
Self-advocacy Quotes

There are 1277 quotes

"Menopause is inevitable, suffering is not, but you're going to have to advocate for yourself because society has failed us."
"Stand up for yourself and speak your truth respectfully and compassionately, with no attachment to the outcome."
"Stand up for yourself, say what you truly mean, and don't fear what others might think."
"Speak up for yourself... get in the habit of asking yourself how you feel and living in alignment with that."
"You're the only one that cares about yourself as much as you do; you can advocate for yourself better than anybody else can."
"What they like the most about you is that you will stand up for yourself and just don't back down."
"I love it when women are like, 'I'm in my villain era right now,' and it's basically just them deciding that they're gonna speak up for themselves now."
"If you don't stand up for yourself in life, no one else ever will."
"Let therapy be a place of self-advocacy for you, of resilience building, of addressing what has harmed and hurt you."
"It's time to step up and not take a back seat in your story."
"Standing up for yourself...protects those that come after you."
"The average person has to have the fortitude and confidence to stand up for themselves and say no."
"You can't beg for your rights. You have to fight for them."
"Sometimes it can be hard for a shy pony like me to stand up for myself, but I've learned that standing up for yourself isn't the same as changing who you are."
"If I didn't question it, if I just took everything that anybody ever gave me, I'd still be in Flint."
"Assertiveness works not because the other person agrees, but assertiveness works because you're standing up for yourself."
"I enjoy seeing retail and restaurant workers stick up for themselves when it's warranted."
"You have to fight for yourself first. There's a lot to fight for each other."
"You've got to make a declaration that this is what you stand for. You're standing up for your dreams, you're standing up for peace of mind, you're standing up for health."
"Standing up for yourself means you're going to lose something, and that's the power that they have over you."
"Never give up demanding the best from life because that is your birthright."
"Knowledge is power. You have to be your own best advocate right now because of the mess out there."
"It takes real courage to stand up for yourself."
"We're not here to represent all people with EDS or all people who are deaf, or all people who are blind. We're here representing ourselves."
"Check your laws, don't take a landlord's word for anything, and stand up for yourself."
"If you didn't advocate for yourself and trust your intuition, you could be led down the wrong path."
"I was profoundly conscious of racism. That experience created a no-nonsense in me, a self-advocacy not only for myself but for the underdog, a fearlessness."
"The theme of this video is education and self-advocacy because even though Tesla Solar's equipment is mostly fine, their communication throughout the process is absolutely terrible."
"Ordinary everyday people learning their rights, asserting their rights, defending their rights not only helps them but also helps others by establishing worthy precedence."
"Some of you are learning the lesson of well, speak up for yourself if you want that equal give and take."
"Flex your rights 10 rules for dealing with police: Always be calm and cool, you have the right to remain silent, you have the right to refuse searches, determine if you're free to go."
"Do your best to be your own advocate, do your best to try and move forward towards something positive."
"Advocating for yourself... is gonna give you the best outcomes."
"Always stand up for yourself, stand up for your rights. It's how we keep the Constitution alive."
"If you don't stand up for yourself first, no one will stand up for you."
"Be the CEO of your health and approach your doctor like a consultant."
"Being an advocate for yourself is actually a healthy thing when it's funneled into the right thing and it doesn't happen at the expense of other people."
"This is a time of increasing power for you...it's not the time to be passive or submissive but to speak your truth and take action on your own behalf."
"My most recent relationship... what I regret or fail to do was stand up for myself."
"Advocating for oneself is more important than anything, having that open line of communication."
"You have to be your own biggest and best advocate." - Gabrielle Union
"Stand up for yourself. Never negate your ability to speak."
"It's hard isn't it not to want to speak up for yourself?"
"Foundational Black Americans knew we ain't got nobody that's going to really look out for us."
"Speak up for what you need, what you don't like; you have a good chance of getting it."
"Quit trying to fight for other people, fight for yourself."
"Be assertive about vocalizing what you need or want."
"Stand up and speak for yourself otherwise you don't get spoken for."
"Advocate for yourself and seek what you deserve."
"You have to advocate for yourself, demand the proper treatment."
"If you don't open up your mouth, you lost an opportunity."
"It's about practicing saying your needs out loud."
"People actually have the power if you actually stand up for yourself."
"They don't care about you. It shows right in that moment. Anytime you speak up for yourself or speak up for another, they see that as a liability."
"You should be fighting for yourself right now."
"Feel comfortable to do it because it affects you and you have a right to speak."
"We don't need to fit our square pegs into round holes. We get to ask, and if you don't ask, you don't know."
"That's why I will never be ashamed of ever speaking up for myself."
"You must never ever make other people comfortable at the expense of your own needs."
"If you do not stand up and project yourself advocacy, the world will always restrict and limit you."
"If you don't set the tone in the beginning, you played yourself."
"Sometimes you gotta fight for your identity, man. You gotta fight for your narrative."
