
Food Science Quotes

There are 176 quotes

"Watermelon isn't just about spitting seeds and Instagrammable moments; it's packed with citrulline, a magical amino acid that gets converted into arginine, which then becomes nitric oxide. Let's just call it the VIP guest at the blood flow party."
"Food science is what happens to food between the ground and the mouth; nutrition is what happens to food between the mouth and the cell; metabolic health is what happens to food inside the cell."
"Dark chocolate...coffee...are great examples of how we always think of one food as one vitamin or one chemical, and yet there's much more to it."
"Food as medicine or food is information, I mean the macronutrients are information, the micronutrients for information but the phytonutrients are also information."
"A marshmallow is basically a foam that's stabilized by gelatin."
"Ultra-processed foods are engineered to be highly desirable, combining sugar, fat, and salt to maximize reward."
"How is soy sauce actually made? Why does it make food taste so good?"
"Carbohydrates are not bad; it's really the effect of the refining that's the major problem."
"Ultra-processed foods are ready to eat or ready to heat industrial formulations made mainly with ingredients refined and processed."
"Food is information, it's not just calories... The food that you eat interacts with your gut bugs and interrupts with your immune system."
"Food is not just calories, it's information, it's instructions, it's literally like code that programs your biology."
"It's not even true. American cheese was designed specifically so that it would melt faster and last longer before getting moldy. It's practical but it's not good."
"Food is magical because how we process food has a huge impact on its health outcomes."
"When meat is removed from heat and allowed to rest, the muscles relax as everything cools down and the juices redistribute throughout the meat."
"You want meat that has a lot of collagen-rich connective tissue which will break down over the low and slow cooking period leading to chunks of beef that are tender and flavorful."
"The one size that fits all is quality. Understand that food is information. It literally can upgrade or downgrade your biology with every bite."
"The color of the shell does not have any real indication on the nutrition."
"We alkalinize our food in the upper small intestine."
"Portion control has actually been a recent trend in food science."
"According to the USCA, fresh ground beef starts off at a purplish color, once exposed to air the meat turns a bright cherry red color."
"In terms of texture, it gives us this glossy unctuous mouth meal."
"Guess what property we learned from earlier? Beef fat melts."
"Basic food science that we learned in this video will help you make better burgers."
"Understanding basic food science principles is very important."
"Donuts have holes so that the inside and outside cook evenly."
"Astronauts at the International Space Station recently enjoyed a taco dinner made with chili peppers grown on board the ISS."
"Fried foods are addictive because when you fry a food it gets crispy, the carbohydrate has a carbohydrate component into the bloodstream rapidly and the oil component into the bloodstream rapidly to get a carbohydrate oil sandwich."
"Eggs can be described as a complete food offering a comprehensive nutrient profile with essential vitamins, minerals, and micronutrients."
"Calories do matter, but they're not created equal."
"Maybe certain foods affect the body differently."
"Cultured butter, introducing bacterial cultures into the cream."
"Beans have a compound called inositol pentakis phosphate ip5 which is very powerful against cancer."
"The more diverse complex of microorganisms you have, the more complex the Aromas and the flavors are going to come out."
"There's a super interesting study out of Kansas State from 2015 where they demonstrate that pepper almost entirely prevented the formation of HCAs in burgers."
"Pop Rocks were discovered by two chemists at the General Foods lab while they were trying to design an instant soft drink in the 60s."
"Whether it's cooked or whether it's raw it doesn't change the mineral content of the food."
"Honey never ever expires, from ancient Egypt to today."
"Flavour is a combination of roughly 20% taste and 80% aroma."
"You know, it's like you think it was a joke with the everlasting gobstoppers and the original Willy Wonka - no, you can do this stuff with flavors."
"The egg is the most complete food source we have."
"Food isn't necessarily food. Fat isn't fat. Protein isn't protein."
"You can tailor it to have any kind of consistency or quality or nutritional value that you want."
"We were taught to ignore food's role in health, but science is changing that."
"The barbecue stall: a phenomenon known as evaporative cooling."
"There's a symbiotic relationship between the activator muscles in your mouth and the turgor pressure in the specimen you are biting into."
