
Fruits Quotes

There are 193 quotes

"Every time you eat a fruit, you're not just eating a snack; you're sipping Nature's finest beverage, giving your circulatory system a VIP pass to the express lane."
"I think you'll be hard-pressed to find an unhealthy fruit."
"Fruits are always going to be a treat that you can feel good about eating."
"Lemons with their Tangy taste and vibrant yellow color are well known for their digestive health benefits."
"One of the best fruits in the game... but how does it fare in the One Piece universe?"
"There is something so absurdly tropical about a pineapple."
"You can make crisps out of any fruit really."
"Okay, maybe I was wrong. I admit I was wrong. Grapes, I think grapes do pretty well price-wise."
"Between the strawberries and the grape, I'm going to have to say strawberries was the best one."
"I like having those figs out, that's awesome."
"Kira independently learned everything about the fruit and its effects by investigating the baseball pitcher."
"Just a great way to enjoy some delicious summer fruit."
"Berries are so nutrient dense, especially blueberries, blackberries, those things like that have that really dark pigmentation."
"It's a fun fruit, it's so weird but also so interesting."
"There's nothing like eating them right from the garden. Blueberries, strawberries are some of my favorite garden snacks."
"There is something fascinating about these little fruits."
"Cucumbers are Michelle's favorite vegetable, which I think is actually technically a fruit."
"Incorporate these top three anti-aging fruits into your daily diet for optimal health and vitality."
"These mangoes though, I mean talk about Mother Nature just doing what she does."
"It has the effect of instilling all the different fruits the Holy Spirit."
"I use my fruits as my sugar, and my veggies as my medicine."
"The durian reigns as the undisputed king of fruits in the tropical climates of Indonesia, the Philippines, Malaysia, and Southern Thailand."
"There's fruits on the other side of that forgiveness."
"With the fruits one can replace their entire body at the cellular level in just two hours."
"Every time one gets ripe, I get a new favorite."
"Powdered fruits offer a convenient and versatile solution for enjoying the natural sweetness of fruits even in emergency situations."
"The fruit of the Holy Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control or self-discipline. We don't cut that anchor."
"There were so many bananas and apples so thank you for that."
"Fruits and vegetables offer a comprehensive package containing various vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, and likely other compounds awaiting Discovery."
"This top is definitely a reflection of the fact that I've been looking at fruits magazines for hours every single day."
"If you plant your Roots deep then you can grow your tree high and bear beautiful fruits and people can even benefit from the shade that you offer."
"Gelato fresh milk fresh fruits served at minus 12."
"There were Norfolk biffins squat and swarthy setting off the yellow of the oranges and lemons."
"These liloy flowers, they're so beautiful I'm obsessed with these and underneath here we've got lots and lots of ripe Lys just dripping off of these Vines."
"We all know we're supposed to eat more fruits and vegetables, but how many and how do we really make that happen?"
"Mangoes are actually the fruit of the summer."
"Zone fruits can even be quite a specific species."
"Salak or snake fruit: a spongy bite of fruit that's highly acidic and very citrusy."
"Rambutan: you might just find it's your new go-to."
"Certain fruits like camu camu berry, amla berry, and acerola cherry are super high sources of vitamin C."
"I just now want to enjoy the fruits of my labor."
"...berries, apples and papaya those are three really really good fruits that can help you transition."
"It's more important to eat your fruits and vegetables than worry about whether you're getting organic or not because there is a significant benefit in terms of that."
"Okay, so we've got the strawberries, whatever kind of design you like. But then I generally leave the center like this for a little bit of blueberries to go around. Just a very simple fruit tart with the pastry cream that we made."
"Grapes are one of the most forgiving fruits when it comes to pruning."
"Fruits are among the healthiest foods in the world."
"I was reminded of my love for some fruits and vegetables that I had totally neglected or basically forgotten about over the years."
"Vegetables are roots and leaves, while fruits have flowers and a pit or seeds."
"I've got my berry, got my cherries."
"Fruits and vegetables dramatically decrease our risk of certain cancers, especially lung cancer and colon cancer."
