
Gamification Quotes

There are 201 quotes

"Gamification, when applied correctly, can help us drive untold creativity, a new kind of creativity one that's pretty different from the creativity we thought of before."
Gabe Zimmerman
"Maybe they are geniuses. Maybe this is the new creativity. And if the power of gamification allows us to unleash their collective ability, we'll all win."
Gabe Zimmerman
"If something's gamified and it's fun, they want to do it, and they actually really enjoy doing it."
"They've used mobile game tricks, gamification tricks, to try and get you to buy more products."
"I really dislike this gamification of interactions between human beings."
"Combining learning chemistry with an escape room type concept has a huge potential."
"Facebook is designed to grab your attention and keep your attention, and Robinhood is very similar, I would describe it as gamified."
"Habitica: turn your life into a bonafide video game, accountability element included."
"Kahoot... essentially gamifies learning... great for formative assessment."
"This being a gamified real world asset powered rewards ecosystem to me is something that is hitting a lot of these narratives that we've talked about."
"People are going to be incentivized, starting incentivized all sorts of tasks and things that weren't even games before are going to start turning into games."
"Gamification is about carefully selecting the elements we love about games and adding them to a non-game context."
"Gamification can be a powerful tool if you're using it to educate the retail trader."
"When you start a Pomodoro session, you see a sapling on the screen; each completed session allows your tree to grow and be planted in your virtual forest."
"If you gamify the object of the thing you're trying to learn, you will just learn it so much faster."
"The key to seeing results is to master your metabolism."
"Did you ever get into that thing I think it's called like life the game where people pretend real life is a video game and talk about it like that."
"Gamification techniques transform traditional sterile assessments into engaging and interactive experiences that boost learner participation and motivation."
"You know what this is? It's a pedometer. You just walk around and you level up, dude."
"Tracking progress makes everything feel more fun."
"There is a built-in reward system in Cyberry."
"Invent games... turning it into a game will always bring you higher levels of energy and motivation."
"I absolutely love the gamification of this land."
"If you can see what you're doing as a craft, you can see it as a game that each day you try to get a little bit better at, not to benefit your boss but to benefit yourself."
"It's about showing you how the game works, giving you a little dopamine hits of leveling up."
"Turn it into a bit of a game set a random and arbitrary deadline and suddenly becomes like even fun"
"It's gamified but can teach you important lessons in terms of cybersecurity and ethical hacking."
"The achievement system makes it fun. Who will be the first to unlock all the habits?"
"I think it's a really cool way to kind of gamify your fitness and compete with other people."
"Life becomes a video game of quests that you love to play."
"Gamification can singlehandedly elevate society's quality of knowledge and contribute to economic distribution."
"The focus is on the gamified approach that's fun and effective, and this approach is actually pretty decent for an AI assistant."
"Augmented reality can be implemented in gamification."
"One of the things that we do in user experience is we learn to gamify whatever it is that's going on."
"We've learned to gamify and make it seem like it's not that big of a deal."
"Life is an MMORPG and I have made a lot more progress since gamifying life in that way."
"Life is a game, and everything around it is essentially gamified."
"Kids learn really well when they're having fun we call it gamification in education so for them to be able to sit down at the table and play a game and it's educational that's exciting to them."
"Guys, this is how you get people to donate to charity, you turn it into a game."
"I think there is something to the kind of gamification of language in the sense that if people are not going to otherwise learn then a fun app like Duolingo has a place."
"Winkyverse aims to make education more fun for kids through a gaming metaverse."
"What I love here is that what we saw with the mutant drop of Board Apes is that the more layers of gamification and game theory you can invoke here, the deeper the collection experience becomes."
"If the task is too easy, try doing it faster or more perfectly, or while adding arbitrary rules and restrictions. This is called gamification."
"How do you work out when you're lazy? Make a game of it."
"Study Quest: a gamified experience that helps you organize your life and build a study system to reliably score higher."
"By shifting your focus to the princess and treating your life's challenges like video games, you can trick your brain and actually learn more and see more success."
"It makes it almost into a little game and it's super fun and rewarding."
"By the way, this is like an addicting thing to do. Like, it's very fun to learn a new language, but also, it's sort of like gamified and it's great."
"Video games are actually solid contenders as language teachers."
"Driving's kind of boring, so if you can gamify it, that's cool."
"Love that gamification side of it as well."
"If you make a game out of it, almost, it can be fun."
"Just making it a game any way that you can... is a really good thing."
