
Mammals Quotes

There are 180 quotes

"What's so fascinating about the amygdala and processing of fear is the same brain region is conserved across all mammals."
"Dolphins are mammals. We know that. And what we know about dolphins right now... is they are large-brained, highly social, self-aware, meaning self-aware and socially aware animals that feel pain and they can suffer."
"The tissues do not age in the way that a normal mammal's tissues age; they remain young."
"Milk intolerance is just the normal state of being for a grown-up mammal."
"Most mammals on this Earth, not just us, are milk intolerant when they become adults."
"In animals without a neck, such as fish, the most direct route for this nerve is indeed by navigating around the artery, and hence if mammals evolved from fish-like ancestors, we can easily explain why this absurd design exists."
"Placental mammals are a rather diverse group with nearly 4,000 described species, mostly rodents and bats."
"Mammals in particular flourished and diversified into a variety of different species, which is good news because they include the guys that eventually become us."
"Madagascar had to be the primordial homeland of these tree-dwelling mammals."
"No doubt that evolving warm-bloodedness helped mammals tremendously as they were evolving in the Triassic and Jurassic and Cretaceous as they were trying to survive in a world that was dominated by dinosaurs."
"The III: no ordinary lemur, but a true Wonder of nature."
"Dolphins are marine mammals that swim in the ocean, and it was astonishing to learn that we had more in common with the dolphin than with the land mammals." - Horst Hemister
"We mammals started out as dinosaur buddies, and we still hang out with dinosaurs — now they're just in bird form."
"We will inherit the earth, we're early mammals."
"Platypus: 'Modern monotremes are the survivors of an early branching of the mammal tree.'"
"Almost immediately after the dinosaurs were wiped out, early mammals began to flourish."
"With Jeremiah, we know that 160 million years ago, mammals already had the characteristics that made them successful: fur, complex teeth, and acute hearing to escape predators and locate their prey."
"Before this discovery, scientists believed that bats were the first flying mammals to appear 50 million years ago."
"This flying animal confirms that mammals had adapted to different environments long before the extinction of dinosaurs."
"The molecular clock shows that placental mammals separated from marsupials 160 million years ago during the Jurassic period."
"Mammals whose name comes from mammary gland are the only animals to suckle their young."
"The first modern mammals appeared 125 million years ago."
"Killer whales have gone from the one of the most poorly understood mammals on the planet to one of the best."
"This just shows you how disconnected we are. Our category in nature are mammals. All mammals in nature have no refrigerator, stove. All mammals in nature go to no store to buy their food."
"For millions of years mammals were at the bottom of the food chain."
"Ant eaters close closest living relative is the sloth, a build with so many devastating flaws that I currently rate it as the mammal furthest down on the teer list."
"We're actually the only mammals that delay sleep on purpose."
"Mammals need to play. It's like REM sleep; there's a rebound effect."
"We are all mammals, there's nothing racially or genetically different between ourselves and North Koreans, Albanians, Iraqis."
"Evolutionarily, mammals are arguably the first species that have invented the fear of death, the understanding that you're going to die."
"Curiosity acting with curiosity. Other mammals for example are all curious."
"With less competition, early mammals can now thrive and take over, which slowly over time allowed humans to evolve, building the world we know today."
"Dogs are um, are mammals, right? Yeah, dogs are mammals."
"You're also going to notice she's really loving your bodies. You guys are mammals."
"Nothing is wrong with you, nothing is wrong with me, we're all mammals."
"I can't believe how playful, curious, and smart these mammals are."
"Bats belong in the mammal tree of life."
"Mammals were actually eating dinosaurs... turning all of our ideas about mammals in the time of dinosaurs on their head."
"The mammals were the opportunists this time, taking over the abandoned niches as the dinosaurs had before them."
"That's fascinating. No, they're so interesting. They're arguably the smartest mammal in the world, arguably."
"So now we have even in mammals, even in this complex structure like the hippocampus, we have a cellular model for how neural responses can change."
"There's more diversity of large mammals in the Great Lakes watershed, than there are anywhere in Eastern North America."
