
Biotechnology Quotes

There are 455 quotes

"We are going to be in a very different world where we can control the age that we are in a way that we only dreamed of."
"Cuba has produced all these biotechnological innovations including a vaccine that can stop the spread of lung cancer cells."
"The future looks like this, that we can keep our bodies healthy by eating right, doing physical exercise, taking the right medicine slash supplements, and when that doesn't work and things fail, you can then rebuild the body, replace cells, put in your organs."
"Aging is not unidirectional. In my lab, we're driving it forwards and backwards."
"The coming Bio Revolution brings with it great promise and peril for humanity."
"The future may have looked like plastics, but in the 2020s we're taking the biological power of life itself to power a greener and more sustainable way to manufacture the chemicals we need."
"Based on Ark's research, Illumina's declining cost curve will permeate a 3.5 to 4 trillion dollar market opportunity in healthcare and agricultural biology, while improving wellness and life expectancy in ways we cannot fathom."
"For the first time in history, we have the power to design bodies, to design animal bodies, to design human bodies."
"I would be surprised and disappointed if within five to ten years there weren't multiple gene editing therapeutics."
"Don't fear the vaccines...our biotech companies have done a great job here."
"This particular technology was shown to change genetic expression...you're looking at changing the way genes express to rejuvenate over 1300 genes to the young transcriptomic levels."
"Any gene we see from any species on this planet or others can be essentially part of the genetic toolbox of surviving."
"We're using phages, like viruses that bacteria have, and they are very specific in what they target."
"Project Love: A sort of chip, a bug that can be inserted into your body. It then ejects a certain scent that is similar to what you feel when you're in love."
"What's being worked on now is 3D bioprinting where you can use what's called bio ink, and you can actually print tissue. Definitely by the end of the decade, we'll be able to use 3D body printers to regrow organs, so that'll be a really amazing breakthrough."
"We recoil at the idea of growing human beings for spare body parts or creating life for our convenience."
"A living breathing clone that you could visit and pet. A marvel of human ingenuity, like something out of science fiction."
"I want to put the ‘made in Korea’ mark on stem cells."
"But experiments and innovations that will push the limits of human biology are happening now. Like, right now."
"Of course if you can lab grow proteins, meat proteins, then you never needed the animal in the first place."
"We’ll be looking more at advanced applications of biotechnology."
"With some research, they've come to the conclusion that this virus can be used to further their immortality project."
"Options again are nanobots, specialized vaccines, targeted viruses, specialized toxins that bind only to non-functioning cells, and so on."
"Biological knowledge combined with computing power multiplied by data equals the ability to hack humans."
"It's the new new world and I suspect much more to come especially as monoclonal antibodies are going to get cheaper."
"Scientists can create human bio-tissues with the help of 3D printers. In one lab, for instance, they made a human ear from the patient's cellular."
"Zebiotics produces an enzyme to break this byproduct down. It's designed to work like your liver but in your gut where you need it most."
"Bulge cells in the hair follicle are stem cells, and transplanting them into a nude mouse can result in hair growth."
"They could grow livers in sheep that were 20% human."
"The meat you buy at the grocery store might have come from a lab backed by Bill Gates instead of a farm."
"The future is in biotech. It's going to storm your door down, and your life is going to change."
"In a breakthrough uncannily similar to Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, a team of scientists has successfully brought pig brains back to life."
"Feeding the world, curing all congenital diseases... Playing God in a good way."
"We're talking about engineering life here based on cells."
"We are actually hacking the software of life."
"A civilization in the 22nd century is very likely to have radical life extension technology as well as stasis options like freezing, they’re fairly interconnected tech that are likely to be something where you have both not either."
"Scientists use stem cells from frogs to build the first living robot."
"This viral vector has been designed specifically to go like wildfire through human populations."
"We can now assemble at the same level of quality, assembling a genome built from really accurate long read data, you can potentially assemble it in 10 minutes on a MacBook."
"Medicine has historically been something we put in our bodies, but what if we could alter the body itself to heal or even improve ourselves?"
"The ability to do it living subjects means not just that it can be done with the informed consent of the subject, but that it can be reversed too."
"Or imagine programmable immunity, designing and harnessing molecular devices that guide your immune system to detect, eradicate or even prevent disease."
"But gain of function is totally different. This is building a bioweapon. We've got to stop this."
"This gives us the ability to program cells with intention, with atomic control."
