
Terminal Illness Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"The medical assistance in dying program in Canada was sold to the Canadian public as a way to help people with terminal illnesses have better, more peaceful deaths."
"My caregiving started when my 17-year-old son was diagnosed with a terminal brain tumor, and I cared for him for 27 months until he sadly passed. It was a very overwhelming, stressful situation, and I am using that experience to help other patients and family caregivers better navigate their own injuries and illnesses."
"Terry Pratchett said he would sometimes get letters from people who were terminally ill who hoped that Terry's version was the one they were going to meet."
"Terminally ill patients whom doctors have given no hope are unexplainably cured."
"We got right to try approved. Now, if somebody's terminally ill, and if we think we have something that's going to work, we can actually use it."
"Do you or someone you know have cancer, Parkinson's Disease, Alzheimer's Disease, MS, stroke, heart disease. Have you come to the end of your treatment road? Why should you die before your time?"
"Join us next week for a documentary about terminal illness and the right to die in the suicide tourist."
"Father dying of cancer walks his two daughters down the aisle because he knows he won't get to do it on their wedding day."
"He just radiated positivity and this joy... Gilchrist is went above and beyond to me my son's final months."
"It really changes the way you look at things when you have a child with a terminal illness."
"Your loved one isn't dying because they're not eating and drinking... they're dying because they're dying."
"Why did finally confess to the murders after 25 years because he is terminally ill with stage 4 lung cancer."
"The woman in that photo is two days from Death, she was magnificent and she deserves so much better."
"So in her case it's already a foregone conclusion and I think what we were hoping to do was just help these last you know few moments for her be special because she realized how much people really care for her and her family."
"Cancer did n scare him and he would maintain that spirit to the very end."
"A 71-year-old with terminal cancer got to experience how cool the Cybertruck is."
"My husband married me knowing I had a limited life expectancy, knowing that I wasn't going to live to be 30 years old."
"No matter how ill he felt he never stopped working his last drawings were literally made on his deathbed."
"She was sent home to die with a week to live."
"My mom is terminally ill but she won't talk about her final days."
"Every extra day you're gonna get with a terminal condition is going to be a bonus."
"Finally, a woman calls her pastor and says, 'Reverend Jim, I just got back from the hospital and they told me I have terminal cancer. I was wondering if you could come over this afternoon.'"
"They will be married in the next few days. It may be very down to the wire as he is not expected to live more than a few days into April, but they will have their wish and their marriage."
"The idea of living on a bus came shortly after Matt had been diagnosed with terminal brain cancer."
"Because it's cancer, because it's a slow thing that you know is terminal, all you can think about is, 'I want to be with her all the time. I don't want to be on my own and go through this.'"
"These are stage four cancer patients they do not have any options left and they're able to extend their life."
"It is important that terminally ill persons should not have worries about their job."
"I'm dying, sweethearts. I have terminal cancer, maybe 2 months left at best."
"I've got a terminal cancer, but terminal doesn't mean you're going to die in the next 24 hours."
"These kids often don't have much time left, and it breaks my heart every time they come to visit the characters."
"I want to believe more than I do that in this moment this person with stage four cancer that the doctors have sent home to die can be restored right before my very eyes."
"I've had the honor of meeting a couple of people in my life with terminal diagnoses who will say, 'I've never been more alive because I know the end point and I know how many days I have left, and I'm going to live them to my fullest.'"
"It hurts me to watch him physically die; I'm trying so hard and taking every shift I can get to help."
"She was given a few months to live... we had no option left in Western medicine, so I convinced her to get on a plane and go."
"For the terminally ill, this should be a right, not a privilege."
"Let's make today's debate count; let this be the start of the process that gives real choice to those who are terminally ill."
"These experiences can play a role in how terminal illness and hospice services are viewed."
"If you know you're gonna die, they have cancer, they feel that their quality of life is a lot more better because they know they're going to live to live their fullest."
"I'm caring for a loved one in our family who has a terminal illness, so you guys enjoy."
"It's a really interesting take on terminal illness and death."
"The bride was diagnosed with terminal cancer... they also wanted to make sure he was her next of kin before the inevitable."
"Dementia is a terminal illness and is the third highest cause of death in Australia."
"The whole plot is that a woman is dying of cancer and wants to have one last dinner with her family."
"Patients who have cancer, especially terminal kinds of cancer, they can choose how to live what they have left."
"It's the fault in our stars by John Green."
"Patients with terminal conditions should be given access to experimental treatments that could potentially save lives."
"Without getting into too many details, around the writing of this book, Vicky herself was diagnosed with a terminal illness, and her experiences with that fueled the writing she did for Cinderpelt, embedding in it deep levels of grief, resignation, and grace."
"There's an 80% chance that a terminally ill cancer patient will say that they are vastly alleviated from their depression and are like 80% less afraid of dying after such a trip."
"Right to Try gives the over 1 million Americans who die from a terminal illness every year a new tool to fight and make potentially lifesaving decisions about their treatment right here at home."