
Comfort Zone Quotes

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"You're stepping further into the unknown, you're expanding your horizons and stepping outside of your comfort zone."
"This is really about stepping outside of your comfort zone."
"The greatest minds always say, once you feel like you're just about out of your comfort zone, then you're on the right track."
"Comfort's killing everyone. Don't make people comfortable; make them very uncomfortable, and then teach them to make discomfort their comfort zone."
"Every time they pushed out of their comfort zone to learn something new and difficult, the neurons in their brains form new connections, and over time they could get smarter."
"So much of our growth comes out of our comfort zone."
"This person is gonna be someone that has a powerful energy that may kind of push you out of your comfort zone."
"If you are comfortable today with what you were comfortable with yesterday, you're already in trouble."
"True growth involves stepping out of our comfort zones."
"Take risk...stepping outside of your comfort zone a little bit in order to take a certain risk in your life in the month of July."
"Attachment to the familiar is why people stay in situations far less than they deserve."
"Humans, in general, will not endure short-term discomfort for long-term achievement."
"If you're not outside your comfort zone, you're not growing."
"Sometimes stepping outside of our comfort zone and embracing that discomfort drives feeling good in the long term."
"Comfort tends to make us do things that make it harder for us to quickly escape."
"Great things never get dropped in your lap; they never start from comfort zones."
"Comfort and destiny do not live in the same house."
"Some people don't understand this because their comfort zone, breaking out of their comfort zone, is not that hard. Whereas for some of us, breaking out of our comfort zone is very hard."
"It's not a comfort zone; it's a safety zone."
"In the beginning, we feel uncomfortable, and if we can stay through the whole process, what happens at some point is everything else vanishes and all you are experiencing is the moment of connection."
"Definitely a fun challenge to try if you guys want to do something a little different in cast, get way outside your comfort zone."
"The real magic happens when you step out of your comfort zone."
"If you step outside your zone of comfort, that circle, the zone expands to meet you."
"Inside your comfort zone, you plateau, which is fun and nice, but you just don't get growth."
"My comfort zone didn't expand by magic; it was like a muscle that I just slowly trained and eventually got a little bit better."
"Why should you try and expand your comfort zone? Firstly, it'll be a lot easier to deal with new situations, to adapt to them, to challenge yourself and be okay."
"Going back into your comfort zone is really important if you are consistently challenging yourself."
"Sigma males believe in the power of stepping out of their comfort zone."
"Knowing that you just went out of your comfort zone to say no and it was terrifying but knowing you did that is where the confidence will grow."
"I grow when I step outside of my comfort zone."
"We live in a world that we want to be as comfortable as we can, and we wonder why we have no growth."
"You got to blow your bubble up. Expand yourself. Take yourself out of your comfort zone. Do not live in your bubble."
"You cannot take advice from people who are doing it from inside their comfort zone."
"I had to learn, not to take advice from people giving it from inside their comfort zone."
"A comfort zone can be damaging in the long-term if it doesn't allow for personal growth."
"All the best things in life happen when you say yes and when you get out of your comfort zone."
"Your job in life, my job in life, is to step out of our comfort zone."
"So I will take the hurt of stepping out of my comfort zone but I will remove resistance of fear, uncertainty, and doubt so that it's only discomfort and not suffering."
"Life is hard for two reasons: because you're living in your comfort zone and because you're trying to live outside of your comfort zone."
"Growth occurs when you step outside your comfort zone—embrace the unknown with open arms."
"I think most people in life don't achieve anything... because if it feels uncomfortable, they don't want to do it."
"Once you've learned that lesson in life, the magic happens outside your comfort zone always."
"Everything worthwhile happens outside of your comfort zone."
"Radical faith will require that you step out and do something that's outside of what makes you comfortable."
"Comfort zone is so great, it's so comfortable, it's so amazing, but right here, this is where the magic happens."
"Growth happens outside of your comfort zone."
"Sometimes it's great to give a little change and maybe go a little bit out of your comfort zone because you never know what you might discover about yourself."
"I think every day all of us should be uncomfortable about something."
