
Future Planning Quotes

There are 4787 quotes

"Dopamine amplifies our ability to think into the future to make additional plans that are unrelated to what you just did."
"Most human beings, what actually will get you feeling like you're not stuck is having something in the future that you're looking forward to or taking a class where you're learning something."
"Put your past to rest, understand and improve your present personality, design the future you want to live."
"He decided to buy a new home the next day, bringing him one step closer to the future he envisioned with his mother."
"Reducing instant gratification and increasing delayed gratification is an investment in your future mental health and success."
"Self-love is doing things for your future self."
"Creating a well-aligned future, that's the idea."
"Develop your personal vision, the positive motivating picture of your future."
"I want the rest of your life, whether you got five or 50 years left, to be the best of your life."
"You do live out a story, and it's a good idea to know what story you've been living out and know where you want to go in the future."
"It's always about what you do with today and how you're shaping tomorrow."
"My younger self-sacrificed for me. How could I not be so excited, how could I not have so much self-love?"
"Sacrifice creates paradise. Truly becoming successful is sacrificing today for a better tomorrow."
"Plan for the future, but don't forget to live in the moment and appreciate the now."
"Nobody can predict the future. What you need to do is be financially educated and prepare for anything."
"Rock bottom is the solid foundation to build the future."
"I also feel this year overall there'll be some sort of deal that you do or something that will benefit you long term."
"There was just this profound kind of emptiness on the other side of that, of, 'Oh, what do I dream now? What do I hope for in my future?'"
"You have to back it up with those actions, and that's what's going to change the reality 30, 60, 90 days from now, or a year from now."
"Fast forward to where you are. Look at yourself in 10, 15, 20 years time and ask yourself the question, is that where I want to be? And if the answer's no, then you need to find a new path."
"Taking care of yourself is taking care of the future."
"Perseverance is also laying the groundwork for what comes next."
"The incredible value of these sample return programs is that we can save large fractions of the sample... for future analytical capabilities for new hypotheses to be tested in the future that we don't even know to test yet."
"Anybody can deal with a difficult today if they have a compelling tomorrow."
"The conundrum that we're dealing with is how do we make ourselves do things that are short-term painful in service to our future selves?"
"Part of keeping it great is making sure that we tell these stories and we tell our past so that we can understand our present and our future."
"Instead, you ought to say, 'If the Lord wishes, we will live and do this or do that.'"
"The 40-year-old you is depending on you to do the things that you supposed to do. The 60-year-old you is depending on you to do right now what you supposed to do."
"It's a little bit sad to finish that project... The main question is, what's the next project?"
"If I'm a 35-year-old now, I'm 30 now, but I have 177,000 days left to live, roughly, if I meet the life expectancy of the USA."
"Show me your friends, and I'll show you your future."
"You can't design a future if you're not a person. If you're not authentically here, what future will you design?"
"My goal in being here is to try to provide you with a sense of certainty about the future."
"I think we have to plan for a future where our resource might not be as in demand as it is today."
"You are the creator of your own life. What are you going to create for your future?"
"Focus on living in the present moment. What you do today, right now, is going to determine where you end up tomorrow, next week, next month, ten years from now, 20 years from now, 30 years from now."
"Vision...having a vision for how you want your life to unfold."
"If life on Earth is threatened...one of the reasons to explore the rest of the universe is to give us options."
"I am controlling my financial future with my will."
"Paint a vision of the new future, that's accessible, people can imagine themselves in that role, they can see themselves in that new future."
"Social Security has a $2.85 trillion surplus in its trust fund and can pay out every benefit owed to every eligible American for the next 13 years."
"The point...is just finding small ways to feel satisfied...gives you a reason to repeat the good habit in the future."
"When that happens, you want to have a plan in place."
"If everyone could kind of get taken care of and guys learn how to manage their money right, your life could be pretty good at 60 and 65."
"Live for today, remember yesterday, plan for tomorrow."
"The only way to guarantee that you are never going to get there is to spend every 24-hour period of your life thinking and fantasizing about the future without taking any steps towards it."
"I look at my future self and I ask myself what's that guy saying to me today."
"You're paving the road right now for your future with these new decisions and this new inspiration."
"You make sacrifices in the present towards something you hope will be good in the future, and you hope that pleases the reality, and it smiles on you."
"Imagine you could have the life that would be worth giving up some of the instant gratification for. What would that look like?"
"I think if you really love your family, you're thinking about what they're going to experience when you are gone."