"Elizabeth Holmes came up with the concept of a quick and simple blood test in 2003 when she was just a 19 year old student at Stanford."
"I think there may come a time when we decide that it would be unethical not to do that in the germline for certain types of disease." - Jennifer Doudna
"Zbiotics is a pre-alcohol probiotic, the world's first genetically engineered probiotic."
"CRISPR is more revolutionary in that it's more precise and a little bit more affordable."
"I think the best example that we were talking about it earlier is this new RNA targeting CRISPR so instead of cutting DNA it targets RNA."
"Crispr really burst onto the mainstream and helped to allow certain companies to build what are now kind of therapeutic dynasties on it."
"Sequencing is the platform upon which everything sits."
"Programmable life forms... We're looking at the world's first living robot."
"Satan will sell you the benefits via designer babies."
"Moderna and Pfizer... investing in this mRNA technology could be a really good decision for the next few decades."
"We are on the edge right now of being able to change our own genome."
"New DNA extraction method allows genomes from soil."
"When you hear anything gene editing related, of course, it raises that red flag."
"Mastering the art of cloning: a story of trials and triumphs."
"Lab-grown meats for human consumption will be very mainstream."
"mRNA is a technology, it's a fundamental tool, it's being used for rare diseases, oncology, and of course for infectious diseases."
"We want to be the machine, seamlessly integrated biologically for convenience and efficiency."
"Technology redefines life, transforming medicine and opening new interfaces with our body."
"Lab-grown babies could be a reality as soon as 2028, scientist claims."
"Regeneron's monoclonal antibody cocktail contract: a bioengineered version of convalescent plasma."
"I believe that mRNA as a technology will be transformative for the biopharma space."
"Vertex Pharmaceuticals is known for being one of the first biopharma companies to employ rational drug design over combinatorial chemistry."
"Genetic engineering opens up a world of wonder."
"Creating super salmon to protect wild stocks."
"Golden Rice: pioneering science to save lives."
"Biology is a most powerful tool and is nothing to be frightened of."
"Spider silk: like what happens when you mix stretchy steel."
"We're essentially hijacking the yeast DNA repair mechanism to trick it into putting our custom DNA into its genome."
"What's exciting about that is the agency that it gives the everyday person... with tools to affect their own biology."
"Groundbreaking new material could allow artificial intelligence to merge with the human brain."
"First of all, genetically modified organisms have been around since the beginning of agriculture."
"We're very close to the first cell completely designed in the computer."
"Welcome to Biofoundry, Australia's first open access molecular biology lab."
"Embracing biology to better the human condition is a crazy thought, I know, but that's the kind of radical truth we're bringing you here at Daily Wire Plus."
"Super soldiers could become a reality with genetic modification."
"These artificial retinas have 10 times more photoreceptors than the human eye."
"Eventually printed liver cell layers will be used to create transplant organs."
"Designing humans with unique physical, emotional, and cognitive abilities."
"The opportunity, the revenue opportunity for monogenic stem cell therapy is in the 2 trillion dollar range."
"Genetic modification has by far the greatest potential for human enhancement."
"Genetically modified human embryos: implications are great, could program DNA."
"Harnessing the insecticidal properties of spider venom has the potential to change farming practices the world over."
"AlphaFold has reconstructed 200 million proteins, basically every protein of every living thing that's ever been sequenced. This is completely revolutionary."
"The gene-editing revolution has arrived... promising cures for terminal disease."
"Perhaps the greatest benefit of CRISPR could be in tackling the planet’s biggest challenge, climate change."
"Gene editing has the potential to transform life on Earth."
"I own a biotech company that does anti-aging."
"These peptides have been shown to heal heart tissue and to reverse heart failure."
"In the right hands, genetic modification is the most powerful tool ever created. Like any tool, it requires skill to wield, and when used correctly, creates art."
"The potential is there for so many new hybrid creatures."
"They're pushing things like GMOs like Monsanto's in order to feed the masses."
"We're actually hacking the software of life."
"In order to keep the level of damage in this person's body down to the level that would naturally exist in a 30 or 40-year-old, all we need to do is progressively improve how comprehensive the damage repair therapy arsenal that we have is."
"The big thing that's happened in the past 15 years is basically the acceptance that this is a promising way to go."
"Induced pluripotent stem cells reset the epigenome."
"The Horvath aging clock is the most accurate molecular measure of age."
"Researchers have grown human embryos from skin cells."