"Dates are the fruits of these beautiful palm trees they have a little pit inside which you remove but they are sweet intensely sweet."
"Berries are one of the highest antioxidant fruits."
"When it comes to fruits, oranges. No, I mean, that's a natural source of vitamin C."
"But man, by your fruits you shall know them, and the Mormon Church has a ton of serious fruits."
"It is time for one of Nature's fruit snacks, so we're doing berries, kiwis, got some ripe pineapple and some cuties."
"I would like a strawberry, pear, kiwi, and orange smoothie."
"What kind of fruits and vegetables? Whole fresh ripe raw organic plants."
"Eat more fruits and vegetables. If we eat more fruits and vegetables, we're going in the right direction."
"Watermelon should be the star of the show it's like beloved by the entire world over bananas not as good as watermelon I'll say it cherries they're different don't hold on now we're literally comparing apples to oranges right now."
"I like that it's sweet and sour, it has a lot of really great fruits in here."
"Fruit contains wonderful anti-cancer compounds."
"I love Thailand, I love Thai recipes, and it's amazing how many of them incorporate the lovely fruits that they have there."
"The mangoes in Mexico and the avocados are just superior to the rest of the world."
"Apples and peaches happen to be some of my favorite fruits."
"Don't worry about your fruit or your veggies."
"The sugars found in fruit aren't refined sugars; fruit contains a lot of anti-inflammatory compounds like antioxidants and fiber."
"Make sure the fruits and vegetables are visible and in visible locations everywhere."
"A firm believer in the power of a balanced diet, Aniston includes plenty of fruits."
"My dream breakfast would be a big tray of fruit, like strawberries and watermelon and kiwi and blackberry."
"By their fruits you shall know them, so what are the fruits of the Doctrine Covenants restored or revealed scripture?"
"The world will know us by our fruit."
"Happy Capybaras, they like to eat fruits."
"City of stars, this is blood orange, lemon, lime."
"Pineapple, yeah, strawberries, bananas, mango, yeah, look at all of it."
"You can add strawberries, bananas, all kinds of amazing fruits for dogs."
"It's super sweet, good, delicious man, I can eat fruits all day here."
"The fruits are so ripe they explode in your mouth."
"They are so vibrant and they just feel extra juicy too."
"I encourage you guys to eat more fresh fruits and fresh vegetables."
"It actually triples the amount of nutrients you get from the kiwi."
"It's kind of on a blackberry kick."
"My top three are definitely the Envy and definitely the Rocket."
"That's because they're loaded with juice. Fruits, another great way of getting water when you're really thirsty."
"You want to lose weight, then bump up that fruit and vegetable intake."
"Whole fruits that are lower in sugar like raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, and blueberries are going to be perfectly fine for achieving a weight loss goal."
"You're going to know them by their fruits."
"Inside it are fruits, date-palms and pomegranates."
"For winds shall go forth from before me to bring every morning the fragrance of aromatic fruits."
"Just focus on adding in more fruits and vegetables, and then the rest of the stuff will follow."
"Fruits, fruits, fruits, you just can't dispute their positive attributes even in their birthday suits."
"Anything that has seeds on the inside is a fruit."
"Apples... are so low glycemic index they're really not a bad fruit."
"The healthiest carbohydrates are whole ripe fruits."
"No one has added extra sugar in fruits; it's all naturally occurring."
"Elmo likes to ute, ute, ute, oo-ples and ba-noo-noos."
"Cherries are one of the lowest glycemic or lowest sugar fruits which means it gives us fiber, it gives us lots of nutrients and it's going to be one of the healthiest ways to satisfy a sweet tooth."
"By their fruits shall you know them, not by their name."
"Mangoes are my absolute favorite, and then peaches."
"It's cherry, apples, green apples covered in cinnamon."
"A good breakfast is never complete without a serving of some fruits."
"Strawberries are one of the lowest calories of all the fruits and vegetables."
"Fruit doesn't lie; there's always some quality of fruits that you can at least start to pick out on."