"Now is the time to make the most of now. If there's hard decisions to make, now feels like it could be more complicated later in the year."
"In one year's time, what would I regret not having started today?"
"All that matters is what we're doing today and what we decide to do with the next few days ahead of us."
"You never know the toes you step on today might be connected to the leg that leads to the butt you have to kiss tomorrow."
"You should always invest in yourself. Don't be scared to invest in yourself because at the end of the day, you're going to thank yourself in the next 10 years."
"I have 24 hours and they're mine. This 24 hours belongs to me. Whatever I'm doing in this 24 hours will determine where I'll be tomorrow and the next day."
"Investing in cleaning a cup this morning, when you come in at night, you made sure your future was better because the cup was clean as soon as you arrived in the house."
"Your life in 10 years, your improvement in one year, they are the results of the sacrifices you make, the work you put in today."
"The most endearing thing that you can do is look out for your future self."
"The reason that I'm a marketing major is because I'm excited about it and I want to do that for the rest of my life."
"Your ability to sacrifice comfort today for your future self's benefits literally dictates how your life will go."
"Humans process the world narratively... and those plots and plans are then associated with emotions because... we as the humans are able through plotting and planning to imagine a future that's distinct from the present, which creates desire or fear or hope."
"Thinking logically and deeply about the future means that where you want to be five years from now, and five months from now, and five days from now should inform what you do today."
"Being intentional means you could start designing the future that you want for yourselves."
"It is also possible that our retirement years will not be fully healthy."
"We have a we have an ethical obligation even to our future selves."
"This is where you really need to start your addiction to saving... a little bit of today, this whole concept of deferred gratification, can turn into a tremendous, great big, beautiful tomorrow."
"Making good choices in the present will give you a past worth being proud of."
"Astrology is a great way to prepare you for what is to come."
"Live like no one else now so you can live like no one else and give like no one else in the future."
"They're looking to create a really stable future which is very good."
"We're really optimistic about what we're going to do in the future."
"The purpose of memory is to extract out from the past lessons to structure the future."
"The single best gift that we as parents can give our kids is to not live in their basement in the future."
"Preservation is not just what's happening in the next 2 or 3 years; it's about what's happening in the next two or three decades."
"Formal education like college has its place, but it has consistently been losing people's trust in its ability to secure their future."
"The pernicious influence of our distorted perspective of the past has seemingly paralyzed our ability to be flexible and creative about how we view and shape our present and future."
"Skincare is an investment; you take care of your skin now so that you don't have to worry about it as much in the future."
"What is your future self saying yes to? Who is your future self? What do you want to commit to 100%?"
"Get used to money leaving you to go and wait for you in your future."
"So happy that I made the decision to do that, and I fully intend on continuing this through 2024."
"Whatever it is that you're working on... it's going to put you and your future self in a position of power and a position of abundance."
"You're really going to be setting yourself up for success. I feel like you guys are going to be doing a lot of things in the present moment that are going to make your future self very happy."
"See yourself on that two-year journey, and imagine where you could be in two years' time."
"You are today setting into motion thought currents which will, in time, attract toward you thoughts, people, and conditions in harmony with the predominant note of your thought."
"The idea of taking a thing and priming it to do work for us in the future, particularly work involving things with variables such as time delays and buffer sizes, is very powerful indeed."
"I'm very bad at making my mind up on stuff, so I was like, 'What if it doesn't work out later on down the line? I need to have A levels so I can at least then try out university.'"
"The nature of saving itself is that we are delaying present consumption and looking further into the future and engaging in longer-term production processes."
"What are my goals? Who do I want to be in ten years, and what do I need to do to get there?"
"I wanted to make a decision today that I look back on in two years and I'm glad that I made it."
"Let's go forward and create a really, really, really good future."
"The quality of my future is depending upon the quality of my choices now."
"I don't want that to be my kids, the decisions that I made today impacts that."
"If you don't work on the craft or the skill that it is that you see yourself doing in the future, you're not gonna do it well."
"The discipline you exhibit today will determine the amount of dollars you have in the future."
"Who are you becoming? That's a really good question. It sort of leads you to telescope out, right? Looking at whatever the current decisions and behaviors are, it's like, what does this look like in a year? What does this look like in three years? What does this look like in 10 years?"
"Trust me, it's so worth it, and your future self will thank you down the line."
"Perhaps then in the end, no FTL is a blessing in disguise, because it might compel us to work together for the future for something bigger than ourselves."
