
Skill Development Quotes

There are 7755 quotes

"We have to start seeing creativity as a fundamental human skill."
"The greatest skill one can develop is decreasing the time between idea and execution."
"Just what an hour of deliberate practice can do."
"You've got all this potential, you can turn it into skill set, but the thing that's required is time and energy."
"Some people don't have the skill set to be successful entrepreneurs. That is something you need to develop."
"Stacking skills is how you do something great, but stacking skills takes time."
"Creativity is kind of like a muscle, and the more you use it, the more creative you become."
"Every time you play through a roguelike...you'll always come away from the experience with a new piece of knowledge or a new skill."
"There's no meaning that's subscribed to it; it's meaning that you give it. But if you want to reach fulfillment, do the following: work your ass off to gain a set of skills that allow you to serve not only yourself but other people."
"Always try to do the right thing... find out what you're good at and do it... remember you can always separate yourself from everybody else if you want to."
"Develop self-mastery, forge ahead and keep doing what you know best."
"Skill acquisition: once you have the right skills, you can apply that to accomplishing the things you want."
"When you commit to being a creator and not just a consumer, to develop new skills... those help you in other areas of life."
"The growth mindset... the belief that skill and intelligence can be developed just with efforts."
"Patience is the skill of understanding that results take some time to occur."
"Repeating things that make you better at something, something you want to get good at, do it a lot. You're going to get more efficient at that."
"Become a massive value provider... you have to train yourself in some way where you will provide an inordinate, disproportionate amount of value compared to everybody else."
"Thinking is a skill which can be learned, just as we learned skills such as typing and playing the piano."
"One of the ways I hone my predictive abilities is to look backward over history."
"Leadership is a skill like any other, a practicable, learnable skill, and it is something that you work on."
"Managing emotions is like a skill, with each person having their natural talents for some emotions and not others."
"The beauty comes when you kind of bring those skills together."
"One of the greatest skills of the 21st century is the skill of critical thinking."
"I think of it as like a skill set, that becoming the person you actually want to be means that you have to adopt and practice a bunch of skill sets that accumulate over time."
"The longer you do something, the better you get at it."
"Working really hard to gain a set of skills that... serve not only yourself but other people."
"When I'm asked how long a picture takes, I reply, thirty years and one half-hour. It took many years to get to that level and a half hour to paint it."
"Mentoring others is the best way to cement your own skills."
"The thing that really hooked me and got me like in deep was rocket jumping. I definitely get the most into games where there's a kind of unique skill that you can really latch onto and just feel infinite improvement."
"If you can regain the skill and learn how to do that, then you can end up making a lot of money and making huge levels of progress in your life and in your business."
"Develop mastery in something. Pick at least one or two things in your life that you will develop mastery in."
"Confidence is a skill that you build through action."
"In order to get good, you've got to work on your craft."
"Learn how to cook... or master a new recipe that you've never tried before."
"They start by building up rare and valuable skills."
"Acquired skills can be developed by the way you live."
"Your knowledge and your skills, nothing in life can ever empty these two buckets."
"You should be coding something every day, even if it's just for a couple of minutes, 10 to 15, since every little bit helps."
"A lot of training can help you with confidence in your abilities."
"If every problem could be solved by just following a set of instructions, everyone would be a grandmaster."
"The only way to build a skill is by diving into it."
"Work really hard to gain a set of skills that allow you to serve not only yourself but other people."
"Great skill, great mastery, great ability comes from constant and never-ending improvement."
"If you want to be good at anything, you commit yourself and dedicate yourself to it and you become the master of your craft."
"I'm starting to get into a groove where I can just throw laser after laser."
"In order to master her, you really got to put in some extra time to really understand the flow and the pace."
"Genuine happiness doesn't mean pleasant feelings one after the other; it's more about a cluster of qualities that we can develop as skills."
"It's not about showing up to the gyms now; it's about leveling up the skill inside of the gym."
"It's incredibly useful to at least know the basics of how to code... knowing how to code opens your mind up to potential business ideas."
"Master a skill... each new skill set that you add raises the value of your work so that you can earn more money per hour."
"The only way to get from conscious competence to unconscious competence is through practice."
