
Literacy Quotes

There are 1492 quotes

"Our education system is appalling...with the computer technology we have now, every child should be an expert word and letter recognizer."
"Europe and the United States achieved universal literacy by the middle of the 20th century, and the rest of the world is catching up."
"Not understanding the general meaning of the paragraphs is the biggest problem."
"Our literacy rates are tanking, and many critical thinking skills go out the window when you can't even comprehend what you're reading."
"Our aim should be to attain universal literacy at a very high level, to achieve not only greater economic prosperity but also greater social justice and more effective democracy."
"I was very much struck by how the translation of the biblical writings jump-started the development of literacy across the entire world."
"Social spending has achieved massive gains in literacy, health, and reducing poverty the world over."
"To read is not a virtue, but to read well is an art."
"If you're not reading on grade level by the third or fourth grade, your chance of dropping out before you graduate goes up like four times normal."
"The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read or write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn."
"Illiteracy rate in inner cities right now is over 70%... that is crazy. That is crazy across the United States entirely, 40%."
"You know how hard it is to learn how to read when you can't read?"
"Books are a vital way that children, adolescents, and adults learn about themselves and our world. Bans such as these are nothing but harmful."
"If you're looking to facilitate people's ability to make positive changes in their own life, there is nothing you can do that's more helpful to that than to make them literate."
"Iowa has the highest literacy rate in the nation and the highest high school graduation rate in the country too."
"Ninety percent of the world's population under the age of twenty-five can read and write."
"Having a culture in which reading is more common and encouraged promotes literacy in general, which is crucial for societal progress."
"What are we afraid of? Are we afraid of our own children? Do we forget that they are citizens too and entitled to the essential freedom to read?"
"Science literacy is so important in modern civilization."
"Gift books for kids that are around you, read them with kids every time there's a chance to celebrate a holiday."
"If you focus on the plot of the story you're reading, then you develop the ability to learn to read independently."
"The importance to the Puritans of individual understanding of the Bible spurred them to promote widespread literacy."
"I founded a non-profit that does literacy and art programming in the county jails."
"Fluent reading ability is not reliant on conscious intellectual knowledge of how words are spelled but intuitive knowledge of the general appearance of words."
"You can't achieve the American Dream if you can't read and write."
"Literacy is now understood as a means of identification, understanding, interpretation, creation, and communication in an increasingly digital, text-mediated, information-rich, and fast-changing world."
"Literacy isn't just the ability to read or write but wanting to do it, to being confident in it, and using reading and writing to do things for yourself and for your society."
"The ability to read, write, and communicate connects people to one another and empowers them to achieve things they never thought possible."
"I think teaching people to read and write is a good thing."
"Not only is this game good for literacy, it's good for fellowship. You're actually looking each other in the eyes and you're talking and you're having conversation."
"Nearly a billion people are illiterate. Try to imagine your life being illiterate."
"We need historical literacy, not just about financial literacy, but also literacy because a lot of the stuff, and you see this all the time, the problems that the crypto space is working through, people have worked through already."
"The American people are so busy watching television and playing games nobody is reading nobody is questioning anything."
"Read, write, think right. That's what we need."
"The best thing you can do is read and write every day."
"I think the hopeful part though is that the people who are being messaged to have a much higher literacy around what this is."
"A report shows the lack of financial literacy costs 15 percent of adults at least ten thousand dollars in 2022."
"Reading accessibility and book accessibility are a wonderful thing. Widespread literacy is a wonderful thing."
"It's not just political stuff like a discussion happening right now in America is about the way that we've been teaching children to read now."
"Take a look, it's in a book, it's Reading Rainbow."
"Literacy is a direct correlation to the prison population."
"Yes, so my idea is to put free book vending machines in the book deserts of Baltimore, and what does that look like? Okay, so this looks like machines in everyday spaces where you least expect it but where the need is the highest."
"I think education is really awesome. I think it's really valuable. I think education, the only way that someone like you is able to write a book is cuz someone taught you how to read and write."
"Reading opens your world. It allows you to express and see yourself in places you can never imagine."
"There's definitely a need for more financial literacy."