"Could a game be made of turning lots of metrics that you'd want to optimize for into games and figuring out how to win those?"
"Gamify the objectives in your life, I love, make it fun, make it fun, love that, yeah."
"This Quest has multiple different steps, it breaks it up better and keeps it far more interesting."
"Hey, if you ever want to trick me into learning something new, just make it feel like a game and you have my attention."
"It's Duolingo meets Nintendo, which I love. It's immersive."
"Men what are you nuts are we so despicable that we can't get our piss in the urinal that we need a video game to incentivize us to land our peeee in the urinal?"
"You gotta love a computer game that measures your food with a simple raw number."
"We should gamify this so you see me leveling up each time I finish a stack, then it'd be like on Twitch and things. Bing! New level reached. Welcome!"
"You ever stop to think about why that is? How is it that games take a concept which is considered unenjoyable work and turns it into something enjoyable?"
"It's not a game. We can't just gamify this and say, you know, buyer beware. I think there is a sense where it's like, no, we need to be teaching people the right way to do this."
"Thanks to these gamification elements, people did what they had to do and sometimes even more."
"Cleaning and being productive is fun if you turn it into a little game for yourself."
"Gamify it, make them engaged in it, make them try."
"So, I want to start here first by talking about what it means to gamify learning."
"Essentially, you're turning it into a big game."
"Games right now, gamification, great way to spice things up."
"I like to make anything into a game. If I can turn normal day activities into a game then I will."
"I know when I first heard about gamifying learning, you know, initially what comes to mind is this idea that you're playing games in class."
"The whole idea here from gamification like trying to make a game out of it, so make it competitive to adding polls to really personalizing it, these are all things that you can do to get your customers back."
"What if it were possible to gamify your life to a degree where you wake up excited and you're excited and motivated to do the grind work?"
"I try to make every single thing a game so that students have a little bit more fun while learning these skills."
"And it's kind of nice here it does show when your goals are complete and has some little animations that are really nice I do appreciate that."
"There's a lot of actual research that proves that gamification and game-based learning through different apps with technology will improve student motivation in the classroom."
"Gamifying your finances makes it more interesting."
"Games like tic-tac-toe make throwing more fun and engaging for customers."
"Games are great. So, gamification is great, right? If you believe in games, then you should believe we should gamify work, gamify education, gamify fitness, make it all more like a game."
"Gamification is a [__] existential horror because games are a temporary artificial clarity, and they're fine because they're temporary."
"We shouldn't worry about games creating serial killers. We should worry about them creating Wall Street bankers."
"I think the jobs of the future will look more like games than what we do today."
"Gamifying your terrible food experience. I like having RNG with my food."
"Learning should be enjoyable, like a game."
"...if you can make a game out of it make it fun you'll probably work a little bit harder be more efficient because you want to win."
"Habitica's main selling point is the gamification,"
"Now, it's your turn to gamify and level up your own life."
"If you simply pay attention to them, your metrics will go up. It's actually one of the most definitive ways to gamify your life."
"We are in the age of gamification. Making patients more engaged on top of their own therapy, using gaming technologies like Microsoft Kinect to make things like physical therapy easier, and more fun."
"The more you can gamify the process of learning, the better you do."
"The gamblification of social media has many of those same qualities. For example, we post something on the internet, we get this great response, we want to keep posting or keep watching."
"We have to gamify this a little bit because nobody's gonna want to watch a car drive for 20... I mean, yeah, yeah."
"The workflow strip... makes you just focus on getting it done and it becomes almost like a video game."
"This tracking your daily progress towards the things that you've defined as priorities, it's gamifying it."
"Think of this as a game, and this is your scoreboard, and you want to win the game."
"If you're into that gamified approach to learning, Yousician would definitely be better for you."
"I like to look at building habits and hobbies like gaining experience points in a video game."
"Brilliant makes learning more like a game with fun features that let you challenge yourself and compete with others."
"Duolingo... it's much more game-like than Babel's program."
"That's actually pretty cool; now it feels like a game."
"Have fun. The first 30 days can be challenging, grueling even. Find a way to gamify your activity."
"Gamification is a great way of getting and consistently getting that social interaction and encouraging the broadest possible community of people to actually come into the community and talk about the learning culture."
"Using motivational technology and innovative new software techniques, we've tried to take the best of gamification and competition and make exercise more motivational, more fun, more exciting."
"They use real world challenges to keep you engaged and have an almost game-like feel to The Learning Experience."