"Let's do real science, let's recognize that the world is moving towards the modern era of biotechnology."
"We're getting one hell of an upgrade, a superhuman upgrade. Our DNA is going to change."
"This is about the wholesale takeover and artificialization of growing things."
"With a consistent and scalable source of human cells, we can change the way that drugs are developed."
"Biotech is only going to go up in the next 10 years."
"Miracle embryos: a breakthrough in genetic engineering."
"We can generate a photo and identify individuals from their genetic code."
"The most impactful uses of CRISPR... continue to be in editing somatic cells."
"We are generating cocktails of phages that are targeting the same bacteria through different receptors or different mechanisms, and together these phages are killing the bacteria without allowing it to develop this antiphage defense system."
"Scientists are looking to take brain cells and create AI, what we think of as AI today but using brain cells, so organic AI."
"So our technology... what we do is we take these old antibodies... and we have this computational amino engineer... using math and computers to engineer hundreds of millions of DNA variants."
"We can now manipulate any piece of DNA in any organism in a very precise way."
"The CEO of Theranos faces a fraud trial on Wednesday after multiple reschedules and delays. The now defunct company once reached a 9 billion valuation promising to disrupt the lab testing industry."
"The intersection of electronic devices with biological devices is becoming really important."
"CRISPR... It's basically copy paste for DNA."
"Genetically engineered immune cells are saving the lives of cancer patients."
"Human augmentation is our first insight of what lies beyond today's information age - the coming of the biotech age."
"Sequencing costs a lot. It can cost about a thousand dollars to sequence a whole Human Genome."
"The left needs to start talking about biotechnology in a really serious way."
"Xenobots occupy a space in between both living and machine."
"Xenobots were born out of a goal to make an entirely biological robot with no artificial components, a robot built from the ground up using only animal cells."
"Spartans represent cutting-edge human augmentation technologies."
"Synthetic biology is about changing genetics so there can be less disease in the world."
"Lab-grown meat used to cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, now it's down into the tens of dollars per pound."
"The full flourishing of nanotechnology turns all of matter into a programmable medium... The full flourishing of biotechnology turns all of life into something for the aesthetic artists to manipulate."
"Could plastic eating mushrooms solve mankind's plastic problem?"
"We are entering into uncharted territory that can change what it means to be human."
"No, they say the bio labs have been upgraded."
"I mean really what bad thing could possibly come from DNA editing and cloning technology?"
"One really cool example of this came from the University of Pennsylvania's machine biology group they recently resurrected molecules with antibiotic properties and they got it from our extinct relatives the Neanderthals and denisovans."
"Genetically modified foods are probably here to stay."
"The innovation here is amazing. This ink is alive and made entirely of microbes."
"Cytosol is an amazing tool that can be used for drug discovery, medical discovery, and more."
"Ginkgo will organize the world's biological code and make it useful."
"So it's A, T, Cs and Gs, not zeroes and ones like you'd see in a computer, but you can read that code with DNA sequencing and importantly, you can write that code with DNA printing."
"I'm all for the idea of bringing an animal back to life scientifically."
"Wesker is the founder and leader of S.T.A.R.S. who simultaneously helps develop the T-virus and its mutations within Umbrella."
"So if you at home have gotten the polio shot, maybe you've done IVF, maybe even got checked out for HPV, or I know, even taken your dog in for a parvo shot, well guess what? Ms. Henrietta Lacks has indeed been a part of your life."
"Biotechnology offers one of the most profound epistemological discoveries of our time."
"Biotechnology is one of the most potentially dangerous Technologies in the hands of the unbridled."
"Sarah Palmer stated that in her own words the synthetic cardiac weave allowed her to outrun a horse."
"Nano vapor biotech has claimed to create something that can destroy and suppress the corona virus quickly for up to seventy total days on literally any surface."
"What we're doing at UPSIDE foods really is finding a way to grow real meat directly from animal cells into the meat we love."
"We're looking at the world's first living robot, self-healing biological machines from frog cells."
"Digital biology is going to go through a whole Renaissance."
"Scientists in South Korea have manipulated the genes in a cat to make it glow red."
"Custom organs were the future of the world."
"The theory behind banana vaccines is pretty simple: they're bananas that have been genetically engineered to carry vaccines."
"This technology of genome editing really is the missing piece. It provides scientists with the ability not only to read DNA and write DNA by synthesizing it, but also to rewrite DNA to really edit the code of life for the first time."