"Our beloved Queen unveiled the Marcus rashford book club bookshelves."
"Special shout out to Levar Burton and Reading Rainbow."
"My boyfriend who is not confident in reading and has a lower reading level has felt empowered to read God's word."
"The freedom to write, the freedom to read, the freedom to speak."
"A few people read 50 non-fiction books a year. Be part of the few, not the many."
"CinemaSins is an easy synecdoche for poor media literacy."
"The Quran has created literacy in the world."
"The printing press became a cornerstone of education, shaping the modern era by fostering literacy and influencing scientific and cultural advancements."
"From the earliest age, the boy had been a prodigious devourer of books."
"Read them a lot: facts, ideas, geography... Fiction, reading, reading, reading."
"The illiteracy that exists in this country when it comes to evaluating policy or government or media is astounding."
"Tricking people into voting for me is a whole lot easier when nobody can read."
"They are allowed to have other interests as well, and reading."
"Muhammad didn't have the ability to write, yet he would recite the Quran."
"Foundational literacy and numeracy are indispensable prerequisites for all future schooling and lifelong learning." - Professor Indu Kumar
"Every kid feels like they're doing good, but in reality, the reading and writing is not good for our next generations."
"I wanted to talk about how desperately we all of us need to keep reading."
"You gotta read, you gotta put out incredible accurate information."
"Read the entire Bible, 72 books of the Bible written by 40 authors."
"Let's face it let's actually read the books that we buy if you actually want to know even more about how to store your books and actually how to create a proper library in your home."
"Those who don't read have no advantage over those who can't."
"Reading is like gaining your freedom. You don't have to be a lawyer to be able to just read something in English and understand what it means."
"Reading is sexy, reading is cool, being an intellectual is cool."
"Reading is the only virus we want to be infectious this year."
"Writing, I think, is indispensable. I think there's no question that literacy and creativity and the telling of stories are what makes societies distinctive and culturally enriching places to be part of."
"You can't be scientifically literate or an educated member of society if you don't understand the rudiments of evolution."
"I need everyone to stop what they're doing right now and go read... it's literally two pages."
"Read with children so that they read better."
"Developing multimodal literacy is about thinking about it. It's about being a bit more analytical about what you're seeing and viewing and hearing the way those things work together and developing a kind of deeper understanding of them."
"Reading is the master skill that must be taught."
"Writing is the thing that holds the whole world together - you can excel in any industry."
"We love the idea of kids reading comics... because we love the idea of kids reading comics."
"All it takes is for one person in the household or perhaps just the local community who is able and willing to read aloud for other people to be able to consume and understand written text."
"I'd argue that all it takes is for there to be one person in the household or perhaps just the local community who is able and willing to read aloud for other people to be able to consume and understand written text."
"Creativity now is as important in education as literacy."
"Increase in literacy, yet knowledge will decrease."
"Reading is more than just reading a book: It goes from Facebook posts, blogs, recipes, labels, commands on your cell phone, signs on the road, and so on."
"If you are stupid enough to not spell 'harmonious' right, you don't deserve it."
"It's good that they're at least putting it back in and hopefully they'll use that to help some kids pick it up and read it."
"You should abstract the flag a little bit. We can be creative here, come on."
"Kids love reading. Some don't, but I think just setting aside time to read to them..."
"Our kids are reading below grade level and someone has to take responsibility for that."
"Most Muslims hardly ever read the Quran with try understanding."
"I absolutely love this app because it really really teaches him all his letters, the sounds, how to spell words."
"The misconception of medieval illiteracy arises from applying conditions of medieval England to all of Europe."
"Of course people could read, evidenced by the popularity of written works like medieval cookbooks."
"You can be literate and still be uneducated in varying fields."
"Teaching people to read and write is a good thing."
"It is beyond a functional piece, it is a matter of literacy. The sword is a way of conveying an idea."
"Having my own non-profit would be the perfect idea, so I started up my non-profit Books Without Borders."
"Knowledge and literacy provide for a bountiful tomorrow."
"Learning to read, we need to know our alphabet, we need to know our letter sounds."
"There's never an age that's too young for kids to start reading."
