
Transparency Quotes

There are 10131 quotes

"The lack of transparency around the use of AI technology means it may be difficult to ascertain a chain of responsibility for poor reporting, misinformation, and bias produced in AI-generated articles."
"I want a world where we're more transparent."
"The very word secrecy is repugnant in a free and open society."
"Integrity gives you real freedom because you have nothing to fear since you have nothing to hide."
"The beautiful part about being honest is that you don't have to hide anything."
"The dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweigh the dangers which are cited to justify it."
"Public access to public records should be encouraged to foster confidence in government."
"This is next generation investing. It's very transparent, it's open source, it's democratizing the opportunities."
"Soon every independent author who publishes on Audible will be getting a larger cut of the profit with more transparency about how that cut is allocated."
"Being genuine and transparent is so key in a world that is literally starving for authenticity."
"The delicate balance between maintaining secrecy and promoting transparency in matters concerning UFOs remains a multifaceted and intricate issue with profound societal and governance implications."
"A more transparent Central Bank... the markets will do your work for you."
"People want organic, people want just transparency and authenticity."
"Trust is hugely important, and one of the most important factors in trust is transparency."
"To the extent that it's in my control, no official of my Administration, whether his rank is high or low, civilian or military, should interpret my words here tonight as an excuse to censor the news, to stifle dissent, to cover up our mistakes or to withhold from the press and the public the facts they deserve to know."
"We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it."
"We are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths, and to secret proceedings."
"And no official of my Administration, whether his rank is high or low, civilian or military, should interpret my words here tonight as an excuse to censor the news, to stifle dissent, to cover up our mistakes, or to withhold from the press and the public the facts they deserve to know."
"It's the most secure and transparent, confident I've ever felt in any relationship."
"If you're a democracy, you're kind of letting people audit your history, which I think is good."
"It's about transparency, it's about being genuine and honest with your audience."
"Be honest and transparent because that's what people want from you."
"The American people want the truth. We need the facts."
"Let's be transparent, let's be honest, life is hard right now."
"I believe in transparency. I made a mistake. It was stupid."
"The reaction to this video was somewhat positive; there was overwhelming support for her, and people appreciated that she came out relatively unprovoked to address certain issues."
"Advertising at its best, at its most effective, always puts people first."
"The government's job is to uphold justice, to turn over what they have that is exculpatory or tends to be exculpatory."
"The most important thing for me here is that we're honest with each other. I will be as transparent and open as I can with you and I would really appreciate the same from you."
"Because of their clear belly skin, you can view their intestines, you can see their lungs and their beating heart, you can see everything through their belly, it's so weird."
"We live in the age of transparency and plus it's easier to wake up every day and just be yourself."
"The Internet is gonna expose everything anyway. There's no hiding. So be transparent."
"I will never apologize for being transparent and letting my viewers know how I feel."
"I will gladly receive all the criticism after I reveal everything."
"We're here today, as always, to peacefully exercise our First Amendment right to film in public and publicly accessible areas to promote transparency and accountability within our government."
"Transparency in asset declaration is the simplest way to tackle corruption."
"A presidency that is grounded in transparency and accountability is what we aspire to."
"Transparency, accountability, and a generational shift in leadership is the need of the hour."
"No matter how you voted, this election was administered with integrity, transparency, and in accordance with state laws."
"We have nothing to hide and nothing to fear. Fast Bear Entertainment is as clean as a whistle, and that founder is as innocent as a newborn."
"It's important to me that you trust us... My job is to give you the truth as we know it."
"We need transparency in government, we need people to fight for us, not for themselves."
"It's easy to point the finger at a brand for not having a transparent supply chain, but we have to really take responsibility for our choices."
"God can never heal what you will not reveal."
"Blockchain technology can transform philanthropy and economics by providing hundreds of thousands of use cases for accountability and transparency."
"If you have a good product, then why on earth would you want to hide that fact?"
"We're living in an age of forced transparency where the truth is going to come out whether you like it or not."
"A society never benefits from suppression or sweeping something under the rug pretending it doesn't exist."
"The administration of law, and especially that of criminal law, should like Caesar's wife, be above suspicion."
"Bitcoin's radical transparency and distribution defy central authority, offering a unique trust mechanism in the digital realm."
"It strikes me as sinister, why can't they just open up and engage in a conversation that looks at all the options?"
"Everybody does it is all the more reason to strive for honesty and transparency."
"Great claims need absolutely fantastic evidence, completely transparent to argument."