"Success starts to feed on itself and you keep pushing further out of the comfort zone."
"Only those who consistently push past their comfort zones and embrace the struggle, are able to reach their true potential."
"When you're doing the same things, the same way, over and over, the comfort zone itself begins to shrink."
"So you can see how paradoxically, giving in to current comfort, can lead to future discomfort."
"It's about pushing boundaries and getting out of your comfort zone."
"I'm gonna be really stepping out of my comfort zone for this video."
"I feel very out of my comfort zone, but it was like refreshing; it felt like I did something good."
"But deliberately create opportunities to step outside of your comfort zone, that is where the magic happens."
"Everything that you want and everything that will make you happy and fulfilled is usually outside of your comfort zone."
"Your next step needs to be the type of faith move that pulls you out of your comfort zone."
"We're stuck because we're subconsciously stuck in our familiarized comfort zone, even though that's not the place or those aren't the behaviors that are going to get us the life we want."
"Get out of your comfort zone. There are no mistakes, only learning opportunities."
"I really enjoyed myself and moving forward, I just really want to start to step out of my comfort zone and just show more of Florida."
"Don't be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone; the further away you get from your native language, the closer you'll be to attaining fluency."
"They're afraid of losing you, and I feel like this person has just got used to your connection being like this; it's kind of become a comfort zone."
"I love how you let me pull you out of your comfort zone and you go on little adventures with me."
"Nothing extraordinary happens within our comfort zone."
"The key is to get out of our comfort zone. That's, my friends, the key to becoming a visionary."
"All failure means is you're stepping out of your comfort zone."
"I was a failure all the way up to the age of 34, but what if I told you I had never failed? That doesn't make sense. How was I a failure at 34 but I had never failed? I never stepped out of my comfort zone."
"Embrace failure. When you fail at something, you ought to be happy because it means you're stepping out of your comfort zone."
"Now is the time to... be bold and try new things and get out of your comfort zone and really be shaping your brain in a good way."
"How do you get out of your comfort zone if you don't take any risk?"
"You know, it's about empowerment... It's about making the uncomfortable comfortable."
"Life in the comfort zone is boring; life in the growth zone is exciting."
"Getting comfortable outside your comfort zone basically pushing yourself to do uncomfortable things until that feeling becomes normal to you."
"Actualizing your highest potential requires pushing your comfort zone."
"One of the biggest mistakes we make is getting too comfortable."
"You've got to put yourself in a situation, get uncomfortable, and then over time, you get more comfortable, you get more confident."
"What is real comfort? Go out of your comfort zone and get into power."
"Sometimes you gotta do things that you don't want to do; you gotta get out of your comfort zone."
"But it gets bad because it's comfortability, and then the more you stay in that setting, you feel like you're not doing anything."
"You got to get comfortable with being uncomfortable."
"Every moment you're out of your comfort zone is a moment for growth."
"You don't want to stick in your comfort bubble all year as well, because that's not going to create amazing, memorable moments for you in the next year."
"Keep pushing your boundaries. Are you still challenging yourself? Absolutely. A little out of your comfort zone? Yes, yes."
"Your comfort zone is a great place but nothing ever grows there."
"You have to get comfortable with being uncomfortable."
"Push yourself to the edges of your comfort zone. Nothing great ever happened inside of the comfort zone."
"If you don't make mistakes, you're not pushing yourself; you're not taking yourself out of your comfort zone."
"You're not going to walk by faith and live in a comfort zone. If you walk by faith, every now and then, you're going to fall out the sky."
"If you want to be exceptional, you have to be comfortable with being out of your comfort zone."
"I don't want to get too comfortable in life."
"Getting out of your comfort zone...is stuff that really builds your self-confidence."
"Stand out... do something that gets you out of your comfort zone that maybe even makes you a little afraid."
"Step outside of your comfort zone. You are closer than you think."
"Learn how to be comfortable being uncomfortable."
"Very rarely do we go outside of our comfort zone to look at things from another angle that we disagree with."
"Exercise is one of the most important elements pushing someone beyond their normal comfort zones."