"Stand up for what matters to you, it's your life."
"You gotta fight for your happiness. Life goes on. Believe in yourself and fight for this new beginning."
"Fight for more, ask for more, and realize that this is just the beginning."
"Force it to happen. Do not trust any political party to automatically work in your interest." - AOC
"You have to speak up for yourself if you feel something is not right."
"A closed mouth doesn't get fed. If I don't ask for help, I can't get the help I need."
"You have got to make a declaration that this is what you stand for. You're standing up for your dreams, you're standing up for peace of mind, you're standing up for health."
"If you refuse to stand up for yourself, don't expect someone else to do it."
"If you don't like it, in the simplest terms possible, do one."
"Don't be afraid to speak your truth and stand up for yourself."
"Stand your ground, you deserve a place at the table."
"Advocate for yourself. Find ways to get leverage, know your market value, and bring it back. Let's just be reasonable here. I know what I'm worth."
"Remember here that you count, you're part of this equation, and that it's okay to ask for what you want."
"You have to stand up and take responsibility."
"If something doesn't feel right, don't hesitate to speak up and definitely don't blame yourself"
"This is the chance to be able to stand up for yourself."
"If you're being harassed by your employer, you let them know."
"You have to speak up for yourself, I'm telling you it works, I did it and it worked for me."
"If you consider asking for what you want to be begging, you're gonna be the one who ends up going through life not asking for what you want."
"If you want to stand up for yourself... you need to have a strategy matched to your goals."
"Knowing that you are your best advocate...demonstrating it regularly is crucial."
"Your ability to advocate for yourself as well, speak up for yourself, have courage, things like that, take initiative as well."
"Grasp every opportunity, try as hard as you can, never be afraid to fail, and stand up for yourself."
"Sometimes you just need to be assertive and you need to say, 'Stop it.'"
"Stand up for yourself... make a choice... when you do this, you have enough, more than enough."
"I'm never gonna be scared to speak up for myself."
"I'm not gonna allow somebody to dictate when I exercise my rights."
"I've done everything on the show that shows why I should win."
"If you don't stand for something, the other person is going to stand up for you."
"Advocate for yourself, especially during pregnancy."
"The first time you do it, there is a sense of relief that you feel for standing up for yourself."
"You're learning how to listen to your intuition and you're learning how to stick up for yourself."
"Stick to your guns but you still gotta stick up for yourself and say this is who I am."
"You can't let the guilt of something stop you from speaking up or being assertive or defending yourself."
"I'm not asking to be slotted into the job, I'm asking to be allowed to put my case."
"Stand up for yourself and take back your power. You are stronger than you think."
"Sometimes you just gotta go to bat for yourself. Welcome to corporate America where managers, for some reason, punish their most valuable employees."
"Don't ever spend your whole life working for someone who doesn't give a damn about you."
"If you don't advocate for yourself, you can't be saying the 'a' word."
"You really need to be your number one advocate."
"If you don't advocate for yourself, we're not moving."
"Stand up for yourself and flow towards your goals."
"Standing up for yourself should never be a loss."
"I think we're hurting ourselves if we keep accepting what is said to us and we don't fight it back."
"You have to be your own best friend and your own advocate."
"If we can raise awareness for potential chemical exposures and pesticides... all the more awareness we can advocate for ourselves."
"It ultimately boils down to finding the balance between knowing when circumstances are completely out of your control and when the situation requires you to voice your Grievances and stand up for yourself."
"Just be brave, be courageous, be strong, stick up for yourself - okay, this is a big message for you guys."
"You need to fight for your happiness, stand in your power."
"I want what I earn. I want what this is not about, I want your money. I want my money. I want mine back."
"Teaching folks to advocate for themselves and to view sex as a thing that should be enjoyable for them if they want to engage in that is not a bad thing."
"If something isn't said that's favorable for you, you have the power."
"We're memeing here, we're joking around, whatever else, but can I say it is honestly really good to see people like standing up for themselves."
"Healthy anger starts with the presumption that says I I want to stand up for myself and I want to have a sense of firmness about who I am."
"Standing up for yourself, I love this actually."
"Don't forget to speak up, your voice is powerful enough."
"You get in life what you have the courage to ask for."
"Never be afraid to advocate for yourself or your loved ones."
"The founding fathers showed us that we can say no to the powers that be to the establishment in the system and stand up for ourselves."
"The more you help the whole human, that's not just a player, I think the better off you're going to be."
"This person is gonna fight for what they deserve."
"I'm proud of Megan for speaking up for herself."
"I wanted to be a voice for my younger self, everything I say now, I wish I'd known when I was younger."
"Now is the time to expect more, to demand more."
"Strategic job hopper, screw you when your employer doesn't give you a raise so you give yourself a raise by working less for the same money. That's how it's done."
"I refuse to feel guilty about speaking up for myself."