"If you are right, then you have nothing to hide. So just go and have the conversation."
"Honestly can't thank you enough, Nikita, for coming and chatting, being so willing to be transparent and share all that information with the community."
"I urge you to go to ProPublica.com, put the names of the physicians you will be shocked to see that some physicians are earning between a hundred to five hundred thousand dollars a year speaking for the industry and promoting their drugs."
"The movement encourages people to invest, it encourages better pricing for retail, it encourages faster settlement, it encourages transparency, and community due diligence."
"Trust and transparency... this is like some next-level important conversation."
"We demand transparency and accountability. This charge is nothing. This is part of the activism. This is part of my purpose, my job."
"The biggest problem with the American system is that there's no price transparency."
"Transparency is the key to building trust and an important route to answering people's legitimate questions about the efficacy and safety of vaccines and treatments."
"Transparency in government is of the utmost importance, and I am a proponent for allowing cameras in all courtrooms across our country."
"The American people have a right to the truth. The watchword is transparency."
"The American people have a right to the truth."
"We got to find that healthy balance so there's more transparency for the user."
"It's not representative government in Congress if you don't know what you're voting on."
"Corruption is the obstacle in the way of domestic resource mobilization, but there is a vaccine for corruption: it's transparency."
"Transparency is especially important today... we have a special obligation to explain ourselves clearly, to provide transparency to the public and their elected representatives in Congress."
"There's no point in having a platform if you're not transparent."
"Truth in advertising, I think it's good to sort of expand that as broadly as possible."
"Me being vegan three or four years ago and then having this health situation come up and deciding to change my diet is not me lying to you."
"I am for more transparency, more accountability, more openness."
"I'm going to be as upfront with you as possible, honest with you at all times, sharing as much information as we're able to share, good or bad."
"Transparency is the default state, the natural state of humanity."
"If you're being lied to or you don't have all the information to make the correct decision, then I hope I provide this service so you can make the correct decision."
"We are literally dupes who elected a government who is allowed by law to lie to us to carry out covert policy."
"Honesty, transparency, and admitting that there's fallibility and flaws in all of us and we need systems that allow for individual fallibility."
"Promotion didn't have to be soulless or hype-centric; it could just be about transparency and honesty."
"Imagine a society where the laws are created behind closed doors without public input or approval... This is a society where at any time, the laws are subject to change or be replaced with new ones altogether."
"The real problem is not just keeping back information; it's why it's being kept back."
"Live intentionally and transparently and don't stop loving."
"I think if it's public information, they have a right to ask for it, and I can give it to them. They do with it what they want."
"Denmark is the least corrupt nation in the world... they have full income transparency for public servants."
"I've been very transparent. I'm not ashamed to admit it. I said I had a mental problem and I'll be a champion for mental health."
"The free flow of information is the sunlight, the fertilizer of democracy."
"The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. It's evidence that has been denied to the American people."
"The candor, the willingness to admit that there have been mistakes made... is admirable for any of us."
"The U.S. government has managed to classify more than a billion so-called public documents so at this point we can't possibly know what our leaders are doing."
"Being transparent is like being in a fishbowl... but being vulnerable is letting people get in your fishbowl."
"Transparency and accountability are crucial in leadership, yet often absent in practice."
"Americans have the right to know all they can about a war they're implicated in."
"I believe that people need to have access to the information."
"My hospital bill went from $44,000 to $950 all because I asked them for a receipt and a list of everything I was being charged for."
"The algorithm is open sourced, so you can see exactly what's going on."
"Our principles are inclusivity, transparency, and to challenge elite power wherever we see it."
"Transparency will be a good thing for society. It'll be a very good thing."
"That's my energy. I'm just trying to keep it real and transparent with y'all."
"Ironically, police departments, using transparency laws, have been able to hide their questionable behavior."
"Nations that desire to be part of the global landscape have obligations for truthful information, obligations to share and be transparent and open."
"Transparency in getting it right is critical to saving lives today and in the future."
"This dialogue and transparency is a fundamental pillar of democracy."
"Genuine public interest exists in what Grand jurors found after they sifted the evidence and heard from all the witnesses."
"Public officials involved in activities following a national election should not have their actions shielded from public view due to concerns over potential damage to their reputation."
"It makes me think we should do an open letter from UFO skeptics and believers just urging greater transparency."
"Although this is our dream life that we're building, we want to be real with you along the way, sharing both the highs and the lows."