"Sometimes we don't learn things because we're not forced to because we're comfortable."
"Sometimes if a bird is so comfortable in its nest and doesn't want to leave, even if you told it that it had wings, it'd be like, 'Nah, I'm good.'"
"A lot of these fashion trends for 2021 are kind of pushing us out of our comfort zone and encouraging us to have a bit of fun with our styling."
"Fear is a sign that we’re at the edge of our comfort zone, it’s like a little light going saying 'About to grow.'"
"This has been something I've thought about recently: Get out of your comfort zone. You never know; you could make new really really close friends by putting yourself out there that little bit more."
"You are going to find your destiny out of your comfort zone."
"The best things happen outside of your comfort zone."
"I always wanna push myself out of my comfort and I wanna inspire you guys to push yourself out of your comfort zone."
"Stop being too comfortable in your comfort zone. You've got to get uncomfortable to be comfortable."
"You literally have to hit rock bottom to acknowledge it, because people... are so comfortable."
"You know, a ship is safe in the harbor, but that's not what it's really freaking meant for."
"Always stay flexible, don't stay in your comfort zone, ensure that you are being uncomfortable with your degree of comfortability."
"Adversity is a huge thread. The average person is going to go for what's comfortable, and not just what's comfortable, what's super comfortable."
"You've got to stop getting too comfortable. You've got to be uncomfortable to get comfortable."
"Are you willing to let go of always being at home, always being in your comfort zone, always being quiet? What are you willing to sacrifice for it?"
"Do something every day that sucks. Get outside your comfort zone."
"It's very important to get out of your comfort zone... If I didn't get out of my comfort zone, I would probably never leave this bedroom."
"Pushing yourself out of that comfort zone socially... it honestly took me to have that mindset of 'F*** what everybody else thinks.'"
"Step outside of your comfort zone to get away from all that old crap that you don't want in your room anymore and embrace all of the things that you want."
"I think the answer is really the same as with anything else: go outside your comfort zone."
"Greatest is right outside your comfort zone."
"Prepare yourself for the challenges of your life by getting rid of comfort."
"If you sit in that [south node] it's the comfort zone... if you stay there long enough you're gonna get the tower."
"Step outside your comfort zone and trust your intuition."
"Sometimes, saving someone means stepping out of your comfort zone."
"We have to do new things that push us outside of our comfort zones, that excite us, that bring in joy, happiness, love, money, spirituality."
"I never do anything that I don't stand behind, even if it's out of my comfort zone."
"Get out of your comfort zone and learn about yourself."
"It's just stretching the boundaries of the comfort zone and the more that you do it the comfort zone becomes and you become better at dealing with those situations."
"A good man will get out of his comfort zone for you."
"Step out of your comfort zone; embrace the tests and adjustments for progress."
"There is resistance to letting go... it's like getting out of the comfort zone."
"There's never a level of comfort, even if you are good."
"Am I going to live in my comfort zone... or do I just take the discomfort right now and start to explore different ways of expression?"
"Put yourself in uncomfortable situations for benefits. Pushing out of the comfort zone makes us better spiritually, mentally, or physically."
"If I'd given into that little 'just stay in the Box' instinct, I would not be as happy of a person as I am."
"The number one killer of your goals and of your dreams is comfort."
"It's important for me to push myself out of my comfort zone in order to improve."
"I just couldn't make it happen so I wound up defaulting to like a comfort zone which is not what I wanted to do here."
"Sometimes it is good to push ourselves out of our own comfort zone, out of bounds as it were, because it's how you learn and grow as a person." - Closing statement
"It's comfortable, you can stay where you are, but most people always look for more and further growth."
"Commit to the journey. Great things happen outside of your comfort zone."
"It's cool to have someone kind of take you out of your comfortable zone."
"We're all becoming very soft. We curl up in a ball and run away to a safe space instead of taking on our challenges."
"If you're in a comfortable environment, you can't really grow."
"You need to push yourself a little bit further... as soon as you start to feel comfortable."
"Don't be afraid to step outside your comfort zone."
"Step out of your comfort zone. Take a leap of faith."