"Duolingo has been so popular because we humans really like to see our progress in something."
"When you take anything complicated and turn it into a game, it becomes fun."
"Peloton fixes these issues by gamifying the experience and just making it more fun overall."
"Learn and earn crypto in a unified gamified experience: free, fun, rewarding."
"Re-engage subscribers with gamification and personalized emails."
"I'm a very visual learner, and I learn better when it's a game."
"You should find a job in your life where you can turn it into a game for yourself."
"Gamification is to actually get people engaged and motivated into doing something."
"Anytime we make the training a game, we make it fun."
"We wanted Duolingo to feel like a game."
"We're trying to gamify education."
"It's really cool because you kind of have the real world but everything's gamified in a really fun way."
"Gamify your happiness... if you can make your happiness a game and pay attention to it, it could change your whole life."
"Duolingo has this cool feel to it like you're playing some kind of questing game or something alongside other users."
"Strava does the best job of gamifying your workouts and kind of socializing them as well."
"I try to gamify life; if I can't gamify a component, then generally I don't really follow it that well."
"It's one of those things where the gamification holds me accountable because I suck at self-motivation."
"Innovative smart boxing gloves turn a dull workout into an engaging game, evaluating your personal abilities."
"They've really made an effort to make it easy to use and they've kind of gamified investing."
"The future of fitness is gamifying it, turning exercise into a game where it's not about 'I must walk 10,000 steps today to be fitter' but 'I want to beat that number'."
"Gamifying the work that you do, that's so important."
"I'm just trying to fuse learning and gaming, so this is known as gamification."
"Simplified and gamified progress tracking is extremely motivational for success."
"Everything is gamified, which keeps everything fun, interesting, and most of all keeps you motivated."
"The main draw seems to be investing, and you also get points by forming groups in the app."
"Treat life like a video game and be on a constant mission to scale your income by scaling your impact."
"Life is a competition, so why not make it a game."
"Gamification is a great way of learning, especially with children, but I have to say I enjoy it."
"Through gamification, you can incentivize specific user behavior and make people come back for more."
"Gamification is the process of engaging users and changing behavior using the best ideas from games, loyalty programs, and behavioral economics."
"To build successful enterprise gamification, you have to start thinking about your employees as consumers."
"When you can gamify training and education, people learn faster, they learn better."
"The freebie experience gamifies the entire riding experience and it's actually pretty awesome."
"It has never been seen or recorded in the 300 years of global gamification."
"Turn Energy Efficiency into a game."
"The gamification is integrating our lives in so many ways."
"Duolingo, the gamified language learning platform that feels positively rewarding as you gain experience throughout the day."
"At its core, gamification is about finding the fun in the things that you have to do."
"Duolingo tries to gamify their learning experience."
"Make your life a game and your day-to-day work and life experience a game."
"Contrasted learning is basically a sort of game between images."
"Here's all these badges you can earn and these different experiences you can have, and you kind of choose your own adventure."
"Kahoots are great to play. They're really engaging. Learners really love playing them."
"I think we should gamify the afterlife."
"It's a really nice way to add a bit of gamification into your classroom."
"I'm going to give you a quick run-through of how a game designer thinks about gamification."
"Gamification... is an overhyped meme that's actually masking a much more important and larger trend."
"You turn it into a game, huh? You turn it into a game like paying your bills on time, I feel like we'd be out of debt in no time."
"Chessable uses gamification and this is effective because it rewards you effectively for your studying."
"It's a fun and gamified way of learning anything that's related to Salesforce."
"It's so much more than points and badges."
"Games with a purpose is like running a computation in people's brains instead of silicon processors."
"The use of games in education increases students' interaction and engagement with content, deepening their learning experience."
"Utilizing games in general as part of learning can cause changes in education and society."
"The virtual screen goes on to explain that it converts spontaneous emotions like fear into points."
"A little bit of incentive, playing a little game, a chance to win free food for a year was enough to do that."
"You have to make it a game, make it more fun and interesting."
"Leaderboards are perhaps one of my favorite little hacks and usages."
"Gamification is a phenomenon that is really growing rapidly in the corporate learning landscape."
"The gamification of Angular... it's a really cool term that a friend of mine coined for this, and I really like this term."
"Once you've completed your challenge, it turns into a board game so you can turn your luck up putting the world back together again."
"Because gamification is a big buzzword in learning these days, but for steno, it's really, really perfect."
"If you enjoy it more, you pull on some music or you find a way to make it more of a game for yourself."