"People should have complete control over their data and transparency of what that data is and how it's being used."
"If your intentions are to make money, you need to make those intentions clear. If you want to do that, you have the right."
"Government can become customized and transparent and accountable and eventually voluntary."
"This channel's mission has always been about having more honesty and transparency in the world, in a non-shaming atmosphere."
"We believe in the value of the free press. We believe in the value of ensuring you have access to the President's trips and his visits overseas."
"We will continue to provide information as rapidly as we gain it."
"Radical transparency all of that would be useful."
"Numerai is the first hedge fund that gives away all of its data."
"The most obvious solution right now is for successful people in entertainment to simply acknowledge their privilege and be a little more transparent about how rich parents, connections, and luck got them to where they are in life."
"It's all about transparency, and that's what it really ought to be about when it comes to plastic surgery or anything else."
"I think it's all about transparency and that's what it really ought to be about when it comes to plastic surgery or anything else."
"I think that any game where you buy something in the game and you don't know what you're getting, that shouldn't happen; you should always know what you're buying whenever you spend money on a game."
"We want to answer your questions so that we can be transparent."
"If Sam goes to a car show and he shows the car and he says, 'Look at what a great restoration job I did on this,' he might even do himself a favor by including the phrase 'I am not affiliated with Domino's Pizza.'"
"Invisible threads... it's how a brand speaks, what it stands for, and how honest and transparent they are as a company."
"Confidence is about being vulnerable and being transparent about who you are."
"If I'm wrong, which you know, I'm not infallible, maybe I'm getting the wrong end of the stick here, somebody who's read every word you've ever written on this or somebody who's watched all the videos, if I'm wrong, load up a livestream, open Chronicles Valeria, the actual game, and show people what there is there and just run around, do it, do a two-hour livestream, run around, show us what you've got."
"What makes me happy, honestly, is being transparent with my viewers."
"In the era of the internet, you can hide nothing."
"What has been hidden is coming to the forefront, at least we know what we're dealing with and at least we know where we can find justice and make the world a better place in the long run."
"The best form of objectivity lies in explicitly identifying preferences so that their influence can be recognized and countermanded."
"The goal, he says, is to bring transparency back to the court system."
"They're not always doing it right, but they're not always doing it wrong, but transparency is needed."
"The reason we're talking to him tonight is because now he's fighting for something that I think is incredibly important to almost anyone who believes that power needs to be held to account, and namely, that's transparency."
"The toxic revolving door between political operatives and mainstream media."
"At the very least an American-owned company faces scrutiny."
"Blockchain is a decentralized, transparent, and verifiable system where value, such as ownership titles, medical records, and cryptocurrency, can be exchanged."
"Hopefully by now you understand what Blockchain technology is - an open, censorship resistant method for managing records by everybody, hence making them practically impossible to falsify."
"It's important that we know what our governments do, and if they don't tell us, then somebody has to."
"If you want to hate the FBI, you don't have to make anything up; you can just look at what the FBI has admitted to doing and then hate them for that."
"Learn how to live your life in a way in which you would be happy with anyone seeing any part of your day."
"We have breakfast every Tuesday morning and we get those things in... there's no secrets, it's just life."
"The magic of cryptocurrencies is we get the same system in terms of utility as the old system, if not better, but it's all out in the open now, and you guys control it, not me."
"You deserve to know what's in your multivitamin."
"We need to learn from the past, not cover it up."
"If you can't reveal it, you are definitely not going to heal from it."
"Honesty is the best policy when it comes to this stuff."
"I've always talked about my plastic surgery. I'm not going to hide it."
"The blockchain is a radically transparent platform that allows people to trade with each other in a way that bypasses the need for traditional contracts and intermediaries."
"The blockchain could fix the lack of beneficial ownership tracking of securities by the securities industry."
"Explorers have actually discovered a species of fish having completely translucent skin."
"The release of this report is an important step in providing the public answers to many of the questions that have festered for far too long."
"The privacy of whether it's an individual or an organization needs to be protected and the conditions under which it is not should be transparent."
"Many [whistleblowers] are willing to come in and use their names, have their identities known, and aren't afraid to do it. They're incredibly courageous for doing that."
"I realized that we would need radical truthfulness and radical transparency."
"This sort of radical transparency is coming at you and it is going to affect your life. And in my opinion, it's going to be wonderful."
"Whether you like it or not, radical transparency and algorithmic decision-making is coming at you fast, and it's going to change your life."
