
Fundamental Quotes

There are 177 quotes

"We have to start seeing creativity as a fundamental human skill."
"Consciousness is fundamental and it is irreducible. It's more fundamental than atoms, energy, time, space, the universe itself, or brains or even life."
"Without communication, there is no relationship."
"Is it possible that consciousness is fundamental and gives rise to the physical world?"
"Conscious experiences... are fundamental in some sense, so they're not derived from physics, they're not functional properties of particles, they are sui generis; they exist."
"Everything comes down to like communication. Everything."
"Consciousness is fundamental to the universe."
"Energy is the essence of life... the driving force behind all matter and experiences."
"Breastfeeding must be the most fundamental human act of nurturing; it should be sacred and safe."
"Water is the basis of all life as we know it."
"Loving the people you lead is the most basic prerequisite of leadership."
"The peaceful transition of power is fundamental to democracy."
"But the word love comes into play, it's central, it's at the core, it's at the very outset of everything."
"Freedom of speech is the most fundamental of human rights."
"Love is inconceivable, not rational and yet fundamental reality."
"Access is at the root of everything whether we know it or not."
"Constitution is very important. It's the supreme law of the land. It's the root document."
"Recording someone is a fundamental human right."
"What's important is making the right fundamental decisions and holding on to it; that takes emotional fortitude."
"It's the perception that is fundamental to real change."
"Prayer is so simple but it's actually really fundamental."
"Learning how to learn is fundamental."
"Consciousness is fundamental, it comes before anything else."
"Consciousness is probably fundamental."
"Our fundamental represents the tone, the note, and as we increase the high frequency of this note, we get harmonics."
"The first fundamental truth advocated by Jesus Christ was this: that behind above and over all there is God the Father, Lord of Heaven and Earth."
"What is fundamental is... some form of cosmic mind, some Universal Mind."
"Metabolism is fundamental to the definition of life."
"Is methylene blue fundamentally hermetic?"
"Being is being, it is the fundamental backdrop behind everything - you, the plants, the animals, and even concepts. Behind everything is simply being."
"Reading is fundamental and will develop your brain."
"Consciousness pervades the universe and is a fundamental feature of it."
"Reading is fundamental y'all make sure y'all read."
"I take consciousness to be a fundamental datum of our existence."
"Consciousness could be fundamental."
"What's really fundamental here is the consciousness, the intrinsic nature of everything involves a little bit of consciousness."
"It's a pretty foundational question."
"The principle of indispensability."
"The most important question: have you been born again?"
"Consciousness itself is fundamental."
"Physics is the ultimate example of learning the basics that then apply to everything, stuff you've never even seen before."
"Specialization is one of the most fundamental concepts in economics."
"Time is a fundamental essential feature of reality."
"It's a very fundamental part of our existence."
"Learning is fundamental to everything we do."
"There's something very fundamental to human nature about that."
"Feeling sexy is a basic human need, like food, water, and sleep."
"The constancy of the speed of light essentially underpins our understanding of space and time."
"I regard Consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from Consciousness. We cannot get behind Consciousness; everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates Consciousness." - Max Planck
"This concept of giving is so fundamental to Judaism it's our food it's our bread and butter it's who we are."
"Space and time are not fundamental. You know, that way of thinking about them will have to be understood at a deeper level. We'll have to have a deeper representation beyond space-time."
"The connection is so fundamental it begins at the very core of our existence with our DNA."
"Awareness being the fundamental thing that's necessary."
"Free speech is probably the most fundamental."
"This is key because it's been key from the beginning."
"Infrasound is a fundamental tool for volcano monitoring."
"...is the simplest thing you can do you have to do that for each physical property like momentum like spin"
"We find that there are certain fundamental numbers that seem to be inherent to reality."
"What's the smallest uncuttable piece that you get to? Now, we know in our age that if you cut far enough down, you get to atoms."
"It's the idea of there's something really fundamental, specifically about Genesis, that this is how it all came to be."
"Simplicity is one of our fundamental philosophies."
"Consciousness is primary, foundational, fundamental."
"Actually, we were fooling ourselves for deep down in every man, woman, and child is the fundamental idea of God."
"What I mean by that is boil things down to their fundamental truths and reason up from there as opposed to reasoning by analogy."
"Experience is a fundamental feature of the universe, irreducible, just like space and time."
"Fundamentally about power, more than anything else."
"Adaptability to change is really fundamental."
"We defined by means of fundamental not accidentally."
"Consciousness is fundamental." - Max Planck
"Space everywhere is absolutely basic to there being anything at all."
"This is the fundamental of why people love the platform."
"You're talking about is like oxygen and like getting out of bed. You're talking about is like step one."
"Prime numbers are somehow the building blocks of everything else."
"...the notion of ordinal number is more fundamental... you couldn't set about it in the same way."
"To start a YouTube channel you have to have something wrong with you, fundamentally."
"We're looking at like if it's a periodic table like they're like a most basic element from which so many other things spring."
"One of the human rights is right to education."
"Maps are the most fundamental functions in programming."
"Consciousness is thought to be the fundamental property of the universe and a ubiquitous feature of it."
"If we don't understand these fundamental questions, we're not going to be able to build and establish healthy families."
"Shooting is probably the most important fundamental skill in basketball."
"Love is literally the foundation of every single other thing."
"Consciousness is fundamental and that Consciousness is the computer."
"Quantum mechanics is ultimately the root of reality."
"Time is an indispensable component."
"There's something so fundamentally perfect about this."
"The esoteric traditions... they all basically boil down to the notion that consciousness is fundamental."