"A clear sign of an excellent source of beta-carotene."
"Ever wondered how soda bottles keep that refreshing fizz for that long?"
"Food is information...literally sending instructions with every bite."
"The flavor of the food comes from the phytochemicals in the food."
"Sourdough bread is a constant practice of responding to ever-changing variables."
"Could it just be that the butter is affecting the composition?"
"Sourdough is totally magic, it's water and flour and you get this amazing product from it."
"Sonic food might sound like something from the distant future, but the concept is actually pretty simple."
"Xanthan gum disperses very easily and smoothly into fat."
"Sour candy... gives candy its intense flavor but is also present naturally in our bodies and within Granny Smith apples, cherries, tomatoes, and apricots."
"Gluten is the glue that holds food together."
"Vegetable powders: the key to food security and nutrient-packed meals."
"It's elasticy, we're good, you can see the little strands of gluten."
"Food isn't just food; it's information. It literally changed me."
"It's about the fatty acid profile... smoked salmon rounds it out super well."
"Just because a anthocyanin or pigment is a particular color doesn't mean the food is going to end up appearing that way in the end."
"There are plant breeders, horticulturalists and scientists around the world working to perfect and reinvent the food everyone knows."
"Vinegar, it might be a processed food... but in this case, it breaks all of the rules and has a slew of health benefits."
"Plants are essentially the ultimate way to turn air into food."
"He knows it all but he taught us all about koji in this class and it was great because a lot of times when it comes to these fermentation projects it's all about getting over that initial barrier."
"Food companies hire brilliant scientists to get the exact amount of sweetness... scientifically designed to make you want more."
"Bioactive food compounds... may have health benefits."
"I always find that it's not only a really interesting way to learn new recipes but it's also a good way to start to understand what is kind of the science behind the flavors and textures and things that you like."
"We are going to add one, two, or three videos monthly about all the food that regards the fermentation process."
"The goal here is huge cavernous bubbles, the steam and the elasticity from the water in the dough is probably chiefly responsible for that."
"Ancient wheat has a higher protein content and a better ratio of glutenin to gliadin."
"This is a must, a must, friends: the Maillard reaction."
"Chicken contains a natural amino acid called cystine and cystine bears a remarkable chemical similarity to a drug called acetylcysteine."
"If you ferment milk or if you ferment animal products, for instance with a sausage, the bacteria or the yeast actually eat the new five GC and it's gone."
"A longer fermentation gives the yeast more time to break down the sugar and proteins."
"If you do this and notice your garlic turning blue, it doesn't mean your garlic is bad."
"Per volume or per calorie, those foods tend to satiate more than other foods."
"American cheese contains emulsifying salts, making cheese melt smoothly by stabilizing the emulsion of fat and protein."
"He made sure to expose the entire surface of his meatballs to the hot oil to get a nice crust and set the Maillard reaction in motion."
"Modern technology and food science has brought us well past the age of needing to store bland foods for years at a time."
"Strawberries are naturally acidic so they do not require the extra acid from the lemon juice."
"Is ice cream a mixture, a solution, or both? Kick around."
"Fat activated and lit up the portion of the brain that is associated with sensation, texture, gratification."
"The my yard reaction is where heat changes the chemical composition of sugars and fats."
"You want to mix your dough warmer initially as opposed to cooler but you don't want to mix your dough too warm because that starts to stimulate the protease enzyme in your starter and it can break down the gluten right from the start."
"According to experts, bacon seems to have just the right combination of these chemicals to make for that extra delicious smell."
"What the xanthan gum really helps with is to stop it from separating too quickly."
"When you bruise a banana and it starts to turn brown, what's happening is the amylase enzyme that's naturally occurring in the banana peel is soaking into the banana meat, the fruit, and it's starting to break down those sugars."
"Fermentation is another process where we enlist the services of bacteria and fungi to break down the food into smaller, easier molecules."
"Microbes play a critical role in food and cooking; they are important in how food is grown, how food is prepared, and how food is processed."
"Cooking is essentially synthetic chemistry that happens to be safe to eat."
