
Articulation Quotes

There are 628 quotes

"Your capacity to be articulate is a great indicator of your general competence."
"The impact I want to have is I want to articulate things in such a way that people actually view a different world than they viewed before they heard what I said about it."
"You're here on a heroic mission. You're going to take your capacity to articulate yourself to levels that you can't even imagine."
"There's nothing that's better for you and for society than being articulated and educated in the highest possible manner."
"If you graduate articulated and powerful, there will be people giving you so many opportunities you won't even be able to keep up with them."
"The human mind struggles to articulate these things... the formless has to find a form."
"I am personally amazed with his ability to understand extremely difficult issues and to articulate them in very simple ways."
"He's very articulate, he's well-spoken, and he has convictions."
"Clarity of thought is the most important. The articulation of thought is most important so that you're clear and succinct."
"People who sharpen their arguments properly, can articulate their position and defend it, are always the people who are most successful and compelling."
"There is nothing more powerful than someone who is articulate and they can speak. It's power."
"The reason that you come to university to be educated is because there is nothing more powerful than someone who is articulate and they can speak. It's power."
"The ideas that bind us that are deep, they're not generally articulated, and so when they're challenged, those who hold them have no idea what to say."
"Thinking makes you act effectively in the world; thinking makes you win the battles you undertake."
"It's one of those moments where you I mean literally you know what to do it was actually very interesting because I'm very rarely at a loss for words."
"The confidence it takes in a person to both like recognize the value and being able to be articulate and then like to actually speak up and ask something like that."
"People sleep on Lil Baby because of that little light slur, but some of the things he says go underappreciated because of it."
"Teach people to be articulate because that's the most dangerous thing you can possibly be."
"The figure itself is excellent. It's highly accurate to the source material, it's huge relatively speaking, and it articulates very well."
"Violence is the language of the inarticulate, non-violence is the weapon that knows no defeat."
"There's a huge difference between knowing something and being able to articulate it."
"You come to university to be educated because there is nothing more powerful than someone who is articulate."
"Rational articulate conversations are a rarity these days."
"Introducing a dizzying amount of articulation, creating a super poseability that completely changed the way we collect and display action figures."
"It's better to articulate these things rather than just showing how angry and upset I am."
"I know how to speak and articulate myself properly."
"I just love these figures you can even move its neck around so you can turn its head and move its arms you can swivel them."
"He's a very positive brother very knowledgeable like this no he wouldn't do you know he's a very very uh mature brother and way more articulate so peace."
"Debates are really more about being articulate than they are about presenting the superior ideas."
"You need to articulate what's wrong with certain things in our culture, particularly the drug thing."
"The articulation is pretty neat, so I can do all sorts of like action poses and stuff."
"Eric seems like a thoughtful, articulate person for the first time in a while."
"Communication: convey your thoughts through empathy and articulation."
"Curiosity is one thing, but actually communicating, articulating, and verbalizing that is the most important piece."
"Becoming more articulate means that you're more clearly understood."
"I had to start thinking in detail about things that I hadn't previously articulated this way, but they had to be articulated because that was the purpose of writing the book."
"She has got to have the best ankle rocker pivot that I have seen on a figure so far."
"When you're listening to Mike, there's a uniqueness to him that I want to point out. It's that not only can he do these things but he can articulate them. That's rare for an athlete."
"Despite him being incredibly bulky and to be fair not looking as if though he actually has that many joints in him, he's probably one of the most articulated third-party pieces that I at least own in my collection."
"Just because you don't understand it, doesn't make it not articulate."
"I handle feelings very well, I'm emotionally aware and can properly articulate what I'm feeling."
"Chris Brown killed that [__] he was articulate he was witty he he went below the belt like there was no mumbling he he like articulated every single bar you couldn't have Miss what he was saying"
"There has to be a point where we actually begin to articulate our own humanity."
"This little girl is so articulate... she says, 'You can get in trouble.'"
"Learning to articulate your thoughts and express yourself clearly is a wonderful skill that can impact almost all aspects of our lives."
"You're so intelligent, young people, and you're very articulate."
"Everything changes with words, articulate the truth."
"I think conservative ideas work; we need people who believe in them and are willing to articulate them and put them as powerfully as they can."