"The papayas and the mangoes here are so sweet and succulent; they're like amazing."
"Bananas are the new big thing, they're so good."
"Oh my god, kumquats are so underrated."
"It's so bright and airy and mouth-watering type of fruits and citruses."
"The perfectly named watermelon is 93 percent water."
"They got apples and bananas and watermelon, the gifts from God."
"I understand how important it is to have veggies in your life and fruits in your life."
"It's the best blackberries I ever tasted, I have to admit."
"This has been very effective, one of the most effective juicers on juicing fruits."
"I love grapes. I will eat them all the time, and my favorite grape is actually the purple grapes."
"Fruits help your speed up that digestion and fruits actually digest faster as well too and it has fiber in it."
"The fruits and vegetables with the most intense color are the healthiest for you."
"Fruits and veggies they're so yummy in my tummy, you can't beat 'em."
"Citric acid is a really common acid, it's found in various different fruits such as citrus fruits."
"By the fruits you will know them."
"What would the summer be without delicious farm-fresh strawberries and watermelon?"
"We're going to do some polishing, and this is where you get the real wow factor of these pieces of fruit."
"I love food, guys. I'm a big, big, big pineapple fan, strawberry fan, they have them all."
"The produce section has fruits and vegetables."
"Apples are low calorie and an excellent source for vitamins A, C, calcium, and phosphorus."
"This process leads to a cleaner and more sweet cup of coffee with the tropical fruits and red fruits."
"The aftertaste is long and sweet, with ripe red fruits when hot and tropical fruits when cooled down."
"We're getting a bunch of fruits and vegetables."
"Go to your local markets... buy up all the fruits that you've had before and that you've never had before."
"Get weird fruits... taste them with intention, and I promise you this is going to get you going."
"Elmo loves fruit and wants to find out more about it."
"It is interesting comparing this to other anona fruits and seeing the similarities and differences."
"Blueberry and lemon go well together, especially if you have a strawberry."
"I wish you could smell that, the smell of fresh melon smells incredible."
"My favorite fruits are blueberries and watermelon."
"I feel so blessed to be able to eat those fruits; they're so nice."
"A tomato isn't actually a vegetable, it is a fruit."
"Fresh fruits and vegetables can be great snacks, about 1/2 a cup each."
"I love having strawberries all year round, but during the summer, I love eating blueberries."
"Cucumbers especially in the morning and watermelon can keep you hydrated."
"Watermelons, they're getting huge."
"Polyphenols will be in nearly every fruit or vegetable that has a dark blue or purple skin."
"It's also satisfying enough to keep me full till lunch with fresh fruits."
"One thing I do notice that my body does crave are fresh fruits."
"That's why I love fruits; they always contain something interesting to help you with your goals."
"Elephants are clever and marulas are nice for a reason."
"I love kiwi, this is probably one of my favorite fruits honestly."
"Watermelon and mango are my favorite fruits by far."
"We recommend that people try to get 10 servings of fruit and vegetables per day."
"Every tree is known by its fruit."
"Real fruits, this is going to be incredible, this is my new hobby."
"I love grapes, grapes are probably my second favorite fruit out of everything."
"The color orange was named after the fruit."
"I'm obsessed with oranges at the moment."
"Fresh fruit just in general, lots of fresh fruit, whatever local fruit you can get your hands on, especially when it's in season for you, is going to have more nutrients in it."
"Fruits contain a rich amount of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and fiber."
"The fruits provide all the sweetness you need in a healthy way."
"I think figs are one of my favorite fruits."
"Keep eating your fresh fruits and vegetables including your leafy greens."
"Fruit is good for health, eat the apples, don't eat the toys."
"I really love trees. I've also come to buy some fruits here, some very nice mangoes."
"Apples are looking promising, and so are pears."
"Grapes are amazing and so are cherries, and people don't talk about them enough."
"I'm obsessed with fruits, mainly strawberries and grapes."
"We have summer fruits raspberries. I have these with my breakfast every day either with porridge or with smoothies."
"Some fruits are more exotic; there are mangoes and papayas."