"Yusuf advocated for himself, showing strength and capability after enduring trauma."
"Fortune favors the bold, so never be afraid to stick your neck out on your own behalf."
"Ask for what you want and you will receive it, alright? This is all about using Words of Power."
"Stand up for yourself and believe in your beliefs."
"You should always be your own biggest fan and your best supporter and advocate."
"You ended this cycle. You stood up for what you believed in. You stood up for yourself."
"I challenge you to get to know your condition better than your care providers know your condition."
"But I will not stand idle and just accept anything that happens to me."
"Take back your power, sister. Take back your power."
"Spirit doesn't want you to give up; stand up for yourself and keep the faith."
"This is about fighting for what you want. Don't just sit back and expect things to come to you."
"Very few people ask for what they want. It really is crazy."
"There are some things that only you can stand up to."
"We're advocating for ourselves and we are Unapologetic about it."
"Don't be afraid to say what you need to say."
"A lot of you asked me for when I was talking about making a gift guide over on Instagram our books so I do have a list that is always in the description."
"Don't let yourself be fired on a technicality like that. You can stand up for yourself."
"That's what happens when you stand up for yourself and for others."
"Stand up for yourself, but be mindful of context."
"Don't be a person who gets taken advantage of by bad employers. If you don't fight back, they will never learn their lesson."
"Sometimes doors open for others that doesn't mean that you go ahead and just close doors for yourself."
"I did everything I could to stand up for myself and the truth."
"Stand for your dreams, your desires. Stand now, stand for yourself or kneel for someone else."
"You gotta ask for more, fellas, you really do."
"I think you need to step up and say, 'I don't know, but I want to have myself evaluated neurologically.'"
"Your voice has power, and your ability to stand up for yourself is very powerful."
"When you stay silent, you are at the mercy of the victimizer."
"It is time to express what you want for yourself."
"Sometimes the work needs a hype man, and I learned early on that if I didn't speak for myself, couldn't tell the story."
"Depression is soul suppression. You will always win if your position is one of integrity."
"It's not all about complaining about what you don't have, at some point you have to stop complaining and start asking for what you want."
"Your healing comes from having the courage to ask for what you authentically want regardless of what the other person does."
"People that live their life with integrity are unafraid to stand up for themselves."
"Standing your ground and maintaining independence."
"Tell them if you're going to charge me, charge me; otherwise, I don't talk to cops."
"If you can't speak up for yourself, don't expect people to help you."
"I've always been very outspoken, I've always wanted to speak my opinion no matter what."
"Step into your power, stand up for yourself, don't let anybody walk all over you."
"His journey is a profound reminder of the resilience needed to navigate such challenges and the importance of self-advocacy in health matters."
"Make it personal because no one else is gonna do it for you."
"Speak up for yourself about a situation. You've been nice long enough."
"You want to raise, you got to dip. You can't stay at your company for 5 to 10 years thinking that they're going to do right by you, they are not."
"I had to really push hard to prove that I was okay."
"I'm gonna fight my way through it. I'm gonna champion it."
"If you want to see change and excitement in your love life, you really have to fight for it. Speak your truth."
"Don't hold your tongue for nobody, say what you gotta say and let it be."
"Don't ever be afraid to speak up for yourself if someone is hurting you."
"You should never be afraid to speak up for yourself if someone is hurting you."
"No one's gonna step in for you. You want to file a defamation suit, go for it."
"Don't let yourself get screwed without doing something."
"Even when the odds seemed against me, I chose to fight for what I believed in."
"You gotta be taken up for yourself though, and they ain't gonna stand up for you if you ain't trying to take up for yourself."
"Make sure to stick up for yourself because if you do that you will be very successful."
"Advocating for yourself in the face of medical professionals."
"I want to be a source of inspiration for everyone."
"It's okay to be vulnerable, fight for what you want."
"Every single possession is major when it comes to this overtime stuff."
"If you don't advocate for yourself, then there's nothing that you can expect to gain from it."
"I don't regret speaking up, I only wish I had done so sooner."
"You can't heal from anything until you stand up for yourself and stand up to it, you know?"
"You owe it to yourself to call out and want better."
"It's up to you to stand up for yourself and communicate what you want."
"Do not fear and stand up for yourself, speak your truth, do the right thing."
"Just giving me the chance to express myself."
"One thing that I really recommend everyone do is know their rights."
"Your future self is pretty passionate about you getting what you want."
"In life you got to be willing to promote yourself you got to be willing to advertise yourself."
"If it's for you, it's for you and nobody can take that from you. Period."
"Just arming people with the knowledge and the red flags and what to look out for and reminding people to follow your intuition if it doesn't feel right you can leave you're not weird for standing up for yourself."
"It's not enough just for you to take it on the chin, you have to speak up."
"Most important thing you can do as a patient has become educated."
"Stick up for what you want, Gemini. You know what you're doing and why you're doing it."