"The practice of anticipating the needs of the other person when you say no is a very, very useful life skill to build."
"If you can speak publicly, if you can speak to a camera, if you can speak to groups, that is so powerful."
"What I always do is I would reverse engineer. So whatever goal that I have, I say that's my goal, I want to reverse engineer and break that down into what do I need to do, what do I need to focus on, what skills do I need to upgrade?"
"Every skill you add to your skill tool belt makes the rest of your skills more valuable."
"Habits are...the foundation for mastery in any area."
"Neuroplasticity... shows that virtually any sort of talent or skill can be created through training."
"Never too early or too late to develop these skills."
"Put in your reps to get better at the thing."
"That's how magic happens: you spend an unreasonable amount of time on something that other people wouldn't."
"Focus and scale comes from skill, and skill comes from training."
"All my levels are gone because I combined every last level I had to get protection one books into protection four."
"One of the many things I firmly believe in is that anybody who learns the skillsets of a millionaire can become a millionaire."
"I wasn't always the guy teaching thousands to take incredible iPhone photos."
"In certain situations, especially depending on where the defenders are, as a receiver, you have to catch the ball with your hands."
"Learn to sell, learn to build. If you can do both, you will be unstoppable."
"There's no reason in principle why we shouldn't be able to train our intuition in these areas just as we can train our physical skills and things like playing the piano or train our taste buds and noses in getting to know about wine and that kind of thing. Everything in principle should be trainable."
"Boldness is a skill, and you don't have to be born bold to be bold in your life."
"Mindset times skill set times tool set equals assets, and income follows assets."
"Talent you have naturally. Skill is only developed by hours and hours and hours of beating on your craft."
"I love new skill days so much. Their skills level up like crazy."
"Deliberate practice is really a meta-skill, a higher order skill that can be applied across nearly everything you do."
"Focus on building your skills; trust what you've done to get to this point."
"The more rare and valuable skills you develop, the more career capital you'll have."
"You strengthen your gifts by practicing them, by engaging them."
"The skill you need to refine is the ability to learn new skills."
"If you keep doing something so many times that your body now knows how to do it better than your conscious mind, then it's programmed subconsciously."
"It's better to develop the skill to acquire something than it is to have the thing."
"To me, the meaning of life is how much of your potential can you translate into usable skill set and then can you use that skill set doing something that matters to you and matters to the world."
"The most important thing I've learned from this lifestyle is 100% communication. The communication skills that you have to have to engage in the things that I engage in are far beyond what most people ever develop."
"Anyone who starts playing the game at any time can become one of the absolute best."
"Most people don't know how good they can get at a skill until somebody demands that they meet a certain level."
"Drawing does not require talent. It is a skill just like any other skill."
"Learning a skill like drawing requires knowledge and practice, sometimes lots of practice."
"Find something you like doing, do it on a consistent basis, get good at it."
"You gain experience, you level up, you become faster, more familiar with your craft, and more efficient in your craft."
"Communication is, I think, the most underrated skill on planet Earth, especially in business."
"Learning to listen is part of your ability to communicate."
"Realistic expectations of your abilities are crucial. Once you get used to the dot, you should shoot as well as you did with iron sights, and then you will slowly begin to improve in certain areas."
"Visualization helps you build skills. The more you visualize things, the greater your confidence is going to be."
"Building good relationships isn't just something that happens to you; it's a skill that you can learn."
"Being enthusiastic is a skill, and so is being creative. It's a skill you can get better at."
"The ability to program is going to make your life so much easier."
"The more consistently you do it, the more manifesting becomes a habit. It becomes a way of thinking, it becomes a way of acting, and it becomes a skill that you can rely on to help you get absolutely anything."
"Depression, just kidding, we've got the level 250 move under pressure."
"A large part of building up your fundamentals is consistency, and that extends to combos as well."
"The work is subtle, and there is a great deal that is learned as somebody figures out how to wield these tools properly."
"Develop better skills so you can get a better job."
"I think all of this requires practice. You don't think about practicing saying no, but it's such an important thing."
"I'm gonna create a master programmer that actually has more programming skill than your typical computer science student going to work for $125,000 a year at Google."
"The thing that makes me a good programmer are the people that I've met and worked with and known over the years who had skills I didn't have."
