
Prophet Muhammad Quotes

There are 133 quotes

"Always try to...take our advice from the best example that we have, that is the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam."
"The secret of his (Prophet Muhammad's) capacity was gratitude."
"Love of the Prophet SAW is a very slippery slope...it's very easy to exaggerate that love."
"The true celebration of the Prophet SAW is by following his message."
"Increase in salawat today, increase in the prayers upon the Prophet Muhammad."
"The prophet saws used to help...in the house."
"Only God is to be worshipped... and He is worshipped based upon the methodology and the customs of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him."
"Let us listen to the series with a different intention, to know the Prophet's profile better, to love him more."
"Wasn't there anybody that had mercy in his heart to stop this from taking place?" - This really demonstrates the Prophet's tenderness for romanticism.
"When you're talking about the universe being made of water, the Prophet Muhammad explained that to say that before there was nothing, only Allah. Then Allah had the Arsh and water, and from that element of water, then the creation began."
"To be a true visionary, you need to have a very clear goal in mind. Our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had the greatest mission known to mankind."
"Emotional stability is the sign of a true leader. Our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was always in control, always emotionally stable."
"The Prophet accomplished more with less and in a swifter timeframe, leaving a more permanent legacy than any human being."
"The Prophet sallallaahu alayhi Salaam defined what it means to be a man."
"Muhammad didn't have the ability to write, yet he would recite the Quran."
"Islam teaches tolerance, forgiveness, and mercy, as exemplified by the Prophet's life."
"Prophet Muhammad was the cause of the fulfillment of the promise of a great nation to Ishmael."
"Islam was given by God to all the prophets, perfected by God in Muhammad's time."
"If Prophet Muhammad was a false prophet, why would he introduce so many of those laws?"
"The prophet Muhammad was awe-inspired and shocked by the revelation."
"Part of the sunnah of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam: food was water and dates."
"I love about learning about the Sahaba, it's like getting reintroduced to the Prophet (saws) through every one of their stories."
"To judge Islam, look into the Quran and the noble life of Prophet Muhammad."
"If you really love your Prophet's life, then take on his mission. Represent it."
"Writing will be common, and imagine in a society when the Prophet was sent in Mecca, barely 12 people knew how to read and write."
"Oh Prophet, truly we have sent thee as a witness, a bearer of glad tidings, and a warner."
"The Hadith supposed to be inspired by the same spirit that inspired Prophet Muhammad."
"Our Prophet was the most praised human being on the planet."
"This is one of the principles utilized by the Prophet Muhammad to make sure that his virtue of charity was also being adopted by all of his followers."
"Muslims, learn from your prophet. Be grand. Have an o and an aura around you."
"Once there was a valley full of livestock he was standing over at, watching all the wealth that has fallen to Muslims. So the prophet said, 'Do you like what you see?' He said, 'Yes.' He goes, 'Go, it is all yours.'"
"I have seen king's gifts and I have seen prince's gifts and I have seen chief's gifts. This is the gift of none but the Prophet only. Prophets have hearts like this."
"The Prophet Muhammad was the most courageous of mankind."
"The Prophet's marriages weren't predatory; they followed societal norms of the time."
"What is the miracle if if Muhammad here is that the prophet was could read the Quran without ever having been exposed to the Quran before?"
"At today's time, the messenger Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, is the way, the truth, and the life. No man cometh unto almighty God but through the teachings of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him."
"If I were to meet the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) on the Day of Judgment, I'd embrace him. What can one say in that moment? What can he say? Even if you ask a question, sometimes the companions themselves wouldn't dare to talk."
"We're gonna be inshallah, if you guys you can't hate us for the truth you know unfortunately this is what other du are talking about intimacy like this when you look at the prophet he was very open with the shabab."
"Prepare to be amazed as we discuss the 10 miracles of Prophet Muhammad that science has confirmed today, especially the last one. It will shock you."
"Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam was once asked, 'Why don't you curse the disbelievers?' and he said, 'I was not sent as a cursor.'"
"It was the Prophet (peace be upon him) who brought forth this categorization."
"The Prophet (peace be upon him) explicitly mentioned that there are going to be 10 major signs of Judgment Day."
"We ask Allah in this evening to make our biggest shaffir the grand intercessor Prophet Muhammad."
"Our Prophet Muhammad was the freest of all of Allah's creation on earth."
"A leader like the Prophet (SAW) himself."
"Self-care is part of the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace be upon him)."
"The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is historically a complete anomaly. We cannot compare any other religious or secular leaders to what he did."
"So in the case of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, I've already indicated that he used marriages for political and social purposes."
"Allah chose Prophet Muhammad for himself. That's why he could only be attached to Allah azzawajal."
"So Sha'ban is a month which a lot of people underestimate. It's a big month and the Prophet really looked after it throughout his life."
"...the process of the Prophet sallallah alaihi wasallam is bringing to life the sequence of the names of Allah in people's."
"If there's one person who truly carried the weight of the world, it would be the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, but yet he was always smiling."
"There can be such a thing as too much jealousy, as seen in the example of the Prophet's wife."
"Our Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam... was he not beset by setbacks?... Did he not feel sorrow? Yes, he did."
"Look into Islam, look into the life of the Prophet Muhammad."
"Ibrahim wanted all of humanity to come towards the Kaaba. That was his desire, and our Prophet fulfilled that wish."
"As we stand here praying in this direction, we are fulfilling the wish of Ibrahim through the legacy of our beloved Messenger."
"We ask Allah to imbibe us with the love of the Prophet Muhammad, to make us those who truly love him, and to accept from us."
"Even when the Prophet, peace be upon him, came... Christians would be honored when they'd sit with them."
"Every single step of the Prophet was a miracle. Anything he did was so that we can have an easier life."