"If people are so alienated from these systems of power, they don't know how the sausage is made and sometimes it's worth lifting the hood and being like, the sausage making is terribly dysfunctional and messy."
"Blockchain is open source and transparent... the actual statistic on criminal behavior with Bitcoin is estimated by authorities to be less than 1% of all financial crime."
"The fact that they not only handmake all of their products in the USA but they also show the labels of the actual people who made the products is incredible and extremely transparent."
"I'm going to be in there myself at some point; I don't want to hide anything from anybody."
"I took all the questions I could; I didn't censor anybody or anything."
"The enormous interest in this hearing today underscores the importance of a fair and open look at the evidence from witnesses."
"We support requiring audio or video recording of closed sessions and allowing taxpayers to seek limited civil penalties."
"Politicians should make themselves available to discuss their policies and beliefs in an authentic and detailed manner."
"We should encourage more reporting, not less, on UAPs. The more we understand, the safer we will be."
"Transparency is a cornerstone of government. We live in a vast galaxy with a lot of unanswered questions."
"She has been incredibly gracious with how transparent she's been, and the success has been just overwhelming."
"The lack of transparency [in UAP issues] is eroding public trust in the very institutions they're meant to serve and protect."
"We're not going to be debating the existence of UAPs but deliberating on the principles that define every republic, which is a commitment to transparency and accountability."
"Transparency is a cornerstone of government."
"This hearing will offer the public unique perspectives building on years of reporting by both federal agencies and the Independent Media."
"We're not bringing little green men or flying saucers into the hearing; we're just going to get to the facts."
"It's time for Congress to reinsert ourselves and demand transparency from our military leaders and intelligence officials about UAPs."
"Be startlingly honest. There's something refreshing about somebody who is very open about how something actually is."
"We are deliberating on the principles that define our Republic, which is a commitment to transparency and accountability."
"People deserve to know if they're being poisoned; people deserve to know if there's no health impact."
"The White House has issued an executive order requiring increased transparency from AI companies."
"You can't be seen as taking advantage of the topic, but equally, we are in a culture where people aren't being encouraged to be open about their experiences with conditions."
"It's crucial the government tells the people the truth, the depth of the emergency that we're facing."
"The thing we're trying to solve for is trust, and the way we feel we get there is through complete transparency."
"We are not just obeying the existence of UAPs; we are deliberating on the principles that define our Republic, which is a commitment to transparency and accountability."
"We are interested in dismantling the mystery box, opening it up, looking at what it is, putting it together like it's some kind of Lego, seeing how it works, and really questioning and exposing that."
"This is a public concern and it should not be sealed."
"Everything that you donate will be transferred directly to those charities."
"We know where it started and we know there are two possible things that could have happened there, and we're not doing anything to push back against the regime's lack of transparency."
"Real dog training doesn't always go smoothly and that's why I'm going to show you every success and mistake and how I work through all the most challenging parts of raising a new puppy."
"We have as I say a large team disclosing information, making things available, so that this horrible and sorry state can be brought to a conclusion."
"Saying it out loud is important though because it actually forces the system to acknowledge its own hypocrisy."
"Transparency, having strong faith foundations, and being fun... these three things have gotten us through."
"We're not perfect either. We make mistakes, but we share our L's and our W's with you guys."
"I'm generally in favor of freedom of information. If there's any doubt, we should err on the side of freedom of information."
"When people start sending their charity through Aasas and have the visibility of their expenditure and have faith in the integrity of the program, that will be the success measure for me."
"We want to shine the beautiful spotlight of transparency down upon that system so that we can help clean it up a little bit."
"Transparency is what's lacking so much in our government, in our politics, in our corporations."
"This is democracy taking place in darkness. It's not democracy."
"In a democracy, you have a right to know what is being done in your name."
"Our goal really is to explain what's happening at YouTube; there are real people behind YouTube, and we really care about our creators."
"What works with New Yorkers and what has always worked with New Yorkers is give us the facts. Just give me the facts."
"Remember, there are no secrets, there's nothing magical here whatsoever."
"If we make a mistake on this show, I will publicly correct it the very next show."
"All politicians should have to live stream their entire life while in office. The corrupt will bail out and the cost will be easily covered after the corruption is uprooted."
"Deliver a clear message that is honest, that is transparent, that trusts the public believes the public can handle the truth."
"Don't hide things in the fog. Lay out an ideal. You should pursue an ideal."
"Transparency is important to the community...make sure we follow that roadmap, keep true to it, and have the best product."