"This presents an insane opportunity to acquire high-value blockchain development skills."
"Confidence is not a personality trait; it's a skill. You can acquire confidence by moving from thought to action."
"People tend to become good at things they really care about."
"Achievement, or sometimes called mastery, means getting really good at something."
"The only really skill you want to learn in school is the meta skill of how to learn."
"When you grow your skills base, you become more self-sufficient... the small problems of the world are far less impactful."
"Reading books is about learning, reading books is about turning your potential into actual usable skill set."
"Tenacity and willpower is the reflection of a neural circuit function, that is a skill."
"Will power is possibly the most important skill you can develop in your entire life."
"To become a digital renaissance man, you will be learning a variety of skills and interests that pique your curiosity."
"The more tricks you're landing, you start feeling this confident fire, this passion."
"Don't wish for less problems, wish for more skills."
"Filling in these gaps is what will build your skills and increase your ability in the language."
"Practice daily. If you practice everything for only one day, you won't retain the information you learned."
"Hobbies and interests can expand your skill set and boost your confidence."
"It's really, really important today to understand a programming language."
"You need to learn Linux if you're really serious about your career."
"You're interested in machine learning? You want to do some networking? Try to combine the two. Just figure out how it works, figure out what the limitations are so you will be able to trip every vendor sales engineer with a PowerPoint deck, and you're good to go."
"It's a lifelong learning thing. I've been doing photography for more than 20 years now, and I'm still constantly learning things."
"Adaptability is the most important skill an individual should develop."
"Skillshare is a place where you can learn and develop skills in areas that you want to improve in."
"Learning new skills or languages can help maintain your brain function."
"In this course, you will improve your Python skills by creating a snake game using the Pygame library."
"Object-oriented programming concepts make you a better programmer."
"The secret is... just a little bit each day and being consistent has a staggering potential to just let you gain so many skills."
"People don't realize how much of success is not an accident, it's about people having these extraordinary skills and they take action."
"If you want to be a world-class programmer, you can program every day for ten years, or you can program every day for two years and take an algorithms class."
"If you don't work on the craft or the skill that it is that you see yourself doing in the future, you're not gonna do it well."
"Developing skills that can be used to make more money is crucial, but so is learning how to save and manage money effectively."
"Entering on a trendline breakout is much easier to learn than mentally dealing with a drawdown for six months."
"The best tip to become a millionaire is learn a high-income skill."
"Becoming a good photographer involves many different skill sets."
"The secret to being a better comic is to write better jokes, and the secret to writing better jokes is to write every day."
"Leadership is critical. Incorporating all of these skills... you're going to be a better leader, a more capable leader."
"Data is one of the growing fields, and all you need to have is high school-level math and curiosity about how things work."
"One way to avoid the tutorial trap is to actually practice what you learn."
"The real game is not easy, it's not quick, it's not fast, it's very hard. You got to have high skills, but it's possible. But you got to understand the game and you got to play by its rules."
"I took the classes, got serious, worked my way up from that hundred dollars a day to two hundred dollars a day, three hundred dollars a day, and made it at three hundred dollars a day, I quit my job and started traveling all over the world."
"Learning to interpret his drawings cleaner so that they can you can take this information and make a beautiful drawing out of it that's an art in and of itself."
"The more you do, the better you're going to be."
"The harder you work at something, the better you’ll be at it."
"Now we're forced to be inside; now you have a bunch of Millennials learning how to cook, cleaning, doing laundry."
"Greatness is not some [expletive] behind-the-sky thing; it's a set of [expletive] skills that lets you climb up the competency hierarchy."
"It's possible to go from knowing absolutely nothing to picking up a new skill and performing it pretty well in just 20 hours of deliberate, focused practice."
"Deconstructing the skill...break it apart into these smaller parts and practice the most important sub-skills first."
"We have a limited time, so you need to be spending as much of it as possible bettering yourself, bettering your situation, bettering your skills."
"At some point, everyone who's good at something was not good at it."
"If you really want the most fun challenge and you really want to learn the game the best... play campaign on hard or very hard."
"You can study a recipe, study a YouTube video, but it will still require input of time and effort to develop the proficiency of baking regularly."