"The smile and the cry of the Prophet, moments in the life of the Prophet where he would smile, and moments where he would cry."
"The Prophet Muhammad likened society to a boat, where individuals' actions affect the whole."
"He's saying the prophet Muhammad is not a true Prophet because he married Aisha at six."
"Prophet Muhammad gave us a very clear description of the Dajjal."
"Two important points: Islamophobia is not something new, it began in the time of the Holy Prophet, and just because he is masoom doesn't mean he has no feelings."
"Read the biography of the prophet Muhammad."
"When someone attacks our Prophet, we react. But if you ask many of us to reply academically, you'll find many Muslims have no relationship with Rasul Allah whatsoever."
"The Prophet Muhammad emphasized that there is no compulsion in religion."
"If the Prophet Muhammad wanted Islam to be spread through compulsion, then this religion would not have got as far as it did today."
"Islam spread because of the spirituality of this Prophet, not because he put a sword to people."
"If Islam was a religion that compels you to join, was there a sword put on their neck? No."
"The Prophet Muhammad had no intention of having a community that compels someone to believe in their way."
"The Prophet Muhammad said: 'I have been sent in order to perfect moral virtues.'"
"The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was an embodiment of mercy in both teaching and example."
"We are from the Ummah of Muhammad, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam."
"We have to thank Allah for making us Muslims from the Prophet Muhammad, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam. That's an incredible honor to us."
"The Quran, revealed in the year 610 in the ninth month on the 19th night, while Muhammad was in the cave."
"Allow us to drink from the hands of our beloved Messenger Muhammad, sallallahu alaihi wasallam."
"All of the principles of Islam which Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, was preaching from the day one, those are the main principles of Islam."
"The best way to honor the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, who is described as a mercy to the world, is to embody mercy and compassion, which is the fundamental message of the Quran."
"The greatest exegesis of the Quran is the person of the prophet."
"The prophet's mannerism was the Quran."
"We believe that Muhammad peace be upon him was the last and the final messenger."
"Let us Begin by following the model established by God himself through his Prophet Muhammad."
"The great affection and love that Muslims have for the Prophet Muhammad... it's a very personal, passionate love because of his character, because of his teaching, because of the way he treated people."
"...we have evidence from the lifetime of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon Him of the Quran."
"When the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) migrated to Medina, his tribe brought him as a young child as a token and they presented him to the Prophet as their prized possession."
"You need to go look at the history of the Prophet Muhammad, look at his character prior to Islam, during Islam, what his enemies said about him."
"We did not send you, O Muhammad, except as a mercy to mankind."
"The Prophet used to smile; nobody smiled more than the Prophet."
"The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) often reminds us to hold fast to the Sunnah."
"The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) tells us that the community after him will not agree on an error."
"Everybody venerated the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam."
"Emulating the character of the Prophet Muhammad."
"Prophet Muhammad peace be upon Him is the last and most respected prophet in Islam."
"If one sought to summarize the life of the Prophet Muhammad in just one word, what would it be? My proposition is that the one word that encapsulates his life best is 'thabat', which translates to immovability or steadfastness."
"We believe in the finality of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him."
"Our life and the source of our power is the nazar of Prophet ﷺ."
"If you got the attention of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ looking at you, know that Allah (AJ) sees through his eyes."
"Convey on behalf of the Prophet Muhammad in the best of ways."
"The true love of me is in following him."
"We look to the life of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam as a means of trying to inspire us and to give us solutions."
"Swearing to only worship Allah and to follow the word of his Prophet Muhammad."
"The greatest miracle that the prophet Muhammad had ever encountered and experienced is the book of Allah, the Holy Quran."
"Prophet Muhammad was a sound man, intelligent man."
"Date is a favorite of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him."
"It shows you what kind of man the Prophet Muhammad was - a welcoming man, a compassionate man, a kind man."
"He was human and that he had these emotions and it's someone we can relate to."
"The Quran is the last message, the last revelation revealed to Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him."
"The significance of the mirage of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and his family."
"It is enough honor for the Prophet Muhammad that no foot or any presence of a human being ever existed on the surface of this earth better than him."
"We have arrived at the point where the Prophet (peace be upon him) has left Makkah and he has now begun his first day in Madina."
"Everything was done for Prophet ﷺ to be happy."
"He sacrificed himself for Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ."
"We want to know what is really good about Prophet Muhammad."
"The greatest messenger and prophet that Allah had ever sent to mankind is our beloved Prophet Muhammad."
"The Prophet Muhammad led by a great example, he sacrificed the most and strived the most."
"As that Muhammadan light is occupying then who begins, Prophet ﷺ begins to bring in the beatific lights of Allah’s (AJ) Divinely Grace because it's now a perfected character."
"‘The Opener’ is opening then the 18th name from Dalail ul Khairat of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ - 'Nabiur Rahmah (The Prophet of Mercy).'"
"The things that were given to Prophet Muhammad to give to us as in humanity, which is other than the Quran."
"We commence as always by praising Allah, sending complete blessings and salutations upon the Masterpiece Muhammad."
"Muhammad is the highest of creation, the most blessed, the most honored, loved and favored by Allah."
"When we lose ourselves and Allah plants us into the oceans of Muhammad Rasulullah, every flower that manifests, every rose that manifests is a manifestation of Sayyidina Muhammad SAW."
"The Prophet Muhammad was a comprehensive human being who had to deal with different scenarios at different times."
"She chose the Prophet Muhammad because of his amazing qualities."
"The Prophet Salallahu, when he had to speak the truth, he was never shy from speaking the truth."
"This pact was made in Jahiliyyah, but the Prophet said that we would honor it because it was something good."
"Prophet Muhammad was known by his society as a truthful, honest person."