."
"He's an energy vampire he sucks a lot of people for their energy their youth and then he just spits them out."
"It's too easy to blame the traffickers and the people smugglers they are merely leeching on the misery of people that is already there."
"Capitalism is a system that is based on exploitation and profit and the only thing fundamentally to exploit is the earth."
"Host clubs make us recognize how powerful effective labor is and how it can be used and abused."
"This guy's a scumbag, I mean he's going after vulnerable people."
"I've taken advantage of Amazon without Amazon's clear and affirmative consent. I've used and abused and manhandled its algorithms."
"The absence of a grown-up conversation about masculinity... creates a huge market for irresponsible people to exploit it."