"I think the articulation was fantastic; that was one of the best features of this new vehicle."
"If you want to make yourself articulate, then not only should you read, but you should write down what you think."
"The rudiment thing for me is, I did it more because I wanted to be more articulate than people."
"Articulation wise, the head's on a ball joint so it can look up, it can look down, rotate left to right."
"Overall for articulation and detail, this leader class is really, really very astounding."
"The lyrics are so fast and specific and hard to say."
"...how to articulate complicated thoughts clearly..."
"It's really hard for me to articulate the emotion that I felt today."
"...when you have an original idea and you feel like you have an original idea or insights initially initially it's very hard to formulate it you have to make a lot of effort to put it into words..."
"If I have to be honest, I think hers might be finding the right words."
"This is one of those books that I love so much that I just don't even properly know how to articulate my thoughts on."
"If we have the language to articulate something then we are one step closer to finding a solution."
"You've articulated something that I felt myself but could never quite find the words to say myself."
"I am gonna go with five answers. I apologize guys, I'm usually a little bit more articulate and I most of them most of the movies they watch aren't quite this emotional but this was an incredible movie."
"you do have some posable Fingers um the index finger is on a hinge at the base and a hinge right there and the other three fingers are just on a hinge at the base and a hinge right there but those are just one piece so you got some nice posable fingers there"
"And they were so sure of themselves, and so positive and articulate."
"The hinges protrude from his anus and also hinder the waist articulation."
"Well, if I could think what I know, I wouldn't be able to put it into words."
"You just embarrassed yourself in front of what? 50, 70,000 people live that you're not able to have a coherent, articulate discussion with another adult. Hell, you didn't even want to do it in person, which tells me the type of man that you are."
"This is like a lot of what I've been thinking but it was it's been put into really beautiful words."
"I think it's just art, I think it's just being articulate."
"Good articulation of ideas requires forethought."
"Our job is not just the coding; we should be able to articulate our thoughts to a lot of folks. Correct."
"It's as if I am equals M.C. squared, and then he comes back and he articulates it."
"There is an unbelievable amount of opportunity and intelligence associated with those who can put into words what they think."
"The ability to fluently articulate your thoughts and your ideas is very, very important."
"I'm pretty impressed with how much articulation you get."
"Wow you really laid out your points really well man."
"I feel like you're putting a lot of our thoughts and emotions into words."
"When you play a game where you can sit next to anybody at the end and articulate your gameplay, that's the game you want to play."
"You can pull off some insane poses. I already talked about the weird ass hip joints. They move forward and they move back."
"The Spider-Man Noir figure takes articulation to a whole another level."
"There's plenty of articulation to get into all kinds of shooting poses."
"You're getting one heck of an action figure and then again one heck of an art piece despite the articulation."
"If you can articulate why you're doing something, then I have less of a problem with it."
"Articulate mathematically and make predictions."
"Know your worth and be prepared to speak to it."
"You are so articulate you just you say things so well."
"...this thing articulates crazy, comes with a decent amount of accessories, great price point, completely love this figure."
"The articulation of this figure is overall extremely impressive."
"I can't articulate my anger right now."
"Even the articulation works flawlessly at this size."
"All of the fingers are individually articulated."
"Knowing how to clearly articulate what you want, what you're doing, what information you need to convey."
"Articulated fingers are awesome and they definitely do help in not only getting the figures in more natural poses but also in fact actually making them look slightly cooler in terms of photography."
"So you're going to want to pop the chest up, rotate here at the waist, and then rotate at the thighs and watch this guys bang, look at that we now get ankle pivot which is amazing for getting him into some of those slightly more dynamic poses."
"One day I'll make sure I articulate myself much better next time."
"The one most important function of the leader is to be at least able to articulate a norm this is right this is wrong this is what we accept this is what we don't."
"Physicality sometimes affects articulation. You're tired and tired affects articulation."
"It's really hard to articulate just how big it feels."
"Connect words. Instead of saying 'Could you join me?' say 'Could you join me?' It sounds like one word."
"At the time people were looking for somebody who is going to articulate their words or their ills, he did that well."
"All of these guys are talking about system this system that but they can't actually articulate what the system is."
"That's just crazy articulation, that's not even something you see on Bandai's DX line of toys."