"Reading books regularly can help you widen your vocabulary."
"The print Revolution is changing in fundamental ways how the literate population relates to society and to each other literally changing people's minds."
"Early American education was to teach you to read so that you could draw close to God."
"Whites weren't taking money away from blacks, and the situation of blacks in terms of literacy rate and professional skills right after slavery was better than that of the Chinese or Indians or Africans."
"What's the biggest problem? Financial literacy."
"We have the number one literacy rate in the world now."
"She started the Imagination Library. Every child born in Sevier County would receive a book every month."
"Literacy, without it wealth is just a pipe dream."
"You gotta do it by yourself. People see a book, what? If I had money, I would take it out of a bank and put it in a book."
"We just need to encourage people to read more, to learn more, to have a love of learning."
"Literacy is tougher than any Dark Souls boss."
"The pilgrims as they came out of Europe being persecuted, they said the only reason that the people have let the Queen get away with what she's doing is because they can't read."
"We have to start with science literacy for children and young people."
"95% of our 12 year-olds across India can read and write."
"The Islamic Golden Age boasted the highest literacy rate of the Middle Ages."
"The RZA got bars and knowledge because he read so many books."
"Barely literate America needs better schools."
"Because suddenly, it was important not just for scholars to learn to read, but for everyone, because the written word of God was the way to God."
"I understand why some people are like I just don't read bro I just don't read."
"Scientific literacy is a thing, and it's more than just memorizing some fun facts or knowing how to manipulate equations."
"The person who does not read has no advantage over the person who cannot read."
"Scammers are so dumb that they're spelling everything right."
"To be clear, there is no principled or long-lasting revolution happening without more literacy and informed thinking."
"Scientific literacy is more important than reading literacy."
"No longer can a people of another nation and another tongue tell us what our book says when we can read and comprehend and we can write."
"Literacy spreading in Song, even if they weren't able to read themselves, they would be easily able to find someone who can do that for them."
"Spelling king: library. Rich people don't have time for a movie but they read book all day in liberty."
"Children who cannot read proficiently by grade 3 are four times more likely to leave school without a diploma."
"Once they have discovered the joy of reading, your child will pick up books and just can't put them down."
"The majority of human beings did not have writing even up until the year 1900."
"Reading is still reading even if you put up the letters in some weird rhythmic order."
"Eating meals together is really important and doing a lot of reading."
"If you don't read you can't consider yourself a citizen you can't consider yourself worthy of voting even."
"A book is worthless without minds to read it, and neither can exist in a world that doesn’t."
"It's okay for us to disagree with each other but one thing for sure should be secured in schools right and is that our children are taught how to read write proper history."
"Learn how to read. Learn how to read. Guess what? I learned how to read!"
"The main cause of illiteracy was actually the lack of paper within many of these territories."
"Reading books is a trait that we should all have."
"Reading is fun, please take reading seriously."
"The more you read, talk, and write, the better you will get at communication."
"Cuba has one of the lowest rates of illiteracy in the world."
"Reading is good for the environment, especially if you share the books as well."
"We're going up against something like the history of Western civilization is pretty closely tied to a pretty narrow conception of literacy and intelligence."
"Columbus grows up knowing how to read and write."
"Over the last year, I have become obsessed with reading, writing, and storytelling as a whole."
"Nobody has ownership of information, that's why reading books moves civilization."
"Harab portrays himself as a scribe, which means he is a man who knows how to read and write."
"...I agree that part of being educated is writing to conform with the expectations of a literate readership..."
"My parents were refugees from Europe... they were literate."
"Reading is important because a lot of the stuff that you get from reading, it makes you."
"I see my name. How you know that? 'Cause you taught me how to read."
"I can't read. I can't really write either."
"You're actually making people read, like people that don't read."
"Books save lives, so keep reading."
"We are prone to less diseases, we are more literate, we kill each other less than we ever have."
"I've had a surprising number of letters from adults who unashamedly say, 'I picked it up and I really enjoyed it.'"
"She was literate in her teens, an unusual thing for girls in even the late Middle Ages."