"Practice makes perfect, or at least the closest thing you can get to perfect."
"We're teaching really exceptional traders now, which is fantastic."
"Your active aim is actually only 20% of the equation. The other eighty percent of your aim actually comes down to your passive aim."
"I am self-motivated and have zeal in learning new skills."
"The first thing you got to focus on is increase your income, meaning develop skill sets that the marketplace will value."
"Become obsessed with light. Look at light around you all the time."
"One problem that a lot of Protoss players have is they bunch all their units into a big blob; you can't do that, you have to have the APM to move those units, spread them out, it makes a huge difference."
"The best way to increase your skills is to spend time with people who are better than you, bouncing off ideas and having a feedback system."
"Pippen's emergence gave the Bulls another elite finisher and secondary scoring weapon, but more importantly another playmaker."
"On the unemployment side, a long time. Certain businesses aren't going to come back, and people are gonna have to retool."
"Practice makes perfect; meditation just like anything else is a skill."
"The more you do it, the better you get at it."
"We've gotten better since we originally played this game. I feel like we're pretty advanced now at these type of games."
"Don't change your sensitivity... constantly trying new sensitivities means you can never fully get used to one."
"The 10,000-hour rule: To become world-class at something, you need to put in at least 10,000 hours of deliberate practice."
"Perfect a skill, get good at it. It requires dedication and frankly, stuff that comes hard is better for you as a human being then stuff that comes really easily."
"It's not like you have it or you don't; it's like a skill that you cultivate."
"The best investment is in increasing your earning capacity."
"When you're sitting there trying to sell your product, whatever it may be, the stronger your mindset is, the greater your skill set is going to be."
"It's about skill, it's about confidence taking control, it's also about laser focus, concentrating on what it is you want to accomplish."
"Master your craft and play with what you're mastering, and those two will come together across time."
"It's a state that's achieved most frequently when a high level of skill meets a high level of challenge."
"Avoid investments of time or money that get in the way of earning ability, health, and skill acquisition."
"Learning sales to me is the most fundamental skill that anyone can learn in any business."
"There are recession-proof skill sets like if you understand how to sell, if you understand how to market, if you understand how to build teams."
"Anyone today can learn how to earn an income online if they have the right dedication and the right skill set."
"Become a master of one or two things rather than a jack of all trades and master of none."
"Bonsai trees can be cut to gain gardening XP."
"It's kind of amazing in my own life. Like I play guitar every day... It's incredible what you can accomplish in a period of a year or two years."
"Trying to teach someone else that new skill is, in my opinion, the most effective strategy I have for deepening my understanding of a new skill."
"Skill comes from sweat and practice and commitment."
"Learn new techniques because the minute we stop learning, it becomes boring."
"If you give those people a skill that will give them a comfortable life, then it's game over for the establishment."
"My goal is to give you many tools that you can put in your toolbox that you can use as you see fit."
"A mandatory national service could ensure that for at least two years of your life, you commit to improving society and learn something marketable."
"Their goal is to make you a good problem solver, good at thinking, good at communication. So basically, it makes you a good person and a good coder overall."
"You want to make sure you dial in on one programming language and get really good at that."
"With enough practice and effort, we can train our muscles and minds to do just about anything."
"Mastering one move or two moves over and over again is the blueprint and the truth."
"You learn to sideflip, wall kick, and triple jump for the first time and you find applications for these new moves."
"Being part of a community and sharing tips and feedback with peers can significantly enhance learning and skill development."
"You will never become good at something as complicated as making videos by just waiting for it to happen."
"Because this Chinese martial art can train even the most unlikely person to become a killing machine. You do not want to find out the hard way."
"I think when you're learning a new skill, that's really what it's about, it's just having fun."
"Pick one, do it. Then pick another and do it and before you know it, you are going to be a budgeting guru."
"Humans have an unreal capacity to get great at things even if they don't have a natural talent for it if they're immersed in it."
"You don't just want and done your mindset. It's a process; it's a skill that you work on for the rest of your life."
"Before you know it, you'll be a pro at using Next.js 13."
"You can't just be a level 100 wizard overnight, Charlie. Come on, you have to earn that."
"Do something that's valuable for someone. You won't be there today, let's start working to acquire those skills."