
Attention Span Quotes

There are 157 quotes

"Technology is selecting for and entraining a shorter attention span, which is one of the reasons why ADHD is getting worse."
"The short attention span we have is so dangerous."
"Social media shapes their brains and reflects their mentality. They grow up in a world where attention span is very truncated."
"People today have attention spans that can only be measured in nanoseconds."
"Technology is shortening our attention spans and we sort of move a little bit societally towards ADHD."
"We need more...long-form conversations and growing your attention span so that you're not this 'Brave New World' type of brain."
"Our attention span is declining year after year."
"48% of people will skip a song before it's over."
"Our attention spans are pretty weak these days, you know. I know, right?"
"Destroying children's attention: starts with our schools."
"We have a global attention crisis. This is a serious problem significantly worse than it was for previous generations."
"In this day and age of attention span for social media, we've become accustomed to just watching a one-minute video."
"The attention span of the younger generation has severely decreased."
"People are smarter with longer attention spans than we thought."
"Micro is everything. I think people have too short of attention spans to appreciate the macro gods of brood war."
"Every human being can focus for around 15 to 20 minutes, maybe 30 minutes at any one time, and then they have to have to have to have a little break."
"Her remains are proving extremely valuable in teaching scientists about ice age baby mammoths."
"TickTok's design is neurologically damaging. Our attention spans have dropped to the lowest levels in recorded history."
"If our society functions in a way that reinforces short attention spans, no wonder we are all so freaking distracted."
"The greatest gift I can give my child is a long attention span."
"Let's put out long form. Let's be the antidote to the attention compression."
"Reading is one of those things that actually expands that intention span a lot."
"We are the most easily distracted group of people to have ever walked the face of the Earth."
"We gave the public indoctrination system minimum 12 years of our life, we should at least have the same attention span for the truth."
"The game can't hold your attention forever, it's not supposed to."
"The American attention span is either like 3 hours or 6 seconds, that's it."
"For all the impatient people with no attention span..."
"By reducing your screen time, you're allowing your brain's attention span to thrive and flourish."
"When it comes to YouTube shorts visuals variety and speed are king."
"James understands that his viewers have a low attention span so whilst the leaked company documents represent the hard evidence for the backdoor operations of big tech."
"Consumers as a an amorphous mass of people do have a really short memory and attention span."
"The other reason is that this new distracted generation is reading at a 7th or 8th grade level and studies have shown that a distracted mind is much less likely to catch on to small details and nuance."
"People don't really want to give those their full attention."
"People love to say our attention spans are down, but if something is interesting enough, people will watch it to the end."
"People have the attention spans of goldfish."
"Nobody watches 27 minutes of a 27-minute video anyway, right?"
"You're training your neurology to be distracted, not to focus."
"Engaging people in the modern age... remember that people's attention span is very, very short."
"It's real fighting, it's different, and it's fast-paced. It's perfect for today's ADD society."
"Life is short but it's still longer than your attention span."
"Sometimes people just don't want to watch a whole video."
"You'd think a minute isn't that long, but somehow these videos make a minute seem like a full-length movie."
"The hook is basically the first 3 seconds of the video if you can't nail this part you're going to lose them instantly people's attention spans are lower than ever especially on Tik Tok so having a good hook is crucial."
"I don't have a short attention span, and most people these days who are used to binging TV shows on a weekend for hours and hours are used to watching the same thing for extended periods of time."
"These are the people with the tiny little PE brains who can't focus on a piece of content for more than 5 Seconds."
"I showed it to my six-year-old about 6 months ago and he watched the entire thing straight through."
"If you think it's too long, then you're on the wrong channel."
"People's attention span is so low, they can't deal with 15 seconds of a story."
"You could be growing attention span, rather than decreasing it. You could be growing multi-perspective, multi-perspectival kind of capacity through the nature of what that AI pointed at your brain is optimizing for."
"Having an effect on attention span means it's gonna make me more one marshmallow everywhere, including offline."
"No matter how good your message is, if you can't win those first few seconds, you've already lost."
"Our public education system needs to learn how to actually hold attention."
"The average adult can track it for about 20 minutes. It looks like we have very many above-average individuals here tonight."
"The fact that we can't sit silent for more than 30 seconds worries me."
"I think everybody's lowkey getting ADHD off of social media. Like, come on, how many of us got programmed for the 25-second clip when Instagram first came out?"
"You know by the standards of academia I have a very short attention span."
"Attention span is not a good one. I've already kind of gotten a little bit, kind of like 82. Yeah. It's kind of like well, yeah, you can find the 6.5 Creedmoor under a rock somewhere."
"People get bored quickly, especially nowadays. You have TikTok where you just want to watch five-second videos and move to the next one."
"It's a powerful and practical book that is especially helpful nowadays in this world filled with distractions and shortened attention spans."
"Congrats, you have a longer attention span than 90 percent of people on the internet."
"You stayed till the end of this video. They didn't stay to the end of the post-credits scene."
"This is my favorite part about the app because the journeys are designed to be interactive specifically to engage your attention span."
"It's not going to take long before everyone gets bored of them and moves on to something else."
"Sadly, I've got to leave this video here. It's well past the 2-minute attention span that I seem to achieve on nearly every video I upload to Youtube."
"The average twitch chatter has the attention span of a rat."
"There's no attention span, there's no commitment to it even buying concert tickets."
"Nobody wants to sit there and listen to it anyway they just want to experience it for a couple seconds so you did it and then you know move on."