"Reading for pleasure, the kind of reading you and I do all the time, is the major source of our literacy development."
"Sustained silent reading. The research has been stunning. Those in sustained silent reading generally do better, not even close."
"The true path to literacy is free voluntary reading."
"Reading itself gives you vocabulary, gives you spelling, are you listening Donald Trump? It gives you writing style, it gives you the basics of written literacy including academic literacy."
"Yaroslav also promoted literacy among his boyars, educating their children to read, write, and appreciate the finer points of Biblical scripture."
"It's good to know how to read, comprehend what you're reading, and apply it."
"At a time when only a minority could read and write, language is particularly important."
"There are literally tens of thousands of Chinese characters but generally there are around 20,000 that are in use in the modern day."
"Thankfully around 3,500 of those characters will cover you for 99.5% of the language that is actually used and spoken on a regular basis."
"Education, knowledge, to learn to read and write was given a lot of importance."
"Education is valuable. The only way that someone like you is able to write a book is cuz someone taught you how to read and write. Education on all levels is great."
"We both understand the ultimate joy and desire for collecting books and for owning books and building a library to extend."
"80% of those black men, many of whom obviously... were illiterate... voted in that election."
"In America, books are very expensive. If a family is going to own a book, they're going to own a Bible. And it's going to be a King James Bible."
"The ability to read is the key to a good life in every sense of the word. Reading is Central not just to enriching our own lives, extending our Horizons of our society, and building and sustaining a dynamic democracy."
"If your son can't read by the time he finishes the fifth grade there's a 75 chance he'll spend some of his adulthood in jail."
"There are periods in Western history when literacy disappears or is confined to very small circumstances."
"Reading exposes us to new vocabulary, sentence structures, and different writing styles. It can also spark our imagination and creativity."
"The pencil is the backbone of any successful reading life."
"Your support helps us continue making amazing audio books and other tools to help improve literacy."
"Okay, I wasn't sure where to post this for first time poster, longtime lurker. A little background, my father never properly learned to read and write. He came from a dysfunctional home but that's another story."
"Just try and stay financially literate. Wealth is not about how much you earn, it's about how much you spend."
"Reading can increase your vocabulary in more ways than you can possibly imagine."
"Israel is the first instance in world history of a literate populace."
"Motivation to become literate or acquire language doesn't matter. What counts is getting interesting stories."
"Free voluntary reading is in fact the source of our literacy knowledge."
"Reading can counter some of the effects of poverty."
"We don't teach our students reading skills... We teach them reading strategies... in the hope that they will become skillful readers."
"Students will not become readers... if they do comprehension questions and language work... It's copy, it's language analysis."
"Let's read a book. Let's read a book, you know what I'm saying? Like, let's start learning not to be so dependent on this demon, you know what I'm saying?"
"If students are not reading at grade level by the third grade, the odds that they will ever read at grade level are 1 in 17."
"Lavar Burton's iconic work as host of the children's educational TV series Reading Rainbow."
"We're reverting to a pre-verbal, pre-linguistic, certainly literate age in many parts of society."
"Financial literacy unlocks better choices and better security and better Pizza Papa John's."
"Stan Lee understood that kids might read comics but that is no excuse to dumb down the vocabulary."
"Some people don't like reading, some people have trouble reading."
"We're all readers, and those who think they're not readers just haven't found the books that interest them."
"Now, more than ever, literacy is critical to upholding, defending, protecting, and preserving vibrant and robust democracies."
"Literacy is at an all-time high, we're working to eliminate racism, intolerance, gender inequality."
"Here's a writer who cares about libraries, universities, and education at large, a prolific storyteller who has worked tirelessly to ensure that the children of his state have what it takes to read, learn, and become vital participants of our American culture."
"So please join me in celebrating this singularly caring and engaged American writer, our Library of Congress Literacy Champion, Mr. Stephen King."
"The literacy business model is to make you spend as much money as possible."
"If you can't read or write by the time you're 10, you're on your way to prison or to death. There's nothing else open for you."
"Give books to your library, get involved, get engaged with public schools."
"Children who grow up in homes where books are available where parents read where parents read to them those kids read it's as simple as that."