"Running is a fundamental because it's the one you can do almost anywhere at any time."
"It's a really fundamental part of doing a system."
"The major scale is fundamental to all Western music."
"The cell is the basic unit of life."
"Kahn's travel sketches are not a tangent, a digression, a divagation. They are fundamental to the development of his architecture."
"Human rights are fundamental; they're not negotiable."
"Women's access to health care is a fundamental right."
"Pipelining is really like the key fundamental of programming."
"Love is the most fundamental of the cosmic energies and forces."
"Consciousness is what's fundamental in the universe."
"There's probably no more fundamental question than we ask ourselves every day, and that is: What should we eat?"
"The most fundamental need of every living being is to love and be loved."
"Numbers and the math that arises out of them are fundamental, intrinsic qualities of the universe."
"Carbon is the mothership of life."
"The fundamental question of philosophy is what is."
"I think there's some sort of connection that we all share at the fundamental level."
"Your right to stay alive is the most fundamental and natural right a person has."
"I'm lucky enough to work on old specimen bonsai, but I wanted to show you something a little bit more fundamental."
"In the reality of Interstellar, love is a fundamental force."
"You are that fundamental reality."
"Our whole life is about relationships on some level, on a fundamental level."
"Energy is everything. Without energy, literally nothing happens in the entire universe."
"Wiggliness and going with wiggliness, in other words, do you swing, is fundamental to the pleasure of life."
"Consciousness is a fundamental element of the universe."
"It's the most fundamental of Natural Resources; it's a psychological resource but it's the most fundamental thing."
"You treat others the way you want to be treated. It's the most basic fundamental thing."
"It's hard to think of anything that is more fundamental to our thriving as a society than being able to meet the energy needs of every American and every part of our country."
"Diversity, equity, and inclusion is fundamental to our business."
"The only real laws are the laws of physics at the end of the day."
"There is a fundamental reality that underlies all things, that is the very fabric of all things."
"This is the Cornerstone foundation of the entire universe and of Mother Nature."
"One of the first tools you gain, which is essential for trigonometry, is the Pythagorean theorem: A squared plus B squared equals C squared."
"Vision is such a core thing that we take for granted."
"It is a fundamental statement about the nature of true love."
"The mind is not just an afterthought or an accident or an add-on, but a basic aspect of nature."
"The average everydayness of Dasein is not just an aspect of Dasein; it is structural and a priori fundamental."
"Running is something... it's a kind of fundamental human movement that all of us should do."
"What is most fundamental in my worldview is it's mind."
"The most fundamental question you need to answer is: Who is your customer?"
"The nervous system is one of the fundamental systems of the body that we need to understand."
"Start thinking about AI as a fundamental technology, like electricity or the internet."
"SpaceTime is not fundamental; Consciousness is fundamental."
"At the core of your existence lies a fundamental truth: everything in the universe is energy."
"The most fundamental passion is love, aroused by the attraction of the good."
"Compassion is fundamental to the Jedi."
"Don't kill people, that's a very fundamental thing."
"What we think and believe about God is fundamental to every other area of our lives."
"The unit of strings is the smallest you can get."
"Change is fundamental. I'm hard-pressed to see anything that's more fundamental than that phenomena is changing."
"The reality of your reality, it's a deeper reality, it's a fundamental reality."
"The family is the basic fundamental unit of society."
"Consciousness is a fundamental reality."
"Atoms are the building blocks of the universe; they make up everything you see around you."
"So, therefore, alpha is the fundamental constant in atomic physics."
"Access to nature is very fundamental and how you change your perspective of the world."
"It's not about walls, it's something far more fundamental than that."
"It's eternal in some fundamental and real sense."
"Walking is one of the most fundamental human things."
"We have here a proof that there is in the atom a fundamental quantity."
"Love is our original state, love is zero."
"Space is completely basic to everything."
"It feels sort of fundamental, doesn't it? It's really, really incredible."
"It's an essential right to every person."
"As primal as the ground we walk on and the air we breathe."
"A cell is the basic structural, functional, and biological unit of all known living organisms and the smallest unit of life that is classified as a living thing and are often called the building blocks of life."
"It truly is, fundamentally down to its core, calories in versus calories out."
"Awareness is the fundamental fact about you because you are self-aware."
"An atom is the smallest thing that exists and it's like a building block."
"The jab is a boxer's most fundamental weapon."
"Mercy is something completely fundamental to your being."
"Energy is the greatest form of everything because nothing works without energy."
"We are fundamentally as healthy as our cellular health."
"This is probably the biggest staple when it comes to programming."
"We have to understand the mind because that's utterly fundamental."
"Awareness is fundamental reality."
"The simplest thing we can consider is a qubit, it is the quantum analog of a bit."
"A fundamental or elementary particle is a particle that is not made of other smaller particles."
"Lighting is one of those key core fundamental principles that can probably be the most difficult to understand for a lot of people."
"Is there something that is fundamental and ultimate that is the source and the basis of why anything is, can be, or cannot be ontologically?"
"Privacy is a fundamental right for European citizens."
"Search is very fundamental to computation."
"Topology is almost capturing something that is more fundamental than geometry."
"Searching is just a fundamental thing."
"Consciousness is more fundamental than the physical world."
"Consciousness is more fundamental in terms of my experience."
"It's a really good question, and it's fundamental."
"It's not matter that's fundamental; it's consciousness that's fundamental."
"Classical dynamics, one of the four pillars of physics."
"It's a huge fundamental change within you as a person."
"Testimony is not only a source of knowledge, it's a fundamental source of knowledge."