"Development of longevity drugs is one of the hottest areas in biotechnology."
"Companies like Foundation Medicine developed tumor sequencing."
"Biotechnology may be coming in to alter human nature itself and moving into speed faster than you think the political process can keep up."
"Micropropagation is used by specialist laboratories to produce plants in a sterile environment in which multiple shoots are produced from single buds."
"Bioreporters: simple engineered bacteria cells signaling the presence of toxic chemicals in the environment."
"Biotechnology offers us a road to virtually endless ways to modify, alter, and improve on nature… but should we use it to do the same to ourselves?"
"Biotechnology lets us alter the human itself, for better or for worse."
"Genetic engineering manipulates the genetics of microbes, plants, and animals to create new products and genetically modified organisms."
"Karthik constructs created using the CRISPR-Cas9 system."
"This will really expand what biochemists and structural biologists can do."
"Introducing glowfish: a genetically altered freshwater creature that has swept the aquarium hobby."
"Genetic engineering has brought advances like producing insulin more efficiently and genetically modifying plants for desirable traits."
"And as an answer to this, we can genetically modify sheep - so we can make them transgenic - so that when they produce milk, that milk actually contains AAT, and we can harvest that, and then give it to people who don't produce enough AAT by themselves."
"Fungi can be used in fermentation, antibiotics, enzymes, and biological pesticides."
"Applications of biologicals and microbial stimulants produce tremendous crop responses."
"These proteins are likely the basis for designing a whole new world of functional proteins to solve modern-day problems."
"Reverse transcriptase. This enzyme has revolutionized science, in my opinion."
"CRISPR caste 9 makes it possible to use for a variety of in vivo genome editing applications."
"Genome editing has really opened the door to a lot of avenues of research that weren't accessible or as accessible previously."
"GMOs, genetic modification, may also be one of the answers to that."
"PCR stands for polymerase chain reaction. It's a scientific process similar to making a photocopy of DNA."
"I appreciate the openness of Jance and biotech and sharing their data."
"Swallow your pride and a little bit of your ideals. Biotech is the future, and there's a lot of money to be made. It can be worth it."
"Can you make yeast produce things like vitamin? Yes, I mean any other vitamin is totally doable."
"Every vial of insulin that is sold on the market today comes from genetically modified bacteria or yeast... It's a beautiful wonderful technology."
"Genetic engineering is literally the only reason why there's as many humans on Earth as there are... It's kind of amazing when you look at it that way."
"CRISPR will change the human race forever."
"The first ever commercially produced tomato GM crops were a type of tomato called 'Flavr Savr' tomato, and they didn't go squishy on the shelves after you'd picked them."
"We are just on the cusp of hundreds of companies working on CRISPR and gene therapy."
"Genome mining has really revolutionized the field of microbial natural products research."
"I invented the mRNA technology that is used in these vaccines."
"Expression vectors are plasmids that carry cargo DNA into cells and allow the cargo DNA to be expressed."
"Clean meat just means meat made in a lab from animal cell lines, so it's actual meat minus the slaughter."
"Biotechnology is just the use of microbes or any living organism or cell for basically our own human purposes."
"What it means to have a way to literally control the code of life and to control the evolution of organisms, including ourselves."
"Gene editing will have the widest global impacts in the near term because everybody has to eat."
"We have powerful editing tools for changing DNA sequences precisely and accurately."
"Alpha screen technology stands for amplified luminescence proximity homogeneous assay."
"The potential is there for these organisms to solve all sorts of problems for us."
"Genome editing allows for the advanced correction of genetic diseases."
"Genome editing also paves the way for the creation of models for human disease."
"Millions of people with diabetes now take cloned human insulin produced by bacteria."
"What if we could generate living drugs in culture from stem cells?"
"That's everything from start to finish how Cas9 works and how we can express it in a cell with its guide RNA using a plasmid that was made with oligo annealing cloning."
"Putting a value around carbon and the carbon savings that biotechnology and biomanufacturing can deliver is crucial."
"Advocacy and voting for the American Biotechnology Workforce Development Centers of Excellence bill is important."
"The president's executive order implements provisions of the CHIPS and Science Act that will unlock the power of biotechnology and biomanufacturing to address climate change, create jobs, and improve human health and advance our safety."
"The possibilities for what we can do with biomanufacturing are substantial."
"For the first time, we can bio-manufacture cures."
"The DOE is uniquely positioned in both biomanufacturing and biotechnologies because we have the tools."