"Being in love with somebody and wanting to build a family... I want to build a family with you."
"We need some exciting things maybe to look forward to in the year of 2021 instead of just being bombarded with all this media news all the time."
"Just let your tears fall down, no need to worry about tomorrow, baby, 'cause you got time to figure it out."
"If you learn to self-criticize and self-improve, in two or three years' time, you can put yourself in a completely different place."
"Place a bet on the you that's waking up tomorrow, give that person the support that they deserve."
"You got to put building blocks down to ensure that we have a better future for future generations, even if you are not going to see the immediate tangible benefits right now."
"You need to think about your future and leave all this bling bling crap alone. When you're ready for the watch, you will get the watch. You're not ready."
"I made a good move, sounds like I did good for future me."
"I work hard now so that tomorrow I don't have to."
"We need to be prepared for the next go-round."
"Now is the time to shake them off and dream of a new future into being."
"You know that you can invest in your future, because that's what confident, optimistic countries do." - Justin Trudeau
"Live below your means. Put away as much as you can because that is taking care of your future self."
"Shape your future. Start here. That will be connected with the link to the 2020 census where you can apply on by internet."
"I'm not working just for a paycheck; I'm working for a future."
"10x is where you imagine a seemingly impossible future and you use that future to dictate your strategy, not the past."
"Your decisions will define the values and future of this community."
"What is the difference between someone who is financially well off and someone who has the capability of being financially well off but they're not? This person who is financially well off was willing to sacrifice things for 12 months to change the next 12 years of their life."
"Right now, you are taking care of your future health. And as we all know, the most important thing we have isn't our car, isn't our handbag, it is our health."
"The worst thing you can do right now is nothing. Don't be the guy who refuses to look at the future."
"You've got to dream. Don't lose your dreams for yourself, for your future, for your family."
"He thought they were in love and would carry on with their plans of moving in together and waiting for their daughter."
"By setting up small parts of the Star League and the SLDF to survive at the heart of the Inner Sphere in secret, speaks to me that he hoped that maybe someday, perhaps in a better future, he or his forces may in some way return to restore the former glory of Star League."
"Investing is one way you can start to build and secure your child's future, whether you're planning short or long-term."
"Tesla is preparing for 2030 better than anyone else... and that is battery supply."
"Sacrificing today for a better tomorrow becomes very challenging because we all want to live in big houses, drive fast cars, and make poor financial decisions while we're young that really eat us up down the road."
"In the sixties, the big thing you want to start thinking about is what happens if I'm not here. Who's going to take care of the folks that might still depend on me?"
"Work hard, dedicate yourself, and do the best you can because there is no tomorrow."
"At five percent interest, investing 500 a month in the stock market for the next 30 years is over 420 thousand dollars."
"They have a big vision of the future, big goals, big dreams."
"Don't steal from your future to clean up your present."
"I'm all about enjoying your money. You only live once... but I'm also passionate about being financially independent and feeling financially secure for the future."
"The ability to delay gratification is the hallmark of maturity and a crucial part of the process of adapting to present actions for future consequences."
"You aren't just you right now; you're you and you tomorrow and you next week and you in 10 years."
"What would happen if you abided by your conscience for five years or for ten years? What sort of position might you be in?"
"Your word says in Jeremiah 29:11, 'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the LORD, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'"
"That will allow us in the future to be able to design a planetary defense mission if we need to."
"They think about like marriage and stuff with you."
"Be faithful in what is before you today because it opens the door for tomorrow."
"What the experts are telling us is that we must do everything we can today and tomorrow to set us on the right path for next week and next month."
"If you're wise, you act in the present so that the future you will benefit from your actions in the present."
"Almost anything you have to deal with is dealing with something in the future... You're probably better off knowing something about probability than not."
"I want to take care of you, have babies with you, grow old with you."
"Trust in a well-planned future, but also revel in the spontaneity of the present."
"I'll never be the same, but I'll make damn sure Eric never comes back. After all, I have a kid on the way now, Mom."
"It is natural to want to control your environment. It is natural to guarantee your children their future."
"We must prevent climate change, lay claim to the land which may yet be taken by rising sea levels, and make the world habitable for our children."
"I don't like to think that far because it makes me stressed that I have to commit to that thing that I just planned."
"Past results do not guarantee future success."
"Study, read books, get yourself an education, and that will give you a future."
"Our knowledge of the past helps us to make sense of the present and plan for the future."