"This process is called nixtamalization, and it's an ancient process that changes the texture of the corn and makes it more nutritious and digestible."
"Potatoes are the most satiating food according to the satiety index."
"All oils are fats, but not all fats are oils."
"Our own bodies produce glutamates, and MSG can give foods a savory, hard-to-define flavor called umami."
"This apple purportedly lasts up to a year. What a year, wow!"
"Briskets are about 70% water, and so we're going to absorb a bunch of water in those sponges, and it'll be a good kind of testing surface to see if the evaporative cooling is the thing that's changing the results."
"Not all bacteria are harmful; certain bacteria are important and are used in food production."
"Brilliant conversation, how's almond milk and oat milk made, someone tell us, we need to know."
"The Impossible Burger, it's kind of pinkish, but it's all plant-based, and it bleeds."
"Did you guys know that Doritos are chemically engineered in a laboratory to hit every taste bud in your mouth?"
"Microorganisms are responsible for causing the spoilage of food."
"Weirdly, coffee makes chocolate taste more chocolatey."
"A seed and not the grain and bean that I sprout actually break down protein to amino acid, fat to fatty acid, carb to simple sugar."
"It's like a berry... that will make sour food taste sweet."
"This will bind with the proteins of low PH foods and activate the sweet receptors."
"Artificial banana flavoring is based on an extinct banana."
"She's a microbiologist turned food entrepreneur and natto maker."
"The longer you leave it out, the stronger the ferment will be in it."
"Swiss cheese is made with special bacteria that produce carbon dioxide."
"No cooked food contains live bacteria and hence cannot be a probiotic."
"He uses interdisciplinary knowledge to deconstruct the principles of food."
"I'm watching culinary school on YouTube, like the science behind food."
"The powers of various foods, both those natural to them and those resulting from human skill."
"What food should we be eating? Well, we should be eating the stuff that we've evolved to eat."
"We intentionally put a mold in some of our food to keep it from spoiling."
"Many brands of nacho cheese owe their perpetual melting to something called sodium citrate."
"If we understood the mechanisms, then we could reformulate and re-engineer these foods so that they don't cause us to be sick."
"We can definitely reformulate, and we can definitely make them better and make food that is healthy and palatable and affordable and accessible."
"Our food content is made up of chemicals... our entire body is completely made up of chemicals; it is chemistry."
"Milk is the first thing we drink and thanks to developments in the production and variety of dairy products, it can take on countless forms for our dietary and sensory well-being."
"Glucose is the sugar found in all foods."
"America's Test Kitchen, I think in particular, is an incredible learning resource because they show you how food works."
"Fermentation is a strange and magical controlled form of spoilage."
"The absorption and utilization of food by the body is fundamental to nutrition."
"The sugar sweetens, but what the other thing it does is it helps the peaches release their juices, which is what we want."
"Freeze-dried food retains up to 97% of its vitamins and minerals."
"We really ought to be talking about nutrient density and even human health; they're all related."
"The syrup is 33% water and 67% sugar."
"It's magic, and it is the magic of that lactic fermentation that's actually involved in so many of the good foods that we eat."
"This is why you like bread so much. Bread stimulates endorphins, it gives you this fork feeling."
"It's like food science, you know."
"The deeper the color of the yolk, the more beta-carotene, the more vitamins and minerals that are actually in the yolk."
"Scoville Heat Units is the scale we use to measure the spice level of any particular spice or product."
"Ice cream is a foam consisting of cream and other ingredients whipped up and processed into a foam."
"Of course, McDonald's has gotten their food down to a science to make it as tasty as possible."
"In order for food to have a taste, it must be dissolved in saliva first."
"Pectin is the polysaccharide present in the cell walls of fruits that causes jams and jellies to set."
"Pepper makes turmeric more bioavailable."
"They learned how to design food to optimize for that bliss point."
"To think that we can't create meat from plants is ridiculous because meat has a structure."
"The special ingredient is called a starter culture, and it's made of a mix of good bacteria."
"The power of food comes full circle."
"As it pops, the starch pours out and immediately cools into the soft white bit we see when we look at popcorn."
"I am fascinated by [__] low-level food science in this mass-produced format."