"I enjoy walking. I enjoy dogs and most other mammals."
"Whales are mammals too, it's how they nurse their young."
"The neural origin for compassion is uniquely mammalian."
"With mammals, they have this ventral vagus social engagement system which links vocalizations, facial expression, listening, breath with the regulation of the heart."
"The most common mass of an adult mammal is less than 10 pounds."
"Intelligence seems to thrive in animals like this, mammals often carnivorous ones that live in tight social groups."
"Indonesia has more species of mammals than any other country in the world."
"Mammals now have three essential bones in the middle ear: the hammer, anvil, and stirrup."
"We knew these mammals; our ancestors knew these mammals. Our Homo sapiens ancestors encountered them, hunted them, painted their images on cave walls."
"We are but a single species of mammal amongst the blue whales and the bats and the elephants and the marsupials and everything else, but we are a pretty sublime species of mammal."
"Some mammals survived, and among those mammals were some of our ancestors."
"The root of a lot of our distinctive features, the things that make us mammals, go back to this time."
"The rise and reign of the mammals is the story of a 325 million year journey that has led to us and the six thousand other mammals alive today."
"In the void that they left behind, the mammals arose and intelligent life came to this planet."
"Marsupials are a group of mammals that carry their young in a pouch."
"The era of reptiles ended and thus the age of mammals began."
"The age of mammals was truly allowed to finally flourish."
"Dolphins and whales are part of a group called cetaceans."
"Bison are the biggest native North American land mammal."
"Horses have the biggest eyes of any land mammal."
"The age of mammals, which also means the age of primates, is when our story really starts."
"The Permian world was instead ruled, ironically, by synapsids, the ancestors of modern mammals."
"Elephants, my favorite mammals, elephants, elephants any time."
"Elephants are the world's largest mammals."
"The Eocene is the beginning of the time of mammals. They rule the earth, they rule the sea."
"You and me baby, we ain't nothing but mammals."
"They're the only mammal that can fly, which is pretty incredible."
"They're the only mammals known who turn inorganic compounds into energy sources."
"Humans are unique and capable of all kinds of things that no other mammals are capable of."
"The wildebeest is the second most densely populated mammal species on earth, besides humans of course."
"Whales are mammals, you imbecile!"
"Milk is a liquid produced by female mammals that is rich in essential nutrients such as proteins, fats, carbs, vitamins, and minerals."
"The forests of Costa Rica are the habitat of more than 100 different mammals, home to more species than in the whole of Europe."
"Early mammals living in the shadow of dinosaurs weren't all ground-dwelling insect eaters; others could glide like a flying squirrel."
"It's well known that some higher mammals have what's called emotional intelligence."
"All mammals, whether they're dogs, cats, human beings, we are evolved to have this strong fierce attachment to our offspring."
"Whale is not classical fish; it is a mammal."
"Platypuses are one of the few mammals who lay eggs instead."
"Platypi... are the only mammals with beaks and I believe they're the only mammals that lay eggs."
"Scientists say the elephant is the only mammal that can't jump."
"Mammals versus arachnids, who is the winner? Well, let's start playing and find out."
"The interesting thing that we find when we calculate the plant requirements, the food requirements of dinosaurs, is they're almost exactly the same as mammals that are much smaller in body size."
"They may have walked like mammals but they shared at least one characteristic with lizards, they were cold-blooded."
"The age of dinosaurs here, this is the age of mammals here."
"Mammals are every bit as exciting, interesting, and spectacular as the more famous reptiles that came before them."
"Elephants are the largest extant land mammal on earth, weighing up to 6.9 tons."
"Elephants are the largest land mammals in the world."
"Giraffes are the tallest land mammals in the world."
"It was the Eocene that mammals, primates included, really began to diversify."
"The story of the mammals is one that goes back millions of years prior to this, through the deep time of the Paleozoic."
"The first true mammal is thought to have appeared on the fossil record around 205 million years ago."
"The mammals would go on to truly conquer the swiftly approaching Cenozoic era."
"Dogs are one of the only mammals in the world that has more stamina than humans."