"When people can see something argued for, explained, and articulable in words, they feel it's okay to believe these things. It's not so stupid to believe these things."
"People who can articulate their sense of purpose live about seven years longer than people who are rudderless."
"You're a great man and you're smart, you're intelligent, you're very articulate."
"The biggest reason is articulation. We want this truck to be a pretty capable Trail rig, so we want some nice Flex out of the suspension."
"If the roadmap isn't right it might be because the product strategy hasn't been really clearly articulated."
"Your ability to solve the problem and to be selected for the expert to be that solution to the problem will depend will be directly proportional to your ability to be able to articulate the problem."
"Having this skill in articulating the problem is key if you want to solve the solution for them, if you want to solve the problem for them. And to be selected for the job."
"It's very hard to ask people what they want. And if they know what they want, they often can't articulate it. They don't know what words to use to convey the idea."
"Articulating the problem is more important than solving it."
"People will automatically believe that you have the solution for them if you can articulate the problem better than they can, right."
"You mix and match the articulating arms."
"Clearly articulate how these will benefit the company and contribute to achieving its goals."
"Maintain your distance, be articulate, say what it is that you want."
"Some people think you're very articulate."
"We go back to a place where all of us can articulate what it is we believe."
"It is a sign of Christian faithfulness to run into questions and not away from them. As we ask questions, we help other people who may not have yet articulated the question that way, but they're greatly helped by how you will articulate the question."
"It was one of those things where even if you wrote this all down on paper it doesn't sound good."
"...this looks like almost the exact same figure you've got your spikes you've got all of the same articulation for the most part you have a stunning head sculpt that looks like it leapt right off the comic page."
"He has such an amazing way with words."
"The most valuable soft skills you can have is just your ability to articulate information, your ability to speak well and speak at a high level."
"Her responses to questions and her conversations were quite articulate."
"They think I'm the only [__] from Atlanta from the west side that actually can articulate themselves, you know what I'm saying? They think I'm the only one."
"...And the articulation on Spider-Man is pretty damn insane."
"The articulation on him is better than pretty much any other Spider-Man figure that I've seen."
"Hasbro have set out their stake that their Power Rangers Megazord releases were more articulated versions of what you got in Japan."
"I think the Mafex did everything right; articulation on this thing is awesome."
"The Marvel Legends, the mouth moves obviously because they're mainly humans, but look at that, this wonderful head articulation!"
"That looks absolutely wonderful, alright? And so these shoulder guards right here are gonna restrict the arm from moving to a certain degree, but he still moves really well."
"...not a bad set of articulation points I just wish the biceps could move like a five do is the only thing I wish it could do."
"It's a tough thing to, you know, even somebody who's relatively verbal as I am to put into words."
"Let me say this, this action figure, although he doesn't have like elbow type joints, he does have shoulder ones."
"The way that statement was crafted it was really, really good like I'm not even gonna hold you it was really, really crafted very well."
"Every once in a while we encounter a concept so intuitive that we never really give any thought on how to articulate it."
"...stands in contrast to the popular belief of what a mad person was because he's educated and articulate"
"I want to be explicitly prepared to voice my opinions and my feelings in a way that is on point and perfectly articulated to what is going on in my head."
"What makes us human is that we are articulate beings."
"That's how important it is that the journalist and that the lawyer can hear the story and that the person who's been through it can find air to articulate it even as mad as it sounds."
"...that makes them say 'whoa I've always known that but I've never put words to that sensation.'"
"I recommend heating them up before articulating them because they are stiff."
"Individually articulated fingers, including the thumb."
"A marked improvement in articulation compared to the official MP version."
"Dynamic poses with the addition of a waist rotation."
"The articulation on the torso is not that great."
"This guy can articulate like a mother and in some ways even puts the shame some of the Legacy and Studio series figures."
"Each figure's articulation is another aspect that stands out and adds another layer of excitement to the crew."
"For articulation, he does have a jaw which can open and close, we get ball joints here at the shoulders, rotation once again here at the elbow, rotation at the wrist."
"Overall, for articulation, this figure is incredibly well articulated."
"Despite Bulkhead being on the larger side he does have some fantastic articulation."