"Most hiring managers are looking at dozens of portfolios, so they're only going to spend a couple of minutes on yours."
"Not every video needs to be 40 minutes."
"For attention span, practicing focusing on one object at a time without distractions helps build it up."
"People have short attention spans and short memories."
"Attention spans have been completely altered with the likes of tech talk and Instagram reels."
"There's some long form songs that go, but on the traditional end, it's shorter songs 'cause the attention span of some, you know what I mean?"
"That's a long video for us to watch. I have a short attention span."
"If you're just introducing them to groundwork, you want to keep your sessions as short as possible just because their attention span is really small."
"You don't want to make videos that are under 1 minute long."
"...somehow at home she'll sit and watch an entire movie but when she gets on a plane she only wants to watch for like five minutes and then she's over it."
"It seems to me now though that this is a generation of kids who are brought up watching TikTok, Instagram, little short videos, bam bam bam."
"There's so much dense content within it that most people forget half the show or more through the first watch."
"If your transitions drag on for too long, you will lose them."
"Most people don't really care to listen to a long story anyway, they're probably just being polite."
"Old movies are pretty amazing, it's also nice to watch something where they weren't like, 'We gotta keep their attention.'"
"People's attention spans are only going to keep getting worse and worse and with that, short form content is only going to keep getting bigger and bigger."
"I think sometimes I have the attention span of a demented bullet."
"It's like an evolutionary niche that needs to be filled because my attention span is so short."
"Even if it isn't good, I think people's attention spans are even smaller now."
"Kids attention spans are kind of like adults nowadays, pretty short."
"People's eyeballs glaze over like Krispy Kremes after seven minutes of listening to some guy just prattling at them."
"Just giving them that invitation to maybe try the activity again can be a way to help lengthen that concentration."
"My attention span is so short I had to take breaks here and there."
"The average human has an attention span of just 8.25 seconds."
"Attention span is affecting things in real life, like music."
"I will say, what the heck? Why are all these movies three hours long? Like, I don't care how good the movie is, it's like at some point you lose focus and you're kind of like starting to be like, okay, how much longer?"
"The average attention span is what, seven seconds or something nowadays?"
"The brain cannot absorb what the seat cannot endure."
"Social Media... has killed attention span as we know it."
"We live in a world where we only have a second or two to capture the viewer's attention."
"Television today is responsible for shortening people's concentration span."
"Study after study shows that students who can pay attention longer without becoming distracted have higher GPA."
"On average, recruiters look at your CV from six to eight seconds before making a decision."
"Most people have short attention spans and it kind of blows over pretty quick too."
"Developing a longer attention span is crucial because a child has to be able to attend to something in order to have longer opportunities to learn new concepts."
"People's memories and attention spans are very short."
"I really don't buy into the idea that people nowadays can only consume any type of content in TikTok or Twitter style sound bites or 30 second snippets."
"Our attention spans are not shrinking... we have this capacity to stay with content over a long period of time."
"Quick being the optimum word here because of the internet and its attention span."
"On average, a recruiter spends six seconds on every resume they look at."
"Statistically speaking, people scrolling on social media have a short span of attention."
"The world is full of ADD people; we either have four hours of attention span or 14 seconds, maybe six, maybe one."
"Our attention span has literally reduced to minus 3 seconds."
"Remember, people don't have that long attention span... think of if you were to deliver this in five minutes, how can you get the biggest benefits of what you're presenting of your product in as little time as possible."
"The internet never forgets, but it also has a short attention span."
"We live in a world of TikTok, YouTube shorts, and Instagram reels, where you're getting used to not being able to focus for longer than six minutes at a time."
"What have you done for me lately? It's a 'I have zero patience and zero attention span' world."
"This is the age of the short story, maybe because we all have shorter attention spans."
"Make sure that your child already has an attention span that is the amount of time you are going to be reading the book."
"Have you noticed how the content that we watch is getting shorter and shorter?"
"We absolutely have a society that is shortening our attention span."
"In a world where attention spans are shrinking, these apps offer a bite-sized engaging user experience that fits seamlessly into our fast-paced lives."
"Practice should also be short; it's important not to bore students with long lessons."
"People's attention spans are either two and a half hours long for Netflix or 30 seconds long for TikToks."
"You've obviously got a higher attention span, you're a better student, you're more intellectual, and you seek real knowledge."
"The average attention span of the Western individual's brain has reduced from 12 seconds in 2002 to 8 seconds in 2012."
"The clickbait has taken over; it feels like people's attention spans have shrunk so much."
"It's a long book in a time of short attention spans."
"If it takes longer than a second, the user starts to lose focus."
"After that one second of staring at a blank screen, users are more likely to just step away and basically never come back to your site."
"We Americans have a very short attention span anyway."
"We already have data showing that 20 year olds playing this even for six weeks can improve their sustained attention ability."
"The idea of interest is just not there in the general public anymore because... everybody's attention span is so, so short."
"It's the too long; didn't read generation, too long didn't watch."
"It's really frustrating to accept that this is the direction that we're heading in right now with modifying our attention spans."
"As attention spans in the cultural Zeitgeist dwindle ever shorter, more and more we see TikToks and YouTube shorts becoming the norm in how people consume and disseminate their ideas and ideologies."
"It's been said that people got a short attention span; they're not gonna be thinking about this the next three hours, three days. Move on, let it go, take the high road."
"I never spent too much time on one thing because people's attention span is very short."