"There is some probability that Tesla will make a car smaller than a Model 3 in the future."
"I would like that in the future people could use all this as something as a basis for what they have come to do, like a map."
"Money means nothing. What it really means is your freedom. You sacrifice all this freedom in the past so that you could have freedom in the future when you retire."
"What I want to share with you today is equally important for every single one of you and hopefully what I share with you today will help to drive your purpose and shed some light on your future."
"You're going to have to cut some people, places, and things out of your life that do not fit in your future."
"We have these powerful tools and we need to learn how to use them in a way that's green and sustainable and helps to build a better future for people and our planet."
"The people who win the most...are the ones who predict the next five years the most accurately."
"You got to save your money, you got to plan for the future."
"At the end of the day, no one's going to look out for your future but yourself."
"Investing in the frontier of science, however remote it may seem in its relevance to what you're doing today, is a way of stockpiling the seed corns of future harvests of this nation."
"The vaccine will be important in 18 months or whenever it does get licensed."
"The future can be saved, can be rescued, can turn out a lot better if we start to make sense of things in a very logical, sensible way."
"This administration's policy is to make sure that we build the jobs of the future we want, not continuing to nibble at an economy that is no longer going to be where our future lies."
"One of my motivations was I didn't want to be a burden to anyone in my family in my later years."
"You're going to outgrow where you're at right now."
"You're going to be so stable, you're going to be so stable in your future."
"You have to be committed to the future that you say you want, and it's not enough for it to just be in your head as a fantasy; it has to be actionable, behavioral, and consistent."
"Think about the next 10 years and where do you want to position yourself for the next 10 years starting now."
"Sustainability involves living in a way that meets our needs today without compromising future generations."
"Do the things today that others are afraid of, so tomorrow you can do what others only dream of."
"I will get married when I meet my king, and I will be an exceptional wife when the time is right."
"You multiply time by spending time on things today that create more time tomorrow."
"It's called preemptive programming... you put out in movies and television programs the world you want to go into."
"Just be patient and do the things today that you 10 years from now needed you to do."
"Finally, the grantor gains the motivation to look ahead, reflecting on his actions."
"The purpose of memory isn't to remember the past, the purpose of memory is so that you figure out what went wrong when something went wrong so you don't duplicate it in the future."
"Having healthy relationships impacts our tomorrow."
"Now is historical moments, a time not only to fight severe virus but to shape the system for the need for the post-corona era."
"The only way I know is to literally build yourself up with sacrifice today so that your future self has a better life."
"Our survival necessitates new solutions to ensure a future both for ourselves and generations to come."
"We want people to think a little bit more about their futures and take it seriously when considering career options and education."
"It's not too late for us to get back on track, and if you're a younger person watching this video, understand that your actions today affect you down the road. Don't be one of those people who is complaining about not having enough retirement income when your retirement time comes."
"The virtue of progressive politics is not only are you bringing people with you through the politics and policies of inclusion, but our job as progressive politicians is always to have a radar a decade and plus out, and to prepare us for the next wave of challenges."
"We have decided that we want to take control of our health even more to figure out what things in the future might be a concern for our own health."
"There's always some chance that something could go wrong on Earth... so, it is very important, essential that over the long term, we become a multi-planet species."
"When we invest in ourselves, we're investing in what's next for all of us."
"I think most people predicted that the court would not overturn Roe v. Wade. It would maybe, you know, limit it at the edges, but boy, as soon as we heard the argument in that case, it was clear they were going for it."
"You cannot begin looking at the future and planning for the future until you've properly addressed the past."
"Why be safe when you can boldly step into what's next?"
"We've had this vision for a couple of years now... this is gonna be the beginning of something great."
"We need to come up with a specific and a smart plan for this uncertain future that lies ahead."
"We know we have a lot of work to do, and this one letter doesn't amount to any proof of the future."
"You got to live for your future over your feelings. Right now, you're sacrificing your future for your feelings."
"We could eliminate most of our problems... concentrate on the future that we would like to have and try to bring it into being."
"My next relationship is gonna be lit. That's the goal."
"Give yourself this tomorrow, and the next, and the next, and the next."
"Future orientation: Plan for the future, delayed gratification, progress is always best, tomorrow will be better."
"We may need universal basic income in addition to retraining, reskilling, and education for those who are left behind."
"Use the 10/10/10 rule... how will I feel about this in 10 minutes, 10 months, and what about ten years?"
"If we do not, the only guarantee about our future is that it comes with an expiration date."