"In terms of articulation, the head is on a ball joint so it can look left to right as well as look up quite far this looks further up than the masked version and it can also look down."
"...articulation is a huge focus of mine when building, so I'm glad I was able to incorporate as much as I did while still maintaining all the important transformation capabilities."
"The articulation can be a bit frustrating, you have to map it out, you have to think about it as you go."
"Elle's ability to articulate his ideas is impressive."
"All three figures are amazing in terms of their value for money, design-wise, paint-wise, and in particular articulation is off the charts."
"...the detail as well as the articulation certainly is impressive."
"I didn't think it could get any better in terms of articulation, well Optimus Prime may have just topped both Primal and Bumblebee."
"I love the fact that you can articulate this."
"The articulation in the Indo Raptor is just insane."
"You hit the spot when you talk. You have the right words."
"...it helps to articulate things, wonderful."
"She has put into words things that I've tried to for so long."
"It's like a completely different contextual universe for us, because we know that if someone experiences a trauma, their suffering is way worse if they don't articulate it."
"The figures were constructed like Star Wars or Fisher-Price's adventure people - five points of articulation all with original molds."
"It's your ability to speak at length and develop your ideas."
"Roberto Gamba who is the director of custom insulation here at the Macintosh group uh describes it as as a extreme level articulation."
"I think if you can think it through and it makes sense and you can explain it and articulate it you know you got a decent shot."
"Learn how to think out loud, how to express your thoughts, even when they're not fully formed."
"Still, the phrasing used when describing them suggests that merging these two phonemes is probably fine."
"The measure of your intelligence when you are speaking... is your perspective or your viewpoint or your idea."
"...these figures are bloody brilliant...they look accurate to the show...the head sculpt is outstanding and the articulation is more than serviceable to pull off some decent poses."
"It's just kind of funky but anyway let's go ahead and move on into the articulation for this guy."
"The most important thing one of the most difficult things is discovering and just kind of articulating what your passion is."
"Have an opinion. The interviewer isn't looking for a right answer; they want to see that you can articulate and show your thoughts in a clear and concise way."
"So in this first core function, it will be important for you to be able to articulate your idea in terms of how it's gonna serve this core function."
"...this flash articulates basically in every direction..."
"It's honestly hard to articulate just how sadistic and sociopathic this is."
"When I hear this stuff really nicely situated in my head and I'm a part of it, that's when very subtle variations in articulation can have a big impact."
"You're articulate and intelligent, adding value to conversations. Your depth and honesty shine through."
"The noise in the system... is making it very hard for us to articulate where we are in this point in human history and what we're going to do."
"I've never met a first-rate painter who wasn't highly intelligent and extremely articulate in his own terms."
"they really kind of were able to redeem themselves there. Baton Rouge with 15 points of articulation."
"She's so good at articulating her emotions."
"This one is pretty self-explanatory. Are you communicating well?"
"Capitalism is literally just being born, and he is saying stuff that it would take another 200 years to be articulated in different language."
"I'm really happy with the articulation on this buck."
"I would say have a vision of what you want to say."
"The articulation, of course, is your similar ultimate figure. The arms go all the way around, you do get a bicep cut, double-jointed pinless elbows..."
"...that's the thing about dry lay when you're trying to figure out where to start with your toe you don't drive me take a look at it howdy want it to look do you want slippers do you want to divide distances I always divide everything and try to hide it so that's it."
"Difficulty expressing thoughts: it's hard to formulate and articulate thoughts."
"It's difficult to explain, the words are difficult."
"I don't know if you hear what I was saying, the fact that it didn't touch my lips made me speak much better."
"The articulation on Bishop really caught me by surprise, considering the design of the character. I love what they did here."
"Mesco did a great job with the ab crunch considering the design they went with, so I'm very happy with that."
"The big thing is, it's damn articulated for what it is."
"Articulation for Long Shot, the neck is articulated which I think is awesome."
"This is one of those things where I feel like I like the Catwoman it should have had more articulation but uh it suffered in that manner."
"This amazing figure is 1 6 scale and has 30 points of articulation so you can pose your figure for perfect display."
"If you can articulate a vision... you're lightyears ahead of others."
"He's still a great looking figure, he just doesn't hold up that well in terms of articulation."