"Life begins at the edge of your comfort zone."
"Step out of your comfort zone and embrace new experiences."
"You guys tend to push people out of their comfort zone in a way that they need."
"Learning to be comfortable while you're uncomfortable."
"Nothing good happens in the comfort zone oftentimes, so it could be a good thing for you to stretch out of your comfort zone."
"Being stretched outside of your comfort zone has so many incredible benefits."
"There's a whole life out there waiting for you outside of your comfort zone."
"I feel like if you don't live outside your comfort zone you won't get anywhere in life."
"Kubrick is warning us not to get too comfortable as he lets us know we're not really at home here."
"The only way to guarantee meaningful positive change... is to exit your comfort zone and relentlessly attack your goals."
"Step out of your comfort zone, it's worth it."
"You have to step outside of your comfort zone."
"I feel so alive when I'm out of my comfort zone. That's when I feel most alive."
"Growth only happens when you step outside of your comfort zone."
"Growth often happens outside of your comfort zone."
"There are so many amazing clothing brands out there that I miss out on because I just get stuck in my comfort zone."
"Seek discomfort, because life is best lived on the other side of your comfort zone."
"Before anything great is really achieved, your comfort zone must be disturbed."
"Stop waiting to step out of your comfort zone."
"The Lord is calling his people out of their comfort zone."
"It's good to get out of our comfort zone, right?"
"Do what you're afraid of doing over and over until you become comfortable and enjoy it."
"Buddy, I am so happy to be back in my comfort zone, playing one of my favorite decks."
"The blessings in life are outside of your comfort zone that's where all your blessings are that's where all of your wildest dreams come true."
"Once you have some success, it's easy to go, 'I'm not leaving this, and I'm definitely not helping those people.'"
"If you're comfortable where you are, don't feel like you have to push yourself out of it."
"If there's one thing that you can do in your life to make you happier, push out your comfort zone."
"Challenge the path of least resistance; don't get stuck in a comfortable rut."
"I didn't really set out to achieve any super big goals I guess my point in making this video was that we should step outside of our comfort zone a little bit."
"It's probably the only place I would ever feel comfortable to talk about this."
"There is less risk in stepping out of your comfort zone and adapting than there is in not taking any risk at all."
"We all need to get out of our comfort zones where it's not actually comfortable because it's not moving anything forward."
"You're probably gonna have to walk away from comfort zones to be successful."
"Whatever you're going through right now, I want to tell you something: If the Holy Spirit is with you, you are not gonna stay there forever."
"Find out what your comfort zone is and once in a while get out of it."
"If you're still comfortable, you're doing it wrong."
"Comfort and complacency is... the enemy of progress and success."
"Break free from these limiting mind frames, break free from your safe zone."
"Step outside of your comfort zone, embrace opportunities."
"When you push yourself to do something out of your comfort zone that is positive and what do you get back? You get back all kinds of positive energy in return."
"Don't live the same year 75 times and call it a life when is the last time you did something for the first time how often do you travel how do you push yourself outside of your comfort zone."
"Change does not come from a place of comfort."
"Don't be afraid of breaking out of your comfort zone."
"Even though some people take comfort in having things be the same, it doesn't mean that we should strive to be content."
"Intensity does not happen within our comfort zone, that's why we like it."
"That's what makes a scary yes scary, pushing past your comfort zone."
"Everybody has their version of that but you have to get out of your zone of comfort in order to sort of rise to that level of your potential."
"You have to constantly force yourself to grow out of your comfort zone; that's where the growth occurs."
"Step outside of your comfort zone until being outside of your comfort zone is your new comfort zone."
"I want to exhaust all of me in this world. As long as I'm alive, I want to make sure that I never get comfortable with just living. I want to impact the lives of people around me and the world. That's why I do these things."
"You have been moving... away from your comfort zone."
"You can either choose comfort or growth. Stepping outside the box of comfort is the step into real adulthood."
"These outside of your comfort zone steps can also impact your future."
"Step outside your comfort zone and support new artists who are doing something different."
"The more you step out of your comfort zone, the more success you will have."