"All dolphins are whales, but not all whales are dolphins."
"The okapi has been described as one of the most unique large mammals on earth."
"Cetaceans are definitely mammals."
"Mammals of a species can feel each other's emotions with near perfect accuracy."
"P. namadicus was among the largest land mammals to ever live and was certainly the most massive known proboscidean."
"The shared anatomy of mammalian limbs reflects the inheritance of the limb structure from a common ancestor."
"Whales are categorized not as fish but as mammals since they breastfeed their young."
"We were interested in how the rodents evolved, where the elephants came from, the kinds of extinct mammals that were there."
"Mammals are viviparous animals, meaning they are born from their mother's womb."
"The therapsids give rise to a new branch, the mammals."
"The rapid evolution of these animals enabled the first morphological characteristics of mammals to be outlined."
"These [bats] are the only mammals that have a true flight."
"Koala fingerprints are very, very similar to human ones."
"Sloths are the slowest mammals on the planet thanks to their slow metabolism."
"The extinction of the dinosaurs was a necessary precondition for the radiation of the mammals."
"We like to think that our species is special, but we're basically just fancy mammals."
"Disaster from space wiped them away, and the mammals would rise and dominate the miracle."
"The ancestors of manatees were part of a super-order of mammals called Afrotheria."
"Ambulocetus is the one with the big future. He is the ancestor of the whales, the most magnificent dynasty of mammals."
"The other big lineage that comes off here, these things are the synapsids, and they lead ultimately to us, to whales, to all of the mammals."
"This cleared the stage for the mammals to recolonize."
"So giraffes are the tallest land mammal we have."
"They actually have a part of their brain that humans don't, it deals with emotional connection."
"Elephants are warm-blooded animals and they are part of the mammal family just like us."
"Hippos are mammals and therefore must breathe above the water."
"This subtle feature is not shared with any other mammal except whales."
"Mammals are the only animals that can sustain their young by feeding them from nourishment of their own body."
"Mammals have a complex brain with convolutions."
"Mammals are endothermic, generating and regulating their own body temperature."
"It is widely regarded as one of the contenders for the largest terrestrial mammal ever to have existed."
"Cheetahs are the fastest land mammal, and Peregrine Falcons are the fastest of them all."
"Apparently, all mammals have the same number of heartbeats per life within certain boundaries."
"They are the biggest land mammals in the world."
"That whales are mammals that used to be on land but evolved to swim instead."
"All mammals share the same emotions."
"They are so cute, they're one of the few mammals that retain cuteness as adults."
"We are animals, we're mammals, and we belong to the same mammal grouping as these zebras."
"Hooray, we found a mammal, and it is the biggest mammal that you find in the world, of course, the great African elephant."
"Of all land mammals, they have the most neurons in their brains."
"It always amazes me how mammal babies are always cute to us regardless of what type of mammal you are."
"Our largest mammal is also the best at playing hide-and-go-seek."
"We've found the giants of the mammal world."
"Mammals are warm-blooded animals, unlike things like reptiles that are cold-blooded."
"I think there's a high chance that most mammals dream on some level."
"Ronnie's looking at these two hippos and wants to know if hippo are mammals and they definitely are mammals."
"Cheetahs are of course the fastest land mammal of all, they can reach speeds well above 100 kilometers per hour."
"Fascinating mammals have evolved to fill every conceivable niche."
"The rarest mammal I've seen is probably the wild dog or the black rhinoceros."
"Elephants, African elephants, are the largest mammals on the planet on land."
"Probosidians are an order of Afrotherian mammals consisting of only one surviving family: the elephants."
"The period after the dynastic extinction, lasting around half a million years, really was a mammal's world."
"Whales aren't fish. See, we're mammals. And that means we need to breathe air."
"Gray whales, the romantics of whales."
"Giant beast. Megatherium is the poster genus for the giant megafauna mammals."
"These dolphins are also mammals just like you and I."
"I think all mammals probably find an element of fun in it."
"A group of hippos is called a pod, very similar to that of dolphins and whales."